5 CO03 Week 2 Slidesv 2

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Level 5 Intermediate Diploma in Human Resource

Professional behaviours and valuing people
(Unit 5C003)
Week 2
Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit, you will:

1. 2. 3.
Be able to demonstrate
Be able to demonstrate Be able to champion inclusive personal commitment to
professional and ethical and collaborative strategies learning, professional
behaviours, in the context of for building positive working development and
people practice relationships. performance improvement..
Week 2

2.1:Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included,

valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory.

2.2:Discuss strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices.

2.3:Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building

positive working relationships with others.

3.4:Reflect on the impact of your continuing professional development

activities on own behaviour and performance.
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building
positive working relationships.
2.1 Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included,
valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory
Task 1: recap

How does it feel to be ignored, excluded or

treated unfairly?

How do these things affect your behaviour?

What are the broader impacts in an


What are the benefits of treating people

fairly and inclusively?
Engagement and Inclusion

To enhance engagement https://engageforsuccess.org/the-four-enablers

Macleod found four key enablers which were:

• Strategic narrative- a strong vision of a positive future and clarity about

how to get there
• Employee voice- involved and listened to, having their contribution
valued at all stages
• Engaging managers; to coach, stretch and encourage their people and
teams, treating them as individuals
• Integrity – stated values are demonstrated in every day behaviours and
decisions made

• In the UK in 2019-2020,

17.9 million working days
were lost due to sickness
• With the average
employee being sick for 9
days in a year and with a
trend showing a sharp
increase since 2018.
• (HSE.gov.uk 2019).  

THE HSE report that the prime causes of stress include; workloads, role
uncertainty and lack of support. With interpersonal relationships at work
and changes at work being significant factors in how well people felt
supported or not.
Policies vary but reoccurring themes or measures that they might cover

• Stress audits followed by the reorganising resources to reduce or eliminate
 stress ‘hot-spots’
• People Management skills for managers at all levels
• Having a work ethos that, whilst being aligned with organisational strategy 
and goals, encourages staff to ask for and search for support when needed
Being valued at work

• Dan Pink; Mastery, autonomy and purpose

• Maslow; hierarchy of needs

• McLelland; achievement , affiliation and power

• David Rock; status, certainty, autonomy,

relatedness and fairness (scarf)
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building
positive working relationships.
2.2 Discuss strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices.
Inclusive people practices

What strategies do
you have in your
organisation to
ensure inclusivity?
Working with decision makers

• Co-operation with decision makers is vital

so you are able to align D&I strategies
across the organisation

• Being able to persuade and influence

decision makers is crucial to this

• In order to fulfil the strategic HR role you

need to be able to manage relationships
across the organisation
Communication for inclusion

HR Professionals need to:

• Be able to plan and deliver effective


• Show good judgement on content and

choice of medium

• Use this as a means to reaffirm alignment

with organisational goals
Communication methods

Effective communication is not as simple as sharing

information, but also examining the format it takes.
When are the following means effective?:

• Emails?
• Phone Calls?
• Presentations?
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building
positive working relationships.
2.3 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building
positive working relationships with others.
Valuing diversity

• Why do you think it is important to

be able to work well in a diverse
• What tends to happen if teams are
not diverse and inclusive?
• Why is this valuable to a HR
Collaboration opportunities

• Why might networking be especially relevant to HR professionals, in both an

internal and external context?
Ways of promoting inclusivity
Ways to value diversity
Ways to value diversity
Reflect on own approach

Complete the questions in the attached link to identify your dominant role/s

How could you identify the team roles

your employees are dominant in?
• Appraisals
• Team building exercises
• Social activities
• Observations
• Any other?
Building positive working relationships

• Actively seeking opinions

• Listening to diverse views
• Creating collaborative opportunities
• Sharing knowledge
• Valuing people
Learning Outcome 2
Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building
positive working relationships.
2.3 Evaluate the impact of the solution to influence and engage people
within an organisation.
Different agendas

At times conflicting priorities and agendas is a natural element when running a

business – so how do we avoid it going this far?
Engagement not compliance

Any improvement
means a change has
taken place. In order Influe
to effectively lead and nce
support this you need
to be able to: Negotiate

Principles of evaluating impact


• This is part of the needs • This is part of the evaluation of the solution after it has
analysis and planning activity been implemented.
of the solution itself. • Broadly, evaluation aims to understand to what extent
• It involves doing a prospective and how an intervention corrects the problem it was
analysis of what the impact of intended to address.
an intervention might be, so as • Impact assessment focuses on the effects of the
to inform the design of the intervention, whereas evaluation is likely to cover a wider
solution. range of issues such as the appropriateness of the
intervention design, the cost and efficiency of the
intervention, its unintended effects and how to use the
experience from this intervention to improve the design
of future interventions
Evaluating the impact

Ways to check if the solution was impactful:

• Impact analysis should take place as the solution is being designed
• Impact analysis includes full consultation with affected parties
• And a full consideration of how to meet all needs of those parties
• Make sure you go back and check how people are reacting to the solution as it is
• Be open about taking feedback on board and what changes will be made as a
result of that
Learning Outcome 3
Be able to demonstrate personal commitment to learning, professional
development and performance improvement.
3.4 Reflect on the impact of your continuing professional development
activities on own behaviour and performance.
Reflective practice
Reflective practice
Theories of reflection

• Reflection is an opportunity to check out our personal and professional congruence

(Megginson and Wilkinson 1988)

• Schon proposes ‘by attending to the practitioner's reflection in action….it is possible

to discover a fundamental practice of professional inquiry’ (M& W, p119) L=P+Q
where L is learning and P is programmed or traditional instruction and Q is critical

• Bolton suggests that reflective practice can help us face problems, hesitations,
relationships and so on… (M& W, p119)

• Reflection can be an individual, paired or group activity. Revans (1998) argues that
maximum benefit can be gained from working as a group or set, because this can
offer a wide range of options (p120)
Self reflection

Self reflection takes focused and quiet time – try this exercise out based
on critical incident analysis

Q. how has this helped you with your self reflective skills?
Theories of reflection

Reflective practice

How do you reflect…?

• Discussion
• Self- analysis
• Feedback (Johari window model)
• Logging/recording learning
• Keeping a journal
• Audio recording
• Left hand column (p91 M&W)
Requirements for CPD

Self assessment against

Associate criteria

Identify CPD priorities

Evaluate learning options taking

Personal development Plan
into account learning style

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