WBCs Chap 2

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Resistance of body to infection:

Leukocytes, Granulocytes, the

Monocyte- Macrophage system and

Dr. Sadia Nazir

Associate Professor physiology
• Leukocyte
• Types
• genesis
• Our bodies are exposed continually to
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, the
mouth, the respiratory passageways, the
intestinal tract, the lining membranes of the
eyes, and even the urinary tract.
• Our bodies have a special system for combating
infections. leukocyte work together in two ways
to prevent disease
1. by actually destroying invading bacteria or
viruses by phagocytosis
2. by forming antibodies and sensitized
one or both of which may destroy or
inactivate the invader.
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
• Some leukocytes are formed in the bone
marrow (granulocytes and monocytes and a
few lymphocytes)

• Some are formed in the lymph tissue

(lymphocytes and plasma cells).
Types of White Blood Cells.
1. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils… 62.0 %
2. Polymorphonuclear eosinophils.. 2.3%
3. Polymorphonuclear basophils… 0.4%
4. Monocytes… 5.3%
5. Lymphocytes…. 30.0%
6. Plasma cells … occasionally
• Two major lineages of white blood cells are
formed, the myelocytic and the lymphocytic
• The myelocytic lineage, beginning with the
myeloblast  promyelocyte myelocyte
metamyelocyte ---> mature form

• The lymphocytic lineage, beginning with the

lymphoblast prolymphocyte ---> mature
• The granulocytes and monocytes are
formed only in the bone marrow

• Lymphocytes and plasma cells are

produced mainly in the various
lymphogenous tissues-especially the
lymph glands, spleen, thymus, tonsils & in
Peyer's patches in the gut wall.
Total Leukocyte Count

• An adult human has about 7000 – 11,000

WBCs per microliter of blood
Differential leukocyte count
• Normally, about three times as many white
blood cells are stored in the marrow as
circulate in the entire blood. This represents
about a 6-day supply of these cells.
• The life of the granulocytes after being
released from the bone marrow is normally 4
to 8 hours circulating in the blood and another
4 to 5 days in tissues where they are needed.
• The monocytes also have a short transit time, 10
to 20 hours in the blood, before wandering
through the capillary membranes into the tissues.

• Once in the tissues, they swell to much larger

sizes to become tissue macrophages, and, in this
form, can live for months unless destroyed while
performing phagocytic functions.
• Lymphocytes enter the circulatory system from the
lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissue

• After a few hours, they pass out of the blood back into
the tissues by diapedesis and then return to the blood

• The lymphocytes have life spans of weeks or months;

this life span depends on the body's need for these
1. White Blood Cells Enter the Tissue Spaces by

• Neutrophils and monocytes can squeeze

through the pores of the blood capillaries by
2. White Blood Cells Move Through Tissue Spaces by
Ameboid Motion.

• Both neutrophils and macrophages can move

through the tissues by ameboid motion.

• Some cells move at velocities as great as

40μm/min, a distance as great as their own length
each minute.
3. White Blood Cells Are Attracted to
Inflamed Tissue Areas by Chemotaxis
Many different chemical substances in the tissues cause both
neutrophils and macrophages to move toward the source of the

• When a tissue becomes inflamed, at least a dozen different

products are formed there to cause chemotaxis like:

a) Bacterial or viral toxins

b) Degenerative products of inflamed tissues
c) Products of “complement complex” activated in inflamed tissues
d) several reaction products caused by plasma clotting in inflamed
• chemotaxis depends on the concentration gradient of the
chemotactic substance.

• The concentration is greatest near the source,

• which directs the unidirectional movement of the WBCs.

• Chemotaxis is effective up to 100 micrometers away from an inflamed


• Therefore, because almost no tissue area is more than 50

micrometers away from a capillary, the chemotactic signal can easily
move hordes of WBCs from the capillaries into the inflamed area.
4. The most important function of the
neutrophils and macrophages is phagocytosis,
which means cellular ingestion of the offending
• The process of phagocytosis is depends
especially on three selective procedures:

• First, most natural structures in the tissues

have smooth surfaces, which resist
phagocytosis. But if the surface is rough, the
likelihood of phagocytosis is increased
• Second, most natural substances of the body
have protective protein coats that repel the
phagocytes. Conversely, most dead tissues and
foreign particles have no protective coats,
which makes them subject to phagocytosis
• Third, the immune system of the body develops
antibodies against infectious agents such as bacteria.

