Decentralized Voting App Using Blockchain-3

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Supervised by- Dr. Urvashi garg.

• Sehaj Singh UID-22BCS15520
• Harsh Gautam UID-22BCS14231
• Abhishek UID-22BCS15126
• Dhruv Sharma UID-22BCS13922
• Udit Sharma UID-22BCS12728
Problem statement-

The need for a decentralized voting app arises from

the limitations of traditional voting systems. Centralized
voting systems are prone to fraud, manipulation,
and hacking, which can compromise the integrity of
the voting process and the outcome. Decentralized
voting apps, on the other hand, leverage the power of
block chain technology to provide a more secure,
transparent, and democratic voting system.
Decentralized voting apps have the potential to address
several key issues related to traditional voting systems, such as
transparency, security, and accessibility. Here are a few reasons
why decentralized voting apps may be needed:

• Transparency: Decentralized voting apps can provide a higher

level of transparency compared to traditional voting systems. With
a decentralized system, all transactions are recorded on a public
blockchain, which ensures that the voting process is
transparent and tamper-proof.

• Security: Decentralized voting apps can offer increased security

by leveraging cryptographic algorithms and decentralized
consensus protocols. This makes it much more difficult for bad
actors to manipulate or interfere with the voting process.
• Accessibility: Decentralized voting apps can
make voting more accessible for people who are unable
to participate in traditional voting systems, such as
those who to a polling station.

• Trust: Decentralized voting apps can help to build trust

in the voting process by providing a verifiable and
auditable record of all votes. This can help to prevent
disputes and challenges to the outcome of an

• Ballot paper:- A ballot paper is actually a device meant for

casting votes in an election, and maybe a piece of paper
or a small ball used in secret voting.


electronic voting machine (EVM) were developed in 1989 by
Election Commission of India in collaboration with Bharat
Electronics Limited and Electronics Corporation of India
Limited. The Industrial designers of the EVMs were faculty
members at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay.
1. Designing a decentralized voting app requires careful consideration of several factors,
including security, transparency, usability, and scalability. Here are some key steps and
considerations that can help you develop a robust methodology for creating a decentralized
voting app:
2. Determine the type of decentralized network: You need to decide on the type of
decentralized network that your voting app will use. Popular options include blockchain-
based networks like Ethereum, Cardano, or peer-to-peer networks like IPFS. Each network
has its strengths and weaknesses
3. Develop a consensus mechanism: A consensus mechanism is a critical component of
any decentralized voting app, as it ensures that all participants agree on the outcome of the
vote. There are several types of consensus mechanisms, including proof of work, proof of
stake, and delegated proof of stake.
4. Design a user-friendly interface: A decentralized voting app should have a user-friendly
interface that makes it easy for users to cast their votes. Consider designing an intuitive,
simple, and accessible interface that can be used by people of all ages and technical abilities.
5. Ensure data security and privacy: Security and privacy are critical for a
voting app. You need to ensure that data is protected from unauthorized
access and manipulation. You can use cryptographic techniques like
encryption, digital signatures, and zero-knowledge proofs to ensure data
security and privacy.
6. Conduct testing and auditing: Before launching your decentralized voting
app, you should conduct rigorous testing and auditing to identify and fix any
bugs or vulnerabilities. You can also consider engaging third-party security
auditors to help you identify potential security risks.
7. Deploy and maintain the app: Once you have developed and tested your
decentralized voting app, you can deploy it to the chosen decentralized
network. Ensure that you have a plan for maintaining the app and providing
ongoing support to users.
In summary, developing a decentralized voting app requires careful
consideration of several factors, including network type, consensus mechanism,
user interface, data security, testing, and maintenance. By following a robust
methodology that addresses each of these factors, you can create a secure,
transparent, and user-friendly decentralized voting app.
Related literature review…
The work in the various research paper is mainly focusing on
to create secure transparent voting system. and for designing
such system blockchain is used which is base decentralized
technology . blockchain naturally solves trust and
transparency which are indispensable in any election with so
when you have a decentralized network of computers who all
have the same copy of the voting ledger and can update it
and/or verify it and updated as more votes come in it makes
tampering with the results very difficult if not impossible and
with blockchain you would have the votes stored on a
publicly accessible ledger so that voters could verify that their
choices have been accurately recorded and they can also bear
witness to the validity of election results.Other than trust and
transparency there is affordability and availibility
• so with blockchain all you would have to do is download an
official election app onto your smartphone verify your
identity and cast your vote and this would all take place in
the course of a matter of minutes which means that the
convenience and simplicity of running the election this way
would probably result in increased voter participation what
this also means is that you no longer have to travel to your
local city to vote in fact you don't even have to be in the same
country anymore which is ideal if you happen to be traveling
abroad during elections or if you live abroad and with regard
to affordability yeah with everything distributed and
decentralized there's no longer in need for purchasing
expensive servers to store voter data nor is there need to hire
a bunch of people to tally paper ballots by hand with
blockchain all votes are tallied instantly and the the the
results updated in real time.
• The objective of the Decentralized Voting App project would
involve the development of a software application that
utilizes block chain technology and smart contracts to
automate the voting process. The app would need to be
user-friendly, secure, and compatible with a range of
devices and operating systems. The project would also
involve the development of a robust testing and
verification process to ensure the integrity and
security of the voting system. Finally, the project would
involve the implementation of appropriate governance
structures to ensure the appon going maintenance and

