CH 10 Mobile Technology and Its Applications

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National University of Modern Languages

Department of Media and Communication Studies

Course: Fundamentals of ICT

Course Code: MCIT-111
Credit Hours: 3
Program: BS 1st (Media & Communication Studies)
Topic: Mobile Technology and its Applications
Instructor: Rabia Yousaf

1. From the Latin mobilis - “to move” “able to move freely or easily”
“able or willing to move freely or easily between occupations, places
of residence and social classes” Device, state of being, industry
2. Mobile, wireless or cellular phone - a portable, handheld
communications device connected to a wireless network that allows
users to make voice calls, send text messages and run applications
3. One handed use limited (input, processing, battery life) rich (sensors,
usage) small.

• G refers to the different generations of mobile devices.

• First generation (1G) cell phones were analog devices.
• Second generation (2G) devices were digital, and
• Third generation (3G) allows for voice, data and advanced services
• Fourth Generation(4G) expanded to Multimedia services
• Fifth Generation (5G) supported Complete Wireless World Wide
Latest Mobile Application Development Trends 2023 
The following list of the latest mobile technology trends that
will shape the industry in the near future.
1. AI
2. AR
3. VR
4. Mobile IoT Apps
5. Mobile Payments
6. Cloud based Mobile Apps
7. 5 G connectivity
8. Wearable technology Impact on App Development
9. Enhanced Mobile Security
10. Cross Platform Mobile Development
11. Mobile Commerce
12. Voice Recognition
13. Biometric Advancements
1. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Mobile industry trends have been focused on artificial
intelligence since 2017, when Apple allowed developers to
integrate voice assistant Siri into their applications, and then
Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant were also introduced.
The following are some popular examples:
•Chatbots and virtual personal assistants in service industries
•Personalized ads and recommendations in ECommerce
•Motion and facial detection apps for surveillance systems
•Financial forecasting solutions
•Medical software that helps determine diagnoses and suggests
•Voice recognition apps for gaming, entertainment, and hands-
free communication.
Today, there are plenty of mobile apps that can recognize voice
commands, analyze textual and visual data, anticipate user
behavior, and make forecasts, recommendations, and decisions.
•Augmented reality (AR) takes something that’s
real and modifies it.
•One of the best examples of this is the face filter
options on Snapchat.
• Recently, Instagram implemented this feature as
•Other mobile apps use this strategy to generate
•Based on the success of apps such as, Snapchat,
and Instagram, more businesses have been trying
to incorporate augmented reality into their
mobile technology.
•According to Allied Market Research, the
mobile augmented reality market (MAR) was
estimated at $12.61 billion in 2020. By 2030,
it’s forecast to grow to $184.61 billion
• Virtual reality is not quite the same as augmented reality. You’ll need
more than just a smart phone to experience virtual reality.
• Typically, a helmet or some type of goggles get used simultaneously
with your mobile device. This technology may even come with a
joystick or controller.
• It’s estimated that the global valuation for the virtual reality market
will exceed $26 billion by the year 2022.
• This won’t happen overnight. We’re already seeing virtual reality
advancements and I expect those trends to continue as we move
• Applications that use AR/VR provide incredible opportunities
by enhancing the real-world environment with digital objects. A
couple of years ago, AR and VR were used mostly in gaming
apps (remember the overwhelming success of Pokemon Go?)
and marketing campaigns to entertain and impress customers.
Today, the mobile world leverages augmented and virtual reality
for more practical purposes, such as:
• Object measurement
• Navigation
• Interior design
• Education
• User manuals
• The Internet of Things has become mainstream in many
sectors, from healthcare and agriculture to manufacturing and
transportation. This resulted in the increased development of
mobile IoT apps. 
• IoT-enabled applications have revolutionized the way
businesses operate. Of course, a mobile app is only part of
the Internet of Things infrastructure.
• Mobile applications serve as the central interface for human
interaction with smart systems. For example, you can manage a
smart coffee maker via an app and make coffee lying on the
sofa; or see what’s left in your smart refrigerator directly from
the store.

• Mobile IoT applications allow users to:

• Monitor the readings of connected devices and sensors.
• View live video footage. 
• Analyze data, build charts, and generate reports.
• Manage devices (configure, open/close, turn on/off, trigger
notifications, send messages, and perform many other actions).
• IoT apps are equally beneficial for customer-focused solutions
(smart home appliances, wearables, traffic sensors) and
enterprise-grade management (oil and gas networks, railway
lines, autonomous cars, etc.).
• Currently, ECommerce is one of the most rapidly developing markets in the
world, and mobile shopping is among the top trends. Consequently, the
demand for mobile payments is growing.
• After 2020, there was a significant surge in the number of mobile payment
app users. This was primarily caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and people’s
avoidance of cash payment. Thus, over two billion people used mobile
payments in 2021. 
• In addition to numerous banking applications, the most widely used payment
apps include Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, AliPay, WeChatPay and Zelle.
• These apps empower users to perform financial transactions faster, easier
and from anywhere, contributing to the boom in mobile commerce.
• In 2023, the trend of developing eCommerce apps for mobile payments will
• As mobile security improves and global app
revenue rises, we’ll see an increase in
mobile payments as well. Among them are:
• bank apps
• PayPal
• Google Pay
• Samsung Pay
• Apple Pay
• Just look at the jump in the number of
payment apps users we’ve seen over these 3
years. These numbers are continuing to rise.
• There is a direct correlation between how
comfortable people feel making mobile
payments and the increase in mobile
payment popularity.

