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1. What is personality?
2. What is the attribute of a person with “ Good
3. What is the attribute of a person with
“unhealthy mind”?
4. What is the attribute of a person with
“healthy mind”?
5. What is the Nature of Personality?
What is Personality?
The overall profile or combination of
characteristics that capture the unique
nature of a person as that person reacts
and interacts with others.
Combines a set of physical and mental
characteristics that reflect how a person
looks, thinks, acts, and feels
What is Personality?

Predictable relationships are

expected between people’s
personalities and their
Nature of Personality
Personality refers to the set of traits & behaviors that
characterize an individual
It refers to the relatively stable pattern of behavior &
consistent internal state & explains an individual’s
behavioral tendencies.
 Personality has both internal (thoughts, values &
genetic characteristics that is inferred from observable
behaviors) & external (observable behaviors)
Nature of Personality

Personality of an individual is relatively

stable in nature.
Personality is both inherited as well as it
can be shaped by the environment.
Personalities is the sum total of individual’s
Psychological traits, characteristics, motives, habits,
attitudes, beliefs and outlooks.
Personality determinants:
Heredity : Physical structure, facial attractiveness,
gender, temperament, muscle composition and
reflexes, energy level, and biological rhythms are
characteristics that are generally considered to be
either completely or substantially influenced by who
your parents were, that is by their biological,
physiological and inherent psychological makeup.
Environment :
The environmental factors that exert pressures on our
personality formation are the culture in which we are
raised, our early conditioning, the norms among our
family, friends and social groups, and other influences
that we experience.
Situation :
influences the effects of heredity and environment
on personality. An individual’s personality although
generally stable and consistent, does change in
different situations. The varying demand of
different situation calls forth different aspects of
one’s personality. We should not therefore look
upon personality patterns in isolation
Self Awareness
knows your motivations; preferences, personality and
understanding how these factors influence your
judgment, decisions and interactions with other
develops the ability to know how you are feeling and
why, and the impact your feelings have on your
 Internal feelings and thoughts, interests, strengths
and limitations, values, skills, goals, abilities
Self-awareness or self-knowledge is the starting point
for effectiveness at work..”
Self-awareness has many benefits, among them.
Understanding yourself in relation to others
Developing and implementing a sound self-
improvement program
Setting appropriate life and career goals
 Developing relationships with others
 Understand the value of diversity
Managing others effectively
Increasing productivity
Increasing your ability to contribute to
organizations, your community and family.
In others words it helps one to know what one is
good at and choose a career they enjoy. Depending
on others thoughts or beliefs in terms of what is
good for us leads to personal and professional
unhappiness. By knowing our strengths, weaknesses,
likes and dislikes by ourselves - will help us know
where we stand?
How to Gain?
requires people to examine themselves as an
object in an experience or event.
 is not always an easy process, yet it is a necessary
skill for synthesizing information relevant to
professional or personal effectiveness.
 begin with reflection on and exploration of
thoughts and feelings associated with effective
is the way in which we conduct ourselves-the way in
which we act.
is influenced by our feelings, judgments, beliefs,
motivations, needs, experience and opinions of others.
 Patterns of behaviour develop through our reactions
to events and actions over a period of time
Behavior consist of four components:
The drive to pursue one action over another.
core drivers, those things that motivate you positively
or negatively
Modes of thinking:
process the various inputs your brain receives.
 Being aware of how you take in and make sense of
Modes of acting:
the course of action you apply in a given situation.
Being aware of how you express your reaction to the
things that happen to and around you

Modes of interacting:
the way in which you communicate and share ideas,
opinions and feelings with others.
 Being aware of how you talk and work with others.
set of characteristics, tendencies and temperaments
that have been formed by heredity and by social,
cultural and environmental factors.
are thought to be as a result of our environment-
those factors that we acquire through exposure to
people and events in our lives.
The Big Five factors that are representative of the
characteristics that can be linked with satisfaction and
The Big Five has five primary components:
1. Extroversion: (Introversion)
represents the degree to which an individual is social
or antisocial, outgoing or shy, assertive or passive,
active or inactive and talkative or quiet.
2. Agreeableness:
 measures the degree to which a person is friendly or
cooperative or guarded,
 flexible or inflexible,
 trusting or cautious,
good natured or moody,
softhearted or tough and tolerant or judgmental

