22 - 7 - 22 Clinical Trials On Gamma Oryzanol

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Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as active ingredient on Gastro-
intestinal issues

Oryzanol therapy for ulcerative colitis

Abstract: Since the summer 1966, the author has had chances, through the courtesy of Nakataki
Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Inc., of clinical applications of a medical product called y-Oryzanol (y-OZ) on
four patients of ulcerative colitis. y-OZ, a derivative from Oryzanol which is a mixture of several types of
ferulates of triterpenoid alcohols and small amount of other components extracted from rice bran and
rice germ oil, is said to be effective to what is called autonomic nervous syndrome. The four patients,
having had sanguinous purulent or mucous appearance in their feces, but shown no detectable infectious
evidence and been considered, in every respect, to be of acute phase of ulcerative colitis, were originally
treated with ordinary methods, that is, antibiotics, steroids, A luid infusions or vitamins, without any
significant improvement. Then, they were given y-OZ preparations, daily 10mg intra muscularly and/or
3 tablets (one tablet contains 3 mg of y-0Z) orally. The results were remarkable. They appeared to have
almost completely healed and were all able to discharge from the hospital within one month. The author
hopes further more cases of ulcerative colitis be made trial with this drug

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kansenshogakuzasshi1970/43/10/43 10 277/ article/-char/ja

Clinical study on chronic gastritis (First Reports)
Abstract: The pathophysiology of chronic gastritis remains to be determined. Metoclopramide sulpiride
and y-Oryzanol, drugs which mainly act on the central nervous system, were reported to be effective
against various complaints in patients with chronic gastritis. The aim of the present study was to In
addition, the effects of these drugs on clinical evaluations were compared. Nineteen patients with chronic
gastritis (aged 25 to 74 years), 21 men and 8 women were studied. All patients were orally given. Serum
gastrin was determined by radioimmunoassay. The results obtained herein were as follows: a therapeutic
dose of metoclopramide (30 mg / day), sulpiride (300 mg / day) and y-oryzanol (300 mg, day) for 4
weeks.1. Sixty two% of the patients was found to be neurotic, suggested by the method of modification of
MI test.2. Various kinds of complaints were observed in patients with chronic gastritis. These include
nausea, fatigability, and postpradial fullness and discomfort in The upperabdomen.3. The effective rates of
metoclopramide, sulpiride and y-oryzanol against various complaints were 66.7%, 86.7% and 75.0%,
respectively, It was of interest to note that sulpiride was the most effective against psychic complaints
Administration of y-oryzanol resulted in decreased serum gastrin levels, while no change was
observed in metoclopramide or sulpiride-treated groups.,5. No effect by these drugs on the rate of
secretion of gastric juice was found.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kmj1951/30/3/30_3_71/_article/-char/ja

Clinical study on chronic gastritis(2nd report) -
Endocrinological study of y-OZ effect
Abstract:  y-Oryzanol, ferulic acid ester of triterpenol extracted from rice-bran oil, has been used against autonomic
instability with abdominal symptoms and climacteric complaints. Itaya et al. Postulated that monoaminergic neuron system
involved in the anti-gastriculcerogenic action of this agent. In the first report, y-oryzanol was found to decrease serum
gastrin levels in patients with chronic gastritis. These observations have led me design the present study to elucidate the
endocrine effects of y-oryzanol in patients with chronic gastritis. Thirteen patients with chronic gastritis. The results shown
here were as follows: were orally given a daily dose of y-oryzanol (300 mg / day) for 4 weeks. Seven healthy volunteers
composed the control group.1. Administration of y-oryzanol to patients with chronic gastritis resulted in decreased
serum gastrin levels, which was approximately 75% lower than the initial value. In contrast, there was no significant
change in the serum gastrin levels as a group after administration of y -oryzanol to normal subjects.2. Arginine (0.5 g / k g ,
drip infusion over 30 min) -induced serum gastrin responses before and after y-oryzanol treatment were similar.3. No
difference was observed in L-dopa (0.5 g) , orally) -induced gastrin response with or without y-oryzanol. However, serum
HGH response to L-dopa was significantly suppressed by y-oryzanol.4. y-oryzanol failed to show discernible changes in
serum levels of secret in, glucagon, catecholamine and prolactin. S. Baseline serum cortisol levels following y-oryzanol
treatment were lower in all patients studied than the initial values without y-oryzanol. In contrast. The cortisol response to
ACTH was not altered by y-oryzanol. Further more, the basal plasma ACTH levels appeared to be lowered by this agent. The
lowering effect of y-oryzanol on serum gastrin level was clearly demonstrated inpatients with chronic gastritis, in a sharp
contrast to control subjects. This suggests an increased susceptibility of the patients to y-oryzanol. The action of y-oryzanol
on serum gastrin level may result from an effect on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adren alaxis. In addition, the present
investigation provides evidence that y-oryzanol is antidopaminergic in the serum HGH response, as reported in
metoclopramide and sulpiride.
Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kmj1951/30/3/30_3_85/_article/-char/ja

Clinical study of autonomic imbalance with abdominal symptoms:
Effect of y-Oryzanol

300 mg of y-Oryzanol a day was administered to 21 patients who complained of autonomic instability including
gastrointestinal symptoms, and they were observed for 2weeks.The results were as follow: 1) An improvement
was observed in our subjects with regard to their gastrointestinal symptoms and other complaints. Particularly,
in those patients who se symptoms were considered to be mild according to our check for autonomic
functioning showed better improvement as compared with those whose symptoms were more serious.2) As for
the effectiveness of y-Oryzanol, our result showed that it was markedly effective in 8 cases, effective in 5
cases, slightly effective in 5 cases and non-effective in 3 cases, indicating that it was either markedly effective or
effective in 62% of the subjects.3) In the total assessment, the effectiveness of y-Oryzanol in the less seriously ill
group was greater than that of more seriously ill group. y-Oryzanol was more effective in the patients who were
over 40 years old than those who were less than 40.4) No side effect was observed in any patient.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpm/17/4/17_KJ00002384041/_article/-char/ja

Action of y-Oryzanol on various gastric juice secretion stimulants


In order to elucidate the gastric juice secretion inhibitory effect of y-Oryzanol, we investigated the effect of y-
Oryzanol on histamine, carbachol, and tetra gastrin stimulation, and examined the involvement of vagus nerve
and splanchnic nerve in the onset of the effect. As a result, when y-Oryzanol, 100 mg / kg, sc was
continuously administered once a day for 5 days, suppression was observed in the latter half of the peak
of histamine stimulation. No significant effect was observed on carbachol stimulation, and a clear suppression
of the tetra gastrin stimulation effect was observed. This inhibitory effect disappeared with vagal amputation,
but was not affected by visceral nerve amputation. From these facts, it seems that the gastric juice secretion
inhibitory effect of y-oryzanol is largely related to the vagus nerve system rather than the visceral nervous
system. We also inferred that the onset of this effect may be related to the catecholamine-increasing effect of y-
oryzanol in the brain.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/fpj1944/74/2/74_2_285/_article/-char/ja

Application of Oryzanol in Digestive System Diseases

<Positive> Oryzanol (OZ for short) is extracted from rice bran oil and is a mixture of ferulic acid esters
mainly composed of triterpene alcohols and sterols. In the past, OZ was mainly used for the treatment of
cyclic psychosis, premenstrual tension, menopausal syndrome, vascular headache, sequelae of traumatic
brain injury and autonomic dysfunction. With the deepening of its research, it was found that the drug has
some new uses, which are summarized as follows. Treatment of gastroptosis Shan Chengwu et al.
observed the curative effect of OZ on gastroptosis patients by double-blind method, taking 75mg
every day, and after 3 weeks, the patients were self-sufficient.


Clinical Experience of Medication for Stomach and
Duodenal Ulcer in Department of Gastroenterology

Abstract: Objective:To explore the clinical experience of medication for stomach and duodenal ulcer in
department of gastroenterology.Methods:87 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer were selected.They
were randomly divided into the experimental group with 48 cases and the control group with 39
cases.The control group were treated with cimetidine,and the experimental group were treated with
oryzanol combined with metronidazole,then we compared clinical curative effect of two groups.Results:In
the experimental group,the effective rate was 100%,the incidence of adverse reactions was 2.1%,and the
disease recurrence rate was 8.3%.The control group was 89.7%,43.6%,10.3% respectively.The differences
were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion: The clinical curative effect of oryzanol combined
with metronidazole for treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcer was significant.


Clinical Observation of Pinaverium Bromide Combined
Oryzanol in Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of pinaverium bromide and oryzanol in the treatment
of irritable bowel syndrome.Methods:58 patients with irritable bowel syndrome were randomly divided
into observation group of 30 patients,28 patients in control group. Control group were given pinaverium
bromide treatment, three times a day, each 50 mg. Observation group were treated on the basis of another
given oryzanol treatment three times a day, each 30 mg.30-day cycle, observed the clinical
effect.Results:30 patients observed total number of valid cases 29 cases, accounting for 96.67%,control
group 28 patients,the total number of valid cases 20 cases, accounting for 71.43%.The total effective rate
was significant difference(χ2=5.24,P<0.05).Observed significant efficiency(56.67%) compared with the
control group, differences were statistically significant(χ2=5.99,P<0.05).And all patients had no obvious
adverse reactions. Conclusion:Pinaverium bromide and oryzanol combination therapy is
significantly effect, relapse,which should be clinical application.


Clinical Research on Trimebutine Maleate, Oryzanol and Anisodamine Combined
Application in Treatment of the Elderly Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Objective To observe the clinical effect of the combination of trimebutine, oryzanol and anisodamine in
the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in the elderly. Methods 80 patients with IBS were
randomly divided into a control group of 32 cases and an observation group of 48 cases. After trimebutine
treatment, the observation group was treated with trimebutine, oryzanol, anisodamine, etc. The treatment
effect and symptom scores after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results After
treatment, the symptoms of the observation group were significantly improved in 31 cases (64.6%). ), 13
cases (27.1%) of symptoms were effectively improved, 4 cases (8.3%) of no improvement in symptoms,
and the total symptom improvement rate was 91.7%; the control group…


Clinical Study of The Application of Pinaverinm Bromide Combined with Oryzanol in The
Treatment of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol on
irritable bowel syndrome. Methods Ninety-two patients with irritable bowel syndrome were randomly
divided into observation group and control group, 46 cases in each. The observation group was given
pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol , the control group was only given oryzanol, and the curative
effects and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of
the observation group was 95.7% (44/46), which was significantly higher than that of the control group
(67.4% (31/46) (P < 0.01). ); no obvious adverse reactions occurred in the two groups of patients
during the treatment.


Doxepin Tablets Combined with Oryzanol Tablets in the Treatment Of
Refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome of 7 Cases

Abstract: Objective:To explore the effect of doxepin tablets combined with oryzanol tablets in the
treatment of refractory irritable bowel syndrome.Methods:7 patients with refractory irritable bowel
syndrome were selected,they were treated with doxepin tablets combined with oryzanol tablets,we
observed the treatment effect.Results:At 3 months,4 cases were effective,3 cases were effective,at 6
months,6 cases were effective,1 case was effective,0 case was ineffective. Conclusion: The effect of
doxepin tablets combined with oryzanol tablets in the treatment of refractory irritable bowel
syndrome was better.


Effect Of Oryzanol Combined With Trimebutine
Maleate in Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of oryzanol combined with trimebutine maleate in treating irritable bowel
syndrome(IBS).Methods A total of 67 patients with IBS were selected in the 33 / st Hospital of Zhuzhou from May
2012 to August 2014,according to the differences of the treatment measures,they were divided into the treatment
group(35 cases) and control group(32 cases).Ccontrol group were given trimebutine maleate treatment,treatment
group were given oryzanol treatment on the basis of control group.Before and after treatment,clinical effect,symptom
score,frequency of symptoms score and incidence of adverse reactions were compared.Results The total effective rate
of treatment group was higher than that of the control group(P < 0.01); before treatment,symptom scores and
frequency of symptoms score showed no significant differences between the two groups(P > 0.05),after
treatment,symptom scores and frequency of symptoms score of treatment were lower than those of control group(P <
0.05); incidence of adverse reactions showed no significant differences between the two groups(P > 0.05). Conclusion
Oryzanol combined with trimebutine maleate has notable curative effect in the treatment of irritable bowel
syndrome,can improve intestinal function,have less adverse reactions.


