Module 5: Communication Principles: Networking Essentials (NETESS)

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Module 5: Communication


Networking Essentials (NETESS)

Module Objectives

Module Title: Communication Principles

Module Objective: Explain the importance of standards and protocols in network communications.
Topic Title Topic Objective

The Rules Describe network communication protocols.

Describe network communication standards.
Communication Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models.

Ethernet Explain the OSI model Layer 1 and Layer 2 functions in an Ethernet network.

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5.1 The Rules

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The Rules
The Three Elements
The primary purpose of any network is to provide us with a method to communicate and share
information. All communication begins with a message, or information, that must be sent from
one individual or device to another.

All communication methods have three elements in common:

• The first of these elements is the message source, or sender. Message sources are people,
or electronic devices, that need to communicate a message to other individuals or devices.

• The second element of communication is the destination, or receiver, of the message. The
destination receives the message and interprets it.

• The third element is called a transmission medium, or channel. It provides the pathway over
which the message can travel from source to destination.

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The Rules
Communication Protocols
Before beginning to communicate with each other, we establish rules or agreements to govern the

• What method of communication should we use?

• What language should we use?
• Do we need to confirm that our messages are received?

These rules, or protocols, must be followed for the message to be successfully delivered and understood:

• An identified sender and receiver

• Agreed upon method of communicating (face-to-face, telephone, letter, photograph)
• Common language and grammar
• Speed and timing of delivery
• Confirmation or acknowledgment requirements

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The Rules
Why Protocols Matter
Protocol Characteristic Description
When a message is sent, it must use a specific format or structure. Message formats
Message format
depend on the type of message and the channel that is used to deliver the message.
The rules that govern the size of the pieces communicated across the network are very
strict and can be different, depending on the channel used. It may be necessary to
Message size
break a longer message into smaller pieces in order to ensure that the message can be
delivered reliably.
Many network communication functions are dependent on timing. Timing determines the
speed at which the bits are transmitted across the network. It also affects when an
individual host can send data and the total amount of data that can be sent in any one
Messages sent across the network are first converted into bits by the sending host.
Encoding Each bit is encoded into a pattern of sounds, light waves, or electrical impulses. The
destination host receives and decodes the signals in order to interpret the message.
Each message transmitted on a network must include a header that contains
Encapsulation addressing information that identifies the source and destination hosts. Encapsulation is
the process of adding this information to the pieces of data that make up the message.
Some messages require an acknowledgment before the next message can be sent.
Message pattern This type of request/response pattern is a common aspect© of many networking
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The Rules
Lab - My Protocol Rules
In this lab, you will complete the following objectives:

• Relate computer network protocols to the rules that you use every day for various forms of

• Define the rules that govern how you send and interpret text messages.

• Explain what would happen if the sender and receiver did not agree on the details of the protocol.

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5.2 Communication Standards

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Communication Standards
Video - Devices in a Bubble

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Communication Standards
The Internet and Standards
A standard is a set of rules that determines how something must be done.

Networking and internet standards ensure that all devices connecting to the network implement the same
set of rules or protocols in the same manner.

Using standards, it is possible for different types of devices to send information to each other over the

For example, the way in which an email is formatted, forwarded, and received by all devices is done
according to a standard:
• If one person sends an email via a personal computer, another person can use a mobile phone to
receive and read the email as long as the mobile phone uses the same standards as the personal

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Communication Standards
Network Standards Organizations
An internet standard is the end result of a comprehensive cycle of
discussion, problem solving, and testing.

These different standards are developed, published, and

maintained by a variety of organizations.

When a new standard is proposed, each stage of the

development and approval process is recorded in a numbered
Request for Comments (RFC) document.

• RFCs for internet standards are published and managed by

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Other standards organizations that support the internet are shown

in the figure.

