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HTML Forms

HTML Forms
• HTML forms are used to collect information from users on a website.
• They allow users to input data, which can be processed by a server-
side script.
• HTML forms consist of various elements, including input fields,
labels, and buttons.
HTML Forms Elements
<form> element: Defines a form that collects user input.
1. action: specifies where to send the form data when submitted
2. method: specifies the HTTP method to use when sending the form data (GET or POST)
<input> element: Creates an input field for the user to enter data.
3. type: specifies the type of input field (text, password, checkbox, radio, email, etc.)
4. name: specifies the name of the input field
5. value: specifies the default value of the input field
6. placeholder: specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of the input field
7. required: specifies that the input field must be filled out before submitting the form
8. readonly: specifies that the input field cannot be modified by the user
9. disabled: specifies that the input field is disabled and cannot be used
10.size: specifies the visible width of the input field
11.maxlength: specifies the maximum length of the input field
12.min and max: specifies the minimum and maximum values for a number input field
HTML Forms Elements
<button> element: Creates a button that can be clicked by the user to
submit the form or perform some other action.
1. type: specifies the type of button (submit, reset, or button)
2. name: specifies the name of the button
3. value: specifies the value of the button
• Other Form elements:
• <textarea>
• <select>
• <label>
Example: The Form
• Suppose this form is accessed by
controller’s action ‘add_user_form’
and it’s rendered by view
• To access this form, if it’s defined in controller, would be:
• This Form submits data collected in
input text name and input text email to
to the current controller action
Example: The Form
• The ’add_user’ action can access
the submitted data using web2py
request object
• The request object stores the
submitted data as collection of key-
value pairs in a dictionary called
• So, to access the submitted name
name= request.vars[‘name’]
GET and POST methods
• The difference between the POST and GET methods in HTML forms
lies in how the data submitted in the form is transmitted to the server.
• The default method used by the HTML form is GET
• It can be changed using the form’s attribute method
GET and POST methods
GET method:
• Submits the form data as part of the URL in the form of query
• The data is visible in the URL, which means it can be bookmarked,
cached, or shared with others.
• It's typically used when retrieving data from the server (e.g.,
searching, filtering, or sorting data).
• There are limits on the amount of data that can be sent using the GET
method, typically around 2048 characters.
GET and POST methods
POST method:
• Submits the form data in the request body as a separate message.
• The data is not visible in the URL and can't be bookmarked, cached, or
shared with others.
• It's typically used when sending data to the server (e.g., creating,
updating, or deleting data).
• There are no limits on the amount of data that can be sent using the
POST method.

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