Group5 Eggs

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EH 2O5.1
General description of the food type

•Eggs are a widely consumed food product, both in their whole form
and as ingredients in many other dishes. They are the reproductive cell
produced by female animals, usually chickens, but also ducks, quails,
and other birds. Eggs are oval-shaped with a hard shell that protects
the nutritious content inside, which includes the yolk and egg white.
•Egg products are processed forms of eggs that have been removed
from their shells and pasteurized to ensure safety. Some common egg
products include liquid eggs, dried eggs, and frozen eggs.
Liquid eggs
Frozen eggs
Dried eggs
Description of the qualities of the ready-to-harvest food:

• For eggs, the quality of the ready-to-harvest food can vary

based on the breed of chicken, its diet, and the conditions in
which it is raised. Factors such as egg size, shell color, yolk
color, and albumen (egg white) thickness can all affect egg
quality. High-quality eggs are typically characterized by a
thick, firm albumen, a round, centered yolk, and a clean,
smooth shell.
Description of the parameters to be observed during handling and
storage of this food throughout its system/chain:

• When handling eggs, it is important to ensure that they are

kept clean and at the appropriate temperature to prevent
bacterial growth. Eggs should be stored in a cool, dry place
(ideally between 33-40°F) and should be rotated regularly to
prevent spoilage. Care should also be taken to avoid cracking
or damaging the eggshells, as this can increase the risk of
Safe handling of eggs
• During transportation, eggs should be handled gently to
avoid damage and stored in clean, dry containers. When
storing egg products, it is important to follow the
manufacturer's instructions to ensure that the product
remains safe and high-quality.
What does it imply as postharvest loss in the given food type:

• Postharvest losses in eggs and egg products can occur due to

a variety of factors, including improper storage conditions,
transportation damage, and spoilage. When eggs are not
handled or stored properly, they can become contaminated
with bacteria such as Salmonella, which can lead to
foodborne illness. Spoiled or damaged eggs can also result in
financial losses for farmers and food producers.
Major causes of postharvest losses in eggs and egg
products include:
 Physical damage:
• Eggs are fragile and can easily crack or break during handling and
transportation, leading to losses.
 Spoilage:
• Eggs can spoil due to bacterial contamination or exposure to high
temperatures, resulting in loss of freshness and quality.
 Contamination:
• Eggs can be contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens during
handling and storage, leading to spoilage and potential health risks
 Improper storage conditions:
• Eggs should be stored at the correct temperature and
humidity levels to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage.
Improper storage conditions can lead to losses.
 Lack of proper handling practices:
• Rough handling, poor hygiene practices, and inadequate
rotation of eggs can all contribute to postharvest losses.
Types of traditional and modern storage facilities for eggs
and egg products include:

 Traditional storage facilities:

include simple methods such as storing eggs in a cool and dry
place or burying them in sand or rice or wooden crates or egg
trays for preservation. 
 Modern storage facilities;
These may include refrigerated storage rooms or warehouses
with controlled temperature and humidity levels to maintain
freshness and quality of eggs , there are specialized egg storage
systems that use automated technologies for handling, sorting,
and packing eggs to minimize losses
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