Properties of Geometrical Shapes Osama

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Properties of Geometrical shapes

• What are type of triangles according to sides ?

• 1. An equilateral triangle, three sides same
length. it's also a regular polygon with all
angles measuring 60.
• 2. An isosceles triangle, two sides same length.
• 3. A scalene triangle, all sides different length.
please answer • What are types of triangles according to
the following: angles?
• 1. Acute triangle, all the three interior angles
are acute.
• 2. Obtuse triangles, one of the three interior
angles has a measure more than 90 degrees.
• 3. Right triangle, one of the angles is 90
What are the 2 rule to find the area of
triangles? And when we use them?

• 1) Area = (1/2).base.height
• We use ^^^ when base and height are given

• 2) Area = (1/2).Side1.Side2.SinX
• We use ^^^ when we are given two sides and the angle (X) between them
• What is the common property for all
Quadrilaterals: quadrilaterals?
please answer • they have 4 sides
the following
Parallelograms: please answer the following

• What are the properties of Parallelograms?

• well it's a convex polygon, and it has 2 opposite sides, and 2
congruent sides, and it's diagonals bisect each other, and when
it's divided by diagonals it produces 2 congruent triangles

• What is the area of parallelogram?

• Area = Base.Height
What is a • a 2d plane figure/shape (quadrilateral)
with four straight sides and four right
rectangle? angles, with inequal adjacent sides.
and equal/parallel opposite sides.
What are the properties of a rectangle?

• quadrilateral with equal and parrallel opposite sides, with inequal adjacent sides, all angles
90, the sum of all angles 360, the diagonals bisect each other and have same length.
What is the aera of a rectangle?

• Area of Rectangle = Length.Width

What is a square?
• A square is a quadrilateral with 4 sides, all angles 90,
and all sides are equal in length, and opposite sides
are parrallel.
What is the area of a square?
• Area of Square = Length.Width
• All sides are equal, opposite sides are parralel, all angles are 90, sum of
angles 360

What are the properties of squares?

What is a trapezium ?

• A trapezium is a 2d shape/quadrilateral, it has 4 sides, 2 of which are parallel and the toher
two are non-parallel.
What is the Area of trapezium?

• Area of Trapezium = (1/2)(a+b)h

What are the • A trapezium has two parallel sides and
two non-parallel sides, like other
properties of a quadrilaterals, the sum of all the four
angles of the trapezium is 360, and it
can be divided to two triangles, or a
trapezium? quadrilateral and 2 triangles.
An example for what is coming in the next
• Circular prism • The Net of the circular prism shows 2
circles and one rectangle.

• As you can see from the above example, I’m showing the (h) and the (r ). In both shapes and you must name the shapes in the net please.
• i don't understand, i guess you want the name of the shape? it's a cylinder/circular prism
What is a prism ? Can you please show me different prisms, showing the net for each prism?

a prism is a polyhedron comprising of a polygon base, a second base which is a translated

copy of the first, and faces joining corresponding sides of the two bases.
What is a pyramids ?
Can you please show me
different pyramids, showing
the net for each pyramid?

• A solid object/polyhedron where:

• • The sides are triangles which meet
at the top (the apex).
• • The base is a polygon (a flat shape
with straight sides)

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