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Sounds, Silence,
Music and Noise
At the end of this lesson, the students is expected to:
1.Experience and differentiate what is sound in relation to
2. Enable the student to gain an appreciation for value of
3. Nurture a critical awareness of which sounds maybe
considered as noise
4. Develop an awareness of subjectivity in regard to music
5. Have the students create and perform a short, simple tune
or simple set of organized rhythmic sounds ( either by
clapping, tapping, “tunog-tao,” using sticks or any other
The inside mechanism of an upright
piano – its hitch pins, strings, dampers
and hammers.
 Thesense of hearing is one of the most
precious gifts God has given to man.
 listening
and hearing are two different
things. Throughout the course of this
module, we will be listening a lot, not just
hearing music.
Concept of the aural realm
 Sound
- Is a wave, a mechanical disturbance in matter that
originates from a source and is sent outwards.
- When two or more objects collide they form vibrations
that are transmitted through the air or other mediums.
Hearing is the sense that perceives sounds
- In humans as well as in most animals the ear is the sense
organ that pick up sounds
 The sounds we hear maybe classified as music, language,
noise or a mixture of all these.
 AUDIBLE RANGE – the spectrum of sound is wide - the
human ear can only hear a certain range from this
This range depends on two factors:
1. Volume
2. Pitch
1. Volume
 refers to the loudness or softness of a sound and is more
measured in decibels (dB)
- Sounds more than 80 to 90 decibels maybe dangerous to
human ears when exposed for long durations.
 Pitch – refers to how high or low a particular
sound is and is measured in hertz (Hz). The
average hearing range for humans begins at 20 Hz
and tops out at around 20,000 Hz.
 Some examples of sounds that cannot be heard
by humans includes: ultrasound, planetary and
other celestial sounds.
 SILENCE – is the condition or quality of being quiet; it
is basically the absence of audible sound or noise in
music, silence is also a very important parts when
there is an absence of sound are as important and
meaningful as the part where there is sound.
 MUSIC – is the art organizing and putting together an
array of sounds into a meaningful, perception
experience, Music usually follows certain conventional
patterns to convey a message and to express aesthetic,
cultural or artistic purposes.
 NOISE – is any sound that lacks reference to musical
quality and is generally considered unpleasant or
unbearable to human ear.
The sounds and silence
heard by using stethoscope
on patient help doctors
diagnose and treat certain

Quick facts:
Did you know that there is a composition where the performers do not play a
single note. They just simply sit and wait for an assigned amount of time. Silence
and the incidental noise (coughing of the audience, yawning, sneezing, etc) that
happens during the time becomes the focus of the music. This composition is
entitled 4’33”, pronounced four minutes and thirty seconds by the modern
composer John Cage.
Music – is an abstract form of art, maybe even
the most abstract and subjective of all the arts.
Music in one form or another is perceived to
have an effort on many living things. As the
saying goes “Music hath charms to soothe the
savage beast.” Music appeals directly to our
emotions and open up an avenue to the
subjective states of man.
- to fully appreciate music, we must open both
our ears and our minds and not be quick to
judge what we hear.

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