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B Y: A R Q U E R O , W E N D Y
D AV I D , T R I S H A
G A R A B I L L O , A LY S S A
M O S U E L A , J O H N PA U L

Nestled in a forest,  it provides users with a sense of

retreat, of being relaxed and nourished.  A forest
location opens up opportunities for many recreational
activities such as hiking and camping.

The topography of the site is ideal for a golf course,

especially with its gentle slopes. The wind speed and
wind gusts in the area plays around  6km/h to
28km/h, which is ideal for a golf course. Only a
140,000+ Driving Range is available in the area. The
majority of the parks in the area are memorial parks
and are not suitable for recreational activities.
Golf is a sport that plays with the
wind. We applied this idea in the
designing the facilities in the course.
The idea was to apply passive
ventilation system. Also known as
Natural Passive ventilation, passive
ventilation makes use of natural
forces, such as wind and thermal
buoyancy, to circulate air to and
from an indoor space. These
ventilation systems work to regulate
the internal air temperature as well
as bring fresh air in and send stale air
• Presents an opportunity to design a golf course that
takes advantage of the natural landscape, while also
adhering to environmental regulations and zoning
laws. The topography, soil condition, and
microclimate of the site must be evaluated to ensure
the feasibility of the project. To provide an
amusing/refreshing/relaxing golf course and
clubhouse with the use of recycled wood , integration • The master plan should include a detailed layout of the course, with an emphasis
of passive ventilation , sustainability, culture and on safety, playability, and aesthetics. The landscape design should be sustainable
respect and discipline. and use native vegetation to minimize maintenance requirements and conserve
water. The irrigation system must be designed to minimize water usage and
prevent runoff. The clubhouse design should reflect the architectural style of the
region and provide functional spaces for golfers and visitors, including a pro
shop, locker rooms, and a restaurant. The master plan should also take into
account any potential future expansion or development of the golf course. The
design should allow for future changes or modifications to the course layout or
clubhouse design, while also maintaining the integrity of the original design.

•Provides job opportunity to the residents
•Customer service is on point
•Low operating and maintenance cost
•Better humidity control
•Better health and wellness
•Access to daylight
• The cart barn includes
different areas such as cart
charging area, cart washing
and maintenance, course
maintenance equipments, and
marshals who facilitates
Vip’s and members of the
• Provides job to the people
residing near the location

• Promotes the tourist spots near

the area/Boosts the economy. WHAT DOES YOUR
• Tells a story about the culture OFFER TO THE
and tradition of the Itawits. COMMUNITY AND
• Promotes Environment care TO SUBSCRIBE?
Course Site The Driving range is located just near the

Development Plan clubhouse for convenience and for it to be

easily noticed or identified. The practice
greens are Located near starting area and first
hole for easy transition from warm up to the
real game. The 1st Tee is adjacent to the
driving range and practice areas to easily
transition from practice to performance or
game. The 6th green and 9th green is located
immediately adjancent to the clubhouse for
golfers who would only play short games.
The green of the 18th hole is located in near
the clubhouse for easy transition from game
to relaxation.
Cart paths are well-maintained and clear of
vegetation. Distance markers are painted on
cart paths where appropriate.

Bunkers and hazards are placed strategically

from the 1st hole to the 18th hole to dictate
the phase of the game. Trees are used for
each fairway’s boundary to offer shade to the
Zoysia matrella

Also known as Philippine Bermuda or Manila

grass, is considered by many to be the ultimate
turf grass. It has an excellent dark green color,
very fine leaves, a low mowing requirement,
good wearing ability, selective herbicide
tolerance and tolerance for low-light situations.
Wedge Target
Located beside the Driving range, this facility is
used to test the golfer’s accuracy, direction and
distance control. Spaced exactly 15 yrds apart.
The target is made of metal, hitting the target is
like ringing a bell
Parking Areas

Close to the clubhouse and cart barn for

easy pick-up and drop-off of golfing
It is away from the front of the building to We provided bus parking area for
ensure the facilities attractive landscaped employee, guest/tourists, and or players
view from the road. shuttle. This is to lessen the pullotants
emited by cars.
Golf Ball Washing Machine
Provided Ball washing
machine near the Driving
range and wedge target
Clubhouse Ground Floor Plan
The Entrance is centralized. The lobby was made to look like a
mini museum where the beautiful landscapes and seascapes of
Cagayan is displayed. Also cultural exhibitions are displayed
along with trophies.
To regulate airflow, the wall behind the reception desk diverts
air to the dining and
to the offices, air then exits the building through the openings
on the rear side of the building. An inner courtyard/landscape
element is added, this courtyard replicates the chapel on the
chamber of the Callao cave, this idea also helps regulate air.

With an expectancy number of 200 members, we made sure to

provide enough/adequate seats and toilets. For safety
measures, we then separated the bar from the kitchen as
alcohol is extremely flammable. We provided a Gym and a
Golf simulator on the ground floor to keep thegolfers busy
whenever they can not play golf due to bad weather.
Second Floor

• The left stairs which connects the ground floor to the second
floor serves as a vertical transport sytem for the members
and guests while the stairs on the right side serves as service
We provided KTV rooms and card rooms for entertainment
to the golfers and guests.
We made sure to avoid putting a toilet above the location of
the ground floor kitchen.To provide passive ventilation
system an open lounge area is provided.
• A single straw is nothing but when woven into something, into a vessel like a basket it can be used
to take things to places. This straws can be compared to our staff, facility and players/guests.
Without one the others would be rendered useless.
• Our curved roofs signifies a lack of threat, which for us is the lack of threat to the environment.
• Psychologically curved lines are calming and that adds to our objective which is to provide a
relaxing atmosphere to our guests.
Cart Barn
• Our Cart barn is shaped like a pot. Aside from the obvious reason that a pot a is a container. The
other reason why it is shaped that way is because it signifies that our design is environment friendly.
As a proof the roofing system of our cart barn is made up of clay tiles. Clay tiles like an earthen pot
which is made of soil and after it’s use returns to soil. Clay tiles are renowned for their impressive
strength and durability. The hard-wearing structure of clay is built to withstand strong winds, heavy
rain, extreme temperatures and even fire.
Other Facilities:
• Tea House
• Guard Post
• Water Supply Building
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• Golf facilities are complete and well
• Customer Service is on point.
• Food and Beverage.
• Signages and Directions are complete.
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