Unit 2 Notesm Uuoi

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Ratio, Rates, & Proportions

• A ratio is a comparison of two numbers.
o Example: Tamara has 2 dogs and 8 fish. The ratio of
dogs to fish can be written in three different ways.


*** Be careful with the fraction ratios – they don’t

always have identical meanings to other fractions***
• There are two different types of ratios
o .Part-to-Part Ratios
 Example: Tamara’s dogs to cats is 2 to 8 or 1
to 4
o .Part –to-Whole Ratios
 Example: Tamara’s dogs to total pets is 2 to
10 or 1 to 5
Try the following
Apples to bananas Oranges to apples
• There are 12 apples • There are 15 oranges
and 3 bananas and 12 apples
• So the ratio of apples • So the ratio of oranges
to bananas is to apples is
4 5
4:1, 4 to 1, OR 5:4, 5 to 4, OR
1 4
A large bouquet of flowers is made up of 18
roses, 16 daisies, and 24 irises. Write each ratio
in all three forms in simplest form. Identify
which ratios are part-to-part and which ratios
are part-to-whole.
1. Roses to iris 2. Iris to daisies
18 to 24 24 to 16
3 to 4 3 to 2
3. Daisies to roses 4. all flowers to roses
16 to 18 58 to 8
8 to 9 29 to 9

Explain why the ratio 9
is not written as a mixed number:

• The ratio is comparing two number. If you

changed it to a mixed number it would no
longer be a comparison. This is why
fraction ratios are tricky 
Comparing Ratios
• Compare ratios by writing in simplest form
o Are these ratios equivalent?
250 Kit Kats to 4 M&M’s and 500 Kit Kats to 8 M&M’s
250 500
 62.5
 62.5 = 8
o  12 out of 20 doctors agree and 12 out of 30 doctors agree
12 3 12 2
 ≠ 30  5
20 5
o The ratio of students in Ms. B’s classes that had HW was 8
to 2 and 80% of Mrs. Long’s class had HW

8 80
= 100
• A rate is a ratio that compares two different quantities or
• Rates can be simplified
• Rates us the words per and for
o Example: Driving 55 miles per hour
o Example: 3 tickets for $1

Unit Rates
• A unit rate is a rate per one unit. In unit
rate the denominator is always one.
o Example: Miguel types 180 words in 4 min.
How many words can he type per minute?
45 or words per
= .
rate unit rate word form
• Unit rates make it easier to make comparisons.
o Example: Taylor can type 215 words in 5 min
 How many words can he type per minute?

 Who is the faster typist? How much faster?

Taylor is 2wpm faster than Miguel
 43wpm

Try the Following
1. Film costs $7.50 for 3 rolls 2. Drive 288 miles on 16 gallons
of gas.
$2.50 per roll
18 mpg
3. 90 students and 5 teachers
4. Earn $49 for 40 hours of work
18 students per teacher
$1.23 per hour
5. **Snowfall of 12 ¾ inches in
6. Use 5 ½ quarts of water for
4 ½ hours.
every 2 lbs of chicken
2 5/6 per hour
2 ¾ quarts per lb
7. Ian drove 30 miles in 0.5 8. Sarah drove 5 miles in 20
hours minutes
60 mph 15 mph
Complex Unit Rates
• Suppose a boat travels 30 miles in 2 hours
o How do you write this rate? 30miles  15mph

• Suppose a boat travels 12 miles in 2/3 hours

o How do you write this as a rate? 12miles
2 / 3hours

o How do you write this as a division problem?

2 3
12  12   18
o Determine the3 unit rate: 18mph
• Suppose a boat travels 8 ¾ miles in 5/8 hours.
o How do you write this as a rate?

83 / 4miles
o How do you write5this as a
/ 8hours division problem?

3 5 35 8
8    14
4 8
o Determine the unit rate: 414 5mph
•.Complex fractions are fractions that have
fractions within them. They are either in the
numerator, denominator, or both.

