Primary and Secondary Research

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Session 9

Primary and Secondary Research

& Data Collection Methods
Topics Covered in last session
01 Sampling & its Types

02 Sample Size

03 Ethics in Research

Slides Content Source: Bryman, Sekaran & Bougie

and Saunders
Topics to be covered today
01 Primary Research

02 Secondary Research

03 Objectives
Methods of Data Collection

04 Developing

05 Pilot Testing
Primary Research
 When Researcher need to undertake the solution of problem and
involve with collection of data from respondents or people is
referred as Primary Research.

 Business Researches in various domains are primary research.

 Primary Data collected through survey questionnaires and interviews

Source of Primary Data
• Original documents prepared by the researcher investigating any given
topic of research.
• Reporters witnessing an event and reporting news.
• Conducting surveys to collect data, such as primary elections and
population census.
• Interviews, speeches, letters and diaries – what the participants wrote
or said during the process of data collection.
• Audio, video and image files created to capture an event.  
Secondary Data
 Secondary Data refers to available literature, and time series / panel data, case studies /documentary for conducing further
research and proving or testing hypothesis.

 Secondary data include both raw data and published summaries. Most organizations collect and store a variety of
data to support their operations: for example, payroll details, copies of letters, minutes of meetings and accounts of sales of
goods or services. Quality daily newspapers contain a wealth of data, including reports about takeover bids and
companies’ share prices.

Government departments undertake surveys and publish official

 statistics covering social, demographic and economic topics. Consumer research organisations collect data that are used
subsequently by different clients.
 Trade organizations collect data from their members on topics such as sales that are subsequently aggregated
 and published.

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #246
Types of Secondary Data

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #249
Locating Secondary Data
 Research Journals
 Journal Articles
 Government Publications
 Organizations case studies
 Dissertations
 Books
 Critical Reviews

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #255
Source of Secondary Data Time Series and Panel Data
 State Bank of Pakistan
 Federal Bureau of Statistics
 IMF / World Bank
 Stock Markets
 Etc

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #255
Examples of Secondary Data
Time Series and Panel Data from Excel Sheet /VLE

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #255
Difference between Primary Data
 Used for Collection of primary data

 The design of your questionnaire will affect the response rate and the reliability and
 validity of the data you collect. Response rates, validity and reliability can be

■ careful design of individual questions;
■ clear layout of the questionnaire form;
■ lucid explanation of the purpose of the questionnaire;
■ pilot testing;
■ carefully planned and executed administration

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #355

When to use Questionnaire
We have found that many people use a questionnaire to collect data without considering
 other methods such as examination of secondary sources

 Our advice is to evaluate all possible data collection methods and to choose those most appropri-
ate to your research question(s) and objectives.

 Questionnaires are usually not particularly good for exploratory or other research that requires
large numbers of open-ended questions

 They work best with standardized questions that you can be confident will be interpreted the same
way by all respondents (Robson, 2002).

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #355
Type of Questionnaire

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #357
Questions Example

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #359
Questions Example

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #359
Designing Questionnaire

Business Research Methods, Mark Saunders, 4th Edition, Chapter 8, Page #366
Designing Questionnaire
• Adapted or
• Self Developed
Designing Questionnaire
• Adapted
• How to select the items of questionnaire from
other research articles
• Example from Article
Designing Questionnaire:
CDE Analysis
• Constructs
• Dimensions
• and Elements
Transformation of R.Q to Research Questionnaire
Research Purpose

Research Questions

Conceptual Framework

Research Hypothesis

Develop tool for data collection

Sample Questionnaire
• In Word Document Based on Likert scale

Go to Google, Go to Google docs, develop your own Doc

How to Develop Questionnaire
• Review from Google Forms
Thank You!

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