Failure - of - The - Schleiffen - Plan HISTORY

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Monday, May 29,

Why wasn’t WW1 ‘over by Christmas’?
The failure of the Schlieffen Plan
LO: To understand why the failure of the Schlieffen plan prolonged WW1

Name as many
countries as you can
on your map of
Europe in 1914.

Be neat as you will

need this map for
the rest of the unit
Kingdom Russia
Belgium Germany

France Hungarian

These are the most important, but
well done if you named any others!
Key Words
• Schlieffen Plan • German army plan to
quickly win WW1

• Belgium • A small country between

Germany and France.
Protected by Britain

• Mobilisation • When a country gets it’s

army ready for war and
sends soldiers to fight
Watch the video and answer the questions
1. What are the two rival alliances? • Triple alliance and triple
2. Who was assassinated?
• Archduke Franz Ferdinand
3. Who do the Germans declare war on
• Russia

4. How do the Germans plan on getting

around the French armies? • Attacking through Belgium
instead of along the border
(the Schlieffen Plan)
5. Why does Britain declare war on
• Because Belgium is invaded
6. By the end of 1914 how long is ‘the
• 350 miles


Read the worksheet and answer the
questions in your book
1. Why did the Germans
need the Schlieffen plan?
2. What two things did the
Germans not expect?
3. Why weren’t the Germans
quick enough?
4. How did Russia surprise
5. What did the Germans
Challenge: PEEL paragraph – Why did the failure of the Schlieffen Plan
mean the war wasn’t ‘over by Christmas’?
The Schlieffen Plan. Why did the plan fail?
•The Germans knew that if there was ever a war in Europe then •The plan relied upon rapid movement. The Germans would need to
they would end up fighting France on one side (west) and Russia quickly get their troops through Belgium and behind the French.
on the other (east). This would put them at a disadvantage. However when they invaded Belgium the Belgian troops fought
•They designed a plan to deal with this, the Schlieffen Plan, back. It took the Germans 2 weeks to capture the important town
named after the man in charge of the German army. The plan of Liege so that they could continue to France. Even worse, Britain
was to quickly attack France with most of their army and then declared war on Germany and sent her army to Belgium. All of this
move all of their soldiers to attack Russia once France was slowed down the Germans.
defeated. The Russian army was huge and the Germans believed •Russia mobilised its troops quicker than expected. Within 10 days
it would take 6 weeks for the Russians to get their army ready (rather than 6 weeks) the Russians had invaded Germany, which
and attack Germany. meant that the Germans had to switch troops away fighting the
•Most of the French army was on the border with Germany so French to fight the Russians. So now there just weren’t enough
the Germans needed to go around the French troops to win a troops to circle around behind the French armies.
quick victory. They decided that by sending their troops •Finally the Germans had simply misjudged how many supplies they
through Belgium they could capture Paris and get behind the would need. As the German soldiers got further and further from
French soldiers. Germany it took longer for food, weapons and ammunition to reach
•The Germans believed that the Belgians would let them pass them. By the time they reached the French soldiers, they were
through to avoid a war. hungry and running low on bullets.
•Britain had an alliance with Belgium to defend them if they
were ever attacked. This was nearly 100 years old and the Germany had missed it’s chance to quickly defeat Russia and
Germans didn’t think the British would get involved in a war. France. They were now fighting a war in the East and the West.
•Even if Britain did defend Belgium, the Kaiser (king of
Britain and Belgium had joined the war against them. As the
Germany) believed that there was no need to fear the British German armies ran out of supplies they couldn’t keep fighting their
Expeditionary Force, which he called a 'contemptible little way forward and had to go on the defensive. Both armies began to
army'. dig trenches where they were and the 350 mile long Western
•Having defeated France, Germany would then be able to send
Front was established.
all of her soldiers to fight the Russians in the east.

1. Why did the Germans need the Schlieffen plan?

2. What two things did the Germans not expect?
3. Why weren’t the Germans quick enough?
4. How did Russia surprise Germany?
5. What did the Germans misjudge?

Challenge: PEEL paragraph – Why did the failure of the

Schlieffen Plan mean the war wasn’t ‘over by Christmas’?

1. Why did the 1. To win the war quickly so they

Germans need the weren’t fighting on two fronts
Schlieffen plan?
2. What two things did
2. The Belgians to fight back
the Germans not AND the British declared
expect? war.
3. Why weren’t the 3. Britain sent help to Belgium –
Germans quick this slowed Germany down
4. How did Russia
4. They mobilised quickly
surprise Germany? 5. They didn’t have enough
5. What did the supplies for their army
Germans misjudge?
Plenary: PEEL paragraph to
summarise the lesson

One reason that WW1 wasn’t over by

Christmas was…

This was when…

The consequence of this was…

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