•Divide complex fractions by multiplying (keep,

change, change)
Write each rate. Then determine the unit rate and write in both fraction and word
1. Mary is making pillows for her 3 3. Mrs. Robare is making costumes for
Life Skills class. She bought 2 the school play. Each costume
yards of fabric. Her total cost was requires 0.75 yards of fabric. She
$16. What was the cost per yard? bought 6 yards of fabric. How many
costumes can Mrs. Robare make?
$5.82 per yard
8 costumes
3. Doug entered a canoe race. He 4. A lawn company advertises that
rowed miles in hour. What is they can spread 7,500 square feet
1 1
his average speed? 2 of grass seed in hours. Find the
2 number of square feet of grass 2 2
seed that can be spread in an hour.
3000 ft per hour
Comparing Unit Rates
Dario has two options for buying boxes of pasta. At CornerMarket he can buy
seven boxes of pasta for $6. At SuperFoodz he can buy six boxes of pasta for
• He divided 7 by 6 and got 1.166666667 at CornerMarket. He then divided
6 by 7 and got 0.85714286. He was confused. What do these numbers tell
him about the price of boxes of pasta at CornerMarket?

1.166667 is the number of boxes you can get for $1

0.85714286 is the price per box
• Decide which makes more sense to you

Price per box

• Compare the two stores’ prices. Which store offers the better deal?

CM - $0.86 per box SF - $0.83 per box

• Two quantities are proportional if they have a constant ratio
or unit rate.
• You can determine proportionality by comparing ratios
o Andrew earns $18 per hour for mowing lawns. Is the amount he
earns proportional to the number of hours he spends mowing?
• Make a table to show these amounts
Earnings ($) 18 36   54  72
Time (h) 1 2 3 4
• For each number of hours worked, write the relationship of the
amount he earned and hour as a ratio in simplest form.
• Are all the rates equivalent?
Since each rate simplifies to 18, they are all equivalent. This means the
amount of money Andrew earns is proportional to the number of hours
he spends mowing.
o Uptown Tickets charges $7 per baseball game ticket plus $2
processing fee per order. Is the cost of an order proportional to
the number of tickets ordered?
• Make a table to show these amounts
Cost ($) 10 17 24 31
Tickets Ordered 1 2 3 4
• For each number of tickets, write the relationship of the cost of the
and the number of tickets ordered.

• Are all the rates equivalent?

The rates are not equivalent. This means the total cost of the tickets
is not proportional to the number of tickets sold.
o Use the recipe to make fruit punch. Is the amount of sugar used
proportional to the amount of mix used? Explain.
Cups of Sugar ½ 1 1½ 2
Envelopes of Mix 1 2 3 4
•Yes, they all reduce to ½

o In July, a paleontologist found 368 fossils at a dig. In August,

she found about 14 fossils per day.
•Is the number of fossils the paleontologist found in August proportional
to the number of days she spent looking for fossils that month?
No, July average 11.87 fossils per day
Solving Proportions
• A proportion is two equivalent ratios
• When solving proportions we must first ask
ourselves – “What are we comparing
A lemonade recipe calls for ½ cup of mix for every quart of water. If Jeff wanted to
make a gallon of lemonade, is 2 cups of mix proportional for this recipe?
1/ 2 2 YES

1 4

Determine if the following ratios are proportional?

