Multiverse Theory and Time Travel

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The key takeaways are that time travel and the multiverse theory are linked, and time travel may be possible through wormholes, black holes or exceeding the speed of light.

The different possibilities of time travel discussed are traveling faster than the speed of light, through wormholes/warpholes, and near black holes.

Some key aspects of Einstein's theory of relativity discussed are that time depends on speed and gravity can bend time, and his theories of special and general relativity.

Multiverse Theory and Time Travel

The way to get started is to

quit talking and begin
Walt Disney


Topic one : Time Travel

Topic two : Time Travel Paradox
Topic three : About Multiverse & its Theory
Topic four : Time Travel and Multiverse theory relation


According to multiverse time travel, when a time traveller

travels back in time, they don't arrive in the past of their
universe (that is, the universe from which they came). Rather,
the act of their travelling back locates them in a parallel
Time Travel and Multiverse theory are linked together in time

Topic One

Time Travel
What is Time Travel ?
• Time travel is the concept of movement
between certain points in time, analogous to
movement between different points
in space by an object or a person, typically
with the use of a hypothetical device known
as a time machine. Nature also allowed us
Time Travel through Warmhole, Blackhole,
Crossing speed of light(theoretically)."

What is Time ?
• Most people think time is constant.
• Physicist Albert Einstein showed that it was
merely an illusion.
• Time depending on one's speed through
• Einstein declared time as the fourth
dimension. Time only provides the
coordinate direction, which only moves

Einstein's Theory of Special & General
• Einstein's theory of special relativity describes that
the speed of time depends on how fast you are
moving relative to something else
• Ex. If someone in a spaceship flies around the
earth at the speed of light, that person would age
much slower than a person back on earth
• Theory of general relativity states that gravity can
bend time.

Possibilities of Time Travel
One possibility of traveling back in time
would be to travel even faster than the speed
of light, but even then it is shown in Einstein's
equations that one's mass & length must
infinitely be 0. However, other scientists are
optimistic about that it may be done.

WORMHOLE a shortcut connecting two separate
points in spacetime that could connect extremely far
distances such as a billion light years or more, in
theory, different points in time.

Time travel through Warmholes
• Create a wormhole between different points in space time.
• Space-time is a four-dimensional fabric that when bent, causes gravity.
• But wormholes collapse fairly quickly & would only work for tiny particles.
• Technology to even create a wormhole goes beyond anything we have today

Time travel through Black Holes

• A black hole is a large amount of matter squeezed into a small area; its gravitational
pull is so strong that even light can't escape from it .

• Fly a spaceship quickly around the black hole to make the big rotating structure

• Would have to travel at the speed of light for this method to work

• But some physicist claimed that the machine used for time travel can fall apart for the gravitational
pull of the blackhole.
• This picture shows that how light bend near a blackhole for strong gravitational pool.

Time Machine

A machine in which people or objects can be transported into the past or the future.
Though, at present it's only exists in science fiction stories & movies. If a true time
machine would ever invented, it can only travel forward not backward. Because if it is
capable to travel back in past, it may create some inconsistent loop(paradox). Which
physics doesn't allowed.
Topic Two

Time Travel Paradox

What is paradox ?
• A temporal paradox, time paradox, or time travel paradox is a paradox, an
apparent contradiction, or logical contradiction associated with the idea of time
and time travel. The notion of time travel to the future complies with current
understanding of physics via relativistic time dilation, temporal paradoxes arise from
circumstances involving hypothetical time travel to the past and are often used to
demonstrate its impossibility. In physics, temporal paradoxes fall into two broad
groups: consistency paradoxes exemplified by the grandfather paradox; and causal
loops. Other paradoxes associated with time travel are a variation of the Fermi
paradox and paradoxes of free will that stem from causal loops such as Newcomb's

Casual Loop
• A causal loop is a paradox of time travel that occurs
when a future event is the cause of a past event,
which in turn is the cause of the future event. Both
events then exist in spacetime, but their origin
cannot be determined. A causal loop may involve
an event, a person or object, or information. The
terms boot-strap paradox, predestination paradox
or ontological paradox are sometimes used in
fiction to refer to a causal loop

Grandfather Paradox
• The consistency paradox or grandfather paradox occurs when the past is changed in any way, thus creating a
contradiction. A common example given is travelling to the past and intervening with the conception of one's
ancestors (such as causing the death of the parent beforehand), thus affecting the conception of oneself. If the time
traveller were not born, then it would not be possible for them to undertake such an act in the first place. Therefore,
the ancestor lives to offspring the time traveller's next-generation ancestor, and eventually the time traveller. There is
thus no predicted outcome to this. Consistency paradoxes occur whenever changing the past is possible. A possible
resolution is that a time traveller can do anything that did happen, but cannot do anything that did not happen.
• Doing something that did not happen results in a contradiction. This is referred to as the Novikov self-consistency

