Black Box Testing

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Software Testing Techniques

Testing Objective
• Primary Objective
– Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding
an error.
– A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as-
yet undiscovered error.
– A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error
• Objective is to design tests that systematically uncover different classes
of errors and to do so with a minimum amount of time and effort.
• Testing demonstrates that software functions appear to be working
according to specification, that behavioral and performance
requirements appear to have been met.
• Data collected as testing is conducted provide a good indication of
software reliability and some indication of software quality as a whole.
• But testing cannot show the absence of errors and defects, it can show
only that software errors and defects are present.
Testing Principles
• All tests should be traceable to customer
• Tests should be planned long before testing
• The *Pareto principle applies to software testing.
• Testing should begin “in the small” and progress
toward testing “in the large.”
• Exhaustive testing is not possible
• To be most effective, testing should be
conducted by an independent third party

*for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes

• Software testability is simply how easily a

computer program can be tested.
• Testing must exhibit set of characteristics that
achieve the goal of finding errors with a
minimum of effort.
Characteristics of s/w Testability
• Operability: The better it works, the more
efficiently it can be tested.
• Observability: What you see is what you test.
• Controllability: The better we can control the
software, the more the testing can be
automated and optimized."
• Decomposability: By controlling the scope of
testing, we can more quickly isolate problems
and perform smarter retesting.
• Simplicity: The less there is to test, the more
quickly we can test it.
• Stability: The fewer the changes, the fewer
the disruptions to testing.
• Understandability: The more information we
have, the smarter we will test.
Testing attributes
1. A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
– Tester must understand the software and attempt to develop a mental
picture of how the software might fail.
2. A good test is not redundant.
– Testing time and resources are limited.
– There is no point in conducting a test that has the same purpose as
another test.
– Every test should have a different purpose
– Ex. Valid/ invalid password.
3. A good test should be “best of breed”
– In a group of tests that have a similar intent, time and resource
limitations may mitigate toward the execution of only a subset of these
4. A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex.
– sometimes possible to combine a series of tests into one test case, the
possible side effects associated with this approach may mask errors.
– Each test should be executed separately
Test Case Design
• Objectives of testing, we must design tests that have the highest
likelihood of finding the most errors with a minimum amount of time
and effort.
• Test case design methods provide a mechanism that can help to ensure
the completeness of tests and provide the highest likelihood for
uncovering errors in software.
• Any engineered product (and most other things) can be tested in one of
two ways:
– Tests can be conducted that demonstrate each function is fully
operational while at the same time searching for errors in each
– tests can be conducted to ensure that all internal operations are
performed according to specifications and all internal components
have been adequately exercised.
• The first test approach is called black-box testing and the second,
white-box testing.
Test cases and Test suites
• Test case is a triplet [I, S, O] where
– I is input data
– S is state of system at which data will be input
– O is the expected output
• Test suite is set of all test cases
• Test cases are not randomly selected. Instead
even they need to be designed.
Need for designing test cases
• Almost every non-trivial system has an
extremely large input data domain thereby
making exhaustive testing impractical
• If randomly selected then test case may loose
significance since it may expose an already
detected error by some other test case
Design of test cases
• Number of test cases do not determine the
• To detect error in following code
if(x>y) max = x; else max = y;
• {(x=3, y=2); (x=2, y=3)} will suffice
• {(x=3, y=2); (x=4, y=3); (x=5, y = 1)} will falter
• Each test case should detect different errors
Test Data and Test Cases
• Test data: Inputs which have been devised to
test the system.
• Test cases: Inputs to test the system and the
predicted outputs from these inputs if the
system operates according to its specification.
Test-to-pass and test-to-fail
• Test-to-pass:
– assures that the software minimally works,
– does not push the capabilities of the software,
– applies simple and straightforward test cases,
– does not try to “break” the program.
• Test-to-fail:
– designing and running test cases with the sole purpose of
breaking the software.
– strategically chosen test cases to probe for common
weaknesses in the software.
Black box testing
• Also called behavioral testing, focuses on the functional
requirements of the software.
• It enables the software engineer to derive sets of input
conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements
for a program.
• Black-box testing is not an alternative to white-box techniques
but it is complementary approach.
• Black-box testing attempts to find errors in the following
– Incorrect or missing functions,
– Interface errors,
– Errors in data structures or external data base access.
– Behavior or performance errors,
– Initialization and termination errors.
Black-box testing
• Characteristics of Black-box testing:
– Program is treated as a black box.
– Implementation details do not matter.
– Requires an end-user perspective.
– Criteria are not precise.
– Test planning can begin early.
Black-box testing
Inputs causing
Input test data I behaviour


Outputs which reveal

the presence of
Output test results Oe defects
Equivalence Partitioning
• Equivalence partitioning is a black-box testing method that
divides the input domain of a program into classes of data
from which test cases can be derived.
• Test case design for equivalence partitioning is based on an
evaluation of equivalence classes for an input condition.
• An equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid states
for input conditions.
• Typically, an input condition is either a specific numeric value,
a range of values, a set of related values, or a Boolean
Invalid inputs Valid inputs

• Equivalence
partitioning is the
process of
methodically System
reducing the huge (or
infinite) set of
possible test cases
into a small, but
equally effective, set
of test cases.
To define equivalence classes follow
the guideline
1. If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and
two invalid equivalence classes are defined.
2. If an input condition requires a specific value, one
valid and two invalid equivalence classes are
3. If an input condition specifies a member of a set,
one valid and one invalid equivalence class are
4. If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one
invalid class are defined.
Formation of EC
– One valid EC and two invalid EC
– Input is 0<n<max
– Valid EC is (0-max)
– Invalid EC1 : all n < 0
– Invalid EC2 : all n > max
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
• Boundary value analysis is a test case design
technique that complements equivalence
• Rather than selecting any element of an equivalence
class, BVA leads to the selection of test cases at the
"edges" of the class.
• In other word, Rather than focusing solely on input
conditions, BVA derives test cases from the output
domain as well.
Guidelines for BVA
1. If an input condition specifies a range bounded by values a
and b, test cases should be designed with values a and b
and just above and just below a and b.
2. If an input condition specifies a number of values, test
cases should be developed that exercise the minimum and
maximum numbers. Values just above and below
minimum and maximum are also tested.
3. Apply guidelines 1 and 2 to output conditions.
4. If internal program data structures have prescribed
boundaries be certain to design a test case to exercise the
data structure at its boundary
Boundary Value Analysis

• Some typical programming errors occur:

– at boundaries of equivalence classes
– might be purely due to psychological factors.
• Programmers often fail to see:
– special processing required at the boundaries of
equivalence classes.
Boundary Value Analysis
• Programmers may improperly use < instead of
• Boundary value analysis:
– select test cases at the boundaries of different
equivalence classes.

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