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Edc Unit 1

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II B. Tech. – I Sem.
The objectives of this course:
1. To understand the characteristics and applications of P-N
junction diode, special purpose devices in electronic
2. To familiarize working principle of BJT, JFET and
MOSFET and to design single stage amplifier circuits using
low frequency model.
3. To analyze and design various electronic devices and
circuits using PN Junction diode, BJT, JFET and MOSFET.
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able
1. Demonstrate the characteristics of PN Junction Diode,
Rectifiers, Filters, BJT, JFET, MOSFET and special purpose
electronic devices.
2. Analyze numerical and analytical problems in Rectifiers,
Filters, Transistor biasing circuits and Transistor amplifiers.
3. Design and develop electronic circuits such as Rectifiers with
and without filters, Transistor biasing circuits and Transistor
4. Identify a suitable semiconductor device and transistor
for any given specification.
5. Select suitable technique for transistor modelling.

UNIT – I P-N Junction Diode

Open circuited PN Junction, Forward and Reverse Bias
of PN Junction, Current Components in a PN diode,
Volt - Ampere Characteristic, Temperature
dependence of the V-I characteristic, Diode
Resistances, Diode Capacitances, Effect of
Temperature on V-I Characteristics, Breakdown
Zener Diode - Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator, Diode
Clippers and Clampers.

Rectifiers: Definition and Types, Half wave Rectifier,
Full wave Rectifier and Bridge Rectifier, Comparison
of Rectifiers, Filter - Definition and Types, Inductor
Filter, Capacitor Filter, L-section Filter, CLC or π -
section Filter, Comparison of various types of filters.
Special Purpose Devices: Varactor Diode, Tunnel
Diode, Uni Junction Transistor, Solar Cell,LCD,

Transistor Characteristics: BJT: BJT - Construction,
Operation, Transistor Current Components, Transistor
as an Amplifier, Transistor Characteristics - CB, CE
and CC.
FET: Types, JFET- Construction, Working,
Characteristics, MOSFET - types, Construction,
Working, Characteristics, Comparison between JFET

Transistor Biasing and Thermal Stabilisation: Need for
Transistor biasing, Operating point, Load line
analysis, Biasing methods - Fixed bias, Collector to
Base bias, Self-bias, stability factors, Bias
compensation, Thermal Runaway, Thermal stability.

Small Signal Low Frequency Transistor Amplifier
Analysis: Frequency Response of Amplifier,
Transistor hybrid model, Generalized analysis of
Transistor amplifier using h-parameter model,
Simplified Hybrid Model - Analysis of CE, CB and
CC amplifiers using Approximate Model, Analysis of
CE amplifier with emitter resistance using simplified
hybrid model.
FET Amplifier Analysis: Small Signal Model, Analysis
of CS and CD Amplifiers at Low frequencies.

1. J.Millman, C.Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits,
Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 4th Edition, 2010.
2. S.Salivahanan, N.Suresh Kumar, Electronic Devices and
Circuits, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private
Limited, 3rd Edition, 2012.
3. Jacob Millman, C.Halkies, C.D.Parikh, Integrated
Electronics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2009.
4. Sedra and Smith, Micro Electronic Circuits, Oxford
University Press, 4th Edition, 2002.
5. Robert Boylested and Louis Nashelsky, Electron
Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Prentice Hall, 10th

UNIT – I P-N Junction Diode

Open circuited PN Junction, Forward and Reverse Bias
of PN Junction, Current Components in a PN diode,
Volt - Ampere Characteristic, Temperature
dependence of the V-I characteristic, Diode
Resistances, Diode Capacitances, Effect of
Temperature on V-I Characteristics, Breakdown
Zener Diode - Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator, Diode
Clippers and Clampers.
Energy band diagram of Insulators, Semiconductors
and Conductors
Energy band diagram of Insulators, Semiconductors
and Conductors
Energy band diagram of Insulators, Semiconductors
and Conductors
• The valence band is simply the outermost electron
orbital of an atom of any specific material that electrons
actually occupy
• The conduction band is the band of electron orbitals that
electrons can jump up into from the valence band when
excited. When the electrons are in these orbitals, they
have enough energy to move freely in the material
• The energy difference between the highest occupied
energy state of the valence band and the lowest
unoccupied state of the conduction band is called the
band gap
Energy band diagram of Insulators, Semiconductors
and Conductors
• A large band gap means that a lot of energy is
required to excite valence electrons to the conduction
band. Conversely, when the valence band and conduction
band overlap as they do in metals, electrons can readily
jump between the two bands meaning the material is
highly conductive
• In case of Insulators the EG ≥ 5 eV
• In case of Semi Conductors the EG = 1 eV
• In case of Conductors EG = 0 eV
Important Definitions