Newcomb’s Paradox
• Newcomb's paradox is a thought experiment showing an apparent contradiction between
the expected utility principle and the strategic dominance principle. The thought experiment is
often extended to explore causality and free will by allowing for "perfect predictors": if perfect
predictors of the future exist, for example if time travel exists as a mechanism for making perfect
predictions, then perfect predictions appear to contradict free will because decisions apparently
made with free will are already known to the perfect predictor.

General Relativity
• Consideration of the possibility of backward time travel in a hypothetical universe
described by a Gödel metric led famed logician Kurt Gödel to assert that time might
itself be a sort of illusion. He suggests something along the lines of the block
time view, in which time is just another dimension like space, with all events at all
times being fixed within this four-dimensional "block"

Quantum Physics
• Some physicists, such as Daniel Greenberger, and David Deutsch, have proposed that quantum theory allows for time travel where the past must be
self-consistent. Deutsch argues that quantum computation with a negative delay—backward time travel—produces only self-consistent solutions,
and the chronology-violating region imposes constraints that are not apparent through classical reasoning. In 2014, researchers published a
simulation validating Deutsch's model with photons. Deutsch uses the terminology of "multiple universes" in his paper in an effort to express the
quantum phenomena, but notes that this terminology is unsatisfactory. Others have taken this to mean that "Deutschian" time travel involves the time
traveller emerging in a different universe, which avoids the grandfather paradox.

• The interacting-multiple-universes approach is a variation of Everett's many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics. It involves time
travellers arriving in a different universe than the one from which they came; it has been argued that, since travellers arrive in a different universe's
history and not their own history, this is not "genuine" time travel. Stephen Hawking has argued that even if the MWI is correct, we should expect
each time traveller to experience a single self-consistent history, so that time travellers remain within their own world rather than travelling to a
different one. Allen Everett argued that Deutsch's approach "involves modifying fundamental principles of quantum mechanics; it certainly goes
beyond simply adopting the MWI", and that even if Deutsch's approach is correct, it would imply that any macroscopic object composed of multiple
particles would be split apart when traveling back in time, with different particles emerging in different worlds.

• However, it was shown in an article by Tolksdorf and Verch that Deutsch's CTC self-consistency condition can be fulfilled to arbitrary precision in any
quantum system described according to relativistic quantum field theory on spacetimes where CTCs are excluded, casting doubts on whether
Deutsch's condition is really characteristic of quantum processes mimicking CTCs in the sense of general relativity. In a later article, the same
authors have shown that Deutsch's CTC fixed point condition can also be fulfilled in any system subject to the laws of classical statistical mechanics,
even if it is not built up by quantum systems. The authors conclude that hence, Deutsch's condition is not specific to quantum physics, nor does it
depend on the quantum nature of a physical system so that it can be fulfilled. In consequence, Tolksdorf and Verch further conclude that Deutsch's
condition isn't sufficiently specific to allow statements about time travel scenarios or their hypothetical realization by quantum physics, and that
Deutsch's attempt to explain the possibility of his proposed time-travel scenario using the many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics is
misleading. 19

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What is Multiverse ?
• It is a theory that says that out there may be other universes making multi universe.
So out there are universes that are maybe just like our Earth or totally different. We
can't see them because they are beyond our universe for which we also don't know
where it ends. Scientists are not really sure, but there is still a lot to be discovered.
And many physicists believe that this theory is possible. Parallel universes began
with the Big bang that made our universe too.

May be this is our


Maybe this is universe

which also has a planet
where people live.

The other theory is about more big bangs that possibly happened before and are still happening and will in the
future. They would probably happen and they probably happened because of ETERNAL INFLATION. However, if we
go back in the past we see that the theory of big bang doesn't tell us nothing. As there is no proof that big bang
even happened (why, how, what was before...)

BIG BANG - the beginning of everything. Many scientists believe that this unique event isn't unique
Even if they cannot prove, scientists started asking what if big bang did not make just our universe, but
hundreds more of them which could be just like ours, but maybe with some differences.

