PAD350 - Chapter 1
PAD350 - Chapter 1
PAD350 - Chapter 1
sustainable development
o Definition of sustainable development
o Objectives of sustainable development
o Importance of sustainable development
o Sustainable Development from Western
and Islamic Perspective
At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark noted: "This agreement
marks an important milestone in putting our world on an inclusive and sustainable course. If we all
work together, we have a chance of meeting citizens’ aspirations for peace, prosperity, and wellbeing,
and to preserve our planet. The Sustainable Development Goals will now finish the job of the MDGs,
and ensure that no one is left behind.
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable
future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty,
inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all
interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by
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Goal 1: No Poverty Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Economic growth must be inclusive to provide The food and agriculture sector offers key
sustainable jobs and promote equality. solutions for development, and is central
for hunger and poverty eradication
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Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being Goal 4: Quality Education
Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being
improving people’s lives and sustainable
for all at all ages is essential to sustainable
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Goal 5: Gender Equality Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human Clean, accessible water for all is an essential
right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, part of the world we want to live in.
prosperous and sustainable world.
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Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Energy is central to nearly every major Sustainable economic growth will require societies to
challenge and opportunity. create the conditions that allow people to have
quality jobs.
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Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in
principle, paying attention to the needs of
Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving
disadvantaged and marginalized populations.
sustainable development.
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Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and
Communities Production
There needs to be a future in which cities provide Responsible Production and Consumption
opportunities for all, with access to basic services,
energy, housing, transportation and more.
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Goal 13: Climate Action Goal 14: Life Below Water
Climate change is a global challenge that affects Careful management of this essential global
everyone, everywhere. resource is a key feature of a sustainable
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Goal 15: Life on Land Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, Institutions
halt and reverse land degradation, halt Access to justice for all, and building effective,
biodiversity loss accountable institutions at all levels
Goal 17: Partnerships
Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
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Provides essential human needs Agricultural requirement
The explosion of population means people will have to scramble for Agriculture must catch up. If same unsustainable cultivation,
the limited life essentials like food, shelter, and water. Adequate planting, irrigation, spraying, and harvesting techniques are utilized
provision of these basic needs almost entirely hinges on in the future, they might prove to be financially burdening
infrastructure capable of sustaining them for a long time. considering fossil fuel resources are projected to run out.
Manage climate change . Financial stability
Climate change can be mitigated by sustainable development Sustainable development practices have the ability to create more
practices seek to reduce the use of fossil-based sources of fuel financially sustainable economies across the globe. Developing
countries that can’t access fossil fuels can leverage renewable forms
like oil, natural gas, and coal. Fossil fuel sources of energy are
of energy to power their economies. From the development of
unsustainable since they will deplete in the future and are
renewable energy technologies, these countries can create
responsible for the emission of greenhouse gasses. sustainable jobs as opposed to limited jobs based on fossil fuel
Sustain Biodiversity
Unsustainable development and overconsumption practices greatly impact biodiversity.
Life ecosystem is designed in such a way that species depend on one another for
survival. For instance, plants produce oxygen that humans need for respiration. Humans
exhale carbon dioxide that plants need for growth and production. Unsustainable
development practices like emission of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere kill many
plant species resulting in reduction of atmospheric oxygen. This is not good for humans.
Sustainable development practices encourage the use of renewable energy resources,
and organic farming practices that do not emit any greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.
Sustainable Development from Islamic perspective
1. Environmental Sustainability And Islam
Environment is the complex of physical, chemical and biotic factors that act upon an
organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival
(Homer and Thomas, 1999 cited in Muinul, 2004). It encompasses natural resources
like soil, flora, fauna, water, air and light that affect living organism.
Human being is central to development activities. Socially, human beings are created
collective in nature consisting of males and females, tribes and nations with the purpose of
getting to know each other. However Islam recognizes that the best among them is the
most pious to his Creator-Allah the Almighty (Al-Quran, 49:13). This serves as an
underlying principle of the Islamic social construct that involve human relationship with the
Sustainable Development from Islamic perspective
3. Economic Sustainability And Islam
1. Muslims are religiously bound to manage and prosper the earth under the
‘contract’ of vicegerency (khalifah);