Being too agreeable could cause a person to be too

accommodating, however the others may take advantage
of this weaknesses.
Emotional Stability:
degree to which a person is consistent or inconsistent
is how they react to certain events, reacts
impulsively or weighs options before .
Those who rate high on emotional stability are
viewed as generally calm, stable having a positive
attitude, able to manage their anger, secure, happy
and objective. Those who rate low are more likely to
be anxious, depressed, angry, insecure, worried and
degree to which an individual is dependable or
inconsistent, can be counted on or is unreliable,
follows through on commitments or are generally
perceived to be careful, thorough, organized,
persistent, achievement oriented, hardworking and
Openness to experience:
characterizes the degree to which people are
interested in broadening their horizons or limiting
Individuals who score high on this factor tend to be
highly intellectual, broad minded. Curious, imaginative
and cultured.
Those who rate lower tend to be more narrow minded,
less interested in the outside world and uncomfortable
in unfamiliar surroundings and situations.
adjust our behavior relative to the changing demands of
social situations.
personality can help us come to grips with both those
qualities we view as positive and those we would like to
High self-monitors are very sensitive to external cues and
constantly adapt their true selves to conform to a
situation or set of expectations. Low self-monitors are
more consistent, displaying their feelings, attitudes and
behaviors in every situation
Attitudes are narrow in scope, vary from situation to
Strong attitudes can have an impact on professional and
personal relationship.
 important component of our ability to be productive at
 influence people around us
Perception describes the process by which individuals
gather sensory information and assign meaning to it.
When we encounter a person or situation, we use our
senses to absorb various inputs.
Our perceptions are influenced by many factors, such as
our culture, environment, heredity, the media, peers,
past experiences, intelligence, needs, emotions,
attitudes and values.
 Another means of self-awareness is through self
disclosure-sharing your thoughts, feelings and ideas
with others without self-deception, without
Self-disclosure is a key factor in improving self-
awareness; we must disclose information and interact
with others to further clarify our perceptions.
Diverse Experiences:
As we encounter new situations, we use skills and
acquire new ones, meet people and develop friendships,
see new places and learn first hand about things we
might have only read about. Being open to experiences
broadens our horizons.
 It helps us to see ourselves in a new light while giving
us new information about ourselves and our ability to
interact with the world
1. Accept Responsibility:
The price of greatness is the responsibility – Winston
“Responsibility gravitates to the person who can
shoulder them.” -- Elbert Hubbard
Society is not destroyed by the activities of the rascals,
but by the inactivity of good people.
2. Show consideration :
Show consideration, courtesy, politeness and caring.
3. Think Win-Win :
4. Choose your words carefully:
The principle is your speaking must be better than
silent, rather be silent. Words spoken out of
bitterness can cause irreparable damage. The way
the parents speak to their children in many
instances shapes their children’s destiny.
5. Never Criticize, Complain and Condemn
6. Smile and Be Kind :
Smile is the shortest distance between two people.

7. Put Positive interpretation on other people’s

We see the world not as it is, but as we are. So
when we are interpreting other peoples behavior
negatively we just reflecting our own mentality to
this situation
8. Be a Good Listener :
Effective communication is 50% listening, 25%
speaking, 15% reading and 10% writing. So when we
listen carefully then 50% communication is done.
9. Be Enthusiastic :
Nothing great was ever achieved without
enthusiasm--- Ralph Waldo Emersion
10. Give honest and Sincere Appreciation :
one feel important and promote these positive
qualities in him.
 In contrast giving false and insincere appreciation is
flattery or sycophancy which in the long run is
harmful to the recipient.
11. When you make a mistake, accept it and make it
easy to amend:
Mistakes are to be learned from. So accept it
immediately and make change or amend easy.
12. Discuss but don’t argue:
Arguing is like fighting a losing battle. Even if one
wins in the argument, the cost may be more than
the worth of victory. An Ignominious victory is a
defeat itself.
13. Don’t Gossip:
Gossip may lead to slander and defamation of
character. People who listen to gossip are as guilty
as those who do the gossiping.
14. Turn your promises into commitment:
Commitment leads to enduring relationship through
thick and thin. It shows in a person,s personality and
15. Be grateful but do not expect gratitude:
16. Be dependable and practice loyalty:
An ounce of loyalty is worth more than a pound of
cleverness. Ability without dependability is of no
17. Avoid bearing grudges:
Life is too small to bear grudges. John Kennedy once
said “forgive the other person but don’t forget their
name.” Means “if one cheated me once it is his fault,
but if cheats me twice then it is my fault.” Don’t be
cheated regularly to forgive.
18. Practice honesty, Integrity and Sincerity:
Lies may have speed, but the truth has endurance.
Honesty, Integrity and Sincerity have more enduring
effect than the opposite.
19. Practice Humility:
Confidence without humility is arrogance. Sincere
Humility is the foundation of all virtues. It is a sign of
20. Be understanding and Caring :
The best way to be understood is to be understanding.
And the basis of real communication is also
21. Practice courtesy on daily basis :

22.Develop a sense of humor:

Have a sense of humor and you will possess the
ability to laugh at yourself. A sense of humor makes
a person likeable and attractive. Some people are