• Current density (Amperes/ Sq meter)

• Carrier Concentration (Carriers/Cubic volume)
• Mobility (Square meters per volt-sec)
• Conductivity (Siemens / Meter)
• Diffusion constant (Sq. Meters/ Sec)
Current Density
• If N electrons are contained in a length L of conductor
and if it takes an electron a time T second to travel a
distance of L meters in the conductor, the total number of
electrons passing through any cross section of wire in unit
time is N / T.
• Thus the total charge per second
passing any area, which, by definition, is the current in
amperes, is
• where J is in amperes per square meter, and A is the
cross-sectional area ( in meters) of the conductor.
N=Electrons concentration
Current Density
• from the figure it is evident that LA is simply the volume
containing the N electrons, and so N / LA is the electron
concentration n ( in electrons per cubic meter).

• And equation reduces to


is the charge density, in coulombs per cubic meter, and

v is in meters per second

is the conductivity of the

metal in (ohm-meter)-1
• Power is dissipated within the metal by the electronics,
and the power density (Joule heat) is given by

• Units are given as Watts per cubic meter

Electronics and Holes in an Intrinsic Semiconductor
Crystal structure of germanium
Electronics and Holes in an Intrinsic Semiconductor
Germanium crystal with a broken covalent bond

• The energy EG required to break

such a covalent bond is about 0.72
eV for germanium and 1.1 eV for
silicon at room temperature.
n = p = ni
where ni is called the
intrinsic concentration.
ni at 300o K , (per sq. cm) is 2.5
x 1013 for Ge, 1.5 x 1010 for Si
Extrinsic Semiconductor (n type )
• Crystal lattice with a germanium atom displaced by a
pentavalent impurity atom.

• Figure 1 shows Crystal lattice with a germanium atom

displaced by a pentavalent impurity atom.
• Figure 2 shows Energy band diagram of n-type
• semiconductor
Extrinsic Semiconductor (p type )
• Crystal lattice with a germanium atom displaced by a
trivalent impurity atom.

• Figure 1 shows Crystal lattice with a germanium atom

displaced by a trivalent impurity atom.
• Figure 2 shows Energy band diagram of p-type
• semiconductor
Mass action law
Under thermal equilibrium,the relationship between free
electrons and holes is called the mass action law
np = ni2
Where ni is intrinsic concentration and it is function of
• One carrier is negative ( the free electron), of mobility μn ,
and the other is positive (the hole ) , of mobility μp .
• These particles move in opposite directions in an electric
field ε , but since they are of opposite sign, the current of
each is in the same direction. Hence the current density J
is given by
• Where n = magnitude of free-electron (negative)
concentration p = magnitude of hole ( positive)
For the pure semiconductor,
• n=p=ni where ni is the intrinsic concentration.

This value is negative This value is also negative

(p2<p1) (n2 < n1)

• Hole diffusion current density is

• Electron diffusion curent density is

‘-’ sign is not included as q is negative

Einstein relationship

 Where VT is the “volt-equivalent of temperature”

Where is the Boltzmann constant in joules per degree
Kelvin. = 1.60 x 10-19 k
The value of k is given as 8.620 x 10-5 ev/oKelvin The
value of is given as 1.381 x 10-23 J/oKelvin
PN JUNCTION DIODE (n-type versus p-type)

• In n-type - the electrons are the majority carriers and

holes are the minority carriers.
• In p-type - the holes are called the majority carriers and
electrons are the minority carriers.
PN JUNCTION DIODE (open circuit condition)

•The pn junction diode is used as switch, rectifier and so

•The p type semiconductor consist majority charge carrier
as holes and minority carriers as electrons.
•The n type semiconductor consist majority charge carrier
as electrons and minority carriers as holes.
PN JUNCTION DIODE (open circuit condition)

•Under open circuit condition due to concentration

gradient electron and holes are diffused together and
formed a depletion region between the junction.
The Equilibrium pn Junction
● Join n-type and p-type doped Silicon (or Germanium) to form a p-n

Creates a charge
Electron diffusion separation that
sets up electric
field, E
Hole diffusion

-- ++
p -- ++ n
-- ++

The Electric field will create a force that will stop the
diffusion of carriers  reaches thermal equilibrium
-- ++
p - - E ++ n
-- ++

Known as space charge region/depletion region.

