Grade 10 IT All Theory

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Grade 10 IT

System Technology:
Information and Communication
ICT, or information and communications technology (or
technologies), is the infrastructure and components that
enable modern computing.
Although there is no single, universal definition of ICT, the
term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking
components, applications and systems that combined allow
people and organizations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit
agencies, governments and criminal enterprises) to interact
in the digital world.
Information Technology
The study or use of systems (especially computers
and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving,
and sending information.
What is a computer?
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates
information, or data. It has the ability to store,
retrieve, and process data. You may already know
that you can use a computer to type documents,
send email, play games, and browse the Web.
Main components of a computer system

Systems software (includes the programs

that are dedicated to managing the
Input Devices (keyboard, mouse, etc) computer itself, such as the operating
Output Devices (monitor, speakers, system, file management utilities, and
etc) disk operating system)
Secondary Storage Devices (hard disk
Application software (word processing,
drive, CD/DVD drive, etc)
database, spreadsheet, multimedia,
Processor and Primary Storage presentation, enterprise, educational,
Devices (CPU, RAM) simulation, application suites
Types of computers
Computers can be generally classified by size and power as follows, though there is considerable
Personal computer: A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.
Workstation: A powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a personal computer, but it has a
more powerful microprocessor and, in general, a higher-quality monitor.
Minicomputer: A multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users simultaneously.
Mainframe: A powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of
users simultaneously.
Supercomputer: An extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions
per second.
Advantages and Disadvantages of using

Increase your productivity. ... Carpal tunnel and eye strain. ...
Connects you to the Internet. ... Too much sitting. ...
Can store vast amounts of information and reduce Short attention span and too much multitasking. ...
waste. ...
Helps sort, organize, and search through information. ... Can limit learning and create a dependency. ...

Get a better understanding of data. ... Potential of loss of privacy. ...

Keeps you connected. ... Time sink and lots of distractions. ...
Can help you learn and keep you informed. ... Increases waste and impacts the environment. ...
Can make you money. Can reduce jobs
Data and Information
Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be Information is a processed,
processed. Data can be something simple and organised data presented in a given context and
seemingly random and useless until it is is useful to humans.
ICT System - example
Point of sale (POS) system is the spot where your customer makes the payment for goods or
services that are offered by your company. Point of sale systems are systems that enable the
business transaction between the client and the company to be completed.
System Technology:
Input Devices
Input Devices
Output devices
Storage devices
There are two types of storage devices used with computers: a primary storage device, such as RAM,
and a secondary storage device, such as a hard drive. Secondary storage can be removable, internal,
or external.
Difference between Processor and Ram is that processor also central processing unit (CPU),
interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. While RAM, also called main
memory, consists of memory chips that can be read from and written to by the processor and other
System Technology:
System software
System software is a set of software designed
to control and operate the hardware
components of the computer and allow the
application programmes to operate. It also
provides a platform for application software to
be able to run.
Operating system
The OPERATING SYSTEM is a form of system software that manages and controls all activities
taking place in the computer while creating a platform to communicate with the computer.
Utility programs
Utility programs help manage, maintain and control computer resources.
These programs are available to help you with the day-to-day chores associated with personal
computing and to keep your system running at peak performance.
Other types of software
Freeware refers to a software that you can use without incurring any costs.
Shareware software is a software that are freely distributed to users on trial basis. There is
a time limit inbuilt in the software( for example- free for 30 days or 2 months).
Open Source software is the software that is available to users with source code. Source code is
a part of a program or software. Users can modify, inspect and enhance it to improve the
Proprietary Software – This type of software is not free and bound with restrictions regarding
use, distribution and modification. These are copyrighted software.
Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that can be classified as both free software
and open-source software.
System Technology:
Describe computer management
Computer management is a process of managing, monitoring and optimising your computer’s
functionality to best serve your needs. This process could include improving and maintaining the
security features, performance, and reliability of your computer.
Overview and purpose of various management
tasks and operating system utilities
◦ Management of desktop
◦ Management of files and folders
◦ General housekeeping tasks
◦ Defragmentation
◦ Scheduling/updating
◦ Archive, backup
◦ Compress/decompress files
◦ Security features – firewall, anti-virus, control of
spyware, adware
◦ Installing/uninstalling software (custom and full
installation, product keys, activation codes)
◦ Add devices/drivers
◦ System settings and properties
A network
A network is defined as a group of two or more
computer systems linked together. There are many
types of computer networks, including the
following: local-area networks (LANs): The
computers are geographically close together (that
is, in the same building).
Computer networks help users on the network to
share the resources and in communication.
◦ Allows people to share resources and expensive ◦ Can expose you to online crimes such as, identity
devices. and credit card theft; and scams such as, email
◦ Connects individuals to friends, family and phishing.
colleagues who are located in a different region, ◦ Can expose you to cyberbullying and abuse
province or even country. (especially on social media platforms).
◦ Increases opportunities for self-improvement by ◦ Can be addictive and waste large amounts of
providing access to knowledge and information. time.
Model of a network in terms of cabling an
different component (basic building blocks).
◦ Nodes: This refers to a device connected to a network which is able to
send and receive data. Examples of nodes include:
◦ printers
◦ servers
◦ workstations (PC’s or laptops)
◦ access points.
◦ A network connecting three computers and one printer, along with two more wireless
devices, has a total of six nodes.
◦ Network Interface Controller (NIC): Examples of NICs include:
◦ a wired NIC
◦ a wireless NIC.
◦ Communication media (wired and wireless): This refers to the physical
channel through which data is sent and received.
◦ Network Operating System (NOS): A specialised operating system that
allows additional security and settings.
Different Communication Media