Another Universe, Another You & Me
• If this theory is right other universes may have the same heliocentric system and the same
planets like ours. For example, there is a planet just like our Earth, but with small differences.
Maybe the other Earth has rings like Saturn - totally different or exactly the same. So if there is
another Earth and that Earth is populated by humans, what if there is another you and me and
everyone else, but are we just like here and are having the same hobbies and living in the
same country? For example: here on earth is a very famous actor that everyone knows him,
but in other universe he is just an ordinary human or he is a composer or he is already dead.
Just imagine what could you be somewhere out there in outer space in other universe.

• Usually when we discuss multiverse we mention inflation. So inflation is part of the Big bang. And
when it happened, the universe rapidly expanded. Inflation lasted only
0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds (10 seconds) after the start time. In this
really short time universe increased by more than 100-times.
• In 1983, it was shown that inflation could be eternal, leading to a multiverse in which space is
broken up into bubbles or patches whose properties differ from patch to patch spanning all physical

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• STRING THEORY: Physicists think that all The eternal inflation, dark energy and string theory
make multiverse theory possible and where all the
elementary particles, one- dimensional loops or universes would be different. Some have neither
strings vibrate at a different frequency. Vibration light nor matter, but because the possibilities are
then determine what the particle will be. String endless (10500), there is an option that there is or
are universes just like ours. While we have not seen
Theory would potentially become sought after a these universes we cannot abandon this theory.
universal theory of everything. So if string theory
would be true it would bring together quantum
DARK ENERGY: Dark energy is in physical
world, everything that we know about universe cosmology and astronomy unknown energy that is
and time. However, there still is a problem. String causing accelerated expansion of universe. It is the
widely accepted explanation of observations of the
theory can only work if there are 10 or eleven
nineties, which suggest that the universe is
dimensions. Six or seven small spatial and three expanding rapidly. In space there is 26.8% of dark
large spatial dimensions and time. And because matter, 68.3% of dark energy and 4.9% of ordinary
we cannot detect anything so small, for once we
can't place it in the background..
Multiverse Theory’s Problem :
• So the biggest problem is that there is no prove that multiverse is real. One of the problems is
space traveling because we would die of age on way to there. Let's say that we know that
multiverse is real and we would like to visit one of them. However, we don't know how. And
after thinking about that we come to an idea - Einstein's theory about travelling with light speed
(it says that human being wouldn't get old because our cells wouldn't be able to get used). So
maybe we could invent travelling with light speed and our So, we could land in other universe.
Maybe some universes are so totally different that we would die if we would like to go in those.
Until we invent possible way of travelling it will pass many years.
• After all those problems, multiverse is one of the most interesting theories. As I said if it is real
and if someday we will be able to detect it, it will be the most important discovery in our
human history.

• The Multiverse theory hasn't been solved jet. It is a theory about infinite number of
other universes which could exist, but are invisible to us. It is one of many theories
with which the physicists have faced, but it is also still one of the most interesting
ones. So other universes could happen with our big bang or eternal inflation. At first
some physicists said that this can't be true that it is the dead end of physics, but
now there are many of them which agree and support the idea.

Topic 4 :

Time Travel And Multiverse Theory Relation

An Example to Solve Grandfather Paradox
Yes its possible. By multiverse time traveling paradoxes can be solved.

If Multiverse exist then you can go in past to kill your grandfather in other universe. There you
kill your grandfather and your existence will not be vanished. Because he is not your
grandfather in this universe. But the existence of the other you of that universe will be in
danger. And he might also get vanished.
Then you'll be only one in that universe so even there will be no predestination paradox.
And then you can returned to your original universe after killing your grandfather.