High Dosage Oryzanol and Vitamin B_1 in The
Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia
Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effect of high dosage Oryzanol and Vitamin B 1 on functional
dyspepsia.Methods 86 patients accompany with disturbance in emotion were divided into treatment
group and control group,the control group patients were individualization treatment with
Mutinline 、 Ranitidine 、 Sucralfate 、 Hydrosulfites et al, the treatment group patients were given
Oryzanol 100mg Tid and Vitamin B 1 100mg Tid for 8 weeks, except the individualization treatment. The
final diagnosis of functional dyspepsia was based in “Rome standard”.Results In the treatment group the
significant rate was 65.1% and the total utility rate was 51.1% while in control group the rates were
86.0% and 67.4%,respectively.No difference of the significant utility rate between the treatment group
and control group(P>0.05).But the total utility rates were the significant difference between the two
groups(P<0.05).Conclusions High dosage of Oryzanol and Vitamin B 1 can get good clinical effect in
the treatment of functional dyspepsia.


Influence Of Tongxie Sishen Decoction Combined With Trimebutine Maleate And
Oryzanol On Serum Ifn-γ,5-ht,npy Levels And T Lymphocyte Subsets In Patients
With Diarrhea Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: [Objective]To analyze the influence of Tongxie Sishen decoction combined with trimebutine maleate and oryzanol on
serum interferon gamma(IFN-γ),5 hydroxytryptamine(5-HT),neuropeptide Y(NPY)levels and T lymphocyte subsets in the patients
with diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome(IBS-D).[Methods]Ninety-eight patients with IBS-D were selected and randomly
divided into the control group and the observation group,forty-nine cases in each group,the control group were treated with
trimebutine maleate and oryzanol treatment,on the basisof this,the observation group were treated with Tongxie Sishen
decoction,the changes of TCM symptom scores before and after the treatment,clinical efficacy,the changes of IFN-γ,5-HT,NPY,T
lymphocyte subsets levels and the incidence rate of adverse reactions were observed and recorded in the two groups.[Results]After
treatment,the TCM symptom score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group(P<0.05);the total
effective rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05);the levels of IFN-γ,5-HT and
NPY in the two groups were significantly decreased(P<0.05),and the changes of the indexes in the observation group were
significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05);after treatment,the CD3~+,CD4~+levels and CD4~+/CD8~+of T
lymphocyte subsets in the two groups were significantly increased(P<0.05),the CD8~+level decreased significantly(P<0.05),and the
changes of the indexes in the observation group were greater than those in the control group(P<0.05);the incidence rate of adverse
reactions in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).[Conclusion]Tongxie Sishen
decoction combined with trimebutine maleate and oryzanol in the treatment of IBS-D can effectively reduce the serum IFN-
γ,5-HT and NPY levels,improve T lymphocyte CD3~+,CD4~+,CD8~+levels and CD4~+/CD8~+,and the risk of adverse reaction
is low,the curative effect is significant.


Meta-analysis on Trimebutine Maleate Combined with Oryzanol in
Treating Irritable Bowel

Abstract: OBJECTIVE To systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol in
treating irritable bowel syndrome(IBS). METHODS Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) of trimebutine maleate combined
with oryzanol in treating IBS were identified by searching electronic databases including Cochrane Library, Springer Link,
CNKI, PubMed, Embase, CBM, Wanfang Data and VIP Database. Two reviewers extracted data independently and assessed
literature quality according to the Cochrane Collaboration Risk Assessment Criteria and meta-analysis was conducted by
using RevMan 5.3 software. RESULTS A total of 15 RCTs were included, involving 1 338 patients. The results of meta-analysis
showed that compared with the control group, trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol had better clinical efficacy
[RR=1.26, 95%CI(1.20, 1.33), P<0.000 01], and improved clinical symptoms, abdominal pain [SMD=-0.94, 95%CI(-1.22, -
0.66), P<0.000 01], diarrhea [SMD=-1.33, 95%CI(-1.68, -0.98), P<0.000 01], daily average number of bowel movements
[SMD=-1.41, 95%CI(-1.79, -1.03), P<0.000 01], abnormal proportion of stool characteristics [SMD=-2.82, 95%CI(-3.42, -
2.22), P<0.000 01)], and reduced adverse reactions [RR=0.40, 95%CI(0.27, 0.60), P<0.000 1] in the treatment of IBS.
CONCLUSION Trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol has better clinical efficacy and lower adverse reactions
compared with trimebutine maleate in the treatment of IBS.


Observation of The Curative Effects of Oryzanol
Treating Peptic Ulcer
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of oryzanol in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Methods 60 patients
with peptic ulcer were treated with omeprazole, axicillin and metronidazole orally as the control group,
and the treatment combination was with oryzanol. Results The difference between the treatment group
and the control group was The total effective rate and HP clearance rate were 95.00%, 81.67% and
95.00%, 83.33%, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion
Oryzanol is effective and safe in the treatment of peptic ulcer.


Ao Mei La Zuo Mo Sha Bi Li Lian He Gu Wei Su Zhi Liao Gong
Neng Xing Xiao Hua Bu Liang De Liao Xiao Guan Cha
Abstract: Objective To observe the curative effect of omeprazole, mosapride combined with oryzanol in
the treatment of functional dyspepsia. Methods Ninety-six patients diagnosed with functional dyspepsia
were randomly divided into the combined treatment group and the omemoza group, with 48 cases in each
group. The omeprazole group was treated with omeprazole (20 mg, once/d) combined with mosapride (5
mg, 3 times/d). The combined treatment group was treated with oryzanol (30 mg, 3 times) on the above
basis. /d) Treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, the improvement of symptoms in the two groups was
observed and the curative effects were compared. Results After treatment, the symptoms of upper
abdominal distension, abdominal pain, early satiety, belching, nausea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite
and other symptoms in the two groups were significantly higher than those in the two groups. There were
significant improvements before treatment (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05), and the effect of the combined
treatment group was more significant than that of the omemox group (P < 0.01). The effect of the
combined treatment group was better than that of the omemox group (Hc =6.188, P < 0.05). Conclusion
Omeprazole, mosapride combined with oryzanol has a good curative effect in the treatment of
functional dyspepsia.   

Research of the Clinical Effect of Trimebutine and Oryzanol as a Treatment on
Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effect of trimebutine maleate capsules,oryzanol joint

Compound Eosinophil-Lactobacillus tablets treating the patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Methods
120 cases of irritable bowel syndrome,60 cases in the treatment group,60 cases in the control group. The
treatment group received trimebutine maleate,oryzanol and Compound Eosinophil-Lactobacillus,the
control group only received trimebutine maleate and oryzanol. Results The total effective rate of the
treatment group was 86.67% and control group was 71.67%,the total effective rate of the two groups
were statistically significant differences in their efficacy(P<0.05). Conclusion Trimebutine maleate
capsules,oryzanol joint compound Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets in the treatment of IBS have a
significant effect,with better compliance and fewer side effects. It is significantly better than
trimebutine maleate capsules single joint oryzanol treatment,and it is worth to promote and

The Effect of Doxepin Combined with Oryzanol for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To evaluate the effect of Doxepin combined with Oryzanol for irritable bowel
syndrome. Methods One hundred and twenty patients with irritable bowel syndrome who were treated in
the Armed Police General Hospital from August 2015 to October 2017 were randomly divided into
observation group (n=60)and control group (n=60)using random number table method. The observation
group received Doxepin combined with Oryzanol for treatment,while control group received Dicetel. Both
groups were given psychological care. The clinical effect,adverse events and the improvement of mental
state were compared between the two groups. Results The total clinical effective rate of ob-servation group
(95.0 % )was significantly higher than control group (83.3 % )(χ2=4.23,P<0.05). Adverse reaction rate of
observation group was slightly higher than that of control group (χ2=0.15,P>0.05). After 6 weeks of
treatment,the psychological quantitative score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of
the control group. Conclusion : The effect of Doxepin combined with Oryzanol for irritable bowel
syndrome is superior to that of Dicetel. The incidence of adverse reactions of Doxepin combined
with Oryzanol was roughly equal to that of Dicetel. Meanwhile,Doxepin combined with Oryzanol can
effectively improve the patient's mental state.
The Effect of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients with Application Of bifidobacterium
Tetravaccine Tablets and Oryzanol

Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of irritable bowel syndrome patients with application of bifidobacterium tetravac?cine
tablets( live) and oryzanol. Methods 384 cases of patients with irritable bowel syndrome were selected and randomly divided into
two groups. Control group gave pinaverium bromide and oryzanol, and the experimental group used bifidobacterium tetravaccine
tablets ( live) on the basis of control group. Mental score, enteron symptom scores, therapeutic effect and adverse reactions were
detected be?fore and after treatment and compared between two groups. Results After treatment, patients with anxiety scale,
depression rating scale and the digestive tract symptom scores were lower than before treatment in the two groups ( P<0.05) . After
treatment, anxiety rat?ing scale, depression rating scale and the digestive tract symptom scores of the experimental group were
significantly lower than control group ( P<0.05) . The total effective rate of control group was 71. 88%, the experimental group was
90. 63%, and the experimental group was significantly higher than control group (P<0.05).Two groups had mild adverse reactions,
and the control group had 4 cases with headache and weakness, 2 case with nausea;the experimental group had 2 case with
headaches, fatigue and 2 case with nausea. The adverse reaction were disappeared after symptomatic treatment. Conclusion :
Irritable bowel syndrome patients with application of bifidobacterium tetravaccine tablets( live) joint oryzanol has
obvious therapeutic effect, less adverse reactions, and it is worthy of clinical promotion.

The Efficacy of Treatment of Peptic Ulcer by Oryzanol

Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of oryzanol in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Methods 120
patients with peptic ulcer were treated with omeprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole orally as the
control group, and the treatment combination was with oryzanol. Results The total effective rate of the
treatment group was as follows: Compared with the control group, the total effective rate and HP
elimination rate were 95.00% and 81.67% respectively, and the difference was statistically significant
(P<0.05). Conclusion Oryzanol is effective and safe in the treatment of peptic ulcer.


The Clinical effect Observation of Pinaverium Bromide Combined with
Oryzanol on Elderly Patients with Intestinal Irritable Syndrome

Abstract: Objective To observe t clinical effect observation of pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol
on elderly patients with intestinal irritable syndrome. Methods 40 elderly patients with intestinal irritable
syndrome were selected and randomly divided into observation group and control group. Two groups of
patients were given psychological nursing, diet intervention, the observation group was given pinaverium
bromide combined with oryzanol, the control group were treated with pinaverium bromide. Two groups of
patients were treated for 30 days. Clinical effect were evaluated after treatment. Results The significant
efficiency 、 effective rate, less efficient, total effective rate in the observation group was 85%, 10%, 5%,
95%; The significant efficiency 、 effective rate 、 less efficient, total effective rate in the control group
was50.0% 、 15.0% 、 25.0% 、 65.0%.The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than
that in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (χ2=3.90, P<0.05). Conclusion
Pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol in treatment of elderly patients with irritable bowel
syndrome clinical effect is significant, the therapy should be the reference for doctors.

Trimebutine Maleate Combined with Oryzanol in the
Treatment of Intestinal Clinical Efficacy and Safety of
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To evaluate trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol in treatment of irritable
bowel syndrome efficacy and safety. Methods We selected 50 cases of patients with irritable bowel
syndrome, the patients were randomly divided into observation group and control group, each 25 cases,
observation combined with oryzanol treated with trimebutine maleate group of patients, the control
group was treated with trimebutine maleate in the treatment of patients, treatment effects were
compared between the two groups. Results Patients in the observation group treatment is better than
the control group, and the adverse reaction is lower than that of the control group,t he difference was
statistically significant(P < 0.05).Conclusion Trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol in
treatment of irritable bowel syndrome can effectively improve the effect, and high safety.