A wired network is a network A wireless network is a network A hybrid network is a network

that uses a physical media to that uses non-physical that uses physical
transfer data between two or components to transfer data and non-physical media to
more nodes. The transmission between two or more nodes. transfer data between nodes.
media for wired networks are: Local area networks are often
◦ Unshielded Twisted Pair wireless LANs (WLANs).
(UTP) and Transmission media include:
◦ Fibre optic cables. ◦ Radio waves (wireless network)
◦ Infrared signals (wireless
A LAN (local area network) is a group of computers and network devices connected together,
usually within the same building.
A WAN (wide area network) is not restricted to a geographical location. It might be confined
within the bounds of a country. A WAN connects several LANs, and may be limited to an
enterprise (a corporation or an organization) or accessible to the public.
Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks
◦ A server is used to manage a client-server ◦ Computers (nodes) on the network connects directly to the
network and to the other nodes.
network, where computers (nodes) connect to
◦ Each computer has its own security. This means that the
the server. computer’s settings determine who is authorised to access the
◦ It ensures that authorised users have access to resources.
certain resources when logging on to a network. ◦ Peers on this network are visible to each other and can share files
and resources with each other.
◦ In a school, one would have the following: ◦ In a peer-to-peer network, data flows between peers
◦ Many nodes, your PCs, connected via cables to the server ◦ Most home networks are organised as peer-to-peer networks. If
your computer connects to your home network, it will have the
same role and permissions as for example your mother’s
notebook and your father’s smartphone. None of these devices
organise the network nor do they need to be connected for the
network to work correctly.
◦ Each computer can connect and disconnect from the network
Electronic communication
Electronic communication means a transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of
any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectronic, or photo-optical
There are many different types of electronic communication including but not limited to: email, social media
newsgroups, chat rooms, video conferencing, instant messaging, phone and fax.
These sources of communication are highly efficient and beneficial to organizations if managed effectively.
The ability to communicate quickly and concisely to large and geographically disperse audiences at one time,
as well as, staying attuned to industry or market changes in real time is definitely the benefit.
Applications/tools to facilitate e-
Email(electronic mail):
oSend and receive messages and documents electronically over the internet.
Web browser:
oA program that provides a user interface for accessing information on the world wide web.
Instant messaging
oOnline chat that offers real time text transmission
Chat rooms
oAllow you to join a group online and then exchange messages (or chat) in that group.
Video conferencing
oLive, visual connection between two or more people residing in separate locations for the
purpose of communication.
Applications/tools to facilitate e-
RSS aggregator/reader
oOriginally RDF Site Summary. Later, two competing approaches emerged, which used the
backronyms Rich Site Summary and Really Simple Syndication
oOften maintained and run by a single individual, updated daily, or contain personal remarks
about a topic, a personal ramble, or an update on the person's life.
Text, picture and video messaging
oOne of the early uses of the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), picture messaging works
through an extension to the Short Message Service (SMS) protocol that makes it possible to
send images, animations, and audio to mobile recipients
Email as a form of e-communication
Email is an instant form of business communication and it's hard to imagine a workplace that
does not rely on email for the majority of its internal and external communications. There are
numerous advantages of email communication, not least that it's fast and reliable.
Email accounts:
oISP stands for Internet Service Provider. When we're talking email marketing, ISP refers to the
major email providers: AOL, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Gmail, Comcast, and so on. Their
customers are commonly your email recipients. It's the job of the ISP to protect their customers
receiving unwanted or unsolicited emails
oWeb-based email, you can check for email messages on any computer that has a Web browser
installed. It doesn't matter where in the world you are, you can still get to your email. 
Email addresses:
Netiquette and Devices for e-
Netiquette is made up of the rules of online
communication. It is how you can
conduct online conversation in a peaceful,
pleasant and calm manner while enjoying yourself
at the same time. ... Netiquette helps to establish
those rules so that a respectful and polite manner
can continue to exist when you talk to someone.