Actually what is time travel
• Time travel means we are travelling from one universe to another parallel universe.
• Ex - At 5:00pm, in your laboratory, you get into your time machine and travel back one hour, to
4:00pm. You set your machine to arrive on the rooftop of a nearby shoe factory. From this
vantage point, you are able to discreetly observe your duplicate in her lab as she prepares to
make a similar journey. At 4:30pm you get back into your machine and travel back one hour
again, to 3:30pm. This time, you arrive on the balcony of a nearby penthouse suite which
discretely overlooks the rooftop of the shoe factory. You sit and wait until 4:00pm, observing the
rooftop of the shoe factory.
• You depart Universe 1 at 5:00pm from your lab
• You arrive in Universe 2 at 4:00pm on the factory rooftop
• You arrive in Universe 3 at 3:30pm on the penthouse balcony
• You observe the factory rooftop in Universe 3 at 4:00pm from the penthouse balcony
Some real life examples of Time Travel
• The man from Taured.
• On a hot afternoon in July 1954, a man arrived at the Haneda airport, also known as the Tokyo International Airport. Described to
be a Caucasian man with a beard, this man is known to have been French but he was pretty fluent in other languages as well,
including Japanese. Now, there are a couple of versions to the story. Some say that the man handed over his passport to be
stamped by the Japanese immigration officials when the officers realised that while the passport seemed perfectly fine, the
country where it was issued - "Taured" -  did not exist in real life!
• the man mentioned that he was from Taured, and when the officers didn't believe him, he showed his passport. Either way, the
man tried his best to convince the officers that Taured, does, in fact, exist in real life. He claimed that it was located in between
France and Spain. He claimed that his hometown wasn't new either and said it had been around for the last 1000 years!
Eventually, when the man was shown a world map, he pointed to the area which is currently the principality of Andorra. He
genuinely seemed confused as to why the authorities were hell bent on calling this place Andorra. Eventually, the immigration
officers arrested the man on suspicions of being a criminal. To interrogate him further and figure what in god's name was going
on, he was shifted to a hotel nearby. Two guards were positioned outside his room. But guess what happened when they went to
check on the man the next day? Poof! Vanished. There were no signs of his escape. Even the documents he was carrying with him
which could've been used as evidence of this man's existence, disappeared as well. 

• The man who travelled back in time to become a Wall Street scam artist.
• On 28th of January, 2003, a certain Andrew Carlssin was arrested and detained by the police for insider
trading at the Wall Street. It's insane really. Over a two-week period in the stock market, Andrew went from
having $800 to making, wait for this, $350 million. It's like whatever he invested in turned into gold. It is
nearly impossible to make the kind of profits he did. He was arrested by the cops on the allegation that he
must have had illegal insider information. But when asked why and how he did this, the cops weren't really
expecting what Andrew had to say. He claimed to be a man from the year 2256. Since he was from the future,
he knew exactly how the stocks were going to perform. Obviously, the cops thought this guy was chatting
utter rubbish. But get this, soon after he was released on bail, the man disappeared from the face of this Earth
and even after repeated attempts, he couldn't be found. Was he telling the truth? Who knows, but get this -
Carlssin predicted the exact date of the US invasion of Iraq.

• On November 2, 2000, a man using the handle “TimeTravel_0” posted on an internet message board claiming to be a
time traveler from the year 2036. He said his name was John Titor, and he wrote about the dystopian future from
which he came; a time of war, famine, and destruction.
• He warned that his future was also our future, suggesting we prepare by stockpiling weapons and food. He also explained
how his time machine works, offering up diagrams of the device. The year is 2036. Sixteen years after a surprise nuclear
strike by the Russians in 2015, the United States infrastructure has collapsed. Factions of survivors have attempted to
rehabilitate the country, struggling to make their lives in a place that now resembles a modern version of the Old West. In
John’s future, time travel is a reality. The technology was developed at CERN in Switzerland years earlier and is mainly used
for military purposes. This led to the formation of the 177th Temporal Reconnaissance Unit, of which John eventually
becomes a member.
• He is assigned his first mission: travel back in time to the year 1975 to recover the world’s first portable computer; the IBM
5100. This particular model features a hidden quirk; an ability to “speak” multiple code languages, one of which was useful
to those attempting to rebuild the US infrastructure in 2036. The reason John was chosen for this mission was a personal one;
his grandfather was the lead engineer of the small team responsible for building the IBM 5100.

• With some help from his grandfather, John completes his mission and successfully retrieves the computer.
On his way back to the future, he decides to stop over in the year 2000 to visit his mother, Kay Titor, and
retrieve some personal artifacts and warn his family of the wars to come. It’s in this time that John reached
out via the internet and began to tell his story. For most, the fact that there was no nuclear strike by the
Russians in 2015 or a second American civil war suggests that John’s story was not real. For true believers,
the fact that his vision of the future did not come to pass simply suggests that John’s presence in our timeline
altered our future, stopping or delaying the inevitable nuclear war. From the moment John made his first
public post, an eclectic group of characters have been slowly pulled into his story, becoming part of a
complex and unusual mystery that for some might seem trivial. But to those who follow the word of John
Titor , these interactions are proof that time travel is real and that our future is in jeopardy. Now, 20 years
after his initial posts, John Titor’s story is even more relevant. With reports of Russian interference in the
American presidential election and tensions rising under Donald Trump’s White House, John’s predictions
of a second civil war and a surprise nuclear strike are being reconsidered by those who follow him.

Thank You
Presenter : Name B Nikesh Krishna
Class : XI - A
Email Address : [email protected]


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