Colonialism and Its Impacts MSC

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Colonialism and

Its Impact
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WE will talk about:

• Colonialism and ancient empires

• European colonialism
• United states independence
• Colonial life
• Colonialism wars and its impact
• The decline of European empires
• Colonial legacies
Colonialism and ancient empires
As early empires learned more about the world around them, they sent trading ships
between continents across ocean to bring back these treasures. They were looking
for new recourses. After years they understood the importance of the establishing
colonies in these places. Colonies gave an empire important center of power to help
control and protect recourses. Colonies helped expand the empire’s territory into
new continents. In other word it was one of the starting point of discovery of new
countries and new continents; North America or South Africa.
European colonialism
By the 16th century CE, European powers
like Britain or Spain had established
colonies over Asia, India, Africa and
Americas. Europeans sent their explorers
like Christopher Columbus to find another
lands and find sea routs to India and China
from Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbu
European colonialism
Explorers named land masses of North and South America erroneously “Indians”. Spanish explorer
Christopher Columbus set up colonies for Spain, and they looked for Gold and Silver. They used to
transfer this gold and silver from America to Spain.
Very soon Britain colonized North America, setting up colonies Eastern Canada and north-eastern
United States. Britain established the East India Company in India, which developed in into a
powerful network of Britain’s colonies.
Also Netherland established another company named Dutch East India Company, that colonized
South Africa. Also this company colonized Indonesia(Present-Day). The Dutch attempted to
colonies areas of North America such as New York City, which previously called New Amsterdam,
but they left area to the British.
Afrikaners ( Dutch people, who
colonized the south Africa)
United States independence
After Colonizing North America, the Europeans had some
problems for America, they wanted more lands from others, but
in the end the most of the colonies were for Britain.
After years Britain set up government for these colonies, actually
most of the people in these colonies were British or Europeans
like French or Spanish. After several years these people decided to
be a country, without any dependence on Britain.

After two years these 13 states they agreed to When drafting the constitution, much reliance
become one country with a specific constitution. was placed on the constitutions drafted by Jay
and Adams for their respective states of New
On July 4, 1776, they declared America's
York (1777) and Massachusetts (1780). Jay,
independence. Adams, and Franklin negotiated the Treaty of
But the first meeting for the agreement was held Paris (1783), which ended the American
in 1775, which reached the initial results and led to Revolutionary War. Washington was
the war between the British and the Americans. Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army
and President of the Constitutional Convention.
Colonial life
The colonies helped the empires become wealthier and more
powerful. However, life for colonists was not easy. They were living
far away from their homes. British
colonies in North America, for example, were often left without
supplies for months.
Their relation with the native people were not always good, they
had a lots of wars with each other. These fights could be often
deadly and brutal.
Colonial life

Jamestown was a British colony with African American, which founded on the east coast of United States in 1607 CE. In 1636 CE,
the Jamestown colonists and natives fought each other in several deadly massacres. Many other British colonies in America also
had battles with native people.
Spanish colonies in Central and South America, and the British colonies in India, were much more brutal toward the native
people. The Spanish colonists enslaved the Incan people of Peru and forced them to do hard work for no pay. In India, the East
India Company had its own powerful army and eventually took control of the entire country. The Europeans also brought
diseases, such as the bubonic plague and smallpox, which killed large numbers of native people whose immune systems could
not fight against foreign infections.
Colonialism wars and its impact
One of the main reason of wars is Colonialism; One of the main causes of world wars was colonialism and the use of
other countries' resources.
Most of the world's countries suffered from world wars and colonialism for any reason, such as their strategic location
or resources; countries like Iran for their strategic location and resources, or North African countries like Egypt
because they are strategic and have the Suez Canal.
These countries suffered bad losses, such as the spread of infectious diseases or the loss of labor for European wars.
For example, in the North Africa war, a large number of young troops from British and French colonial countries, such
as Indian or African soldiers; The number of people killed in the war in Africa reaches 30,000 people.

The effects of the colonial wars that Europeans waged from the time of George Washington for America's
independence to the war that Hitler launched in World War II are still there.
Egyptians are still struggling with the problems of sickness and not having a proper government; orPoland lost over 5
million of its citizens as a result of World War II. And still, skeletons of soldiers are discovered in places in Poland
In many cases, the foreign powers were convinced of their
cultural superiority, and prohibited native people from
speaking their own languages and forced them to learn
Spanish, English or French. They often outlawed traditional
customs and took away the local people’s basic human rights.
So, They declared independence.
Many colonized countries in Central and South America
won their independence in the 19th century CE. Asian and
African countries won their independence in the 20th century.
In 1947 the British withdrew from India, and after 1956, from
their African colonies; in 1962, the French left Algeria. With
the Portuguese withdrawal from their African colonies in
1975, the colonial empires were virtually over.
Moreover, people do not easily forget the years
Colonial legacies that they were conquered and controlled by a
The negative impact of colonialism had foreign invader, which can create resentment
resulted in systemic racism, cyclical poverty, and frustration. Today, we are still learning the
economic inequity, violence, loss of language lessons of colonialism and how it damages the
and culture, and an enormous number of societies where it occurs. It is important for us
missing and murdered indigenous women to see clearly how destructive colonialism was
and girls. It was crucial to take concrete steps and still is.
to address the negative legacies of

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