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5.3 Network Communication

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Network Communication Models
Video - Network Protocols

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Network Communication Models
Video - The Protocol Stack

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Network Communication Models
The Protocol Stack
Successful communication between hosts requires interaction between a number of protocols.
These protocols are implemented in software and hardware that are installed on each host and
networking device.
The interaction between the different protocols on a device can be illustrated as a protocol stack, as
shown in the figure.
A stack illustrates the protocols as a layered hierarchy, with each higher-level protocol depending on the
services of the protocols shown in the lower levels.
The separation of functions enables each layer in the stack to operate independently of others

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Network Communication Models
The Protocol Stack (Cont.)
The protocols in the figure are described as follows:

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – This protocol governs the

way a web server and a web client interact.
HTTP defines the content and formatting of the requests and
responses that are exchanged between the client and server.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – This protocol manages
the individual conversations. TCP is responsible for guaranteeing
the reliable delivery of the information and managing flow control
between the end devices.
Internet Protocol (IP) – This protocol is responsible for delivering
messages from the sender to the receiver. IP is used by routers
to forward the messages across multiple networks.
Ethernet – This protocol is responsible for the delivery of
messages from one NIC to another NIC on the same Ethernet
local area network (LAN).

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Network Communication Models
The TCP/IP Model
A layered model depicts the operation of the protocols occurring within each layer, as well as the
interaction with the layers above and below it.
The layered model has many benefits:
• Assists in protocol design, because protocols that operate at a specific layer have defined
information that they act upon and a defined interface to the layers above and below.
• Fosters competition because products from different vendors can work together.
• Enables technology changes to occur at one level without affecting the other levels.
• Provides a common language to describe networking functions and capabilities.
TCP/IP Model Layer Description

Application Represents data to the user, plus encoding and dialog control.

Transport Supports communication between various devices across diverse networks.

Internet Determines the best path through the network.

Network Access Controls the hardware devices and media that make up the network.

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Network Communication Models
The OSI Reference Model
OSI Model Layer Description

7 - Application The application layer contains protocols used for process-to-process

6 - Presentation The presentation layer provides for common representation of the data
transferred between application layer services.
5 - Session The session layer provides services to the presentation layer to organize its
dialogue and to manage data exchange.
4 - Transport The transport layer defines services to segment, transfer, and reassemble
the data for individual communications between the end devices.
3 - Network The network layer provides services to exchange the individual pieces of
data over the network between identified end devices.
2 - Data Link The data link layer protocols describe methods for exchanging data frames
between devices over a common media
1 - Physical The physical layer protocols describe the mechanical, electrical, functional,
and procedural means to activate, maintain, and de-activate physical
connections for a bit transmission to and from a network device.

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Network Communication Models
Upper and Lower Layers of the OSI Model
Common Network Components Associated
Group Layer Number Layer Name
with this Layer

7 Application •Network aware applications

6 Presentation •Web browsers and servers
•File transfer
5 Session •Name resolution

•Video and voice streaming mechanisms

4 Transport
•Firewall filtering lists
•IP addressing
3 Network
Lower •Network interface cards and drivers
Layers 2 Data Link •Network switching
•WAN connectivity
•Physical medium (copper twisted pair, fiber-optic
1 Physical cables, wireless transmitters)
•Hubs and repeaters

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Network Communication Models
OSI Model and TCP/IP Model Comparison
The protocols that make up the TCP/IP
protocol suite can be described in terms
of the OSI reference model:

• The functions that occur at the internet

layer in the TCP/IP model are
contained in the network layer of the
OSI Model.

• The transport layer functionality is the

same between both models.

• The network access layer and the

application layer of the TCP/IP model
are further divided in the OSI model to
describe discrete functions that must
occur at these layers.
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5.4 Ethernet

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The Rise of Ethernet
In the early days of networking, each vendor used its own proprietary methods of
interconnecting network devices and networking protocols.

As networks became more widespread, standards were developed that defined rules by which
network equipment from different vendors operated.