• The antibodies then adhere to the bacterial

membranes and thereby make the bacteria
especially susceptible to phagocytosis ---

• This process by which a pathogen is selected for

phagocytosis and destruction is called Opsonization.
Phagocytosis by Neutrophils
• On approaching a particle to be phagocytized, the
neutrophil first attaches itself to the particle and then
projects pseudopodia in all directions around the particle.

• The pseudopodia meet one another on the opposite side

and fuse –phagosome

• A single neutrophil can usually phagocytize 3 to 20

bacteria before the neutrophil itself becomes inactivated
and dies.
Phagocytosis by Macrophages.
• Macrophages are the end-stage product of
monocytes that enter the tissues from the

• When activated by the immune system, they

are much more powerful phagocytes than
neutrophils, often capable of phagocytizing as
many as 100 bacteria.
• They also have the ability to engulf much larger
particles, even whole red blood cells or, occasionally,
malarial parasites,

• whereas neutrophils are not capable of phagocytizing

particles much larger than bacteria.

• Also, after digesting particles, macrophages can

extrude the residual products and often survive and
function for many more months
Once Phagocytized, Most Particles Are Digested
by Intracellular Enzymes
• After phagocytosis, lysosomes and other cytoplasmic
granules come in contact with the phagocytic vesicle, and
their membranes fuse, thereby dumping many digestive
enzymes and bactericidal agents into the vesicle.

• Thus, the phagocytic vesicle now becomes a digestive


• Both neutrophils and macrophages contain an

abundance of lysosomes filled with proteolytic enzymes
• The lysosomes of macrophages (but not of
neutrophils) also contain large amounts of
• which digest the thick lipid membranes
possessed by some bacteria such as the
tuberculosis bacillus.
Both Neutrophils and Macrophages Can Kill
• Neutrophils and Macrophages contain
bactericidal agents that kill most bacteria even
when the lysosomal enzymes fail to digest
• This characteristic is especially important
because some bacteria have protective coats
or other factors that prevent their destruction
by digestive enzymes.
• Much of the killing effect results from several powerful
oxidizing agents formed by enzymes in the membrane of the
phagosome or by a special organelle called the peroxisome.

• These oxidizing agents include large quantities of superoxide

(O₂-), hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), and hydroxyl ions (OH-), all
of which are lethal to most bacteria, even in small quantities.

• Also, one of the lysosomal enzymes myeloperoxidase,

catalyzes the reaction between H₂O₂ and chloride ions to
form hypochlorite, which is exceedingly bactericidal
• Neutrophil granules, which contain an arsenal
of antimicrobial proteins, fuse with invading
bacteria ingested by phagocytosis and kill
them inside the cell.
• Neutrophils can also release the bacteria-
killing chemicals into the ECF by exocytosis of
granule contents to the cell exterior, a process
called degranulation.
• Neutrophils can act like “suicide bombers” by
undergoing an unusual type of programmed
cell death called NETosis, during which they
kill nearby bacteria.

• Neutrophils invariably are the first defenders

on the scene of bacterial invasion.
• Some bacteria, notably the tuberculosis bacillus,
have coats that are resistant to lysosomal digestion

• Secrete substances that partially resist the killing

effects of the neutrophils and macrophages.

• These bacteria are responsible for many of the

chronic diseases, an example of which is
• The basophils in the circulating blood are similar to the
large tissue mast cells located immediately outside
many of the capillaries in the body.

• Both mast cells and basophils liberate heparin into the

blood, a substance that can prevent blood coagulation.

• The mast cells and basophils also release histamine, as

well as smaller quantities of bradykinin and serotonin.
• The mast cells and basophils play an exceedingly
important role in some types of allergic reactions

• because the type of antibody that causes allergic

reactions, the immunoglobulin E (IgE) type, has a
special propensity to become attached to mast
cells and basophils.

• Release eosiniphilic chemotactic factor

• release large quantities of histamine,
bradykinin, serotonin, heparin, slow-reacting
substance of anaphylaxis (a mixture of three
leukotrienes), and a number of lysosomal

• These substances cause local vascular and

tissue reactions that cause many, if not most, of
the allergic manifestations
• 2 per cent of all the blood leukocytes.
• Eosinophils are weak phagocytes
• exhibit chemotaxis
• in comparison with the neutrophils, it is
doubtful that the eosinophils are significant in
protecting against the usual types of infection.
• Eosinophils, however, are often produced in large numbers in
people with parasitic infections & allergies (eosinophilic
chemotactic factor by mast cells and basophils)

• Eosinophils attach themselves to the juvenile forms of the

parasite and kill many of them by:
– releasing hydrolytic enzymes from their granules, which
are modified lysosomes
– releasing highly reactive forms of oxygen that are
especially lethal to parasites &
– by releasing from the granules a highly larvacidal
polypeptide called major basic protein
• Eosinophils also have a special propensity to collect in tissues in
which allergic reactions occur, such as in the
- peribronchial tissues of the lungs in people with asthma
- in the skin after allergic skin reactions

• This action is caused at least partly by the fact that many mast
cells and basophils participate in allergic reactions.