Observation on Super-measuring Oryzanol in Association
with Propantheline Bromide to Turnthe Funtion that Cures
Abstract: To observe the effect of supernormal dose of oryzanol combined with propencin bromide in
the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Methods: All patients stopped other drugs before
treatment, avoided irritating food intake, and established a reasonable and regular lifestyle 48 cases in
the observation group were given oryzanol 100 mg and 15 mg propencin bromide, 3 times/d orally; 46
cases in the control group were given 2 tablets of compound phenepiperidine, 3 times/d. 3 weeks were
the final results. Results: The total effective rate of the observation group was 87.5%, and that of the
control group was 56.5%. The comparison between the two groups was statistically (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The combination of the two drugs The treatment of IBS is better than the traditional
prescription astringent and anti diarrheal drug treatment, and there is no obvious toxic and side


Observation on The Curative Effect of
Helicobacterpylori Positive Chronic Gastritis Treated Bb
Erythromycin, Furazolidone and Oryzanol
Abstract: Objective To observe the curative effect of erythromycin, furazolidone and oryzanol inthe
treatment of Helicobacter pylori (HP) positive chronic gastritis. Method The treatment groupwas given
oral erythromycin, furazolidone and oryzanol, and the control group was givenomeprazole and
metronidazole orally. Compared with amoxicillin and amoxicillin. Results The totaleffective rate of
improvement of clinical symptoms and gastroscopic lesions in the treatmentgroup was higher than that
in the control group (P<0.05, P<0.05). The reaction in the controlgroup was significantly higher than
that in the treatment group (P<0.01). Conclusion Erythromycin,furazolidone and oryzanol in the
treatment of Helicobacter pylori-positive chronic gastritis aremore effective than triple therapy
with omeprazole, metronidazole and amoxicillin, and theadverse reactions It is less effective in
clearing Helicobacter pylori infection.


Application Observation of Trimebutine Maleate combined
with Oryzanol in Irritable Bowel syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the application of trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol in
irritable bowel syndrome. Methods A total of 198 cases of irritable bowel syndrome diagnosed and
treated from January 2009 to January 2011 were randomly divided into a treatment group of 108cases
and a routine group of 90 cases. The clinical efficacy of the two groups was observed. Results The total
effective rate of the treatment group was 91.66%, which was significantly better than that of the
conventional group, which was 71.11%. The total effective rate of the two groups was P<0.05, and there
was a significant difference. Conclusion Trimebutine maleate combined with oryzanol in the
treatment of irritable bowel syndrome can regulate the visceral autonomic nervous system,
regulate gastrointestinal motility in both directions, improve clinical symptoms, and promote
disease recovery.


Clinical effect of Treatment of Adjuvant Psychological Intervention of Pinaverium
bromide combined with Oryzanol to Elderly Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Abstract: Objective To investigate whether psychological intervention has auxiliary clinical effect on
pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol in the treatment of elderly irritable bowel syndrome.
Methods 84 elderly patients with irritable bowel syndrome were randomly divided into the control
group and the treatment group, and the control group received Pinaveri The treatment group was
treated with ammonium bromide combined with oryzanol, and the treatment group implemented
psychological intervention on this basis. The treatment efficiency, symptom improvement and
psychological state of the two groups were compared and statistically analyzed. Results The total
effective rate of the treatment group was 90.5%. The total effective rate in the control group was 71.4%,
P=0.026. The improvement of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in the treatment group was
significantly better than that in the control group, P<0.05The negative psychological score (SDS, SAS) in
the treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group, P < 0.05. Conclusion
Psychological intervention on the basis of pinaverium bromide combined with oryzanol is
helpful to improve the clinical effect of irritable bowel syndrome in the elderly.

Observation on the Treatment Efficacy of Nifedipine Combined with
Oryzanol Against Non-constipated Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Abstract: Objective To investigate nifedipine combined with oryzanol in the treatment of non-
constipation irritable bowel syndrome. Methods 73 cases of non-constipation irritable bowel syndrome
were randomly divided into three groups, control group (I) 23 cases, nifedipine 10mgalone, 3 times/d,
orally; 20 cases in the control group (11), 30 mg oryzanol alone, 3 times/d, orally;30 cases in the
treatment group, 10 mg nifedipine, 3 times/d orally, combined with oryzanol 30mg, 3 times/d The
three groups of patients used it for 4 consecutive weeks. Results After 4 weeks of medication in the
control group (I, I), the total effective rates of various discomfort symptoms were significantly
improved, and the average total effective rates were 34.7% and 36.4%,respectively. The average
efficiency reached 79.1%. Conclusion: Continuous use of nifedipine combined with oryzanol in the
treatment of non-constipation irritable bowel syndrome is more effective.


Study on the Influence of Bifidobacterium Quadruplex Combined with Oryzanol on
Serum Levels of TNF-a, IL-6 in Female Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract:[Objective] To investigate the efficacy of Bifidobacterium quadruple viable bacteria combined with oryzanol in the
treatment of female irritable bowel syndrome and its effect on serum TNF-a andIL-6. [Method] 86 patients with irritable
bowel syndrome were randomized Divided into two groups,43 cases in each group. Control group: received routine
supportive treatment. Observation group: On the basis of routine treatment of control group, oryzanol and quadruple viable
bacteria of bifidobacteria were added. and inflammatory factor levels Y Results] The total effective rate of the observation
group was 95.35% higher than that of the control group, 72.09%, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01).
After treatment, the severity of symptoms and frequency of symptoms in the observation group were The scores were
lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). After treatment, the
Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) score in the observation group was (10.41‡2.50) and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale
(HAMA) score (The score of 10.24=2.68) was lower than the HAMD score(12,92+3.16) and HAMA score (12.63+3.35) of the
control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). After treatment, the serum TNF-a level of the
observation group(29.72 +11.75) pg./mL, IL-6 (11.23 + 3.15) ng/L were lower than the control group serum TNF-a levels
(43.56 ‡ 12.47) pg/mL, IL-6 (17.91 ‡ 4.17) ng/L, the difference There were statistical significance (P<0.01). [Conclusion]
Bifidobacterium quadruple viable bacteria combined with oryzanol is effective in the treatment of irritable bowel
syndrome, and can effectively improve gastrointestinal function and serum TNF-a, IL-6 level and improve the
quality of life of patients.


Clinical Observation Of Tetralogy Of Viablebifidobacterium
Combined With Oryzanol Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of Bifidobacterium quadruple viable bacteria combined with
oryzanol in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Methods Sixty-eight patients with irritable bowel syndrome
were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group, the observation group was given 1.5 g of
bifidobacteria quadruple viable bacteria tablets, orally, 3 times/d. The course of treatment for both groups was 12
weeks. Results The total effective rate was 94.12% in the observation group and 76.47% in the control group. The
clinical efficacy of the two groups of patients was compared, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).
After treatment, the clinical gastrointestinal symptom scores of the two groups were significantly improved
compared with those before treatment, and the difference was statistically treatment, the scores of Hamilton
Depression Scale and Anxiety Scale in the two groups were significantly improved compared with those before
treatment, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). It was significantly better than the control group,
and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Bifidobacterium
quadruple viable bacteria combined with oryzanol in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome has a
positive effect, and in the process of combined treatment, no obvious toxic and side effects were found, all
safety indicators were normal, and the tolerance and safety were good.

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=google

Clinical Effect by viable Bifidobacterium Tetravaccine Combined with
Oryzanol in the Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical effect of Bifidobacterium quadruple viable bacteria combined with oryzanol on
irritable bowel syndrome. Methods 52 patients with irritable bowelsyndrome were randomly divided into the observation
group (28 cases) and the control group ( 24cases). Both groups of patients received oral administration of pinaverium
bromide after out patient treatment. On this basis, the observation group was treated with Bifidobacterium quadruple viable
bacteria combined with oryzanol, and the control group was treated with oryzanol. The treatment of the two groups of
patients was compared. effect, mental state and occurrence of adver sereactions. Results The total effective rate of treatment
in the observation group was higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (y2=4.3797,
P<0.05). After treatment, the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) score in the observation group was (10.1‡2.3)points, lower
than the control group (12.7+3.4) points, the difference was statistically significant(=3.2691, P<0.05); the Hamilton Anxiety
Scale (HAMA) score of the observation group was(9.9+2.6) ) score, which was lower than that of the control group (12.1+2.9),
and the difference was statistically significant (=2.8842, P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of
adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05).

Conclusion: The addition of f-Bifidobacterium quadruple viable bacteria combined with oryzanol in the clinical
treatment of irritable bowel syndrome has a good clinical effect, and the method is worth learning.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/50639282/Clinical effect by_viable_bifidobacterium

_tetravaccine combined with o.htm

High dosage Oryzanol and Vitamin B1 in the Treatment of
Functional Dyspepsia

Objective To investigate the efficacy of high-dose oryzanol and vitamin B1 on functional dyspepsia (FD) and patients with
emotional disorders. Methods 86 patients who were diagnosed with FD according to the "Rome criteria" and accompanied by
obvious depression and anxiety were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group and the control group were
given conventional treatments such as morphine, ranitidine, sucralfate or aluminum magnesium carbonate according to the
principle of individualized treatment. In addition to the above conventional treatments, the treatment group was also given
psychological counseling and high-dose oryzanol. and vitamin B1, 100 mg each, 3 times/d, 8 weeks as a course of treatment.
The curative effect was evaluated according to the change of symptom score. Results The markedly effective rate and total
effective rate of the treatment group after 8 weeks of treatment were 65.1%and 86.0%, respectively, while the control group
The difference was 51.1% and 67.4%. After statistical analysis, there was no significant difference in the significant rate
between the two groups (P>0.05), but there was a significant difference in the total effective rate (P<0.05).Conclusion The
combination of high-dose oryzanol and vitamin B1 Psychological and conventional drug treatment for FD patients
with depression and anxiety can promote the relief of clinical symptoms and the improvement of mental state, and
there are no other side effects caused by increasing the dosage.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/5875371/High_ dosage_ Oryzanol

_and_Vitamin_B1_in_the_treatment_of _functional_dys.htm


Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as the active ingredient on treating
cardiovascular diseases

Examination of serum lipid, apoprotein, lipoprotein particle size by
administration of Probucol, y-Oryzanol

Single dosage of probucol and combined dosage of probucol and y-oryzanol were administered to thirteen
patients with hypercholesterolemia to study their effects on serum lipid, apoprotein and lipoprotein particle
size. In comparison to the single dosage of probucol, a combined dosage with y-oryzanol. The combined
dosage was believed to be effective in preventing at hero sclerosis. Formation of large HDL particles was
observed in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Probucol administration was conversely found to
produce the formation of small HDL particles, Although the low HDL-C state was observed in probucol
administration as well as in patients with CHD Probucol administration seems to have a favorable effect on
preventing atherosclerosis in terms of HDL particle size in spite of inducing a decrease in HDL-C level.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go_jp/article/jat1973/16/3/16_3_369/_article/-char/ja

Effects of oral administration of y-oryzanol on HDL-cholesterol

42 diabetic patient with hyperlipidemia were treated with y-oryzanol of 300mg/day for 16 weeks, and the
changes of serum lipid levels was followed. Significant reduction of cholesterol, triglyceride,
malondialdehyde and atherogenic index was appeared following medication as 270 to 238 mg/d1 (p was
less than 0.01),250 to 173mg/dl (p was less than 0.05), 3.6 to 2.1n mol/m/ (p was less than 0,01) and5.0 to 3.4
(p was less than 0.001), respectively. The HDL-cholesterol increased significantly from 47 to 56mg/d' (p was
less than0.001) in both hypo and hyper HDL-cholesterolemic group.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jat1973/8/2/8_2_405/_article/-char/ja