10 20 No, 340 ≠ 270 3 9 Yes, 72 = 72
and and
17 27 8 24

• Proportionality can also be determined between two ratios

by simplifying or comparing their cross products
• If they reduce to the same ratio, or their cross products are
the same, then they are proportional
• You can also solve proportions for a missing variable by
cross multiplying.
o Example: Determine if the two ratios are proportional:
6 8 4 3 2 10
and and and
9 12 10 8 7 15

Yes 72 = 72 No 32 = 30 No 30 = 70
o Example: Determine the value of x: 6 36

10 x
x = 60
o Example: A stack of 2,450 one-dollar bills weighs five pounds. How
much do 1,470 one-dollar bills weigh?
 Set up a proportion – ask ourselves “what are we comparing?”
bills 2450 1470 3 pounds

pounds 5 x
o Example: Whitney earns $206.25 for 25 hours of work. At this rate,
how much will Whitney earn for 30 hours of work?
$ 206.25 x
 $247.50
hours 25 30
 How much does Whitney earn per hour? $8.25 per hour
Coordinate Plane Review
The Coordinate Plane
Quadrant II Quadrant I

y-axis x-axis


Quadrant III Quadrant IV

• Ordered Pair: is a pair of numbers that can be used to
locate a point on a coordinate plane
Ordered Pairs
• Ordered Pair: is a pair of numbers that can be
used to locate a point on a coordinate plane.
– Example: (3, 2)
y - coordinate

x - coordinate II I

Graph the following ordered pairs on the coordinate
plan and state the quadrants the points are located in
•(3, 2)
•(-5, 4) ●

II ●
•(6, -4)

•(-7, 7) ●

Steps for Graphing
1. Draw and label the x and y axis – don’t
forget your arrows
2. Make a table of values to represent the
problem. Be sure to include the values: 0,
1, and 2
3. Graph your order pairs- you need at least 3
points to make a line
4. Draw a line through the points – don’t
forget your arrows
5. If the line is straight and goes through the
origin, then the quantities are proportional
Example: The slowest mammal on Earth is the tree sloth. It
moves at a speed of 6 feet per minute. Determine whether the
number of feet the sloth moves is proportional to the number of
minutes it moves by graphing. Explain your reasoning.
Number of Minutes 1 2 3 y

Number of Feet 6 12 18

Yes – it is a
straight line
through the origin

Example: The table below shows the number of calories an
athlete burned per minute of exercise. Determine whether the
number of calories burned is proportional to the number of
minutes by graphing. Explain your reasoning.
Number of Minutes 1 2 3 y

Number of Feet 4 8 13

No – it is not a
straight line and it
doesn’t go
through the origin
• .Slope is the rate of change between any
two points on a line
• The sign of the slope tells you whether the
line is positive or negative.
• You can find slope of a line by comparing
any two points on that line
• Slope is the or
Positive Slope Negative Slope

• The line goes up 3 (rise) • The line goes down 2 (rise)

and over 1 (run). and over 1 (run).
rise 3 change _ in _ y 3 rise  2 change _ in _ y  2
   
run 1 change _ in _ x 1 run 1 change _ in _ x 1

• Slope = 3 • Slope = -2
Tell whether the slope is positive or negative . Then find the

rise  1 rise 4
 
run 1 run 3
• Negative • Positive
• Slope = -1 • Slope = 4/3
Use the given slope and point to graph each line
Use the given slope and point to graph each line
Use the given slope and point to graph each line
Rate of Change
• .Rate of change (slope) describes how one
quantity changes in relation to another.
• For graphs, the rate of change (slope) is
constant ( a straight line)
Tell whether each graph shows a constant or variable rate of change

Constant Variable
Tell whether each graph shows a constant or variable rate of change

Variable Constant
Tell whether each graph shows a constant or variable rate of change

Constant Variable
Proportional Relationships
• A proportional relationship between two
quantities is one in which the two
quantities vary directly with one another
(change the same way). This is called a
direct variation.
• For graphs, the rate of change (slope) is
constant ( a straight line)
Determine whether each table represents a direct variation by
comparing the ratios to check for a common ratio

25 50 75 100 2 6
 25  25  25  25  .0555 4  0.882
1 2 3 4  .0769
36 52 68

This table represents a This table does NOT

direct variation and is represent a direct
proportional variation and is NOT
Determine whether each table represents a direct variation by
comparing the ratios to check for a common ratio

