Rudiments of Music

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Rudiments of


Music is written on a staff that has

five lines and four spaces.
Each line and space indicates
a tone.
Ledger Line

Ledger Line is used to extend the staff

to pitches that fall above or below it.
Bar Line

The Staff is divided into measures

by bar lines.

Clef               Bar Line     Bar Line    Bar Line 

Double bar line:
Used to separate two sections of

Bold double bar line:

Used to indicate the conclusion of a
movement or an entire composition.

Dotted bar line:

Subdivides long measures of complex
meter into shorter segments for ease
of reading, usually according to
natural rhythmic subdivisions.
The letter names of the lines are
E, G, B, D, F. It's easily remembered by
the sentence:
Every  Good Boy Does Fine

E            G              B            D              F

The letter names of the spaces from the
bottom up spell FACE.

F              A              C             E

Clefs are written at the beginning of the staff.

Two Kinds of Clefs:

G Clef F Clef

When these two clefs combined together

these make a GRAND STAFF.
Parts of a NOTE:
4 Beats

2 Beats

1 Beat

½ Beat
¼ Beat

1/8 Beat

1/32 Beat
Accidentals modify the pitch of the notes that follow
them on the same staff position within a measure, unless
cancelled by an additional accidental.

Flat-Lowers the pitch of a note by one


Double Flat-Lowers the pitch of a note by

two chromatic semitones.
Natural-Cancels a previous accidental,
or modifies the pitch of a sharp or flat as
defined by the prevailing key signature.

Sharp-Raises the pitch of a note by one


Double Sharp- Raises the pitch of a

note by two chromatic semitones.
Key Signature
Key signatures define the prevailing key of
the music that follows, thus avoiding the use of
accidentals for many notes.
Flat key signature:
Lowers by a semitone the pitch of notes
on the corresponding line or space, and
all octaves thereof, thus defining the
prevailing major or minor key.

Sharp key signature:

Raises by a semitone the pitch of notes
on the corresponding line or space, and
all octaves thereof, thus defining the
prevailing major or minor key.
Time Signature
Indicate how the measure will be divided
into beats, the top number is how many beats are in
the measure and the bottom number is what kind of
note gets a beat.

4/4 time - divides measure into 4 beats.

3/4 time - divides measure into 3 beats.
2/4 time - divides measure into 2 beats.
Dynamics are indicators of the relative
intensity or volume of a musical line.
Extremely soft. Very infrequently does one see
softer dynamics than this, which are specified with
additional ps.

Very soft. Usually the softest indication in
a piece of music, though softer dynamics
are often specified with additional ps.

Soft. Usually the most often used indication
Mezzo piano
Literally, half as soft as piano.

Mezzo forte
Similarly, half as loud as forte. If no dynamic
appears, mezzo-forte is assumed to be the
prevailing dynamic level.

Loud. Used as often as
piano to indicate contrast.
Very loud. Usually the loudest indication in a
piece, though louder dynamics are often
specified with additional fs.

Extremely loud. Very infrequently does one see
louder dynamics than this, which are specified
with additional fs.

Literally "forced", denotes an abrupt, fierce
accent on a single sound or chord. When written
out in full, it applies to the sequence of sounds or
chords under or over which it is placed
A gradual increase in volume.
Can be extended under many notes to indicate
that the volume steadily increases during the

Also decrescendo
A gradual decrease in volume. Can be extended
in the same manner as crescendo.

A section of music in which the music should
initially be played loudly (forte), then immediately
softly (piano).
The End !!

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