• Identity Verification: One of the biggest challenges

in decentralized voting is ensuring that each voter is a
unique individual and not a bot or an imposter. A
possible solution is to use a combination of biometric
identification and blockchain technology. For
example, the voter's identity could be verified using
fingerprint or facial recognition technology and then
linked to their public key on the blockchain.

• Privacy Protection: Another challenge is protecting

the privacy of the voter. In a decentralized voting app,
the user's vote is publicly recorded on the blockchain.
To ensure privacy, the vote could be encrypted using a
secure algorithm and only decrypted by authorized
parties after the voting process is complete.
• Vote Tampering: Another challenge is preventing vote
tampering. One solution is to use a distributed ledger
technology like blockchain, which makes it virtually
impossible to alter or delete votes once they have been
• Voter Education: Finally, it is important to educate voters
on how to use the decentralized voting app and how to verify
that their vote was accurately recorded. This could include
providing clear instructions and offering a way to verify the
vote count after the voting process is complete.

Overall, decentralized voting apps offer a promising

solution to the challenges of traditional voting
systems. By using blockchain technology and other
security measures, it is possible to create a
transparent and secure system that protects voter
privacy and ensures the accuracy of the results.

Scalability: One of the most significant challenges facing block

chain-based voting systems is scalability. Block chain technology
can be slow and cumbersome, which may make it difficult to process
a large number of votes quickly

Security:The system must be designed to prevent tampering, hacking,

or other malicious activities that may compromise the integrity of the
voting process.
Blockchain Infrastructure :-Developing a decentralized voting
app using blockchain technology requires a robust blockchain
infrastructure, which can be challenging to build and maintain.

Voter Verification: Ensuring the identity of voters in a

decentralized voting app can be challenging, and if not done
correctly, it can result in fraud or voter impersonation.
1.Increased transparency: Decentralized voting apps can provide greater
transparency in the election process by making the results of the vote
publicly visible on the blockchain. This allows anyone to verify the
outcome of the vote, eliminating concerns about tampering and fraud.
2.Improved security: Decentralized voting apps can be more secure than
traditional voting methods because they use cryptographic techniques to
protect the integrity of the vote. The use of decentralized networks makes it
difficult for any individual or group to manipulate the vote results.
3.Greater accessibility: Decentralized voting apps can make voting more
accessible to a wider range of people by allowing them to vote from
anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This can improve voter
turnout, particularly among young people and those living in remote areas.
4. Lower costs: Decentralized voting apps can be more cost-
effective than traditional voting methods because they
eliminate the need for physical polling stations, ballot printing,
and manual vote counting. This can reduce the cost of running
an election significantly.

5. Faster results: Decentralized voting apps can provide faster

results than traditional voting methods because they eliminate
the need for manual vote counting. This can reduce the time it
takes to announce the results of the election.

The goal of this research is to analyze and evaluate

current research on block chain-based electronic
voting systems. The article discusses recent electronic
voting research using block chain technology. The
block chain concept and its uses are presented first,
followed by existing electronic voting systems. Then, a
set of deficiencies in existing electronic voting systems
are identified and addressed. The block chain’s
potential is fundamental to enhance electronic voting,
current solutions for block chain-based electronic
voting, and possible research paths on block chain-
based electronic voting systems. Numerous experts
believe that block chain may be a good fit for a
decentralized electronic voting system
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