Chapter 1

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Chapter one

Computer Programming (ECEG1052)

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What is a Computer? 

♦It is a machine that can store and process information.

♦Most computers rely on a binary system that uses two
variables, 0 and 1, to complete tasks such as
Storing data,
Executing algorithms, and
Displaying information.

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Basic components of a computer system

♦Five basic components of computer system

 Input Unit.
 Output Unit.
 Storage Unit.
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
 Control Unit.

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♦Input unit: Obtains information (data and computer progr
ams) from input devices .
♦Output unit: This takes information that the computer has
 Stores computer programs while they are being executed. 
♦Central  processing  unit  (CPU):  This  coordinates and
supervises  the  operation  of  the  other  section.
♦Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU): This unit is responsibl
e for performing calculations.
♦ Control Unit: Controls the operation of CPU, hence the
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What is programming?

♦Programming is the process of telling a computer to

do certain function by giving instructions.
♦The instructions are block of codes or programs.
♦A person who writes instruction is computer
programmer (coder or specialist in one area of
♦He has the ability to create computer software
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Why do we need to learn computer programming?

♦To know how the computer performs a task.

♦To use the available applications on the computer.
♦To develop program of computer applications .
♦Improve your efficiency, Start your own business.
♦Improve your understanding of the world.
♦Develop problem solving skills.

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What is programming language?

♦It is a set of instruction used to produce various outputs.

♦It is compiled together to perform a specific task by CPU.
♦Are used to create programs  that implement specific

♦Used to express algorithms in computer understandable


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What skills do we need to be a programmer?

♦Programming Language Skill: knowing one or more

programming language to talk with the computer and instruct
the machine to perform a task.

♦Problem Solving Skill: skills on how to solve real world

problem and represent the solution in understandable format.

♦Algorithm Development skill: skill of coming up with

sequence of simple and human understandable set of
instructions showing the step of solving the problem.
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Generations of programming language

♦ Programming languages can be: low level or high level


 Low level languages are machine specific or


 High level languages like COBOL, BASIC are

machine independent and can run on variety of

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Generations of programming language

Programming Language

Low Level High Level

1 Generation
st 2 nd
Generation 5th Generation

4th Generation

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1 First Generation (Machine languages, 1940’s )

♦Difficult to write applications

♦This is the computer’s native language
♦Used language that the computer really understand only
♦Machine dependent
♦Difficult to program and to modify
♦They used vacuum tubes for the circuitry.
♦For the purpose of memory, they used magnetic drums.

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2.Second Generation (Assembly languages, early 1950’s)

♦ Advanced from vacuum tubes to transistors

♦ Use symbolic names for acronym and storage locations. (ADD, DELETE,

♦ Are not portable

♦ Computers smaller, faster and more energy efficient
♦ Advanced from binary to assembly languages(assembler).
♦ Highly used in system software development
♦ Difficult to learn than higher levels.
♦ Knowledge of hard ware is required

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3. 3rd Generation (High level languages, 1950-
♦Use English like instruction and includes human language &
mathematical notations
♦ Have different syntax rules and take considerable time to
♦ Compilers and interpreters are needed for translation
♦They have (common words) which make them easier to learn
♦ Are procedural (It contains a systematic order of statements,
functions and commands to complete a computational task or
♦It  specifies a series of well-structured steps and procedures
within its program.
Example- C, C++, C# , Java and Pascal
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4.Fourth Generation (since late 1970’s)
♦Use English like syntax rules, but they are non
procedural (like ordering a meal).
♦Users concentrate on defining the input and output
rather than the program steps required
♦Less control over tasks (you don’t know how each task
is performed)
♦ They need more processing speed.
♦The difference is not that mach form the third
Example: Query languages e.g. SQL

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5.Fifth Generation (1990’s)

♦Used in artificial intelligence (AI) and expert systems

♦Used for accessing databases.
♦Resemble more like human speech.
♦Concentrate more on outcome than the process.

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Problem Solving Using Computers

 The gap between the existing and the desired situation

 True problem situations, either real or predicted, that

require corrective action.

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Problem- Solving

♦Is the process of transforming the description of a problem

into the solution of that problem by using our knowledge.

♦Basic logical process that has been developed and

systemized for the various challenges people face.

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There are two approaches of problem solving:
Top-down design:
♦In Top-down Model, the focus is on breaking the bigger problem into
smaller one and then repeat the process with each problem

♦The basic task of a top-down approach is to divide the problem into

tasks and then divide tasks into smaller sub-tasks

♦C programming language  supports this approach for developing


♦It is always good idea that decomposing solution into modules in

a hierarchal manner.
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Top-down Approach

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Advantages of Top-Down Approach

♦In this approach, first, we develop and test most important


♦This approach is easy to see the progress of the project by

developer or customer

♦Testing and debugging is easier and efficient.

