BU7411 International Marketing: Ash Trzebiatowski A.trzebiatowski@chester - Ac.uk

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International Marketing

Ash Trzebiatowski
[email protected]
Agenda for this session:
• Assignment briefing
• Assignment deep dive
• Q&A
M o d ul e
i g nm e nt
• 4,000 word portfolio – 100% weighting
• Due – before 12pm on 9th June 2023
• Submission via turn it in
b re a k i t
L e t’s
d ow n . .
Summary !!
1. Introduction (approx. 100 words)
2. International Market Research and Country Analysis / Market
Entry Strategy (approx. 1400 words)
3. Customer/cultural Analysis (approx. 1,100 words)
4. International marketing mix strategy (approx. 1,100 words)
5. Conclusion (approx. 300 words)
Introduction (approx. 100 words)
Section 1

Introduce the context and purpose of the portfolio. Remember the

readers already know about the organisation. Manage your word
limit wisely here.

• A short background to the organisation and product to provide

• Consider key internal factors such as company size; international
experience, brand power etc.
• Clearly identify the intended international market (country).
International Market Research and
Section 2 Country Analysis / Market Entry
Strategy (approx. 1400 words)

• You will need to assess the international market environment using

appropriate online resources to identify and critically evaluate any
important contemporary marketing related risks and opportunities.
• Use these researched insights and wider academic reading to inform
discussion into the organisation’s market entry strategy, clearly analysing
two international market entry method choices and recommendations.
International Market Research and
Section 2 Country Analysis / Market Entry
Strategy (approx. 1400 words)
• Use credible online sources (use the UoC e-library and online resources) to
research the international target market environment. Critically analyse the key
issues. How attractive is that market?
• Evaluate the impact of the above issues on the various market entry related
decisions required by the international marketer, when selecting and entering
that new international market.
• You should identify, analyse and justify the most suitable market entry method
based on the assessment of at least 2 different market entry methods.
• Underpin your discussion using relevant academic reading around market entry
• Support your recommendations with suitable industry examples
• Keep a customer (not HR/staff) focus.
Customer Level Cross-cultural Research
Section 3 and Analysis (approx. 1,100 words)

• As well as any macro level challenges and opportunities,

your team also requires an in-depth customer level
• This should identify the ideal target customer for the
product there and help your team to understand the
impact of relevant cross-cultural issues that the company
may face in that new international market, compared to its
home market (or one of its existing ones).
• Application of relevant customer-oriented cross-cultural
theory will help you to frame this.
Customer Level Cross-cultural Research
Section 3 and Analysis (approx. 1,100 words)

 Identify key cross-cultural differences and similarities relevant to the product in

evaluating marketing opportunities and challenges.

 Apply relevant customer-oriented cultural theory to frame your cultural analysis of your
chosen target country/customer (eg. Hofstede; Trompenaar; Schwartz; Sarathy &
Terpstra’s Cultural Framework; Hall & Hall, etc…). This will demonstrate conceptual and
theoretical knowledge and understanding adding credibility to your report.

 Do not use HR/organisational cultural theory or this will impact on your grade!

 Ensure your ideas are marketing-oriented rather than taking a broader business focus.

 Your portfolio should clearly identify a target customer profile.

Impact of cross cultural issues on
international marketing mix strategy
Section 4 (approx. 1,100 words)

•Apply your market and customer level cultural and behavioural insights to critically
analyse their impact on the international marketing mix strategy of your product there to
justify strategic adaptation recommendations regarding the marketing mix elements.
 Critically apply relevant academic literature and marketing mix related theory to
demonstrate your conceptual knowledge and understanding.

 Justify ideas using researched cultural evidence

 Support your recommendations with suitable industry examples

 You should use Appendices for supporting analysis.

 Do not mechanically go through each ‘P’ merely describing operational suggestions. This
part should apply your researched insights to justify longer term strategic ideas
regarding adaptation of international marketing mix strategy.
Impact of cross cultural issues on
international marketing mix strategy
Section 4 (approx. 1,100 words)

Thinking strategically. You may find the following guidance helpful:

o International Promotion Strategy –which theory might help frame your analysis?
Consider the cultural impacts on the brand message and how it should be positioned
in the target country. Should the message be encoded differently? Should the same
mix of marcom methods be used? Why?
o International Place Strategy - show the link between your cultural findings and
specific place strategy decisions. Where should the product be sold, and is this
distribution channel different to the home market? How available should it be made?
Might this affect the product positioning?
o International Product Strategy – Show academic reading around product concept.
Consider the various ‘layers’ to the product offer (Kotler?) to help frame your analysis
of any adaptations needed due to cultural issues.
Conclusion (approx. 300 words)
Section 5
The concluding section of the main body of the portfolio should provide clear
rationale of whether that market is attractive to pursue, or not.

Appendices Appendices (not part of word count,

but quality will be assessed)

Your portfolio should be supported by Appendices at the end which contain

relevant supporting evidence of appropriate research into the international
market environment and analysis to support the discussion within the Main
Academic Research Skills

 Use the recommended online and library resources to research your chosen
company and its international market environment
 Aim to show your practical (researched) and theoretical conceptual
marketing knowledge by supporting your ideas with referenced evidence
and wider academic reading (using Appendices appropriately).
 Correctly cite your references (APA) within the main body and in References
 Email Study Skills team [email protected] for help with your academic
writing or referencing skills; or English for Academic Purposes (for
International students).
Professional Presentation

Aim to demonstrate your professionalism – take care to present

your portfolio logically and in a report style format; include a
detailed reference list (which must conform to APA style) which
appears before the appropriately referenced Appendices section
(at the end of the portfolio); Appendices should contain relevant
evidence (sources) and demonstrate note-taking skills of key
journal articles and/or texts.
Task !!
With the person next to you, or in small groups, discuss the
following points and make notes.
1. Which company you are considering focusing on for the
2. Potential new international markets for your chosen
3. Why you believe this company could be marketed internationally
Task !!
• We have put together worksheets to be completed in class
• These are relevant activities you can use to help you approach
the assignment
• By working through these activities during this session, you have
the opportunity to ask any questions which may come up!
• This session will also help you to fully understand what is
required for the assignment.
e e B re ak
Co ff
Thank you!!

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