Potential difference across the depletion region is called the built-in potential barrier, or built-in voltage:

VT = kT/q
k = Boltzmann’s constant
T = absolute temperature
q = the magnitude of the electronic charge = 1 eV
Na = the net acceptor concentration in the p-region
Nd = the net donor concentration in the n-region
VT = thermal voltage, [VT = kT / e] it is approximately 0.026 V at
temp, T = 300 K
P-N Junction Diode
P-N Junction Diode (Forward Bias)
•When positive terminal of the
battery is connected to the P-
type and negative terminal to
N-type of the PN junction
diode that is known as forward
bias condition.
•The applied potential in external battery acts in opposition to the
internal potential barrier which disturbs the equilibrium.
•Under the forward bias condition the applied positive potential
repels the holes in P type region so that the holes move towards
the junction and the applied positive potential repels the electrons
in N type region so that the electrons move towards the junction.
•When the applied potential is more than the internal barrier
potential the depletion region and internal potential barrier
P-N Junction Diode (Reverse Bias)
•When the negative terminal
of the battery is connected to
the P-type and positive
terminal to N-type of the PN
junction diode that is known
as forward bias condition.

•Hence, the width of the depletion region which is depleted of

mobile charge carriers increases. Thus, the electric field
produced by applied reverse bias, is in the same direction as
the electric field of the potential barrier.
•Hence the resultant potential barrier is increased which
prevents the flow of majority carriers in both directions. The
depletion width W is proportional to under reverse bias.
P-N Junction Diode
•For a reverse bias
(V-I Characteristics) condition,Theoretica
lly no current flow in
the external circuit.
But in practice a
very small amount
of current of the
order of few
microamperes flows
under reverse bias.

•As the forward voltage increased for VF < Vo, the forward current
is almost zero because the potential barrier prevents the holes from
P region and electrons from N region to flow across the depletion
region in opposite direction.
•For VF > Vo, the potential barrier at the junction completely
disappears and hence, the holes cross the junction from P to N type
and electrons cross the junction to opposite direction, resulting
large current flow in external circuit.
Current components

INN = electron current

IPP = hole current
INP = electron diffusion current
IPN = hole diffusion current
Energy Band Structure of Open Circuited PN
Junction Diode

Practically the numerical value of E0 is approximately Equal to V0

Temperature dependence of V-I characteristics

The reverse saturation current is dependent on temperature.

It is approximately doubles for every 100 C rise in temperature.

At room temperature (300K ) and beyond the threshold

Temperature dependence of V-I characteristics
•From the figure we known,
when the temperature is
increased in pn junction diode,
the reverse saturation current
will be increased.
Diode resistance

• Semiconductors act differently to DC and AC currents. There are

3 types of resistances.
1.DC or Static Resistance
2.AC or Dynamic Resistance
3.Average AC Resistance
1.DC or Static Resistance
For a specific applied DC voltage VD,
the diode will have a specific current ID,
and a specific resistance RD.
The amount of resistance RD,
depends on the applied DC voltage.
AC or Dynamic Resistance
• Forward Bias region:

The resistance depends on the amount of current (ID)

in the diode.The voltage across the diode is fairly
constant (26mV for 250C).
• Reverse Bias region:
The resistance is essentially infinite. The diode acts
like an open.
Average AC Resistance
• AC resistance can be determined by picking 2 points on
the characteristic curve developed for a particular circuit.

Ravg= Vavg/Iavg
Diode capacitance
In a pn junction diode, two types of capacitance take place. They are,
a)Transition capacitance (CT),
b)Diffusion capacitance (CD).
a)Transition capacitance (CT):
In a reverse biased p-n junction diode, the p-type and n-type
regions have low resistance.
Hence, p-type and n-type regions act like the electrodes or
conducting plates of the capacitor.
The depletion region of the p-n junction diode has high resistance.
Hence, the depletion region acts like the dielectric or insulating
Thus, p-n junction diode can be considered as a parallel plate
Diode capacitance