• Apps that integrate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence,

machine learning, IoT, etc., require a lot of storage in a mobile device’s
internal memory. But a gigabyte-sized app is not a solution of choice for
• Cloud computing easily solves this problem: remote servers provide the
necessary storage space for the seamless functioning of an app that is
quickly downloaded and doesn’t affect the internal memory of your
mobile device. The cloud means:
• Secure functioning across multiple devices.
• Saving money on hosting.
• Much more computing power.
• Better storage and loading capacity.

• 5G is transforming the world of mobile app development.

• The implementation of advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, AR, and cloud
computing into mobile devices is possible due to the enhancement of wireless
connectivity. Currently, the fifth-generation network is expanding globally,
serving increased communication needs for billions of devices.
• It provides the four main benefits for mobile solutions:
• Speed — the 5G standard is up to 100x faster than 4G.
• Low latency — ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) that comes
with 5G ensures real-time data processing.
• Connectivity — with 5G, it is possible to connect up to a million mobile devices,
compared with a couple of thousands supported by 4G. This opens up new
opportunities for the development of IoT apps.
• Bandwidth — 5G offers excellent connectivity when working with low, mid and
high bands.

• Wearable devices and their growing number of use cases uncover

new opportunities for businesses.
• If a wearable device is paired with an app, customers are more willing
to use it as they get a wider range of opportunities (e.g., the collected
data analytics and personalized recommendations).
• Wearable apps differ from smartphone apps: their interfaces are
concise due to small screen sizes, and they need to have low energy
• Currently, apps for smartwatches and fitness trackers are the most
widely used solutions.
• But the trend shows that more apps will be designed for other mobile
devices, such as smart glasses or healthcare gadgets.
• Today, all the major stores, banks, or airline companies have their own mobile
applications. Since their users are feeding and managing confidential information in
these apps, they need excellent security measures in place. Unfortunately, many
apps are full of vulnerabilities that open loopholes for hackers.
• Cyberattacks can cost a business dearly: they lead to direct financial losses, provoke
fines from regulators, cause an outflow of customers, and worsen the company’s
reputation on the market.
• The mobile development priority for the near future is to pay extra attention to
creating built-in security features in applications. 
• Risks can also be minimized by:
• Using safe coding practices and proper server settings.
• Testing the application for vulnerability to threats.
• Avoiding vulnerable authentication methods.
• Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA)

• Many people don’t like the risks of

providing sensitive information to
businesses, especially through
mobile apps. In fact, security &
Distrust are two of the top reasons
why mobile users don’t feel
comfortable using mobile payment
• Businesses are recognizing these
perceptions and improving their
mobile security. They want their
customers to comfortable when
paying using mobile devices.

• Android and iOS solutions dominate the mobile apps market (over 99%
altogether). Hence, for many businesses, it’s more cost-efficient to create a
cross-platform app that will be equally compatible with all required
• Cross-platform development is among mobile development trends that
remain unchanged for a number of years. This approach allows businesses
to reach a larger audience of users, reduce the time needed to create a
product, and optimize the cost of its launching.
• As practice shows, the rejection of cross-platform development leads to the
loss of about 23% of potential users if the application works only on
Android and about 77% when creating applications only for iOS.

• Mobile app development can be expensive. Business owners have weighed

the pros and cons of native and hybrid app development
• While both have their upsides, native development is more expensive.
Furthermore, native apps can be built only for one platform at a time.
• This is a problem for smaller businesses with smaller budgets for app
• If you want to have your app available on both iOS and Android devices,
you’d need to go through development twice, which is no easy task. Some
businesses can’t afford that. hybrid apps make this possible. It gives people
the opportunity to launch their apps on the Google Play Store and Apple App
Store simultaneously for a fraction of the cost.
• That’s why more mobile apps are available for download, which contributes
to the rising global app revenue as well.

• Mobile commerce started to gain popularity during the pandemic and is not losing ground
so far. Why is ECommerce going mobile? ECommerce is a general term that covers the
buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. Mobile commerce is a
subcategory of ECommerce focused on shopping via portable devices.
• According to Statista, 63% of customers prefer shopping via mobile apps because they
consider it a faster (57% of respondents) and more profitable (31% of respondent) way.
• The security level of financial transactions has also increased due to Face ID and Touch ID.

• There are several types of services that relate to mobile commerce:

• Mobile payments, digital wallets

• Contactless payments in physical stores using mobile apps such as Apple Pay or Google Pay

• Applications for money transfer

• Mobile shopping on websites, apps, and social networks

• Mobile banking and investments.

• In 2023, mobile commerce sales are expected to reach 55% of global ECommerce retail
• Speaking is a more natural method for people to interact with mobile apps than
swiping or touching a screen. Voice user interfaces (VUIs) are a step towards
improved user experience. 
• Today’s VUIs and voice assistants can solve simple tasks such as finding information
on the network or changing phone settings. They aren’t too powerful yet, but keep
• In the near future, we’ll witness more robust programs based on artificial intelligence.
These apps will be able to solve complex problems while taking the political, economic
and social situation in a particular country and the world into account. Developers are
eager to create a voice assistant that will be able, for example, to make investment
forecasts, advise which specialist to contact, which educational institution to choose
for your child, and so on.
• At their height, voice assistants will probably be able to recognize the mood and
emotional state of the user based on their speech. This way, they will better identify
intentions and perform tasks more accurately.
• Biometrics are used to enhance security for mobile devices. Examples of
biometrics include:
• voice recognition
• facial recognition
• signature recognition
• fingerprint recognition
• Your current device may have some of these features installed.
• For example, let’s say you’ve got an iPhone that was released in the last couple of
years. You’re used to the fingerprint feature to unlock the device.
• But the iPhone X has introduced facial recognition software also.
• Other apps are using biometrics as well. For example, you may be required to use
your fingerprint to make a mobile payment through some platforms.

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