4 6 8 5 10 15
 .33  .375  .4  .4  .4  .4
12 16 20 12.5 25 37.5

This table does NOT This table represents a

represent a direct direct variation and is
variation and is NOT proportional
• The equations of such relationships are
always in the form y = mx and when
graphed produce a line that passes through
the origin.
Proportional Linear Function

Equation: y = 2x
Non- Proportional Linear Function

Equation: y = 2x – 1
• In the equation y=mx, m is the slope of
the line, and its also called the unit rate,
the rate of change, or the constant of
proportionality of the function.
Try the following
• The number of computers built varies directly as
the numbers of hours the production line operates.
What is the ratio of computers build to hours of
  50 25

2 1

25:1 or 25 computers
built per hour
• A charter bus travels 210 miles in 3½ hours.
Assuming that the distance traveled is proportional
to the time traveled, how far will the bus travel in 6
  miles 210 x

hours 3.5 6

360 miles
• Determine whether the linear function is a direct
variation. If so stat the constant of variation.

miles 116 174 232 290

 58  58  58  58
hours 2 3 4 5

Yes this is a direct variation because there is a

constant of variation of 58 mph
• Janelle planted ornamental grass seeds. After the
grass breaks the soil surface, its height varies
directly with the number of days. What is the rate
of growth?
inches 1.5 3
 0.75  0.75
days 2 4

0.75 inches per

• The amount Dusty earns is directly proportional to
the number of newspapers he delivers. How much
does Dusty earn for each newspaper delivery?
$ 2 4
 0.50  0.50
papers 4 8

Dusty earns $0.50 per

paper he delivers
• Ten minutes after a submarine is launched from a
research ship, it is 25 meters below the surface.
After 30 minutes, the submarine has descended 75
meters. At what rate is the submarine driving?
meters 25 75
 2.5  2.5
min ute 10 30

The submarine is descending at a rate of

2.5 meters per minute
• The Stratton family rented 3 DVD’s for $10.47.
The next weekend, they rented 5 DVD’s for
$17.45. What is the rental fee for a DVD?
  $ 10.47 17.45
 3.49  3.49
DVD 3 5

The rental fee for DVD’s is

$3.49 per DVD
Fill in the table for each proportional relationship
• Five Gala apples cost $2
Apples 0 5 10 15
Cost  0  $2 $4

• Tess rides her bike at 12 mph

Hours 0 1 2 3
Miles  0  12 24
Draw the graph of the proportional relationship between the
two quantities
• An Elm tree grows 8 inches each year.



Draw the graph of the proportional relationship between the
two quantities
• David adds $3.00 to his savings account each week
Balance ($)


Slope, Rate of Change,
Graphs & Tables
• The table shows the amount of money a Booster
Club made washing cars for a fundraiser. Use the
information to find the rate of change in dollars per
– Write and equation that shows the money raised m of
washing c cars.
$ 40 80 120
  8 8 8
car 5 10 15

Since it cost $8 per car the

equation would be m = 8c
• The table shows the number of miles a plane
traveled while in flight. Use the information to find
the approximate rate of change in miles per minute.

miles 290 580 870

 9.66  9.66  9.66
min utes 30 60 90

The approximate rate of change is 9.7

miles per minute
• The graph represents the distance traveled while
driving a car on the highway. Use the graph to find
the rate of change in miles per hour.
– Pick two points on the line
y 120  60 60
  60mph
x 2 1 1
• Write an equation that shows the distance m for the
time h.

60  30 30
  30mph
2 1 1

m = 30h
• The table below shows the relationship between the
number of seconds y it takes to hear the thunder
after a lightning strike and the distance x you are
from the lightning.

 Distance (y)  0  1  2  3  4  5
 Seconds (x)  0  5 10 15 20  25


• Graph the data. Then find the slope of the line.
Explain what the slope represents.

  Water Loss

• Graph the data. Then find the slope of the line.
Explain what the slope represents.


• Finish the rest for Homework 

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