An electronic communication device refers to a

wireless telephone, personal digital assistant, or a
portable or mobile computer that's used for the
purpose of composing, reading, or sending
an electronic message.
Internet Technology
Overview of the Internet
Describe the Internet:
The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions
of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate
with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet.
Internet Addresses:
oBecause IP addresses are difficult to remember, domains are used to make it easier to find a
specific website or, websites.
oA domain is a unique name that may be linked to an IP address. A domain name is the part of a
network that identifies itself as belonging to a particular person or company, for example, the
SABC, SARS, etc.
What is needed to connect to the Internet
A computer.
A modem and telephone line (if you are using dial up access) ...
An Internet browser (software) and software to connect you to the ISP.
An account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Souvenirs.
Overview of Word Wide Web
A technical definition of the World Wide Web is : all the resources and users on
the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). ... The World Wide Web is
the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge.
The World Wide Web is a system for displaying text, graphics, and audio retrieved over... A
hypertext document with its corresponding text and hyperlinks is written in HyperText Markup
Language (HTML) and is assigned an online address called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
World Wide Web's three core standards:
oUniform Resource Locators (URL) RFC 1738, Uniform Resource Locators (URL) (December 1994)
oHyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) RFC 1945, HTTP/1.0 specification (May 1996)
oHypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Overview of Word Wide Web

A hypertext document connected to the World A website is a collection of relevant web

Wide Web. pages that is addressed to a Uniform Resource
A webpage is an independent part of
a website that contains the links to other web A website is a collection of web pages and
pages on the website related content that is identified by a common
domain name and published on at least one
web server.
Types of websites
Criteria to evaluate Web sites
Authority Currency
◦ Is it clear who is responsible for the contents of the page? ◦ Are there dates on the page to indicate when the page was
◦ Is there a way of verifying the legitimacy of the organization, group, written,
company or individual? when the page was first placed on the Web, or when the page
◦ Is there any indication of the author's qualifications for writing on a was
particular topic? last revised?
◦ Is the information from sources known to be reliable?
Accuracy ◦ Are these topics successfully addressed, with clearly presented
◦ Are the sources for factual information clearly listed so they can be arguments and adequate support to substantiate them?
verified in another source? ◦ Does the work update other sources, substantiate other materials
◦ Is the information free of grammatical, spelling, and other
typographical errors? you have read, or add new information?
◦ Is the target audience identified and appropriate for your needs?
◦ Does the content appear to contain any evidence of bias? Appearance
◦ Is there a link to a page describing the goals or purpose of the ◦ Does the site look well organized?
sponsoring organization or company?
◦ Do the links work?
◦ If there is any advertising on the page, is it clearly differentiated
from the informational content? ◦ Does the site appear well maintained?
Browsing and searching
•What is a search engine?
‒ A web search engine or Internet search engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web search, which
means to search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual web search

•Examples of search engines

‒ List of Top 10 Most Popular Search Engines In the World (Updated 2020)
• Google
• Bing
• Yahoo
• Baidu
• DuckDuckGo
• WolframAlpha
• Internet Archive
The World Wide Web consortium (W3C)
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member
organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led
by Web inventor and Director Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C's mission is to lead
the Web to its full potential.
‒ W3C also engages in education and outreach, develops software and serves as an open forum for
discussion about the Web.
◦ By following the W3C standards, web designers can ensure that their webpages display correctly on any
browser. This also helps computers to do more useful work over the world wide web.
Data and Information
Data representation
Data are characteristics or information, usually numerical, that are collected through observation. In a more
technical sense, data is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more persons or
objects, while a datum is a single value of a single variable.
• a "bit" is atomic: the smallest unit of storage • One byte = collection of 8
• A bit stores just a 0 or 1

• "In the computer it's all 0's and 1's" ... bits • e.g. 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
• Anything with two separate states can store 1 bit • One byte can store one
character, e.g. 'A' or 'x' or '$'
• In a chip: electric charge = 0/1
• In a hard drive: spots of North/South magnetism
= 0/1
• A bit is too small to be much use
• Group 8 bits together to make 1 byte
Overview of number systems
Number system is a way to represent numbers. We are used to using the base-10 number
system, which is also called decimal. Other common number systems include base-16
(hexadecimal), base-8 (octal), and base-2 (binary).
Digital Character Representation
Character Representation.
Everything represented by a
computer is represented by binary
sequences. A common non-integer
to be represented is a character. ...
A standard code ASCII (American
Standard for Computer Information
Interchange) defines
what character is represented by
each sequence.
Social Implications
Licence agreements
An End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a type of licensing contract between you and the
purchaser of your software. ... The SLA is a legal agreement between the customer and the
service provider that sets out details of the service itself, rather than the
relationship between the parties.
When you install proprietary software, you have to agree to terms and conditions in the license
agreement. This is an actual agreement and can contain information, such as: The software
cannot be modified or changed. Copies of the software cannot be made and distributed.
Social issues

