Primavera Class - Part 1

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• Primavera is a Project, Program & Portfolio Management Software /

• Used for performing all project related activities such as planning,
managing, executing projects, programs & portfolio with ease and
• Used for creating project schedules, budgets & tracking project progress
• Provides world-class functionality for project based
organizations, including:

 Planning and Scheduling

 Resource Management
 Portfolio Management
 Risk & Issue Management
• In May 1983 , Joel Koppleman and Dick Faris founded Primavera Systems in Philadelphia,

• And so Primavera Project Planner [P3] was born (October 1983)

• In 1999, Primavera acquired Eagle Ray Software.

• In 2007, P6 was released.

• In 2009, Primavera, a privately held company, was bought by Oracle, a publicly held company.
What’s in the name??
The product that we all know as ‘P6’ is officially named as:

Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management

Understanding the terms:
• Organization
• Enterprise
• Corporation
• Conglomerate

• Portfolio
• Program
• Project
Understanding the terms:
 Organization is organized group of people for the shared
purpose of administering and managing business, social, political
and other activities. Numerous legal types of organization exist.
They include Military Forces, Charities, Educational Institutions,
Political Groups and Non-Governmental Entities.

 Enterprise is a venture for carrying out business activities, which

could be manufacturing, trading or service, and is a legal endeavor.
Enterprise is another word for a for–profit business or company.

An Organization is Goal – Oriented whereas

an Enterprise is Profit – Oriented.
Understanding the terms:
 Corporation is a legal entity created by individuals, stockholders
or shareholders, with the purpose of operating for profit.
Corporations are allowed to enter in contracts, sue and be sued, own
assets, remit taxes and borrow money from financial institutions. The
creation of a corporation involves a legal process called incorporation.

 Conglomerate is a multi – industry company – i.e., a combination

of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries
under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many
subsidiaries. Conglomerates are often large and multinational.

A Conglomerate is a Corporation that is made up of a

number of different, sometimes unrelated business.
Understanding the terms:

Understanding the terms:

 Project is defined as a temporary endeavor undertaken

to create a unique product or service.
A project has a scope of work to be done, a timeline for
completing the work, and a set amount of resources to do the
Project management is the application of the process,
planning, knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to bring
about the successful completion of specific project goals and
Understanding the terms:

 Program is a group of related projects and other activities

managed to contribute to the same business objective or benefit.
Program management is the process of analyzing and
managing the projects to define the right strategy.
Program management includes activities like resolving
resource constraints and conflicts that affect multiple projects
within the program, aligning strategic direction that affects the
project and program goals and objectives, and resolving issues
and change management within a shared governance structure.
Understanding the terms:
 Portfolio is a collection of projects, programs, sub-portfolios
and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
All the items may not necessarily be interdependent or directly
Portfolio management aligns with organizational strategy by
selecting the right programs or projects, prioritizing the work, and
providing the needed resources.
Portfolio management provides a big picture of the organization
projects and programs and support the managers to analyze and make
the right decisions.
What’s in the name??
Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management
Enterprise :- P6 supports companies with geographically diverse projects
and a workforce spread across the globe.
Project :- P6 allows to measure scope, timeline and resources of the project
and also gives the ability to react these measurements to ensure
that our project accomplishes its goals.
Portfolio :- P6 allows decision makers to understand their business from a
broad perspective, and to take action on that information.
Management :- P6 helps to maintain reliable budget, anticipate cash flow and
resource usage, and record and react to changes as they arise.
P6 is designed to help organizations manage their projects in a coherent manner,
giving them the power to make better decisions and allowing them to focus on
 Model of the constraints of a project.

 These constraints are areas where

changes are introduced.

 The key is to balance these

constraints throughout the project
Common Characteristics of PROJECTS
Although the end product is varied, every project shares some common

There are deliverables (what the customer is paying for)

There is a scope of work to meet the requirement of the deliverables.
There is a management of:
Communication among the project team
Project Documentation
 Initiation - deciding whether to proceed finding funds and

 Planning - enumerating scope, creating the schedule, and

planning resources.

 Execution - performing the work to create project deliverables.

 Controlling - measuring progress and making corrective actions

as the project progresses.

 Closing - delivering the project and reviewing lessons learned.

Advantages of PRIMAVERA
• Primavera software is flexible when it comes to managing task, with one platform that
allows users to prioritize, execute and monitor their work
• A multiuser system lets teams work at the same time on the same project across the
• Real-time reporting provides meaningful data delivered fast, either on-demand or
• The dashboard allows users to manage a single project or even a portfolio, with great
• P6 can be used on multiple devices, such as tablets and mobile devices for access
anywhere and at any time.
 Site Preparation
 Garden Area Preparation
 Piling & Column Works
 Compound Wall Foundation
 Fertilize Soil
 Roof Concreting
 Compound Wall Block Work
 Planting
 Block Work & Plastering
 Compound Wall Plastering
 Painting, Electric & Plumbing Works
 Handover
P6 helps to manage these entities by breaking down a project into
two main components:
An activity is a logical element of work to be done. Activity can occur
independently, or can depend on one another.
Activities are the basic work elements of a project. An activity is also
known as a task, item, or event.
Resources can be the people assigned to work on the task, the
equipment that is needed to perform the work, or the materials to install.
Each of these resources has an associated cost, and potentially limited
Put the set of tasks into the best order to complete the work.

