What Determines Curriculum Formulation Thursday 10 February 2020 DR Makunganya

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What determines the curriculum development?

Why do
have to develop it
According to Prof: Swaminatha Pelai
• Basic needs
• Social Aspects
• Cultural factors
• Individual talents
• Ideals: Intellectual, Moral, Aesthetic, Religious
• Traditional
Scope of Curriculum: Scope Entail the following
a. The goals of our curricular(the nation vision, goals and
b. What is taught: courses/subjects
c. How is it taught: strategies, learner-centred approach
d. How is the curricula arranged, from simplest to complex
e. How is evaluated (achievement or expertise)
f. Who are involved: parents, teachers politicians experts
G. Resources: (money, teachers)
H. What achievement has been made (The curriculum is in
the eye of beholder)
By looking at these key aspects the scope of the curricula
entails: the entire process what the curricular makers’ does
•The scope can therefore refer to as: the breadth (range,
extend, coverage) of the curriculum, the content, learning
outcomes, experience and all activities include in the
curriculum. Is like determining the boundary of your journey
E.g. A-B - C Grade 1-3 or grade 8-12
To answer the question of scope of curricular: ask yourself
the following questions
1.What do young people need to succeed in their societies
(quality education, technical skills)
2.What are the need of the locality, society, nation and the
world? E.g. technology, Agriculture
3.What are the essential of the discipline (the important of
technical field or economics field and education field)
Elements/Components of the Curriculum (what constitutes or what
form part of it)
1. Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives e.g.
A.Aims of primary Education
 Provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, values essential to the
child development growth that contributes to change and
development of the society;
 Provide learning experiences which increase the child’s awareness of
and responsiveness to the changes in the society;
 Promote work experiences in preparing learners for honest and gainful
B. Aims of Secondary Education
Continue to promote the objectives of elementary education;
Discover the different aptitudes and interests of students and equip
them with skills that can prepare them for tertiary schooling
C. Aims of Tertiary Education
Provide general education programs which will promote national
identity, (cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual vigour
(force, strength or energy)
Train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national
development; (vocational Agriculture, engineers, doctors etc. )
 Train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for
national development;
 Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the
nation; and
 Provide Advance knowledge through research and
 Apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human
life and respond effectively to changing society.
2. Curriculum Content or Subject Matter
A.Subject-centered view of curriculum
 Contents should be selected to allow creativities of human
knowledge because the present knowledge represents the
repository of accumulated discoveries and inventions of
man down the centuries, due to man’s exploration of the
 subject matter for the curriculum Relates knowledge to the
individual’s personal and social world
B. When selecting subject matter what are Criteria used in
• Self-sufficiency
appropriate teaching effort and educational resources, less
learner’s effort but more results
effective learning outcomes
• Significance
Contribute to basic ideas to achieve overall aim of
curriculum, develop learning skills.
• Validity
meaningful to the learner based on maturity, prior
experience, and communities
• Utility
Usefulness of the content either for the present or the future.
• Learnability
Within the range of the experience of the learners( not
compes not so shallow
• Feasibility
Can be learned within the time allowed, resources available,
expertise of the teacher, nature of learner
4. Curriculum Experience
a. Instructional strategies and methods in curriculum will link
to past curriculum experiences,
b. Teaching strategies/approach convert the written
curriculum to instruction of the curriculum.
5. Curriculum Evaluation
a) To be effective all curricula must have an element of
b) Curriculum evaluation refers to the formal determination
of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program,
process and product of the curriculum.
Curriculum Development
• The concept Curriculum Development means a continuous
process, a never ending process of planning, designing,
developing and implanting of instructional learning to
achieve the desired goals and objectives aimed for the
students in a societies.
•The outcome of curriculum teaching is known through
students achieving and learning as part of curriculum
• The assessment of goals and objectives of a curriculum is done on the
basis of change that happened in holistic being of the students, it can
be trough behaviors, attitudes, knowledge or competencies achieved
by the individuals or group of people

Process of Curriculum Development for the schools

• process implies a wide range of education, concerning learning
experiences, taken by or (due to) different factors at different levels,
politicians, experts and teachers: at the national, state, local, school
and also international levels. In some cases, the curriculum
development process proceeds from the top-down wards.
• Very important that during the process the curriculum should be
defined through the following phase:
presented to the teachers
presented to teachers
adopted by teachers
The curriculum embraced (assimilated) by the by learners and
The evaluated curriculum by expect
• In some other cases, the curriculum development process proceeds
from the bottom-upwards (a bottom-up process). In this case four
different phases can be identified:
What the society or the parents want;
Responses provided by teachers in the schools;
Collection of these responses and the effort to identify some
common aspects; (learners not passing English)
The development of common standard and evaluation; (agrees on
mechanism to solve such problem) what is your contribution
towards poor performance in English)
Scope of curriculum
• The scope is therefore very comprehensive. It touches all
aspects of the life of the pupils- the need, interest of the
pupils, environment which should be educationally congenial
friendly) to them, ways in which their interests can be
handled the procedures and approaches which cause
effective learning among them, the social efficiency of the
individuals and how they fit in with the community around. It
is related with the individual as a member of the society

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