Effect of y-Oryzanol on serum lipids

The effects of y-oryzanol on serum lipids were investigated by the drug to 20 patients with essential
hypercholesterolemia at a dosage of 300 mg / day for a period of 16weeks, and observing the change in serum
lipids significantly from a pre-treatment value of 253 0mg / d / to 244.5mg / d / after 8weeks (p <0.05) and
228.8mg / d l after 16 weeks (p 0.01) of administration.2. HDL-cholesterol increased from a pretreatment value
of 53.8mg / d I to 56.8mg /d I after 8 weeks and 56.2mg / d / after 16 weeks of administration, but these
changes were not significant.3. The atherogenic index decreased significantly from a pretreatment value of
4.00 to3.63 after 8 weeks (p <0,01) and 3.48 after 16 weeks (p <0.01) of administration.4. Triglyceride did not
change significantly.5. Lipid peroxide decreased significantly from a pre-treatment value of 5.2 mol / mlto 4.2
mol / m ( after 8 weeks (p <0.05) and 3.7 mol / m l after 16 weeks (p <0.05)of administration.6. No drug-related
These results suggest that y- oryzanol can be expected to be useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis
associated with hypercholesterolemia.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jat1973/10/3/10_3_583/_article/-char/ja

Antilipidemic effect of y-Oryzanol

300mg of y-oryzanol per day was administered to 17 hyperlipemic patients with or without diabetes daily for
16 weeks. Serum lipids (cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid, HDL-cholesterol, cholesterylester, B-lipoprotein,
lipid peroxide) were analyzed every 4 weeks. Both serum cholesterol and -lipoprotein were decreased in8
or 16 weeks. HDL-cholesterol was slightly increased, but lipid peroxide level was unchanged. Serum
triglyceride level was very variable. There was no side effect but one bothered with skin eruption.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jat1973/10/6/10_6_1077/_article/-char/ja

About the addition of y-oryzanol to HDL-cholesterol

Effect of the oral administration of y-oryzanol on the levels of plant sterols in whole serum and HDL fraction
was studied in I2 patients with hypercholesterolemia and it was examined whether the sterol fraction of y-
oryzanol is incorporated into HDL-cholesterol. The sterol fraction of y-oryzanol consisted of 21% camp sterol,
11% ß-sitosterol and68% five other sterols. The plant sterols were found to react with the enzyme system for
the determination of cholesterol, that is, campesterol and B-sitosterol It was therefore suggested that the free
sterol. It was therefore suggested that the free sterolfraction, which was considered to be the main form of y-
oryzanol in blood, may affect the determination of serum or HDL-cholesterol.After the treatment with y-
oryzanol 300mg / day for 10 weeks, the concentrations ofcampesterol and f-sitosterol were increased by 43 ug /
d / and 15 ug / d /The sum ofthe increases of campesterol and p-sitosterol in the HDL fraction corresponded to
2%of the increase of HDL-cholesterol (28 mg) in the HDL fraction, and 196 ugd L and 85 ug / d / in whole
serum, respectively. / d /) and that in whole serumcorresponded to 6% of the increase of total cholesterol
(4.6mg / dA).These results indicated that the levels of plant sterols in the HDL fraction or wholeserum
must be taken into consideration in order to evaluate accurately the effect of y-oryzanol on HDL-or total

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jat1973/9/6/9_6_887/_article/-char/ja

Clinical Curative Effect Of All Kinds Of Arrhythmia Treated With The
Combination Of Berberine Hydrochloride,oryzanol And Coenzyme Q10

Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of berberine, oryzanol and coenzyme Q10 in the
treatment of various types of arrhythmias. Methods The combination of berberine, oryzanol and
coenzyme Q10. Results The total effective rate in the treatment of arrhythmia was 90%. Conclusion The
combination is safe, simple and has no side effects. It is one of the effective ways to treat


Curative Effect of High-dose Oryzanol Combined with Beta-
blocker in Treatment Of Cardiovascular Neurosis

Objective To research and explore curative effect of high-dose oryzanol combined with β-blocker in treatment of
cardiovascular neurosis.Methods 112 patient with cardiovascular neurosis who were treated in our hospital were
given grouping controlled study according to different treatment methods. Patients in the observation group were
treated by high-dose oryzanol combined with β-blocker while patients in the observation group were given routine
treatment. After continued treatment for 2 weeks, patients were given follow-up and specific curative effects were
researched. Results Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD ), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA) and score of
cardiovascular neurosis of every week in the observation group and the control group were significantly decreased
compared with those before treatment.Differences in HAMD score and HAMA score after treatment of every week had
statistical significance (P < 0.05). Conclusion High-dose oryzanol combined with β-blocker in treatment of
patients with cardiovascular neurosis has good and acute curative effect, which is worthy of widely clinical
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/52865911/Curative_effect_of_high_dose_oryzanol_combined_with_%CE

Effect of Large Dose of Oryzanol Combined With Betaloc
in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Neurosis

Abstract: Objective:To explore the effect of large dose of oryzanol combined with betaloc in the
treatment of cardiovascular neurosis.Methods:40 patients with cardiovascular neurosis were
selected.They were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group.The control group
was treated with small dose of oryzanol.The observation group was treated with large dose of oryzanol
combined with betaloc.We compared the therapeutic effect of two groups.Results:The total effective rate
of the observation group was 95%,which was significantly higher than 75.0% of the control
group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The effect of large dose of oryzanol combined with betaloc in the
treatment of cardiovascular neurosis was significant.


Efficacy of Cardiovascular Neuroses Treated
with High-dose Oryzanol Combined Β-blockers
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate high-dose oryzanol combined with β-blockers treatment of cardiovascular
neurosis patients.Methods: 74 patients with cardiovascular neurosis in our hospital treated with different
methods,observation group treated with high dose oryzanol combined β-blockers,control group with
conventional treatment,patients were followed up after two weeks.Results: The observation group and
control group weekly HAMD score,HAMA scores and cardiovascular neurosis than before treatment were
significantly lower.Two weeks after the treatment of the HAMD score and HAMA were significantly different,
(t1=2.343,2.252;t2=2.317,2.306;t4=2.298,2.318;t6=2.250,2.431,P<0.05).The observation group 1,2,4,6
weeks after treatment, reduction rate was 53.63%,66.44%,79.58% and 83.74%.The control group 1,2,4
weeks after treatment no significant changes in reduction rate,the difference of two groups were
significantly(χ2>3.834).Conclusion: High-dose oryzanol combined β-blockers treatment of
cardiovascular neurosis is effective,and it is worthy of clinical application.

High Doses Of Oryzanol In Combination With Betablockers
Efficacy In The Treatment Of Cardiovascular Neurosis
Abstract: Objective To analyze the clinical effect of high-dose oryzanol combined with -blockers on
cardiovascular neurosis. Methods Eighty-six patients with cardiovascular neurosis were randomly
divided into control group and experimental group, 43 cases in each group. Doses of oryzanol, beta-
blockers and high-dose oryzanol were used to treat the two groups of patients, and then the efficacy of
the two groups of patients was compared and analyzed. Results The efficacy of the experimental group
was significantly better than that of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions using -blocker
combined with high-dose oryzanol in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular neurosis can
achieve good therapeutic effect, and this method can be popularized and applied in clinic.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/41432467/High_doses_ of oryzanol_in combination_

with_beta_blockers _efficacy_in_t.htm

The Effects of Quetiapine Combined with Oryzanol on
Clinical Symptoms, Blood Glucose and Lipid Metabolism
in Elderly Schizophrenic Patients
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of quetiapine combined with oryzanol on clinical symptoms and blood
glucose and lipid metabolism in elderly schizophrenic patients. Methods 120elderly schizophrenic patients treated in our
hospital from December 2013 to December 2015were randomly divided into experimental group and control group,60
cases in each group. The experimental group received quetiapine combined with oryzanol treatment. The control group
we retreated with quetiapine. The efficacy was evaluated by using the clinical impression scale(CGI), positive and negative
symptom scale (PANSS) and treatment emergent symptom scale(TESS),.fasting blood glucose (FBG),total triglyceride (TG),
total cholesterol (TC) ,high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL).The effects of drugs on the
metabolism of glucose and lipid were observed. Results After the treatment, the PANS scores and CGI scores of the two
groups were significantly decreased (P<0.05). The CGI scores of the patients in the experimental group were lower than
those in the control group at the same time point after the treatment (P<0.05).There was no significant difference between
the two groups of patients after one course of treatment and four courses of treatment (P>0.05). The adverse reactions of
the treatment group were significantly lower than those of the control group after two courses of treatment and three
courses of treatment (P<0.05).There were no significant differences in TG, TC, FBG, HDL and LDL between the two groups
before and after treatment (P>0.05).After four courses of treatment, the average fasting blood glucose level was
significantly increased in the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion The results of this study show that the application of
quetiapine and oryzanol can effectively improve symptoms, and improve drug safety. The effect on basal
metabolism is relatively small.
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/51269099/The effects of quetiapine combined with oryzanol on clinical
symptoms_ .htm

Efficacy of High-dose Oryzanol Combined with Beta-blocker
in The Treatment of Cardiovascular Neurosis
Abstract: Objective: To study the effect of high-dose oryzanol combined with -blockers in the treatment
of cardiovascular neurosis. Methods: 80 patients with cardiovascular neurosis who were hospitalized in
Nanyang Central Hospital from January 2018 to January 2019 were selected as Research objects,
classified according to treatment methods: 40 cases in the control group were treated with low-dose
oryzanol, and 40 cases in the observation group were treated with high-dose oryzanol + -blocker. Effect.
Results: After treatment, the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD),Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) and
symptom scores of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group
(P<0.05); the total effective rate of treatment was significantly higher than that of the observation group
compared with the control group[95.00% VS 67.50%] (P<0.05). Conclusion: The combined treatment
of high – dose oryzanol and β blockers in patients with cardiovascular neurosis has a significant
effect, which can improve the patients' negative emotions and relieve heart disease. Symptoms
of angioneurosis, the treatment effect is improved.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/58989327/Efficacy of high dose


Effects of Quetiapine and Oryzanol on Clinical Efficacy and
Glucose and Lipid Metabolism Insenile Schizophrenia
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of quetiapine combined with oryzanol on the clinical efficacy and glucose and lipid
metabolism of elderly patients with schizophrenia. Methods 97 elderly patients with schizophrenia who were treated in our
hospital from September 2016 to July 2019 were selected as the research objects and randomized The patients were divided
into experimental group (n=49) and control group (n=48). The experimental group was treated with quetiapine combined
with oryzanol, and the control group was treated with quetiapine alone. The clinical the rapeutic effect and the glucose and
lipid metabolism levels of the two groups were observed. Results Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the
scores of Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) between the two groups;
after treatment, the CGI and PANSS scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group
(P< 0.05). There was no significant difference in total cholesterol, total triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, and low-density
lipoprotein between the two groups before and after treatment. After treatment, the fasting blood glucose concentrations of
the two groups were significantly higher than those before treatment (P<0.05). Before and after treatment, there was no
significant difference in total cholesterol, total triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein between the
two groups. Conclusion: Quetiapine combined with oryzanol in the treatment of elderly patients with schizophrenia
can significantly improve the It can improve the curative effect of treatment, and has no significant impact on glucose
and lipid metabolism, can effectively reduce the occurrence of metabolic disorders, and has high drug safety, which
is worthy of popularization and application.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/59870678/Effects of quetiapine and oryzanol_ on_ clinical_


The Clinical Effect of Atorvastatin Combined with Oryzanol in the Treatment of Coronary
Heart Disease Complicated
with Arrhythmia for Elderly patients
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical effect of atorvastatin combined with oryzanol in the treatment of elderly
patients with coronary heart disease complicated with arrhythmia. Methods104 elderly patients with coronary heart disease
complicated with arrhythmia treated in our hospital from December 2015 to September 2017 were selected as the research
objects. The patients were divided into the control group and the observation group by random number table method, with
52 cases in each group. Both groups were given the basic treatment of coronary heart disease, the control group was
additionally given atorvastatin, the observation group was combined with oryzanol on the basis of the control group, and the
treatment of the two groups was observed. The results showed that the total effective rate of the observation group was
96.15%,which was significantly higher than that of the control group, which was 82.69%, and the difference was statistically
significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in blood lipids and heart rate variability between the two groups
(P>0.05). After treatment, TG and TC in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group, while
SDANN and SDNN were significantly higher than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant
(P>0.05). P<0.05); the incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was11.54%, compared with 7.69% in the
control group, and the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion Elderly patients with coronary
heart disease complicated with arrhythmia were treated with atorvastatin combined with oryzanol. It has significant
effect, can effectively reduce blood lipids, improve heart rate variability, and has high safety, which is worthy of

