Total Quality Management

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Presented By :-
Vivek Dolasiya
Krishna Agawane
TQM Journey & Indian Scenario
 Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy and a management approach aimed at the
continuous improvement of quality in all aspects of an organization's operations.

 In India, the TQM journey began in the 1980s and gained momentum in the 1990s with the
liberalization of the Indian economy.

 Key TQM practices implemented in Indian organizations(Tata Steel, Infosys, Wipro, and
Mahindra & Mahindra) include:
1. Quality Circles
2. Six Sigma
3. Lean Manufacturing
4. ISO Certification
5. Kaizen
6. Total Productive Maintenance
Company Certification
Tata Steel ISO 9001-2015, SixSigma
Infosys ISO 9001-2015
Wipro ISO 9001-2015
Mahindra and Mahindra ISO 9001-2015, SixSigma
TQM Journey & Indian Scenario

 Challenges in implementing TQM in the Indian context:

1. Resistance to change

2. Lack of awareness and training

3. Short-term focus

4. Resource constraints
ISO 9000 (International Standard Organization)

 What?

Provide quality management systems (QMS) guidelines.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

 Why?

To ensure consistent quality in their products and services, improve customer
satisfaction, and increase their competitiveness in the market.

To establish and maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) that meets customer
needs and expectations.
ISO 9000 (International Standard Organization)

 Benefits?
Improved customer satisfaction
Increased efficiency and effectiveness
Better decision-making
Reduced costs
Enhanced reputation

 ISO 9001 - Outlines the requirements for a QMS

 ISO 9004 - Provides guidance for organizations seeking to improve their QMS

 ISO 19011 - Provides guidance for auditing management systems

ISO 9000 (International Standard Organization)

 Indian Scenario?

The ISO 9000 journey in India started in the early 1990s, with the government
and industry recognizing the need for quality management systems to improve
competitiveness and meet global standards.

The growth of ISO 9000 in India has been driven by several factors:
1. Globalization
2. Government initiatives
3. Industry associations
ISO 9000 Clauses

 Context of the organization

 Leadership

 Planning

 Support

 Operation

 Performance evaluation

 Improvement
FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)

 To identify and mitigate potential failures or risks associated with a product or


 Process to identify potential failure modes

 The team develops and implements actions to mitigate or eliminate the highest
priority failure modes

 Regular reviews and updates to ensure continuous improvement

Cost of Quality

Internal External
Prevention Appraisal
failure failure
costs costs
costs costs
COQ Example : Smartphones Production
 Prevention costs: Costs associated with preventing defects from occurring in the first
place, such as training employees, implementing quality control processes, and
performing regular maintenance on production equipment.

 Appraisal costs: Costs associated with measuring and evaluating the quality of
products, such as inspection, testing, and auditing.

 Internal failure costs: Costs associated with defects that are caught and corrected
before the product is shipped, such as rework, scrap, and downtime.

 External failure costs: Costs associated with defects that are not caught before the
product is shipped and result in customer complaints, returns, and warranty claims.
NPD (New Product Development)

Idea generation Market testing

Product Post-launch
Idea screening
development evaluation

development and Business analysis
QFD (Quality Function Deployment)

 To product design and development that meeting customer needs and


 Matrix or table format to organize information and prioritize customer


 Improve product development by ensuring that the design process

QFD Example (Car Manufacturing)

Identify Prioritize Identify

customer customer product
needs needs characteristics

Evaluate Develop design Test and refine

competitors concepts designs

Launch and

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