Good Day, Everyone!: Prepared By: Ma. Nichole L. Jugao

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Good Day,

Prepared by:
Ma. Nichole L. Jugao
define grammatical
identify the different patterns of idea
development, and

distinguish appropriate grammatical

signals to each pattern of idea
Guess me:
What am I?
Guess me: What am I?

Grammatical Signals
What is Idea development ?

• essential in writing
• organizing ideas in a logical and clear
manner that suits the writer’s purpose.
• it is necessary to use appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions
What is grammatical
• writing devices such as
transitional devices, connectors,
determiners, and repetitions that
are used to maintain text
coherence or consistency.
Pattern of idea development

• General to Particular
• Cause and Effect
• Problem-Solution
• Claim and Counterclaim
• a method of writing that • First, Second, Third
• Next
discusses the broad topic • as an example
using specific details that • in addition to
supports the topic. • for example
• such as
• specifically, for example, for
The eight rays of the sun represented the
first eight provinces that fought against
Spanish colonial rule, such as: Manila,
Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija,
Laguna, Tarlac, and Batangas.
• is a paragraph
development that shows • Cause – if, for, since, due to,
how event are influenced because, resulting from
by or caused by others
usually followed by the • Effect – so, thus, then, as a
effects of the cause. result, in effect leads to
• Consequently, that is why as a
He failed the test because of his bad study
• Because, Cause, Since
• divides the information • As a result,
into two, one that • In order to
describes the problem • And so that,
and one that describes • As a solution
the solution. • And one way,
• First solution
• It is recommended
• In order to
Global warming is the biggest enemy that
humankind is facing today, but there are
many ways to combat this problem.
and Counterclaim
• this is used when there
one more side in the • however, nevertheless
argument, where you • on one hand, on the other hand
assert something is true • admittedly, some people say
as your main argument • some may say, of course
while counterclaim is • nevertheless,
stating why the opposing • and but not only that.
viewpoint is wrong.
Despite of its contribution to the economy,
cigarettes should be banned for they pose as
a threat to people’s health.
Clouds can be classified into three major groups. High clouds are a group of
clouds that are 5-13 km. away from the Earth’s surface. Examples of these clouds
are known as Cirrus, Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus. Middle clouds are another
group of clouds that are 2-7 km. away from the Earth’s surface. Examples of
middle clouds are Altocumulus and Altostratus. Low clouds are the last group of
clouds. They are 2 km. away from the Earth’s surface. Specifically, these clouds
are the Stratus, Stratocumulus, and Nimbostratus. With these being said, these
clouds are grouped according to their distance from the Earth’s surface.
Regular exercise brings many benefits to your health. First, it improves blood
circulation and can result to a strong heart. Because of these, it reduces the risk
of heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes. When you exercise, your bones
and muscles will be strengthened which can slow down the loss of bone density
that comes when you age. As a result, it can help you maintain or increase your
muscle mass and strength. Also, regular exercise improves your mental health
and mood. During an exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve
your mood and make you feel more relaxed. As an effect, it can help you deal
with stress and reduce your risk of depression. These are the benefits that you get
when you exercise.
People believe that rock music can make teenagers rebellious because of
its lyrics but, I don’t think it is enough to make them go against society.
They say rock music concentrates mostly on antisocial subjects which
influence teenagers’ view toward society. However, a study shows that an
average teenager would not take the music seriously, for he or she
concentrates more on the musical value of the song rather than the inner
meaning of the lyrics. Thus, even though the lyrics in rock music show
social rebellion, it does not make teenagers rebel against society.
Drug abuse is one of the leading social issues in many countries. This
problem has been the cause of many crimes and health concerns. However,
the threat of prohibited drugs can be fought. One way to solve this is through
education. Everyone needs to be educated about the dangers of using
prohibited drugs. People need to be aware of the harmful effects of these
drugs to their health, family, career, and society. Another solution is to
increase police manpower and create effective laws to stop dealers. If the
authorities will strictly impose these laws, this problem will be addressed.
Drug abuse is a threat, but if the community and the government will act
together, this problem will be controlled.
Group Them
Claim – Problem- Cause-and-
Counterclaim Solution Effect
Using the semantic web,
you are will give words or
phrases that can associate
or connect to grammatical
Wait there’s
Direction: Read the following sentences and identify what pattern of
development is used. Then, find the signal word/s used. Write your
answer in your answer ¼ sheet of paper.

Shaira was not able to study before her examination as a result she was not
able to get high scores.

Answer: Cause and effect – as a result

1. Johnny wanted to be a doctor in order to help others especially the poor ones, as a result he
decided to focus on his studies so that he can achieve his dream.
2. Ana’s family suffered a lot, but they never allowed anything to break their family apart. They
continued to work hard together.
3. Others believed that the virus is not real, however, the number of deaths in the world proves
that the danger is real.
4. Jen had learned how to be safe when going outside. First she needs to weather mask and then
maintain a distance from others.
5. We are hoping for a better future for us to be able to be with others again till the next school
1. Johnny wanted to be a doctor in order to help others especially the poor ones, as a result he
decided to focus on his studies so that he can achieve his dream.
  Cause and effect – as a result

2. Ana’s family suffered a lot, but they never allowed anything to break their family apart. They
continued to work hard together.
Problem-solution – but

3. Others believed that the virus is not real, however, the number of deaths in the world proves
that the danger is real.
Claim and counterclaim – however
4. Jen had learned how to be safe when going outside. First she needs to weather mask and then
maintain a distance from others.
General to particular - first

5. We are hoping for a better future for us to be able to be with others again till the next school
Cause and effect – for
Let’s Write!
Directions: Write at least a five-
sentence paragraph about the issue
conveyed in the picture using a
pattern of idea development with
its appropriate grammatical
signals. A rubric is given below for
your guidance. Write your
paragraph on a separate sheet of
That ends our
class for today,
have a great day

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