 You are given a battery tester, a dozen batteries, only six of which
work, and a flashlight that is broken down into three components:
the core, the front casing and a light bulb.

What is the best way to order the following tasks?

o Turn on flashlight.
o Test batteries.
o Screw front casing onto core.
o Insert batteries.
o Identify two working batteries.
o Insert light bulb into front casing.
Project Project


Activitie Activitie Activitie Activitie

s s s s
The EPS is a logical, meaningful, hierarchical arrangement of all the
projects in your organization. This is a view of the company showing its areas
of operations.

 The EPS has a Main/Root Node (The Enterprise/Organization) and several

Nodes and Sub-Nodes defining the various fields, this Enterprise is
involved in.

 Once defined, the EPS does not change dramatically or frequently. It only
needs suitable modifications sometimes.

 The EPS is available to all existing and future projects in the Enterprise.
Residential Single Storey
Buildings House

L&T Buildings Buildings

L&T Constructions Buildings

L&T Infrastructure Constructions
Larsen & Toubro
L & T Ltd

Heavy Equipments Construction
L&T Manufacturing
Electrical Equipments

Power Generation
L&T Technology
IT Services

Mutual Funds
L&T Finance
Micro Finance
 Create an EPS based on the figure given below:

 Create an EPS for the company ABC Ltd. with Construction as root and
the next level as Mechanical, Civil and Electrical. Pipe line and
Fabrication under Mechanical; Dams, Flyover and Airport construction
under Civil and Power under Electrical.
The OBS defines how people within a company are organized and
what rights and access they have within projects. The OBS reflects
the chain of command within the company.

• The OBS can often mirror the EPS, but the two may also diverge.

• The specific OBS elements may be a mix of specifically named

people, business units, departments, and specialties.

• The OBS and EPS are interconnected such that the OBS can be
used to apply security roles and access all projects below specific ..
Program Manager Project
RB Manager - 1

General Manager - Program Manager

Buildings CB

Program Manager
Managing Director - IB

Program Manager
General Manager - RC
Larsen & Toubro

Program Manager
General Manager -
Heavy Equipments BC
Managing Director -
General Manager -
Electrical Equipments

General Manager -
Power Generation
Managing Director -
General Manager -
IT Services

General Manager -
Mutual Funds
Managing Director -
General Manager -
Micro Finance
Single Storey
Residential Buildings
(PGM – RB)
(P M – 1)
L&T Buildings Commercial Buildings
(G M – B) (PGM – CB)

Industrial Buildings
L&T Constructions (PGM – IB)
(M D – C)
Road Constructions
L&T Infrastructure (PGM – RC)
(G M – I)
L & T Ltd

Heavy Equipments Bridge Construction

(PGM – BC)
(G M – HE)
L&T Manufacturing
(M D – M) Electrical Equipments
(G M – EE)

Power Generation
(G M – P)
L&T Technology
(M D – T) IT Services
(G M – IT)

Mutual Funds
(G M – MF)
L&T Finance
(M D – F) Micro Finance
(G M – M)
 Create an OBS based on the figure given below:

 Create an OBS for ABC Ltd with Executive Director as Roshan Galcha, Director of
Technical as Jose and Director of Operations as Prince, Program Managers as
Ramjith and Dilna under Director Technical and Joe and Felix under Director of
Operations, Project Managers are Gileesh and Amogh under Ramjith; Ramu and
Azhar under Dilna; Jaya and Sundar under Joe and Ashok and Raja under Felix.
 Link the EPS and OBS based on the figure given below:

 Give responsible managers for the created EPS structure of the company ABC Ltd
by taking from the OBS structure.
Calendars enable to define available workdays and work-hours in a
day. We can also specify public holidays, recognized holidays and project-
specific work/non-workdays.

 We can establish an unlimited number of calendars to accommodate

different work patterns.

 We can also assign calendars to each resource and activity to determine

time constraints in a uniform way.

 P6 uses your calendar assignments for leveling resources, scheduling,

and tracking activities.
There are three kinds of Calendars in P6:

 Global Calendar A global calendar can be

assigned to any activity or resource in the P6 database.

 Project Calendar A Project Calendar is

associated with a specific P6 Project and can only be assigned to activities in that
particular projects.

 Resource Calendar A Resource Calendar can

only be assigned to resources.
 Create a new base calendar with timings from 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM with one hour
break in between. The working day per week is 6 days. Give holidays as 26 th January,
15th August, 21st October, 14th April, 14th November and 25th December from global

 Create a new Calendar based on the figure given below:

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