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/53833801/The clinical effect of Atorvastatin combined with

oryzanol in the trea.htm

Effects of Pitavastatin Calcium combined with Oryzanol on Blood Lipid Levels in the
Treatment of 32 Cases of Patients with Hypercholesterolemia

Objective: To investigate the effect of pitava statin calcium combined with oryzanol on blood lipid levels in patients with
hypercholesterolemia. Methods: A total of 64 patients with primary hypercholesterolemia were selected and randomly
divided into control group and study group, 32cases in each group. Vastatin calcium treatment, the study group was given
pitavastatin calcium combined with oryzanol treatment. Before and after treatment, blood lipid indexes of the two groups of
patients were detected, the clinical efficacy of the two groups of patients was evaluated, and the occurrence of adverse
reactions in the two groups of patients during the treatment was observed. Results: Two After treatment, the levels of TG, TC
and LDL-C in the patients in the study group were significantly decreased, and the level of HDL-C was significantly increased;
the levels of TG, TC and LDL-C in the study group after treatment were significantly lower than tho sein the control group
(P<0.05); The level of HDL-C in the study group after treatment was significantly higher than that in the control group
(P<0.05). The total effective rate of the treatment in the study group was significantly higher than that in the control group
(P<0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions in the two groups was not compared. Significant statistical difference
Conclusion: Pitavastatin calcium combined with oryzanol can effectively improve the blood lipid level in patients
with hypercholesterolemia, and there are few adverse reactions

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/51352233/Effects of pitavastatin calcium combined with

oryzanol on blood lipid .htm

The Combination of Amount Oryzanol with Potasium
Magnesium As- Partate in the Treatment of Arrhythmias

Objective To investigate the efficacy of high-dose oryzanol combined with potassium and magnesium aspartate in the
treatment of arrhythmia. Methods Ninety-seven patients with arrhythmia without atrioventricular block were randomly
divided into two groups, the control group of 46 cases, only oral acetaminophen Vetone, 200 mg/time, 3 times/d; 51 cases in
the treatment group, on the basis of the medication in the control group, intravenous infusion of potassium and magnesium
aspartate injection 200 mL, 1 time/d; oral oryzanol, 100 mg/time, 3 times The course of treatment in both groups was 10 d.
Before and after treatment, 12-lead ECG was recorded and blood pressure and blood lipids were detected. During the
treatment, ECG was recorded every two days. Results the total efficiency of the treatment group was 90.2%, while that of the
control group was61%, the difference between the two was significant (P<0.01). The serum cholesterol in the treatment
group decreased significantly before and after treatment (P<0.01). Conclusion Oryzanol and potassium and magnesium
aspartate have better effects on the heart. It has a wide range of effects, and the combination of western medicine has a
therapeutic effect on arrhythmia from different links, which has a better curative effect, is safe, convenient,
inexpensive, easily accepted by patients, and has no obvious adverse reactions. It is a better method for the
treatment of arrhythmia.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/15468493/The_Combination

Clinical observe of effect of Regulating Hyperlipidemia and
Weight Reduction by Berberine and Oryzanol
Abstract: Objective: To study the effect of berberine hydrochloride (Ber) and oryzanol on blood lipid and body weight in
patients with dyslipidemia. Methods: Divided 109 patients with cardiovascular disease with dyslipidemia into a treatment
group (68 cases) and a control group (41 cases) The treatment group was treated with Ber and oryzanol, and the control
group was treated with simvastatin; plasma TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C, blood glucose (BG), apolipoprotein B (apo-B) measured
before and after treatment in both groups ), liver and kidney function and body weight. Result: The plasma concentration of
TC,TG, LDL-C, BG and apo-B in the treatment group were significantly increased by (6.25‡0.19), (3.24‡0.25), (3.78*0.13),
(7.56+0.6) mmol/Land(1.01+0.09) g/L decreased to (4.51+0.09), (1.80‡0.12), (2.82+0.10), (6.16+0.29)
mmol/Land(0.77+0.23) g/L, the difference was statistically significant before and after treatment (P<0.01);there was no
significant effect on renal function before and after treatment (P>0.05), and 18 cases with abnormal transaminase and other
abnormalities were significantly improved to normal. 2There was no significant difference in the curative effect of lowering
TC between the two groups(P>0.05), but there was a statistically significant difference in lowering TG (P<0.01). Among the
41cases with BMI ≥ 25 in the treatment group, 34 cases of weight were reduced from those before treatment (P<0.01).
71.75+1.88) kg decreased to (66.63+1.83) kg after treatment (P<0.01).Among them, 20 cases had weight loss 25 kg, and there
was no obvious adverse reaction; there was no significant difference in the weight of the control group before and after
treatment.(P>0.05). Conclusion: It not only has significant effect on reducing TC, TG, LDL-C, BG, apo-B, but also has a
significant effect on obesity treatment. It is an efficient, cheap and safe lipid regulating and weight-loss drug.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/13024098/Clinical observe_of effect of


Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as the active ingredient on
stress/anxiety/insomnia/sleep issues


We previously reported that rice bran extract supplement (RBS) administration to mice decreased
sleep latency and induced non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep via inhibition of the histamine H1
receptor. Based on this, we performed the first clinical trial to investigate whether RBS would be
beneficial to subjects with disturbed sleep. We performed a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-
controlled, 2-week study. Fifty subjects with sleep disturbance were enrolled and received either RBS
(1,000 mg/day) or placebo. Polysomnography was performed, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and Fatigue Severity Scale were administered at the initiation and
termination of the study. Compared with the placebo, RBS led to significant polysomnographic changes,
including decreased sleep latency (adjusted, P = 0.047), increased total sleep time (P = 0.019), and
improved sleep efficiency (P = 0.010). Additionally, the amount of stage 2 sleep significantly
increased in the RBS group. When adjusted for caffeine intake, wakefulness after sleep onset, total
wake time, and delta activity tended to decrease in the RBS group. RBS administration decreased ESS
scores. There were no reported serious adverse events in both groups. RBS improved sleep in adults
with sleep disturbance. Trial registration: WHO ICTRP, KCT0001893.


Chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) is a valid model for inducing depression-like symptoms in animal
models, causing predictive behavioral, neurochemical, and physiological responses to this condi- tion. This
work aims to evaluate the possible antidepressant effect of c-oryzanol (ORY) in the CUMS- induced depressive
model in male Drosophila melanogaster. We will use the CUMS protocol to continue the study previously
conducted by our research group, mimicking a depressive state in these insects. Male flies were subjected to
various stressors according to a 10-day randomized schedule and con- comitantly treated with ORY or
fluoxetine (FLX). After the experimental period, in vivo behavioral tests were performed (open field, forced
swimming, aggressiveness test, mating test, male virility, sucrose preference index and light/dark test) and ex
vivo analyses measuring serotonin (5HT), dopamine (DA), octopamine (OCT) levels and body weight. We
report here that ORY-treated flies and concomitant exposure to CUMS did not exhibit obvious behaviors such
as prolonged immobility or increased aggressive behavior, reduced male mating and virility behavior, and
anxiolytic behavior, in contrast to ORY, not altering sucrose preference and body weight flies exposed to CUMS.
ORY effectively pre- vented 5HT and OCT reduction and partially protected against DA reduction. The data
presented here are consistent and provide evidence for the use of ORY as a potential antidepressant

Control Study of Quetiapine Combined with Oryzanol Vitamin
B1 And Vitamin B6 Tablets in Senile Schizophrenia

Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of quetiapine combined with oryzanol and double vitamin B in the
treatment of elderly schizophrenia. Methods Seventy-four elderly patients with schizophrenia who were admitted to
the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College from October 2012 to October 2013 were randomly divided
into two groups. Control group and observation group, 37 cases in each group. The control group was treated with
oral quetiapine, and the observation group was treated with quetiapine + oryzanol double-dimensional B treatment.
(CGI) and Adverse Reaction Scale (TESS) to evaluate the efficacy and adverse reactions. Results The marked and
effective rates of the control group were 64.86% and 86.47%, respectively, and the observation group was 75.68% and
94.59%, respectively. There were significant differences in the efficiency and effective rate (P < 0.05). From the 4th
week of treatment, the PANSS total score and CGI total score of the observation group were significantly lower than
those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The TESS score in
the first 4 weeks of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05 or P <
0.01). Conclusion Quetiapine combined with oryzanol and double-dimensional B is effective in treating senile
schizophrenia , good security.

Deanxit Combined with Large Dose of Oryzanol in Treatment of Post Stroke
Depression and Anxiety in
Elderly Male

Abstract: Objective To investigate the therapy effect of deanxit combined with large dose of oryzanol in the treatment
of post stroke depression(PSD) and anxiety in elderly male.Methods Sixty cases of PSD and anxiety patients were
divided into three groups by random number table method with 20 cases in each,deanxit group treated with
deanxit,oryzanol group treated with oryzanol,and combination group treated with deanxit and large dose of
oryzanol,a total of 4 weeks.Before and after 4 weeks treatment respectively using Hamilton depression scale (HAMD)
and Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA) scores.Results The HAMD and HAMA scores before treatment in three groups had
no statistical significance (P > 0.05).Compared with before treatment,HAMD and HAMA scores in three groups after
treatment were significantly lower (P < 0.01).HAMD scores in combination group were improved better than those
in deanxit group and oryzanol group [(12.85 ± 3.69) scores vs.(15.30 ± 3.28),(18.65 ± 3.13) scores](P < 0.01),and
deanxit group were better than oryzanol group(P < 0.01).HAMA scores in deanxit group and combination group
were lower than those in oryzanol group [(8.65 ± 3.33),(7.25 ± 3.34) scores vs.(10.65 ± 3.18) scores] (P <
0.01).Conclusion Deanxit combined with oryzanol is effective in the treatment of PSD and anxiety in elderly

Effect of Deanxit Combined with Oryzanol Injection on Life
Quality, Anxiety and Depression In Elderly Cerebral Patients
Abstract: Objective To study the effect of deanxit combined with oryzanol injection on life quality,anxiety and
depression in elderly cerebral infarction patients.Methods 90 elderly cerebral infarction patients were divided into
deanxit group (27 cases)(Group A),oryzanol injection group (28 cases) (Group B) and deanxit joint oryzanol injection
combined treatment group (35 cases) (Group C) according random number method during August 2012 to March
2015.Aher four weeks of treatment,life quality,anxiety and depression were compared in each group before and after
treatment.Results After treatment,the score of physiological function,bodily pain,general health,vitality,social
functioning,mental health,physical function,emotional function in Group A,Group B and Group C were significantly
higher than before treatment (P < 0.05).After treatment,the score of physiological function,body pain,general
health,vitality,social functioning,mental health,physical function,emotional function in Group C were significant higher
than Group A and Group B (P < 0.05).The score of HAMD and HAMA after treatment in the Group C was the lowest
among the three groups (P < 0.05).Conclusion Deanxit combined with oryzanol injection can significantly
improve the life quality and reduce patient anxiety and depression in patients wiith first elderly cerebral


Effect of Oryzanol on Anxiety and Depression in
Patients with Cerebral Infarction
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the effect of oryzanol on anxiety and depression in patients with cerebral
infarction. Methods: 62 cases of patients with cerebral infarction complicated with anxiety and depression admitted to
our hospital from January 2016 to January 2017 were selected as subjects and divided into control group and
treatment group according to different treatment methods, 31 cases in each group. The patients in the control group
were given conventional therapy. The patients in the treatment group was treated with oryzanol tablet(20 mg, tid) on
the basis of the control group. The changes of anxiety and depression and the clinical effects in the two groups were
observed before and after treatment. Results: Before treatment, there was no significant difference in Hamilton
anxiety scale(HAMA) and Hamilton depression scale(HAMD) scores between the two groups(P>0.05). After treatment,
the scores of HAMA and HAMD in the treatment group were significantly lower than those in the control
group(P<0.05). The total effective rate in the treatment group was 96.77%, which was significantly higher than
80.66% in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Oryzanol can effectively improve anxiety and depression after
cerebral infarction and play an important role in promoting disease rehabilitation and improving the quality
of life, which is worthy of clinical application.


