What Is Hinduism & Yoga
What Is Hinduism & Yoga
What Is Hinduism & Yoga
What is Hinduism?
What is Hinduism?
It is the oldest major world religion;
It is the major religion in India, but followers are found in many other
No one knows exactly when Hinduism began, but most Hindus would
agree it started in Northern India about 5000 years ago (and later got
its name from the River Indus);
Who is a Hindu?
Hindus around the world
India – about 751-million
Hindu Scriptures
Shruti that which is heard – the words God actually spoke:
The 4 Vedas
Rig Veda the oldest & most important section; contains 1028 hymns; the most
recent was written in 15th century CE
The Ramayana poem which tells about the adventures & story of Rama and Sita
The Puranas stories and legends from the past, focus on Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva
Bhagavad Purana contains passages about Lord Krishna
The Laws of Manu collection of Smriti law books – how to live good life; About 100 CE
Mahabharata ‘The Great Indian Epic; the longest poem in the world; 3-million words
Bhagavad Gita the ‘Song of the Lord’, believed to be spoken by Lord Krishna
Main Hindu gods & denominations
Most Hindus believe there is only one God, who they call Brahman;
Some believe
that He is formless and without any attributes – Nirguna Brahman;
and others
Some pictures of Krishna
Pictures of some female Hindu deities
Picture of great monkey hero Hanuman
Hindu great monkey hero Hanuman
Hanuman, the great monkey hero, also called Maruti, assists Rama in his battle with
Ravana to rescue Sita, who had been kidnapped by Ravana. Hanuman symbolizes the
qualities of an ideal devotee of God, which can be represented by the letters of his name,
as follows:
After his coronation, following victory in the battle with Ravana, Rama distributed gifts
to all those who had assisted him in his battle with Ravana. Turning towards Hanuman,
Rama said, "There is nothing I can give you that would match the service you have
rendered to me. All I can do is to give you my own self." Upon hearing these words,
Hanuman stood by Rama, in all humility, with hands joined together in front of his
(Hanuman's) mouth, and head slightly bent in the pose of service for Rama. To this day,
this picture of Hanuman, as a humble devotee of the Lord, is the most popular among the
admirers and worshippers of Hanuman. The worship of Hanuman, therefore, symbolizes
the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental
strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotion to
the Lord. 13
Shri Satya Sai Baba’s picture & symbol
Photos of 2 Hindu temples
What else do Hindus believe?
Atman – or individual soul, is in all living things, and permanent
Moksha – or liberation from the above cycle and the aim of every
Some symbols in Hinduism
Aum or Om (Omkar) – sacred syllable,
Universal sound & mantra;
The 4 castes in Hinduism
Brahmins – priests and advisers
Wu Wei (non-dual action); The Ultimate Tao
Cosmic Consciousness (Richard Bucke)
Objective Consciousness (Gurdijeff)
Fana (Sufism)
Ascension to Light, Illumination, Liberation
Oneness, At-one-ment, Union with God
Mysticism as the Common Ground of all Religions
Exoteric (External)
Esoteric (Internal)
Islam Sufism
Christianity Via Negativa
Judaism Kabalah
Taoism Mahayana, Zen
Tao Mysticism
Buddhism Yoga, Advaita
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a system of esoteric Hindu disciplines
designed to achieve a Union with God, e.g. :
Advaita Vedanta Soteriology
Self-Realization (Vidya, Jnana, Knowledge):
1. Nondual Universal Consciousness is All There Is
2. Brahman = Nondual Universal Consciousness = All There Is
3. Atman (Individual Self) = Brahman
Avidya (ignorance): Atman’s identification
with name & form, intellect, mind, body
Chandogya Upanishad
Tat Tvam Asi – That Art Thou
Isa Upanishad
Yas Tvam Asi Soham Asi – You are indeed “I am”
Soham – I am He
Mundaka Upanishad
Idam Sarvam Asi – You are all This
Quotes from Shankaracharya
There is some Absolute Entity, the eternal
substratum of the consciousness by which this
universe is pervaded, but which nothing
pervades, which shining, all this universe
shines by Its reflection...
— Shankaracharya.28
Quote from Chandogya Uphanishad
Glossary of some Hindu terms (1)
Advaita – non-duality
Atman – the soul or ‘real self’, part of God in each human being
Fast – to stop eating all or certain foods, especially for religious purposes
Glossary of some Hindu terms (2)
Karma – action; the law of cause and effect
Mantra – a short religious saying which Hindus use repetitively for chanting
Glossary of some Hindu terms (3)
Sanskrit – one of the world’s oldest languages, and the
language of the Vedas
Trimurti – the three main forms of God: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the
preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer)
Yoga – the ways of ‘union’ with God (e.g. Hatha, Raja, Jnana, Karma, Bhakti
Thank You
Ivan Frimmel
Cell: 082-454-0311
E-mail: [email protected]