Essential Transferable Skills PP.

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Essential Skills and Attributes

• What are they?

• Why are they important to me?

• How can I develop them?

Developing Essential Skills and Attributes through Family and Adult Learning
What are Skills?

A skill is the ability to perform an action.

There are lots of different words for skills and approaches

Employability Skills Key Skills Enterprise Skills Life Skills

Foundation Skills 21st Century Skills Basic Skills

Transferrable Skills Soft Skills Core Skills

but they can be categorised into three main types………..

Basic Skills: 
literacy and numeracy, and basic digital skills.

Vocational /Technical Skills: 

Specific to a particular sector or role and are not easily transferred beyond the
sector or role e.g. bricklaying, data analysis.

Essential Skills: 
• Highly transferable skills that everyone needs in everyday life and to do any job
• Can be applied to a wide range of different situations at work and in life i.e. portable
Essential Transferrable Skills
Everyone needs them to succeed - whatever their path in life

The Skills Builder Partnership* - have broken them down into eight critical areas

These are also what employers regard as the most important skills when recruiting their staff
The ability to listen and The oral transmission of information
understand information. or ideas.

The ability to find a solution to a The use of imagination and the

complex situation or challenge. generation of new ideas.

The ability to use tactics to The ability to set clear, tangible

overcome setbacks and achieve goals + devise a robust route to
goals. achieving them.

Supporting, encouraging and Working cooperatively with others

motivating others to achieve a towards achieving a shared goal.
shared goal.
What are attributes?
Attributes are qualities that you have naturally.
They are part of your character and shape your behaviour e.g. adaptability, honesty.

A skill can be taught but your attributes cannot, but you can definitely develop them.

The four key attributes most valued in our area are:-

Confidence Tolerance Independence Resilience

- being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or the future

- willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your
own, although you might not agree with or approve of them

- being able to do things for yourself and make your own decisions,
without help or influence from other people

- being able to recover quickly from difficulties

Essential skills and attributes - Why Important?
• Essential Skills are valuable for any job, no matter the sector

• Lack of experience isn’t always a barrier to getting a job

• Employers look for potential i.e. people who can demonstrate a good set of transferable skills

• You can show your potential in an interview by demonstrating your essential skills

Your mix of skills helps you to show your flexibility and stand out from the crowd

You already have these skills – you’ve developed them to some extent throughout your life, at school, at home
and in your social life, as well as through any experience in the workplace.

How you can develop your skills and attributes
You will be developing them even more on your course, together with your course skills.
This won’t create any extra work other than identifying when you are working on them.
Your tutor will guide you, starting with a short self assessment to help you monitor your progress.

You will be pleasantly surprised, following your course you’ll discover that you have more skills than
you think!

Developing Essential Skills and Attributes through Family and Adult Learning
 Essential Transferrable Skills
4 Themes 8 Skills Development Examples

Listening Listen and evaluate other perspectives

Communication Speaking Speak clearly in a discussion. Present info to a group

Problem solving Complete tasks. Explore problems and solutions. Implement

plans/ actions
Creative Problem
Solving Creativity Develop creative and innovative ideas

Leadership Encourage others to contribute effectively to shared goal

skills Teamwork Take part in an activity involving shared goals

Staying Positive Keep trying and look for opportunities when things go wrong

Self- Management
Skills Aiming High Set goals and stick at achieving them
Essential Skills and Attributes

You now know more about:

• What they are

• Why they are important

• How you can develop them on your course

A final word …

“..... we focus on hiring people with essential transferable skills – team players who
can pitch in and help others in all sorts of situations. It’s important never to
underestimate the power of versatility.” Richard Branson (2021)

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