Effectiveness of Oryzanol in Alleviating Exam-tension and
Improving Students\' Examination-adapted Ability

Abstract: The medicinal effect of oryzanol in relieving exam stress was investigated, and it can
provide an effective method for students to improve their ability to take exams. The subjects of the
survey were randomly selected 283 second-year college students from Qufu Normal University. The
quality of sleep the night before; and then let the students who are nervous about the exam take oryzanol
for 3-7 days before the college English test, and the effect of oryzanol on the nervousness of the exam and
the sleep disorder before the exam is calculated. At the time, 88.3% of the students felt nervous, and
59.4% of the students had varying degrees of loss on the eve of the exam…


Suanzaoren Decoction Combined with Vitamin E and Oryzanol in the
Treatment of Climacteric Syndrome with Insomnia 20 Cases
Abstract: Objective To analyze the effect of Suanzaoren decoction combined with vitamin E and oryzanol
in the treatment of climacteric syndromewith Insomnia.Methods 40 cases of patients with climacteric
syndrome in our hospital were randomly selected as the research objects.The study period was from
October 2015 to October 2016.The subjects were divided into control group and observation group, and
each group included 20 patients.The control group used oryzanol and vitamin E treatment, and the
observation group was also given Suanzaoren decoction on the basis of the control group.The therapeutic
effect of two groups was summarized.Results Comparing with the control group, the effective rate of study
group was ideal.The clinical symptom score, PSQI score and therapeutic satisfaction of the study group
were significantly higher than those of the control group, and there was statistical significance
(P<0.05).Conclusion Suanzaoren decoction combined with vitamin E and oryzanol in the treatment
of climacteric syndrome can improve the clinical symptoms, the quality of sleep and quality of life,
has less adverse reaction, is conducive to the prognosis of patients, and has higher application

Suanzaoren Decoction( 酸枣仁汤 ) Combined With Flupentixol And Melitracen Tablets
And Oryzanol In The Treatment Of Perimenopausal Depression Randomized Controlled

Abstract: [Objective] To observe the Suanzaoren Decoction Combined with Flupentixol and melitracen tablets and
oryzanol in the treatment of perimenopausal depression effect. [Methods] 60 outpatients were randomly divided into
two groups according to the method of random parallel control. The control group of 30 cases of Flupentixol and
melitracen tablets, 0.5 mg/times, 2 times/d, oral; oryzanol, 10 mg/times, 3 times/d, oral. Treatment group, 30 cases of
Suanzaoren Decoction(Suanzaoren 30 g, Szechuan lovage rhizome, Poria, Anemarrhena 12 g, licorice 6 g; liver
depression of the fire add gardenia, cortex moutan; phlegm heat disturbance and Rhizoma Coptidis, Trichosanthes,
gardenia; Yin deficiency and fire wangka dry lotus seed, Ligustrum lucidum, Lily and Rehmannia glutinosa; due to
deficiency of Qi and blood, blood Yangxin sunburn and licorice), daily 1 agent, water to cook 400 ml, 2 times daily;
western medicine in the treatment of with the control group. Continuous treatment for 1 courses of 15 d. Observation
of clinical symptoms, HAMD score, adverse reaction. Treatment of 1 courses of treatment(15 d), determine the
efficacy. [Results] The treatment group, 8 cases recovered, 10 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases were effective, 1
case ineffective, effective rate is 96.67%; control group, 4 cases were cured, 8 cases were markedly effective, 9 cases
were effective, 9 cases ineffective, efficient 70.00%. The treatment group curative effect surpasses the control
group(P<0.05). HAMD score of two groups were improved(P<0.01), the treatment group improved better than the
control group(P<0.01). [Conclusion] Suanzaoren Decoction Combined with droperidol thiadiazole tons and
deanxit and oryzanol treatment of perimenopausal depressive disorder, and the results were satisfactory. No
serious adverse reactions, worthy of promotion.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/50471029/Suanzaoren_Decoction_%E9%85%B8%E6%9E%A3%E4%BB

The Efficacy Analysis of Oryzanol Combined with Anshenbunao Liquid in Neurasthenia

Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of oryzanol combined with Anshenbunao liquid in
neurasthenia.Methods 198 cases patients with neurasthenia were randomly divided into observation group and
control group,each of 99 cases.Control group were treated with oryzanol treatment;Observation group were taken
Anshenbunao liquid therapy on the basis of oryzanol treatment.Compared the depression score,total efficiency
and adverse reactions,before and after a course of treatment for the two groups.Results After the treatment,the
total effective rate of observation group(91.92%) was higher than that of control group(73.74%),the difference
was statistically significant(P<0.05).The depression scale of the two groups were better than than those before
treatment,there was significant difference(P<0.05).The improvement of the observation group was significantly
better than control group patients,and there was statistically significant(P<0.05).Two groups during the treatment
had no significant adverse reactions.Conclusion : Oryzanol combined with Anshenbunao liquid has a safe and
effective advantage in the treatment of neurasthenia.It is worthy of clinical application.


Clinical Study of Combined Therapy of ATP Etc on 36 Cases
with Somatization of Pre-test Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of oral administration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), oryzanol
(Oryzanol) and vitamin B1 (vitamin B1) in the treatment of somatic symptoms in patients with preexisting stress
syndrome. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted to investigate the efficacy of oral administration of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP), oryzanol (oryzanol) and vitaminB1 (vitamin B1). The clinical data of 36 patients
treated with combined therapy were used to evaluate their clinical efficacy and adverse reactions. Results Before
and after treatment, the patients were compared with anxiety scale HAMA assessment (P<0.01), sleep quality score
(P<0.01), autonomic nerve function test (recumbent). (P<0.01), headache severity (P <0.01),systolic blood pressure
(P<0.01), heart rate (P<0.01), there were significant differences, and the control before and after diastolic blood
pressure treatment (P>0.05) There was no significant difference; no obvious adverse reactions were found.
Conclusion The combination of ATP, oryzanol and vitamin B1 in the treatment of somatic symptoms caused
by physiological arousal inpatients with pre-exam stress syndrome has obvious effect, and no obvious
adverse reactions occurred.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/30721103/Clinical study_of_


Clinical Observation on Liver and Kidney Maintenance Acupuncture Combined with
Oryzanol in Treatment of
Insomnia after Ischemic Stroke
Abstract: Objective To study the effect of liver and kidney conservation acupuncture combined with oryzanol
on ischemic stroke insomnia. Methods 81 patients with ischemic stroke insomnia who were admitted to the
Department of Neurology, Jinqiu Hospital, Liaoning Province from January 2019 to December 2020 were
selected were randomly divided into the observation group and the control group by drawing lots. Forty-one
patients in the control group took oryzanol tablets 30 mg orally before going to bed, and 40 patients in the
observation group took oryzanol on the basis of combined use of liver and kidney conservation acupuncture.
Comparison 2 The Pittsburgh Sleep fatal iM tho on sensation group m as 5 ishinzantiy higher irah that of the so
hitro lto Up a P200s, Tantae the PSQI scores of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the
control group(P<0.05); after treatment, SL, ASA, AT, A/TSA of the two groups were significantly
decreased(P<0.05), TSA and SE were significantly increased (P<0.05). <0.05), and the sleep EEG-related
indexes of the observation group were significantly better than those of the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion : Liver and kidney conservation acupuncture combined with oryzanol has a definite
curative effect on ischemic stroke insomnia, not only can improve the It also helps to improve sleep
EEG-related indicators, which is worthy of application and promotion.
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/62955551/Clinical_

Clinical Effect of Oryzanol Combined with Sports Therapy in the
Treatment in Patients with Neurasthenia

Objective To investigate the clinical effect of oryzanol combined with exercise therapy in the treatment of patients with
neurasthenia. Methods 78 patients with neurasthenia treated in our hospital from March 2014 to March 2015 were selected
and randomly divided into the control group and the observation group, 39 cases in each group, the control group The control
group was given simple psychological counseling, and the observation group was given oryzanol combined with exercise
therapy on the basis of the control group. After 30 days of treatment, the total effective rate, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA)
and Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD)scores were compared between the two groups . Results The total effective rate
(93.5%) of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (75.4%), and the difference was statistically
significant (P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups of HAMA and
HAMD scores (P>0.05), after treatment, the HAMA(18.21‡5.36) and HAMD (20.46+5.62) scores of the observation group
were lower than those of the control group (23.68+4.36) and HAMD (24.41‡6.24), and the difference was statistically
significant ( P < 0.05). Conclusion Oryzanol combined with exercise therapy is better than simple psychotherapy in the
treatment of neurasthenia, and the clinical effect is significant.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/48435089/Clinical Effect of Oryzanol Combined With

Sports_Therapy in the_Treatm.htm

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations
with Gamma Oryzanol as the active ingredient on
relieving menopausal symptoms

Effect of Mild Moxibustion on Menopausal Syndrome Patients
with Yin Deficiency in Sex Hormone Level and Stress Situation
Abstract: Objective: To explore the effect of mild moxibustion on menopausal syndrome patients with yin deficiency
in sex hormone level and stress situation. Methods: 60 cases were ramdomly divided into moxibustion group and
oryzanol group with 30 cases each other,moxibustion group was treated with mild moxibustion ,oryzanol group was
treated with oryzanol. The changes of Kupperman,HAMA,E2,FSH,LH,ACTH,CORT were compared before and after
treatment between the2 groups. Results: After moxibustion treatment,E2 increased,Kupperman,HAMA and
constitution transformation scores , FSH, ACTH and CORT levels were lower than before, compared with oryzanol
group, the difference was significant. The decrease of Kupperman score was positively correlated with FSH, CORT and
ACTH levels; the improvement of yin deficiency was negatively correlated with the increase of E2,while positively with
the descent of CORT and ACTH. Conclusion: Mild moxibustion could reduce the level of FSH,increase the content of
E2,the mechanism may relate to the adjustment of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the hypothalamus-
pituitary-gonadal axis , ACTH and CORT are sensitive hormone index in menopausal syndrome with yin deficiency


Effects of Different Dosage Forms of Oryzanol on Efficacy,sex Hormones Levels and
Quality of Life In Patients with Climacteric Syndrome: a Comparative Study
Abstract: Objective To compare the effects of oryzanol injection and tablets on the efficacy,sex hormones levels and
quality of life in patients with climacteric syndrome.Methods A total of 114 patients with climacteric syndrome were
selected and were divided into observation group(n=57) and control group(n=57) using random number table.The
control group and the observation group were given oryzanol tablets and injection respectively.The efficacy,sex
hormones levels,quality of life,and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups.Results The
total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the serum
estradiol(E2) level increased significantly but the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH) and luteinizing
hormone(LH) decreased in the two groups compared to the pre-treatment,and the observation group had higher level of
E2 and lower levels of FSH and LH compared to the control group(all P<0.05).After treatment,the scores of all
dimensions of Menopause-Specific Quality of Life(MENQOL) questionnaire decreased significantly in the two groups
compared to the pre-treatment,and the vasomotor and physiological scores in the observation group were lower than
those in the control group (P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence rate of adverse
reactions between the two groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Oryzanol injection has a definite efficacy on climacteric
syndrome.It,which is of good safety,obtains better effects on patients′ sex hormones levels and quality of life
compared to oryzanol tablets.