• The mast cells and basophils release an eosinophil chemotactic

factor that causes eosinophils to migrate toward the inflamed
allergic tissue.
• The eosinophils are believed to detoxify some
of the inflammation inducing substances
released by the mast cells and basophils and
probably also phagocytize and destroy
allergen-antibody complexes,

• thus preventing excess spread of the local

inflammatory process.
• A 10-year-old boy presents to the pediatrician
with a history of abdominal pain and loss of
appetite. His stool specimen is positive for
parasitic eggs. The type of WBCs would have an
elevated number:
a) B lymphocytes
b) Eosinophils
c) Monocytes
d) Neutrophils
e) T lymphocytes
Monocyte -Macrophage Cell System
(Reticuloendothelial System)
• After entering the tissues and becoming
macrophages, large portion of monocytes
becomes attached to the tissues and remains
attached for months or even years until they
are called on to perform specific local
protective functions.
• They have the same capabilities as the mobile macrophages
to phagocytize large quantities of bacteria, viruses, necrotic
tissue, or other foreign particles in the tissue.

• And, when appropriately stimulated, they can break away

from their attachments and once again become mobile
macrophages that respond to chemotaxis and all the other
stimuli related to the inflammatory process.

• Thus, the body has a widespread "monocyte -macrophage

system" in virtually all tissue areas.
• The total combination of monocytes, mobile
macrophages, fixed tissue macrophages, and
a few specialized endothelial cells in the
bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes is
called the reticuloendothelial system.
• Tissue Macrophages in the Skin and
Subcutaneous Tissues (Histiocytes)

• Macrophages in the Lymph Nodes (tissue

Tissue Macrophages in the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues (Histiocytes)
Macrophages in the Lymph Nodes (tissue macrophages)
Macrophages (Kupffer Cells) in the Liver Sinusoids
Alveolar Macrophages in the Lungs
• Alveolar Macrophages in the Lungs. Giant cell

• Macrophages (Kupffer Cells) in the Liver Sinusoids

• Microglia in brain

• Macrophages of the Spleen and Bone Marrow. The trabeculae of the red
pulp are lined with vast numbers of macrophages, and the venous sinuses
are also lined with macrophages.

• This peculiar passage of blood through the cords of the red pulp provides
an exceptional means of phagocytizing unwanted debris in the blood,
including especially old and abnormal red blood cells.
Microglia in brain
Macrophages of the Spleen
• When tissue injury occurs, whether caused by
bacteria, trauma, chemicals, heat, or any
other phenomenon, multiple substances are
released by the injured tissues and cause
dramatic secondary changes in the
surrounding uninjured tissues.
• This entire complex of tissue changes is called
Inflammation is characterized by
1. Vasodilation of the local blood vessels, with consequent excess local
blood flow

2. Increased permeability of the capillaries, allowing leakage of large

quantities of fluid into the interstitial spaces

3. Often clotting of the fluid in the interstitial spaces because of excessive

amounts of fibrinogen and other proteins leaking from the capillaries.

4. Migration of large numbers of granulocytes and monocytes into the


5. Swelling of the tissue cells.

• Some of the many tissue products that cause these
reactions are:

• Histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, prostaglandins, several

different reaction products of the complement system ,
reaction products of the blood clotting system, and multiple
substances called lymphokines that are released by
sensitized T cells

• Several of these substances strongly activate the

macrophage system.
“Walling-Off” Effect of Inflammation
• One of the first results of inflammation is to “wall
off” the area of injury from the remaining tissues.

• The tissue spaces and the lymphatics in the inflamed

area are blocked by fibrinogen clots so that after a
while, fluid barely flows through the spaces.