The change of capacitance at the depletion region can be defined as the

change in electric charge per change in voltage.
                     CT = dQ / dV
              CT = Transition capacitance
              dQ = Change in electric charge
              dV = Change in voltage
The transition capacitance can be mathematically written as,
                  CT = ε A / W
          ε = Permittivity of the semiconductor.
          A = Area of plates or p-type and n-type regions
          W = width of depletion region.
Diode capacitance
b)Diffusion capacitance (CD)
Diffusion capacitance occurs in a forward biased p-n
junction diode.
Diffusion capacitance is also sometimes referred as
storage capacitance. It is denoted as CD.
The formula for diffusion capacitance is
                       CD = dQ / dV
      CD = Diffusion capacitance
      dQ = Change in number of minority carriers stored
outside the depletion region
      dV = Change in voltage applied across diode
Diode capacitance
a)Transition capacitance (CT) b)Diffusion capacitance (CD)
Breakdown mechanism
• The depletion region breakdown or junction breakdown occurs
in two different methods.
• Those two different methods are zener breakdown and
avalanche breakdown.
a)Avalanche breakdown
The avalanche breakdown occurs in lightly doped p-n
junction diodes.
Lightly doped p-n junction diodes have the wide depletion
Hence, it is not possible for the external voltage or
external electric field to destroy the depletion region directly.
However, it can destroy the depletion region or immobile
charge carriers region with the help of minority carriers. 
Breakdown mechanism
a)Avalanche breakdown
Breakdown mechanism

b)Zener breakdown
The zener breakdown occurs in the heavily doped p-n
junction diodes.
Heavily doped p-n junction diodes have narrow depletion
If reverse voltage is applied on the narrow depletion p-n
junction diode, the immobile ions in the depletion region
gains energy from the external voltage.
Hence, the electric field of the immobile ions increases.
As a result, the overall electric field of the narrow
depletion region increases. 
Breakdown mechanism
b)Zener breakdown
Zener diode
The Zener Diode or “Breakdown Diode”, as they are
sometimes referred too, are basically the same as the standard
PN junction diode.
But they are specially designed to have a low and
specified Reverse Breakdown Voltage which takes advantage
of any reverse voltage applied to it.
The Zener diode behaves just like a normal general-
purpose diode consisting of a silicon PN junction.
when biased in the forward direction, that is Anode
positive with respect to its Cathode, it behaves just like a
normal signal diode passing the rated current.
Zener diode
• The Zener Diode is used in
its “reverse bias” or reverse
breakdown mode, i.e. the
diodes anode connects to the
negative supply.
• From the I-V characteristics
curve above, we can see that
the zener diode has a region
in its reverse bias
characteristics of almost a
constant negative voltage
regardless of the value of
the current flowing through
the diode.
The Zener Diode as voltage Regulator
• Zener Diodes can be used to produce a stabilized voltage
output with low ripple under varying load current conditions.
• By passing a small current through the diode from a voltage
source, via a suitable current limiting resistor (RS), the zener
diode will conduct sufficient current to maintain a voltage
drop of Vout.
• Resistor, RS is connected in series with the zener diode to limit
the current flow through the diode with the voltage
source, VS being connected across the combination.
• The stabilised output voltage Vout is taken from across the
zener diode.
The Zener Diode as voltage Regulator
Diode application
Diode clipper
• The protection of the electronic devices can be achieved
by using the clipper circuits.
• A clipper is a device that removes either the positive half
(top half) or negative half (bottom half), or both positive
and negative halves of the input AC signal.
• In other words, a clipper is a device that limits the
positive amplitude or negative amplitude or both positive
and negative amplitudes of the input AC signal.
• In some cases, a clipper removes a small portion of the
positive half cycle or negative half cycle or both positive
and negative half cycles.
Diode Clipper
The various types of clippers are as follows:
Series positive clipper
• Series positive clipper
• Series negative clipper
• Shunt positive clipper
• Shunt negative clipper
• Dual (combination) clipper
Application of Clippers
• Clippers are commonly used in power supplies.
• Used in TV transmitters and Receivers
• They are employed for different wave generation such as
square, rectangular, or trapezoidal waves.
• Series clippers are used as noise limiters in FM
Diode clipper
Types of clippers
 Diode Clamper
• A clamper is an electronic circuit that changes the DC level
of a signal to the desired level without changing the shape of
the applied signal.
• In other words, the clamper circuit moves the whole signal
up or down to set either the positive peak or negative peak
of the signal at the desired level.
• The dc component is simply added to the input signal or
subtracted from the input signal.
• A clamper circuit adds the positive dc component to the
input signal to push it to the positive side.
• Similarly, a clamper circuit adds the negative dc component
to the input signal to push it to the negative side.
 Diode Clamper
• Types of clampers
– Positive clampers
– Negative clampers
– Biased clampers
• https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/diode/diode_7.html
• https://www.physics-and-radio-electronics.com/electronic-devi
• https://slideplayer.com/slide/13598243/
• https://www.academia.edu/35000208/Clipper_and_clamper_
• https://www.slideshare.net/LearnByWatch/116-diode-resistanc

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