Influence Of Low-dose Sex Hormone Combined with
Oryzanol on Sex Hormone of Early Menopause Women

Objective: To observe the effect of clinical application of low-dose sex hormone combined with oryzanol injection on
sex hormones in early menopausal women. Methods: Selected 114 patients with early menopause who were
diagnosed and treated in our hospital from July 2013 to May 2015, and used a random number table The patients
were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group, 57 cases in each. The control group was
treated with estradiol and medroxyprogesterone, and the observation group was additionally treated with oryzanol
injection. The changes of sex hormones in the two groups before and after treatment were observed. Results:
Treatment After treatment, the effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and
the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The E2 level of the two groups increased, and the difference was
statistically significant (P<0.05). The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), and the indexes of the
observation group were improved compared with the control group, and the difference was statistically significant
(P<0.05). Conclusion: The clinical application of low-dose sex hormone combined with oryzanol injection can
significantly Regulating the level of sex hormones in early menopausal women and improving their clinical
symptoms can be popularized and applied.

Suanzaoren Decoction( 酸枣仁汤 ) Combined With Flupentixol And Melitracen Tablets
And Oryzanol In The Treatment Of Perimenopausal Depression Randomized Controlled

Abstract: [Objective] To observe the Suanzaoren Decoction Combined with Flupentixol and melitracen tablets and
oryzanol in the treatment of perimenopausal depression effect. [Methods] 60 outpatients were randomly divided into
two groups according to the method of random parallel control. The control group of 30 cases of Flupentixol and
melitracen tablets, 0.5 mg/times, 2 times/d, oral; oryzanol, 10 mg/times, 3 times/d, oral. Treatment group, 30 cases of
Suanzaoren Decoction(Suanzaoren 30 g, Szechuan lovage rhizome, Poria, Anemarrhena 12 g, licorice 6 g; liver
depression of the fire add gardenia, cortex moutan; phlegm heat disturbance and Rhizoma Coptidis, Trichosanthes,
gardenia; Yin deficiency and fire wangka dry lotus seed, Ligustrum lucidum, Lily and Rehmannia glutinosa; due to
deficiency of Qi and blood, blood Yangxin sunburn and licorice), daily 1 agent, water to cook 400 ml, 2 times daily;
western medicine in the treatment of with the control group. Continuous treatment for 1 courses of 15 d. Observation
of clinical symptoms, HAMD score, adverse reaction. Treatment of 1 courses of treatment(15 d), determine the
efficacy. [Results] The treatment group, 8 cases recovered, 10 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases were effective, 1
case ineffective, effective rate is 96.67%; control group, 4 cases were cured, 8 cases were markedly effective, 9 cases
were effective, 9 cases ineffective, efficient 70.00%. The treatment group curative effect surpasses the control
group(P<0.05). HAMD score of two groups were improved(P<0.01), the treatment group improved better than the
control group(P<0.01). [Conclusion] Suanzaoren Decoction Combined with droperidol thiadiazole tons and
deanxit and oryzanol treatment of perimenopausal depressive disorder, and the results were satisfactory. No
serious adverse reactions, worthy of promotion.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/50471029/Suanzaoren_Decoction_%E9%85%B8%E6%9E%A3%E4%BB

The Heart can be Curative Effect Observation of Xinkeshu Tablet Combined with
Shensongyangxin Capsule in the Treatment of Climacteric Cardiovascular Symptoms

Abstract: Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Xinkeshu tablets combined with

Shensongyangxin capsule in the treatment of climacteric cardiovascular symptoms. Method 120 cases
with cardiovascular symptoms of menopause women were randomly divided into two groups,control
group was given conventional Danshen Pill,every time 10 pill,3 times a day,and Oryzanol Tablets 20 mg
orally,3 times a day. The treatment group were treated with Xinkeshu tablet,4 tablets each time,3 times a
day orally,Shensongyangxin capsule,4 capsules each time,3 times a day orally,two groups were treated for
one month. Results The effective rate of the treatment group was 95%,the control group was 85%,there
was significant difference between two groups( P < 0. 05),the two groups were no obvious adverse
reactions. Conclusion Xinkeshu tablet combined with Shensong Yangxin Capsule in the treatment of
menopausal symptoms of cardiovascular effect is effective and safe without side effects.


Curative Efficacy of Oryzanol Combine with
dingkundan in Treatment of Perimenopausal Period and
its Effects on Endocrine Improvement
Abstract: Objective To study Curative efficacy of Oryzanol combine with Dingkundan in treatment of perimenopausal period and its
effects on endocrine improvement. Methods 90 patients of perimenopausal period who received therapy from March 2014 to March
2015 in our hospital were selected as research objects. According to draw method divided into the experimental group(n=45)and the
control group(n=45). Two groups of patient were psychological support. The control group was treated with Oryzanol, each 10 mg, 3
times a day. while the experimental group was on the control group, treated with Dingkundan, 1 pills each time, 2 times a day, in the
morning and evening. Then Serum estradiol(E2), Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH), Luteinizinghormone(H)level, upset hot
sweating, insomnia, irritability, hung up improve time, Kuppermanscore, clinical efficacy of two groups were compared. Results The
E2 level in experimental group was significantly higher than the control group{(72.51‡5.30)pg/mLvs.(66.80‡4.75)pg/mL]
(P<0.05),FSH, LH level was significantly lower than the control group|(21.36+1.05)mlU/mlvs.(26.09‡1.89)mIU/mL,
(24.34‡1.01)mIU/mLvs.(20.61‡1.50)m|U/mL](P<0.05);up se that sweating ,insomnia, irritability, hung up improve time was
significantly lower than the control group((11.21‡2.35)d vs.(20.05+5.07)d,(12.78+2.09)d vs.(18.32‡4.13)d, (11.30‡2.10)d vs,
(20.16‡55.20)d, (10.20‡2.76)d vs.(16.58‡ 4.03)d](P<0.05);Kupperman score significantly lower than the control group[(4.32
1.09)score vb.(12.76 3.16)score](P<0.05);total effective rate was significantly higher than the control
group[93.33%(42/45)vs.75.67%(34/45) (P<0.05).Conclusion Oryzanol combine with Dingkundan is well for perimenopausal
period, which can significantly improve endocrine disorders, promote its balance, improve estrogen.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/51265326/Curative efficacy_of_Oryzanol_combine with_Dingkundan in


Effect of Adjunctive Treatment with Oryzanol on
Menopausal Syndrome and Its Effects on Sex Hormones
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of oryzanol in adjuvant treatment of menopausal syndrome
and its effect on the level of sex hormones in patients. Methods A total of 94 patients with menopausal
syndrome who were treated in Fushun Central Hospital from May 2017 to May2020 were selected and
randomly divided into observation group and There were 47 cases in the control group. The control
group was treated with estradiol vale rate, and the observation group was treated with oryzanol on the
basis of the treatment in the control group. The levels of sex hormones and menopause quality of life
before and after 3 months of treatment were compared between the two groups, as well as the changes
in the treatment period. The occurrence of adverse reactions. Results After 3 months of treatment, the
serum estradiol level of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the levels
of luteinizing hormone follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone were lower than those of the
control group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The scores of menopausal
quality of life in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences
were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Oryzanol adjuvant therapy for menopausal
syndrome can effectively improve the quality of life of patients and improve the level of sex
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/61679242/Effect_of _Adjunctive_Treatment with Oryzanol on
Menopausal Syndrome an.htm

Observation on The Efficacy of Oryzanol Combined with Dingkundan in
the Treatment of Perimenopause and its Endocrine Improvement
Abstract: Objective To investigate the curative effect of oryzanol combined with Dingkundan in the treatment of
perimenopausal period and its effect on endocrine improvement. Methods 80perimenopausal patients admitted to our
hospital from February 2018 to February 2019 were selected. The patients were divided into the study group and the control
group, 40 cases in each, the control group was treated with oryzanol, the study group was treated with oryzanol combined
with Dingkundan, the clinical efficacy of the two groups of patients was compared and analyzed, and the estradiol (E2),
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and scores of irritability and sweating, insomnia, emotional
irritability, and restlessness improvement time. Results After treatment, the E2 level of the study group was (72.71+3.82)
pmol L was significantly higher than the control group (66.68+3.76) pmol/L, FSH (21.56‡1.09) U/L and LH
levels(20,64‡1.07) U/L were significantly lower than the control group (26.3011.78) U/L, (24.73‡1.09) U/L; the
improvement time of irritable heat, sweating, insomnia, emotional irritability and restlessness in the study group was less
than that in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); the clinical effective rate in the study group
was 95.00%Compared with the control group, the clinical effective rate was 72.50%, and the difference was statistically
significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Oryzanol combined with Dingkundan has a significant clinical effect in the treatment
of perimenopausal women, significantly improves endocrine disorders, and increases the levels of E2, FSH and LH. It
is worthy of popularization and application in clinical practice.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/58423130/Observation on the efficacy of oryzanol combined

with Dingkundan in th.htm

Effects of Progesterone Combined with Progesterone and Oryzanol Tablets on Hormone
Levels and Bone Mineral Density in Patients
with Perimenopausal Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the application value of estradiol valerate tablets combined with progesterone and
oryzanol tablets in the treatment of patients with perimenopausal syndrome. Methods 48 patients with perimenopausal
syndrome who were admitted to our hospital from August 2017 to February 2018 were selected. As the subject of the study.
Based on the differences in treatment methods, they were divided into an observation group (n=24) and a control group
(n=24). Oryzanol tablets were applied to the control group, and the observation group was based on the control group and
premised, adding Using estradiol valerate tablets and progesterone. Comparative analysis of the value of the two treatment
methods. Results Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the levels of FSH, LH and E2 between the two
groups; after treatment, the observation group compared with the control group, the level of FSH, LH and E2 were
significantly improved, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant
difference in the bone mineral density between the two groups. Compared with the control group, the BMD level of the
observation group was significantly improved, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Estradiol
valerate tablets combined with progesterone and oryzanol tablets can replace the single use of oryzanol tablets in
conventional treatment. In the treatment of patients with perimenopausal syndrome, it is of great significance to
improve the patient's hormone levels and promote the increase of their bone mineral density. Therefore, the clinical
application value is significant.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/55965835/Effects of progesterone _combined _with

_progesterone_and oryzanol_tablet.htm

Improvement Effect of Oryzanolum on Endocrine Disorder
of Perimenopausal Women
Abstract: Objective To research the improvement effect of oryzanolum on endocrine disorder of perimenopausal women. Methods
A total of 120 perimenopausal women were selected from the hospital from October 2014 to October 2015.then they were randomly
divided into observation group and control group, 60 perimenopausal women in each group. The perimenopausal women in control
group were given routine treatment, and the perimenopausal women in observation group were given oryzanol treatment. The
levels of estradiol( E2), follicle- stimulating hormone( FSH), luteinizing hormone ( LH), total cholesterol, triglyceride, high- density
lipoprotein cholesterol, low- density lipoprotein cholesterol and curative effects after treatment in the two groups were observed.
Results After treatment, E2 level in observation group was(68. 25 ‡ 8. 01)pmol / L, which was higher than that in control group [(52.
09 ‡ 7. 23) pmol/ L]; FSH and LH levels in observation group were(34. 12 ‡ 5. 69) U / L and(38. 03 ‡ 10. 01) U / L, respectively,
which were statistically significantly lower than those in control group|(46. 10 ‡7. 02) Ü /L and(45. 83 ‡ 11. 05)U/L)(P <0. 05); the
levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride in observation group were (7. 56 ‡123) mol/L and(3. 02 ‡ 1. 01) mmol/L ,respectively,
which were statistically significantly lower than those in control group{(8. 97 ‡2. 13) mmol/L and(5. 97 ‡1. 28) mmol/LI(P <0. 05);
the levels of high- density lipoprotein cholesterol and low- density lipoprotein cholesterol in observation group improvement time of
upset hot sweating, insomnia, irritability, and pother in observation group were(12. 09 ‡ 3. 01) days, (14. 01 ‡ 2. 10) days, (10. 20 ‡
2. 13) days, and(13. 09 ‡2. 72)days, respectively, which were statistically significantly shorter than that in control group [(21. 03‡6.
23) days, (19. 52 ‡5. 10) days, (19. 70 ‡ 6. 10) days, (20. 17 ‡ 6. 08) days](P <0. 05); the total effective rate in observation group was
95. 00%(57 /60), which was statistically significantly higher than that in control group(68. 33%,41 /60)( P < 0. 05). Conclusion The
curative effect of oryzanol in treatment of endocrine disorder of perimenopausal women is significant, and the levels
ofE2FSH,and LH in these women return to normal.
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/50264504/Improvement effect of oryzanolum on endocrine disorder of