♦This approach is good for detecting and correcting time
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Bottom Up Design

♦Is the reverse process where the lowest level components

are built first

♦The system builds up from the bottom until the whole

process is finally completed

♦This approach is good for reusability of code.

♦C++ used the bottom-up approach for project development

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Basic Program Development Tips

♦Quality programming is necessary for the economic and

correct solution of problems.

♦The program design should be :

 Reliable: the program should always do what it is
expected to do and handle all types of exceptions.

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Maintainable: the program should be in a way that it
could be modified and upgraded
Portable: it needs to be possible to adept the software
written for one type of computer to another with
minimum modification
 Efficient: the program should be designed to make
optimal use of time, space and other resources.

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Software Engineering

♦Software engineering: provides techniques to facilitate the

development of computer programs.

♦Is the profession that creates and maintains software

applications by applying technologies

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Software development method

♦ Preliminary Investigation: is a process of examining

 Defining the problem: (examines documents, work
papers, and procedures, observe system operations,
interview key users of the system). Suggesting a
solution (often improving an existing one or
building a new information system).
 Feasibility study: (determine whether the solution
is possible).

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Software development method

 Technical feasibility: whether implementation is

possible with the available or affordable hardware,
software and other technical resources
 Economic feasibility: whether the benefits of the
proposed solution balance the costs
 Operational feasibility: whether the proposed
solution is needed within the existing managerial
and organizational framework.

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Software development method

♦Analysis(Requirement Gathering): defines information

requirements like who needs what information, where,
when, and how.
 We identify inputs to the problem, outputs expected from the
solution and Constraints (what are the limits on the data).

♦Design: based on the requirements specified in the analysis

phase algorithms are developed at this stage.

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Software development method

♦Implementation: is a process of moving an idea from concept

to reality.
♦Testing: the act of conducting a test.

♦ Maintenance: actions performed to keep some machine or

system in service.
 To correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing

♦Documentation: that explain the operation of a particular

software program.
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♦Is a step by step description of how to arrive at the solution

of the given problem

♦Is the logic of a program

♦A programmer can not write program unless she/he knows
how to solve the problem manually

♦Programs must be planned before they are written

♦Is a step-by-step way to solve a problem
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Structure Of Algorithm

♦The algorithm and flowchart have three basic types of

control structures.
Sequence: statements are placed one after the other and
the execution starts from the top.
Branching (Selection) : depending on a condition,
decision of either TRUE or FALSE is achieved.
Loop (Repetition): allows a statement(s) to be
executed repeatedly.
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How to Write Algorithms

♦For developing good programs, we should follow the

following procedures.
Identify the input of your algorithm
Define the variables to reserve a space
Outline the algorithm's operations
Output the results of your algorithm's operations

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Characteristics of good algorithm
♦Efficient in time and memory
♦Precise and unambiguous
♦Finiteness : An algorithm must always terminate
♦Definiteness : Each step of an algorithm must be precisely

♦Effectiveness: it should not contain unnecessary steps.

♦ Input Specified: zero or more input required
♦Output Specified: should have at least one output
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An algorithm can be expressed in many ways

♦Structured English
♦Pseudo Code
♦Flow chart

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Can be understood by any user who may not have any

knowledge of computer programming.

Example1: write an algorithm that used to add two


Solution : First you must get two numbers to be added ,

then call the first number one & the second number two
then add number one on number two or vice versa & then
print out the result.
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Structured English

Get two numbers

Add them up
Print the output

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Pseudo code

♦Much similar to real code.

♦We use verbs to write pseudo code.
♦Capitalize important words that show actions

Read num 1, num2

Sum num1, num 2
Print Sum

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Flow chart

♦Is a pictorial representation of an algorithm

♦It acts like a roadmap for a programmer

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Flow chart symbols

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Program (in C++)

#include<iostream> //for dev++ IDE

using namespace std;
int num 1, num 2 , sum=0;
cout << “ enter your first number”;
cin >> num1;
cout << “enter your number 2”;
cin >> num 2;
cout << sum;
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Home work
1. Develop flow chart used to find multiplication of two
2. Develop flowchart used to find area of circle.
3. Develop flow chart that used to Find the average of two
numbers given by the user.
4. Develop flow chart that check weather the number is even
or not.
5. Find the largest among three different numbers entered by
the user.
6. Develop a flowchart to display the numbers from 1-100.
7. Develop a flow chart that used to find the sum of N
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! ! !

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Individual Assignment one_10%
1. Develop flowchart used to find the maximum number of
the three numbers.
2. Develop a flow chart that used to find the sum of even
3. Take an integer from the user and display the factorial of
that number
4. Draw a flowchart for check a given number is prime or
5. Draw a flowchart to Print Hello World 10 times.
6. Draw a flowchart to log in to Facebook account.
7. Find all the roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0
8. Find the Fibonacci series till term≤1000.
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