Standards are beneficial to networking in many ways:

• Facilitate design
• Simplify product development
• Promote competition
• Provide consistent interconnections
• Facilitate training
• Provide more vendor choices for customers

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The Rise of Ethernet (Cont.)
There is no official local area networking standard protocol, but over time, Ethernet has become
the most common.
Ethernet protocols define how data is formatted and how it is transmitted over the wired
The Ethernet standards specify protocols that operate at Layer 1 and Layer 2 of the OSI model.

Ethernet has become a de facto standard, which means that it is the technology used by almost
all wired local area networks, as shown in the figure.

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Ethernet Evolution
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, or IEEE, maintains the networking standards,
including Ethernet and wireless standards.

Each technology standard is assigned a number that refers to the committee that is responsible
for approving and maintaining the standard.

The committee responsible for the Ethernet standards is 802.3.

Each version of Ethernet has an associated standard. For example, 802.3 100BASE-T.
This standard notation translates as:
• 100 is the speed in Mbps
• BASE stands for baseband transmission
• T stands for the type of cable, in this case, twisted-pair cable standards.

Early versions of Ethernet were relatively slow at 10 Mbps. The latest versions of Ethernet
operate at 10 Gigabits per second and more.

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Video - Ethernet Addressing

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The Ethernet MAC Address

All communication requires a way to identify the source and destination.

The source and destination in human communication are represented by names.

When your name is called, you listen to the message and respond. Other people in the room may hear
the message, but they ignore it because it is not addressed to them.

On Ethernet networks, a similar method exists for identifying source and destination hosts. Each host
connected to an Ethernet network is assigned a physical address which serves to identify the host on the

Every Ethernet network interface has a physical address assigned to it when it is manufactured. This
address is known as the Media Access Control (MAC) address.

The MAC address identifies each source and destination host on the network.

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Lab - Determine the MAC Address of a Host
In this lab, you will complete the following objectives:

• Determine the MAC address of a Windows computer on an Ethernet network using the
ipconfig /all command.

• Analyze a MAC address to determine the manufacturer.

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5.5 Communication Principles

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Communication Principles Summary
What Did I Learn in this Module?

• All communication methods have three elements in common.

• The first of these elements is the message source, or sender.
• The second element of communication is the destination, or receiver, of the message.
• The third element is called a transmission medium, or channel.
• Protocols are required for computers to properly communicate across the network.
• Networking protocols define many aspects of communication over the local network which
include message format, message size, timing, encoding, encapsulation, and message
• Successful communication between hosts requires interaction between a number of protocols
that are implemented in software and hardware on each host and networking device.
• A layered model depicts the operation of the protocols occurring within each layer, as well as the
interaction with the layers above and below it.

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Communication Principles Summary
What Did I Learn in this Module? (Cont.)

• Networking and internet standards ensure that all devices connecting to the network
implement the same set of rules or protocols in the same manner.
• The most widely known internetwork reference model was created by the Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) project and is commonly referred to as the OSI model.
• The OSI model breaks network communications down into multiple processes. Each
process is a small part of the larger task.
• The OSI model helps us troubleshoot by focusing on a specific layer to identify and
resolve network problems.
• The protocols that make up the TCP/IP protocol suite can be described in terms of
the OSI reference model.
• Ethernet is the technology used by almost all wired local area networks and Ethernet
standards specify protocols that operate at Layer 1 and Layer 2 of the OSI model.
• Each host connected to an Ethernet network is assigned a physical address, known
as a MAC address, which serves to identify the host on the network.
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Communication Principles Summary
Module 5 – New Terms and Commands

• Message format • Standards Organizations

• Message size • TCP/IP Model
• Timing • OSI Reference Model
• Encoding • HTTP
• Encapsulation • TCP
• Message pattern • Ethernet
• Standards • MAC address

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Communication Principles Summary
Module 5 - Communication Principles Quiz

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