Software piracy is defined as Copyright refers to the legal An arrangement whereby

illegally copying software that right of the owner of software or artistic work may
does not belong to you in a intellectual property. In simpler be used, modified, and
manner that violates the terms, copyright is the right to distributed freely on condition
copyright. A example copy. This means that the that anything derived from it
of software piracy is when original creators of products is bound by the same
you download a copy of and anyone they give conditions.
Microsoft Word from a file- authorization to are the only
sharing website without ones with the exclusive right to
paying for it. reproduce the work.
Social, ethical and legal issues to ICTs
Information systems raise new ethical questions for both individuals and societies because they
create opportunities for intense social change. ... These issues have five moral
dimensions: information rights and obligations, property rights and obligations, system quality,
quality of life, and accountability and control.
Digital Divide
The digital divide occurs when individuals or
groups do not have access to, or the ability to
make use of technology as compared to
digitally enabled groups
Factors that influence the digital divide:
oA lack of wide scale public access to
affordable broadband Internet technologies
oDifferences in educational levels
oThe age gap
oCompetition for financial resources
Health Issues
This group of injuries affect the Caused by inflammation of the Caused by forcing our bodies into
wrists. uncomfortable positions for hours
Caused by repetitive strain, especially on end
where people are repeating the same Causes pressure on the nerves Headache, backache and sore eyes
motion for longer than two hours a in the wrist, causing a pins and
are common complaints
needles feeling which can be
The longer you work with computers Can cause problems with digestive
very painful. system
this way, the worse the effect can
Often requires surgical Extreme cases where physical
Think about continuous texting, intervention activity is limited for long periods
playing games etc. of time can even cause
Can require medical treatment and Similar to tendonitis, which is hypertension, diabetes and pose
even surgical intervention also caused by RSI an increased risk of heart disease
The study and design of the workplace to
maximise productivity and safety by
removing factors causing pain and
The art of designing products that 'fit' to our
bodies, rather than forcing our bodies to fit
an environment it is forced into.
The study of the human body in order to
identify and remove pain causing factors, and
find out where support is necessary
Green computing
Green computing is the environmentally
responsible and eco-friendly use
of computers and their resources. In
broader terms, it is also defined as the
study of designing,
manufacturing/engineering, using and
disposing of computing devices in a way
that reduces their environmental impact.
Examples include:
oPurchasing from Environmentally
Committed Companies.
oParticipating in Electronic Recycling
oDeploying Virtual Technologies.
oLimiting Printing and Recycling Paper.
Global e-communication
Computers have definitely changed the way we communicate. It has made communication faster,
cheaper and more reliable
Snail-mail (normal letter sent via the post office) vs e-mail
Video conferences with people all over the world – Without having to waste time and money on travelling
Message millions of people instantly via social media
Transfer huge files safely and quickly
The sender has a record / evidence that the document has been sent via e-mail
Can track whether the receiver has read the document
Quality of document remains the same as when created
Communication not dependant on time barriers
Business transactions can happen any time / place
Email threats and issues
oViruses – A computer virus is any program that infects a user’s computer and acts in a
way that will harm the user without the user’s knowledge.
oHoaxes – Hoaxes are false reports deliberately changed to look like they are true.

Spam – Spam refers to irrelevant, unsolicited emails sent over the internet, typically to
many users. Spam emails are often used for advertising, phishing and spreading
oPhishing – Phishing attacks try to obtain sensitive information (such as usernames,
passwords and banking details) by sending emails to users that look like official emails.
oEmail spoofing – With email spoofing, the attacker forges the address from which the
email is sent to pretend that the email is sent from a different person.
oPharming – Pharming attacks create an official-looking website that requests sensitive
Safe email and Internet use
Email safety tips Internet safety rules
Change your password regularly Keep Personal Information
and keep it in a safe place. Professional and Limited.
Don't share your password with Keep Your Privacy Settings
anyone. On.
Don't open attachments from Practice Safe Browsing.
anyone you don't know.
Make Sure Your Internet
Log out or sign off from your Connection is Secure.
account when you've finished
looking at/sending your email. Be Careful What You
Don't reply to spam or forward
chain emails. Choose Strong Passwords.

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