RDL - Module 8

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Analyzing and Drawing-out

Patterns and Themes with

Intellectual Honesty
Module 8
Prepared by: Kashmerlinette G. Cajaro –Subject Teacher
Unlocking of Difficulties
Intellectual Honesty means being true in gathering, analyzing and
interpreting ideas and in other aspects of conducting a research

MELC: Infers and explains patterns and themes from data.

(CS_RS11-IVd-f-2) Relates the findings with pertinent
literature. (CS_RS11-IVd-f-3)
1. Describe patterns and themes in qualitative data analysis.
2. Make patterns and themes from the gathered data.
3. Discuss the findings in relation to the relevant literature.
Here’s how thematic analysis is done:
Thematic analysis ✓ Transcribe the verbal data and read through all the transcript
focuses on (transcribed data) to find meaningful information .To transcribe
verbal data is to translate it to text form. A ten-minute interview
identifying and may have ten or more pages of transcript.
analyzing common
✓ Code your data and identify similar codes (categories). Codes
themes (ideas or
are words or phrases assigned to a segment or portion of
patterns of transcribed data, representing one meaning. Coding is the process
meaning that come of designating meaning to different chunks of relevant data
up from the closely gathered. Then similar codes are classified into broader concepts.
examined data) to A category may be defined as a concept that summarizes a set of
create the whole related codes.
picture of the data. ✓ Establish collections of similar codes/categories (themes) At this
point, the categories are classified into themes, the biggest
concepts or ideas of your data. Themes may be words or phrases.
✓ Review the themes Review if all the
concepts/ideas are classified accordingly. Data
can be rearranged if necessary.

✓ Define and name the themes In this part, the

essence of each theme or sub-theme is
revealed thus, showing how they relate to the
general essence of the data.

✓ Write your report

Consider the following in preparing your report:

• Present your report in concise, coherent and logical manner.

• Begin with the demographic information of your participants.
(Note: Only those that are relevant to your study).
• State the type of data analysis you employed and the reason behind.
• Presenting your results by themes is a more practical for new qualitative researchers.
o List the major themes logically.
o Discuss the different categories under each theme.
o Cite some direct quotes from your data to back up your discussions.
o Make sure your discussion/interpretation is aligned with your research questions.
o Support your discussion with relevant literature.
• Keep your audience in mind as you write your final report.
• Make your report convincing and with clear evidence.
Remember: Planning well and being well organized have significant role in analyzing qualitative research data
effectively and efficiently.
Coding example
Transcribed Data/Text Codes
As a parent, I am expected to guide my children in Working parents
answering their modules. How can I do that when I
need to work. My husband also needs to work. We
need to work to support the needs of the family.

There’s no one to help my children do their modules Absence of capable individual

when we’re at work.

We don’t even have android phone or extra budget No gadget/internet load

for internet load.

Isn’t it the teachers’ job to help my child learn? Teacher’s role

Can’t the government just postpone education while Suggesting alternative option
pandemic is still here?

What if I don’t know the topic in the module. Hesitation as to the capability to teach children

I didn’t even finish high school. Low educational attainment

Codes Categories Themes
Working parents Worries Apprehensions in the New
Normal Education
Absence of capable individual

Absence of capable individual

Hesitation as to the capability

to teach children
Hesitation as to the capability
to teach children
Teacher’s role Resistance Opposition to the New
Normal Education
Suggesting alternative option
Relating Research Findings to Relevant Literature
One of the indispensable elements in the conduct of research is relating the findings to relevant
literature and studies to discuss them in the context of the existing knowledge.

The discussion of your findings should not only deal with the summary of the
results you have found out but it should also be well-organized and broad in
scope as you connect the findings to relevant literature and studies. By doing
so, it gives the researcher the chance to:
• Discuss how the findings of the study reinforced related studies.
• Study carefully how the research study reflects or differ from existing
• Discuss the contribution of the findings to the body of existing literature and
• Explain or justify the need for the type of research undertaken by the
Here are some samples that you can use in incorporating relevant
literature to your discussion:
• There are several research literature which revealed that _______________________.
• Angeles (2019) who conducted a similar study found that ______________________.
• Many researchers agree that
• Similar studies have shown that
• The findings of this study supports the idea of _____________ when he/she found out
that _______________________.

Remember: Relating your research findings to relevant literature and studies will make
your work more credible and convincing.
Developing Conceptual Framework for Qualitative Research

Conceptual Framework is where relevant variables of any research study are mapped out how
on they might relate to each other. Here is the step-by-step guide on how to write the
conceptual framework in order for you to have an outlook of the study:
1. Identify the key variables used in the subject area of the study.
2. Draw out key variables within something you have already written about the subject area
i.e. literature review.
3. Continual to the aim, segregate them as dependent and independent variables.
4. Take one key variable and then brainstorm all the possible things related to the key
variable(Dependent variable).
5. After all the variables have been defined, focus on the number of relationships they can
form with each other to determine the inter-relationships between all.
6. The arrows used to identify the relationship between variables must be applied in the
direction as to what impacts the other.

Note: Always keep in mind that the formation of conceptual framework directs the researcher
to apply a suitable test for analysis.
In a Qualitative research, like the Grounded Theory
Research, the Conceptual Framework is useful in
mapping out the process and relationships of the data
results of a study to develop a theoretical model. As
described by Glaser (2010), Grounded Theory studies a
concept and not a descriptive study of a descriptive
The basic idea of the grounded theory approach is to read a
textual database and "discover" or label variables (called
categories, concepts, and properties) and their
interrelationships. The data do not have to be literally textual --
they could be observations of behavior, such as interactions and
events in a restaurant. Often, they are in the form of field notes,
which are like diary entries. To get this, you may use the data
collection methods such as interviews, observations,
documents, historical records and video recordings.
Whichever is used it will take time and a number of iterations and the focus is both on the
content and the inter-relationships. How does it look? It can take the form of Flowcharts, Tree
Diagram or other ways such as equation or a diagram or simple description of how the variables
are related:
Conceptual Framework as Equation

Figure 4. Equation for Factors leading Diarrhea

Always remember, development of conceptual framework is an iterative process, develop
once and keep revising as you move on.
Intellectual Honesty in Research Intellectual Honesty is an applied
method of problem solving, characterized by an unbiased, honest
attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways
• Ensuring support for chosen ideologies does not interfere with the
pursuit of truth;
• Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even
when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;
• Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give
misleading impressions or to support one view over another;
• References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and
plagiarism is avoided.

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