Asme Lu1

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LU 1:

An introduction to quality

The animated series IGN. A car full of people

Overview of Assessment
• Dreyer, J.M. ed. 2014.
• Killen, R. 2010. chpt 15

4 Ice Tasks
POE due
What do we need to know and
• CAPS document
• Summary of terminology in ASME7312
Contextualising classroom assessment within
current educational trends
Du Toit,
Louw and Jacobs (2016) pp116-119
Assessment within the context of a learning culture:

Curriculum Learning theories Classroom assessment

All students can learn Intellect social and cultural Higher order thinking

Higher order thinking Construct within social Addresses learning process &
context outcomes

Equal opportunities Prior knowledge and Ongoing process

Relationship in and out Intelligent thought involves formative
of school learning self-monitoring

Fostering habits Deep understanding Expectations visible

Democratic practises Cognitive performance Active in evaluating work
Realisation of assessment within a learning
culture ( du Toit et al., 2016:118)
Product orientation to process orientation
Recognising the value of integrating teaching, learning and assessment
A wider variety of innovative assessment instruments is used to ensure
learner engagement and to prepare learners for societal needs
The accentuation of quality assessment for addressing the increasing
importance of educational achievement to prepare learners for their societal
Assessment focuses on multiplicity (knowledge & skills)
Authenticity is emphasised
Learner involvement in all aspects of assessment is increasing
Making assessment criteria public
Why do we assess learners? (Killen, 2015:371)
Administrative requirements:
-generating evidence of learner performance so it can be reported
and recorded
- allocating marks that can be translated into achievement levels
- determining which learners are ready to progress to the next
Other purposes:
-how well learners have achieved particular learning outcomes
- enabling teachers to evaluate learners' progress and identify gaps
in learners' knowledge and skills
-teachers can provide feedback to learners
-basis for reporting learner achievement to parents
-helping teachers to identify ways to improve teaching
Assessment can also:
- extend learners' understanding
-encourage learners to put effort into their learning
-help teachers diagnose specific learner difficulties
-help teachers determine what needs to be revised or retaught
- help teachers to identify barriers to learning.

It is important to use the appropriate forms of assessment

Theme 2: Defining Assessment (Dreyer,2014:5)
Assessment vs evaluation:
Assessment- gathering information about student performance
as they work and also when they are finished.
- usually done with the student
- a judgement of performance measured
against criteria... has it been achieved?
- extent of learning taken place
Evaluation- once students have finished the task (the
effectiveness of teaching)
- a value judgement
- how good, how well?
- evaluation of the student's work
- things or objects are evaluated
- product
What is assessment? (Dreyer, 2014:6)

' Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing

information from multiple and diverse sources in order to
develop a deep understanding of what students know,
understand and can do with their knowledge as a result of their
educational experiences; the process culminates when
assessment results are used to improve subsequent learning'
(University of Delaware website cited in Dreyer, 2014:6).
 Assessment is an ongoing process
 Establish clear, measurable expected outcomes of learning
 Ensure that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve
those outcomes
 Gather, analyse, interpret evidence
 Reformulate educational outcomes based on the results of their
We assess for:
To find out whether instruction was effective
To find out whether learners need more instruction
To find out whether learners are ready for the next
To find out whether a different approach is required
To find out how instruction can be improved the next
time this lesson is taught.
Teachers need to:

Provide diagnostic and formative feedback to learners

Gather information for reporting purposes
Identify the appropriate level for a new learner
Determine whether or not a learner meets programme
Motivate learners to study and make steady progress
They also need to promote:

• Reliability Validity Fairness, equality, and equity

(PM2:Killen, 2010: Chapter 15 pg.373)
Learners need to:

Know what is expected of them

Know what they can do to improve their performance
Understand what will comprise their course grade
Perceive assessment as fair and meaningful

The purpose of assessment in education is to provide

all stakeholders with sufficiently dependable
information and feedback to inform judgements,
choices, and decisions about learning, and to inform
planning for improvement.
Department of Basic Education in CAPS
Assessment is a continuous, planned process of identifying,
gathering and interpreting information about the
performance of learners and may take various forms.
Steps: generating and collecting evidence of
- evaluating this evidence
- recording the findings
- using this information
The information is used to assist the learner's development
in order to improve the process of learning and teaching.
Defining assessment (du Toit et al., 2016:pp119-

In South Africa assessment is officially explained as “ a process of

collecting, analysing, synthesizing and interpreting information to
assist teachers, parent and other stakeholders in making decisions
about the progress of learners” (DBE, 2011:4).
Measurement is part of assessment
Process orientation....implied that learners learn with the support
and guidance from teachers. Evaluation forms part of assessment
Balance to include both a product and process orientation
Consequences of assessment should always be directed towards
Revision questions from VC learn

What changes to assessment practises was introduced by CAPS?

Why is it important to master the current assessment system?
Explain the link between curriculum, learning theories and
What is the difference between assessment and evaluation?
What is assessment?
Why do we assess learners?
What are the roles and responsibilities of teachers and learners
with regard to assessment?
In Summary
• You need to be able to explain what assessment is.
(definition) Dreyer chpt 1, du Toit et al., chpt 6
• You must be able to explain a learning-centred approach
to assessment (du Toit et al., 6.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2)

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