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OCCUIPATION:- Basic Electrical Electronics Equipment

LO2 identify /test electrical /electronics component
At the end of this Learning Outcomes trainees will be able to:-
Identify types of inductor
know how to test inductor
 know application inductor
 Like capacitors, inductors also store energy in one part of AC cycle and return it during
the next part of the cycle.
Inductance is that property of a device that reacts against a change in current through the
device. Inductors are components designed for use in circuits to resist changes in current
and thus serve important control functions.
Inductor designed is based on the principle that a varying magnetic field induces a voltage
in any conductor in that field. Thus, a practical inductor may simply be a coil wire.
The current in each loop of the coil produces a magnetic field that passes through
neighboring loops. If the current through the coil is constant the magnetic field is
constant and no action takes place.
The ability of inductance to produce induced voltage across itself when current flows
through it known as self inductance
A change in the current, however, produces a change in the magnetic field. The energy
absorbed or released from the changing magnetic field reacts against the change in
current, and this is exhibited as in induced voltage (electromotive force, EMF), which is
counter to the change in applied voltage. The inductor thus behaves as impedance to ac

the counter EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of current

through the coil (V=L [∆i/∆t]).
The proportionality constant is the inductance L, which has the unit of
henrys (H) In an ac circuit, as shown in, the inductor offers reactance to
alternating current.
The inductive reactance XL has the units of ohms and is given by
Inductor behavior
Voltage across inductor is proportional to the rate of change of
current through it:

Inductors act to resist changes in current

Inductor voltage can change
Quickly Inductors store energy:
Transformer A transformer is an electrical device that transfers energy
between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction.
A varying current in the transformer's primary winding creates a varying
magnetic flux in the core and a varying magnetic field impinging on the
secondary winding. This varying magnetic field at the secondary induces a
varying electromotive force (EMF) or voltage in the secondary winding. The
primary and secondary windings are wrapped around a core of infinitely high
magnetic permeability, So that all of the magnetic flux passes through both
the primary and secondary windings
 Transformer is a device consisting of two or more coils used to transfer electrical energy at different
voltage & at the same frequency.
 The transfer of energy takes place from one circuit to another circuit without any direct connection,
actually the energy transferred with legible losses into magnetic field energy into first coil (primary coil)
which is then transfer to the secondary coil and then the magnetic energy reconverted bake into
electrical energy.
 If can be remember the transformer does not generated energy. The transformer can be step up and
step down the voltage or the current according to the number of turns.
 Turn ratio
 Turn ratio is the ratio of primary turn to secondary turn. For example if a transformer has
500 turns in the primary and 50 turns in the secondary what will be turn ratio
 Turn ratio =NP/NS =500/50 10:1  
 In case of voltage transformer the ratio of primary voltage to secondary voltage is the same as
ratio of turns in primary to the secondary. NP/NS=VP/VS
 In case of current transformer the ratio of primary to turns in secondary current is inversely
proportional to its turn. NP/NS=IS/IP
Step down transformer:- This type of transformer is used to reduce or
minimize the primary voltage at the secondary In step down transformer
the number of turns in the secondary less than primary therefore the
secondary voltage must less than primary voltage but the secondary
current must greater than primary while the power at both coils are equal.
The coil of primary winding is thin and large but the secondary winding is
thick and less.
Step up transformer:-This type of transformer is used to increase or
maximize the primary voltage at the secondary. In step up transformer the
number of turns in the secondary greater than primary so the secondary be
voltage also less than primary but the secondary current must greater than
primary while the power at both coils are equal. The coil of primary
winding is thick and less but the secondary winding is thin and large.

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