23. Don’t be sarcastic and put others down :

24. To have a friend be a Friend :
Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation
stones of all friendship.
25. Show Empathy :
Empathy alone is a very important characteristic of
positive personality.
 People with empathy ask themselves this question,
“how would I feel if someone treated me that way?”
Subconscious Programming :
Most of us sometimes get programmed / conditioned by a
wrong messages that “ do not do that”, “don’t take the
risk”, “you cannot do that” you are not good in …and so
on….. You can imagine the bad effect such message can
have on any person.
And the Subconscious Mind is a store of all the previously
programmed or conditioned information / knowledge/
believes. Now programming personality means putting
positive believes/ information into the store without the
knowledge of the watchman (conscious mind).
Reinforced Programming / Conscious Programming:
the positive traits despite negative response from comparison
with the store house also gives success in programming for
personality traits.
the conscious way to programmed the subconscious mind for
positive traits. It is the effective method of voluntary
development of positive traits and attitudes.
Auto-suggestion should be mixed with emotions. All such
reinforced / conscious programming which have been
emotionalized (giving feeling) and mixed with applied faith;
begin immediately to translate themselves into physical or real
Defensive Approach:
One of this type of approach is protest or deny the
negative traits at it’s very beginning of the entering in
the subconscious store. And the second is to consciously
avoid this type of environment or situation. In real life
situation it is very difficult because it may lead to
confrontation and argument or Inaction.
Another problem in this is that most of us have some
negative traits previously in our store house due to our
past experience and conditioning.
Imaginary Anchoring or Invisible Counseling Committee:
While watching a picture we anchor the Hero, placing
ourselves in place of hero. Similarly we can anchor
Great men in imagination and let them shape our
personality. Another is the Invisible Counseling
Committee comprising of great personalities of your
choice. We can counsel from these great minds at times
or situation. What decision or action he would have
been taken in my situation.
Physical Action / Body Language Approach:
In general it is the positive practice or experiencing
desired traits whether the desired perfection achieved
or not.
It is generally said that our personality traits control our
body language. But it is a fact that the reverse is also
true. This means we can change our negative traits
towards positive traits by consciously practicing the
body language for positive traits.
Domino-effect. Direct exposure to good personalities or
Here the direct environment is the driving force in
shaping the personalities. When one constantly remains
in direct contact with great personalities will enriches
his own to be the one. Similarly the organization culture
and structure also many times influences ones
personality. Sometimes it is the guiding principle for job
satisfaction / recruitment.
The four letter word ‘idea’ has great potential and it
has immense powers surrounding it.
. It is that magical key which unlocks all the closed
doors, solves all our queries and enables us to achieve
our desired goals
 It is this mindboggling strength of ideas which
facilitates our decision-making
Ideas rule the world and thoughts rule your life.
 Whatever you think, that you become. If you think
yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think
yourselves strong, strong you will be. The remedy of
weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of
It is your Idea which molds your destiny.
“Great ideas and convictions are the mother of great
Success starts with an idea.
When nourished with hope and confidence and
encouraged by ambition and aspiration, that single idea
takes shape as a dream, vision, and goal in stages.
You must allow your ideas to grow, no matter how
farfetched or nonconformist they may seem in the
1. Write down every ideas come to your mind :
Everyday lots of good ideas are born only to die quickly
because they aren’t nailed to paper. Memory is a weak
slave when it comes to preserving and nurturing brand
new ideas. People with fertile and creative mind know a
good idea may sprout any time, any place. Don’t let ideas
escape, else you destroy the fruits of your thinking.
2. Next- review your Ideas :
File these ideas in an active file. The file can be an
elaborate cabinet or it can be a desk drawer. A show
box will do. But build a file and then examine your store
house of ideas regularly. As you go over your ideas some
may for very good reason have no value at all. Get rid of
these. But so long as the idea has any promise, keep it.
3. Cultivate and Fertilize your ideas :
Now make you ideas grow. Think about it. Tie the ideas
to related ideas. Read anything you can find which is in
any way is skin to your ideas. Investigate form all
angles. Then when the time is ripe put it to work for
yourself, your job, your future.
1. Never reject a possibility because you see something
wrong with it
2. Never reject a possibility because you would not get
the credit: Don’t worry about getting the credit. If you
do, you will become ego-involved in the decision making
moments of life. Decisions must never be based on ego
3. Never reject an idea because it is impossible:
Possibility thinker take great ideas and turn the
impossibilities into possibilities. That is the progress. The
important issue is whether the idea is good one
4. Never reject a possibility because your mind is already
made up : People who never change their mind either
perfect of stubborn. I am not perfect neither you are.

5. Never reject an idea because it is illegal :

You might be able to get the law changed.
6. Never reject an idea because you don’t have the
money, manpower, muscles or months to achieve it :
A super successful person has very few resources, except
the capacity to take an idea and marshal stronger and
smarter people around him to pull it off. 7
7. Never reject an idea because it will create conflict :
To reject an idea because it may generate conflict is to
‘Surrender leadership to friends or foe.
8. Never reject an idea because it is not your way of
doing things :
Learn to accommodate. Prepare to compromise. Plan to
adjust. Maintain a balance between the tension of an
opportunity that demand exploitation and the limitation
of resources available at the moment. Learn to be
9. Never reject an idea because it might fail :
There is risk in everything. One thing world needs more
than anything else today is possibility thinking. Success is
never certain and failure is never final You never reject
an idea because there is some risks involved
10. Never reject an idea because it is sure to succeed. :-
All the fellow spiritual / religious people who say, "I
should not try to be successful. I am not trying for top
ladder. That is vanity. That is materialistic."

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