• This walling-off process delays the spread of

bacteria or toxic products.
• Tissue Macrophage Is a First Line of Defense Against
• Neutrophils Invasion of the Inflamed Area Is a Second
Line of Defense– (TNF, IL-1)
• Secondary Macrophage Invasion into the Inflamed
Tissue Is a Third Line of Defense
• Increased Production of Granulocytes and Monocytes
by the Bone Marrow Is a Fourth Line of Defense.
Neutrophils Invasion of the Inflamed Area
Is a Second Line of Defense
• Increased expression of adhesion molecules,
such as selectins and intercellular adhesion
molecule–1 (ICAM-1) on the surface of
endothelial cells in the capillaries and venules.
• These adhesion molecules, reacting with
complementary integrin molecules on the
neutrophils, cause the neutrophils to stick to
the capillary and venule walls in the inflamed

• This effect is called margination

• They also cause the intercellular attachments
between the endothelial cells of the capillaries
and small venules to loosen,

• allowing openings large enough for

neutrophils to crawl through directly from the
blood into the tissue spaces by Diapedesis.
• They then cause chemotaxis of the
neutrophils toward the injured tissues,
• Adhesion of white blood cells to the
endothelium is:
a) Chemotaxis
b) Diapedesis
c) Margination
d) Opsonization
e) Phagocytosis
• 1st line of defense against infection is:
a) Eosinophil invasion into inflamed area
b) Increased production of granulocytes &
monocytes by bone marrow
c) Neutrophil invasion of inflamed area
d) Second macrophage invasion into inflamed
e) Tissue macrophages of inflamed area
Acute Increase in Number of Neutrophils
in the Blood-"Neutrophilia”
• the number of neutrophils in the blood sometimes increases fourfold to
fivefold—from a normal of 4000 to 5000 to 15,000 to 25,000 neutrophils
per microliter.

• This is called neutrophilia, which means an increase in the number of

neutrophils in the blood.

• Neutrophilia is caused by products of inflammation that enter the blood

stream, are transported to the bone marrow, and there act on the stored
neutrophils of the marrow to mobilize these into the circulating blood.

• This makes even more neutrophils available to the inflamed tissue area.
Feedback Control of the Macrophage
and Neutrophil Responses
• The following five factors are believed to play dominant roles in
control of the macrophage response to inflammation.

(1) tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

(2) interleukin-1 (IL-1)
(3) granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
(4) granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)
(5) monocyte colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)

• These factors are formed by activated macrophage cells in the

inflamed tissues and in smaller quantities by other inflamed
tissue cells.

• Mixture of necrotic tissue, dead neutrophils,

dead macrophages, and tissue fluid.
• A clinical condition known as leukopenia
occasionally occurs in which the bone marrow
produces very few white blood cells, leaving
the body unprotected against many bacteria
and other agents that might invade the

Causes of leukopenia
• Irradiation of the body by x-rays or gamma
• exposure to drugs and chemicals that contain
benzene or anthracene nuclei, is likely to
cause aplasia of the bone marrow.
• some common drugs such as chloramphenicol
(an antibiotic),
• thiouracil (used to treat thyrotoxicosis),

• various barbiturate hypnotics on rare

occasions cause leukopenia
• Within 2 days after the bone marrow stops producing
WBCs, ulcers may appear in the mouth and colon, or
some form of severe respiratory infection might

• Bacteria from the ulcers rapidly invade surrounding

tissues and the blood.

• Without treatment, death often ensues in less than a

week after acute total leukopenia begins.
• Moderate increase in total number of WBCs in
peripheral blood is called Leukocytosis ---
common bacterial infections
The Leukemias
• Uncontrolled production of white blood cells can be
caused by cancerous mutation of a myelogenous or
lymphogenous cell.

• This causes leukemia, which is usually characterized

by greatly increased numbers of abnormal white
blood cells in the circulating blood
Lymphocytic leukemia
• Cancerous production of lymphoid cells,
usually beginning in a lymph node or other
lymphocytic tissue and spreading to other
areas of the body.
Myelogenous leukemia
• Cancerous production of young myelogenous cells in
the bone marrow and then spreads throughout the
body so that WBCs are produced in many
extramedullary tissues—especially in the lymph
nodes, spleen, and liver.

• partially differentiated cells, resulting in what might

be called neutrophilic leukemia, eosinophilic
leukemia, basophilic leukemia, or monocytic
• The first effect …. metastatic growth of leukemic cells in abnormal
areas of the body.

• Invade the surrounding bone, causing pain and, eventually, a

tendency for bones to fracture easily.

• Spread to the spleen, lymph nodes, liver, and other vascular regions

• Common effects in leukemia are the development of infection,

severe anemia, and a bleeding tendency caused by
thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets)

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