Optimal Blackstart Resource Allocation For Power System Restoration of Bhutan Using DigSILENT
Optimal Blackstart Resource Allocation For Power System Restoration of Bhutan Using DigSILENT
Optimal Blackstart Resource Allocation For Power System Restoration of Bhutan Using DigSILENT
Background Aims
Outline Objectives
• A blackout is the total loss of electric power supply in a region. Blackout originates from power
system disturbances resulting in loss of service to all the loads within an area[1]. However,
irrespective of the causes of the major disturbances it is very important to have plans and system
in phase to hand such problems in the power system without taking much time.
• Some of the major key requirements for power system restoration are black start capability,
capacity of islanded operation and stability after a sudden change in the load[2].
• Fortunately, majority of the power generation in Bhutan is from hydropower plant[3]. Unlike other
power plants hydropower plants have high black start capability making restoration easier.
Problem statement
Black starts, if not properly studied
beforehand, can be a slow and unreliable. If
done without proper planning, can lead to
re-tripping of generators (another blackout).
Figure 2: Methodology
Optimal blackstart resource allocation for power system
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restoration of Bhutan using DigSILENT
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