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as nutra cosmetic and even for skin

y-Oryzanol and skin microcirculation function

The authors considered that y-oryzanol had the actions to

promote the skin micro circulations, by the following
observations. 1) Increases of the capillary resistance, 2) decreases
of the capillary permeability, 3) rises of the skin temperature and
4) increases of the skin blood volumes.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/vso/30/5/30_KJ00002903612/_article/-char/ja

Examination of the usefulness and moisturizing properties of Collage Delm
for patients with dry skin diseases


Collage Delm is a systemic moisturizing cream containing water-

soluble collagen, squalane, steary1 gerityI retinate, and y-oryzanol as
its main constituents. The efficacy and safety of Collage Delm were
examined by a use test in 20 patients with dry skin disease. As a result,
improvement was seen in 90.0% of cases, and the results were
almost the same as those of the control urea ointment. In the stratum
corneum water content measurement test, collage delm showed
significantly higher water content after 30 minutes and 2 hours than
with urea Ointment.Collage delm is considered to be useful for mild to
moderate dry skin diseases with dryness as the chief complaint.
Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/skinresearch1959/34/4/34_4_503/article_char/ja 82
Examination of clinical effect of y-oryzanol combination Ointment


After investigating the sebum secretion promoting action, safety and clinical effect of y-
oryzanol ointment, the following conclusions were obtained.(1) The following results
were obtained by externally applying 0.1%, 1%, and 2% Y-oryzanol ointment and base
to the forearm skin by a double-blind method and measuring the amount of normal
sebum. No increase in sebum was observed at low concentrations, and a significant
increase was observed at 1% or higher, but no significant difference was observed
between 2% and 1%.(2) As a result of a patch test with 65 patients in the normal group
and 37 patients in the patient group, it was confirmed that 1% y-oryzanol ointment (y)
was less irritating to the skin, did not change due to the influence of light, and was highly
safe locally on the skin. bottom.(3) When a clinical study was conducted in accordance
with the double-blind method using the base as a control, a slow clinical effect was
observed for diseases in which sebum secretion may be decreased, especially senile
xeroderma. The incidence of side effects was low and the symptoms were minor.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/skinresearch1959/21/2/21_2_123/article/-char/ja
Examination of clinical effect of 1% y-oryzanol combination ointment


A total of 87 clinical trials of senile xerosis, ichthyosis vulgaris and

similar syndromes were conducted to investigate the usefulness of
1% y-oryzanol ointment. The results are useful in all target
diseases. It was found to be highly sexual. That is, senile xerosis,
various scabs, pore lichen and dryness associated with atopic
dermatitis 100%, ichthyosis vulgaris 88.5%, various xerosis. It
was highly useful in87.5% and 86.7% in advanced palmar
keratosis. The incidence of side effects was low and the symptoms
were minor.
Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/skinresearch1959/21/4/21_4_463/_article/-char/ja 84
Clinical trial results of FC-9201 cream containing 1% Y-oryzanol


Usefulness of FC-9201 cream containing 1% y-oryzanol for dry skin Skin with dry skin such as sebum-reducing
eczema, senile xerosis, pediatric dry eczema, and dry skin after inflammation A left-right comparison test with a
dry skin improving drug(vitamin A, D, E combination cream) already on the market was conducted and
examined for patients with diseases. As a result of the 4-week use test, FC-9201cream significantly increased the
amount of skin surface lipids as compared with ADE cream, and especially in the group aged 40 years or older,
the amount of skin surface lipids was significantly increased. Both FC-9201 cream and ADE cream increased the
amount of keratinous water. Both FC-9201 cream and ADE cream had a good feeling of use and were useful for
skin diseases whose main symptom was dry skin. FC-9201 cream showed superior usefulness compared to
ADE cream for dry symptoms after inflammation of the face and lower limbs and senile xeroderma.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/skinresearch1959/35/1/35_1_131/article/-char/ja

Y -Oryzanol Effect of topical use on sebaceous glands

y -Oryzanol is known to have metabolic function-activating and activating effects such as growth promotion and
gonad stimulation by systemic administration. It is similar to vitamin E in terms of local action. Kamimura et al.
Have reported that it affects the microcirculatory function of the skin and directly raises the skin temperature.
We experienced the tendency to induce acne using y -oryzanol cream for the treatment of pimples, and inferred
that y-oryzanol) has the effect of activating the sebaceous glands, and the local sebum secretion amount of y -
oryzanol. A double-blind test was performed with 1% y -oryzanol cream as a control for placebo with only the
base. It was applied to the forearm of a normal person for I month, and the sebum of the skin was collected by
the cup method, the total lipid was quantified by the chromium acid oxidation method, and the amount of lipid
peroxide was measured by the TBA method. As a result, a significant increase in the total lipid content of
sebum was observed. In addition, there was no difference in the amount of lipid peroxide and the ratio of the
amount of lipid peroxide to the total amount of lipid.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/nishinihonhifu/35/5/35_5_566/_articie/char/ ja

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as the active ingredient on Migraine/
neuro issues

Curative Effect of Oryzanol, Nimodipine, Aspirin
Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Migraine

Abstract: Objective To observe the curative effect of oryzanol, nimodipine, aspirin prophylaxis of

migraine.Methods 120 patients with acute migraine treatment of stable after divided into two groups The
treatment group were treated by nimodipine,oryzanol,enteric-coated aspirin;control group were given
nimodipine treatment. Results The total effective rate of treatment group was 95%,control group,the total
efficiency of 70%, There was significant difference between them(P < 0.01). Conclusion
Oryzanol,nimodipine and aspirin have in migraine prevention.


Observation on Therapeutic Efficacy of Songling Xuemaikang Capsule Combined with
Vitamin B1 Table and Oryzanol Table in 72 Patients Of Migraine
Abstract: Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of Songling Xuemaikang capsule combined with
Vitamin B1 table and oryzanol table in 72 patients of migraine. Methods Seventy-two patients with
migraine were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group( treated with Songling Xuemaikang
capsule combined with Vitamin B1 table and oryzanol table) and the control group( treated with
flunarizine table). After two months treatment,the effective rate,frequency of pain,the average score of
pain and the feeling of pain were observed. Results The effective rate of treatment group was 83. 3% and
the control group was 75. 0% after 30 days treatment. The effective rate of treatment group was 91. 6%
and the control group was 88. 6%after 60 days treatment,and there was significant difference between
the two groups( P < 0. 05). There were significantly decrease in the frequency of pain,the average score of
pain and the feeling of pain after treatment. Conclusion Songling Xuemaikang capsule combined with
Vitamin B1 table and oryzanol table are effective for migraine.

Vascular Headache by Tout ongning Capsule and the Effect of
Treatment with Oryzanol Tablets Authors): Ni Lei, LU Jinhua

Abstract: Objective To explore the effect of Tout ongning Capsule and Oryzanol Tablets in the
treatment of vascular and neurological headaches. Methods 100 patients with vascular and neurological
headaches from June 2015 to June 2017 were selected and randomly divided into the observation group
and the control group with 50 cases in each group. The latter group received Nimodipine Tablets for
treatment, while the former group received Toutongning Capsules combined with Oryzanol Tablets, and
the clinical therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Results The total effective rate after
treatment was 90% in the observation group and74% in the control group; the observation group The
number of headache attacks per month and the duration of each headache attack after the end of
treatment were shorter than those in the control group; the scores of headache pain in the observation
group were lower than those in the control group at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 month after treatment; The
recurrence rate was 4%, and the recurrence rate in the control group was 18%. Conclusion The
combination of Tout ongning Capsules and Oryzanol Tablets in the treatment of vascular and
neuropathic headache can more significantly help patients to relieve headache symptoms,
reduce the degree of pain, and obtain better clinical efficacy.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/53081063/Vascular

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol &
formulations with Gamma Oryzanol as
the active ingredient on Hypertension

Curative Effect Observation of Oryzanol and Irbesartan Combination Therapy
for Urban and Rural Community Hypertension

Abstract: Objective To investigate the curative effect of oryzanol combined with irbesartan on patients
with hypertension, in order to achieve the aim of enhancing people health situation. Methods Eighty two
patients with hypertension who seek treatment in hospital in the suburban area linking the urban and
rural were divided into two groups, each group had 41 patients. The control group used irbesartan, the
experimental group used oryzanol combined with irbesartan. Results The two groups had few adverse
effects, the total efficient rate of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control
group (P < 0.01), systolic and diastolic blood pressure improvement were better than that of the control
group (P < 0.05). Conclusion The curative effect of oryzanol combined with irbesartan hypertension
is obvious, which can improve the health level of community population, be worth popularizing


The Clinical Research of Oryzanol in the Assist Treatment
of Primary Hypertension

Objective: To observe the curative effect of oryzanol in adjuvant treatment of primary mild and
moderate hypertension. Methods: 82 patients with primary mild and moderate hypertension were
randomly divided into two groups, 42 patients in the treatment group were given oryzanol tablets plus
nifedipine Dipine sustained-release tablets; 40 patients in the control group were given only nifedipine
sustained-release tablets; both groups were treated for 2 months, and the final decrease range of
systolic and diastolic blood pressure was evaluated. Results: The systolic and diastolic blood pressure in
the treatment group The decrease rate was more obvious, and compared with the control group, there
was a significant difference (P<0.05), and the adverse reactions in the two groups were mild.
Conclusion: Oryzanol tablets plus nifedipine sustained-release tablets in the treatment of
primary mild and moderate high HYPERTENSION.


Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol as the active ingredient on immunity

Effects of oral administration of oxytetracycline and immune stimulants on
the number and composition of flounder intestinal bacteria

Abstract: We investigated the effects of administration of oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC)and

immune stimulants on the number and composition of gut microbiota. OTC administration had a minor
effect on the number and composition of gut bacteria. The emergence of the same resistant bacterium was
induced. The administration of lacto ferrin (LF), fucoidan (Fu), and y-oryzanol (y-OR) did not detect the
bacterium in the intestinal Streptococcus Sp. (Behavior unknown), decreased proportion of Enter o
bacteriaceae, and increased proportion of Vibrio sp. In the V.anguillarum infection experiment, LF
administration resulted in decreased proportion of Enter bacteriaceae, decreased proportion of V.
anguillarum in Vibrio sp. It led toan extension of time and a decrease in the number of bacteria in the liver
and spleen of dying fish. The above results are food and environmental safety. Suggests that the use of
immune stimulants such as y-OR is good.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/swsj1965/62/6/62_278/_article/-char/ja

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol & formulations with
Gamma Oryzanol on Hypothyroidism

Effect of y-Oryzanol on Serum TSH Concentrations in
Primary Hypothyroidism

A single oral dose (300mg) of y-oryzanol extracted from rice-bran oil produced a significant reduction on
the elevated serum TSH levels in hypothyroid patients. Similarly, chronic treatment with y-oryzanol
resulted in decreased serum TSH levels in 6 of 8 patients. In addition, there was no difference in the serum
TSH response to TR in hypothyroid patients and normal subjects, These observations suggest that y-
oryzanol inhibits serum TSH .levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism, possibly by a direct
action at the hypothalamus rather than the pituitary.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/endocrj1954/27/1/27_1_83/_article/-char/ja

Clinical Trials on Gamma Oryzanol &
formulations with Gamma Oryzanol as the
active ingredient on oxidation and free
radical damage

Proliferative and Protective Effect of Γ-oryzanol on L02 Cells
Against Oxidative Damage Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the proliferative and protective effects of γ-oryzanol on L02 cells.
Methods: The mode l of oxidative damage was established on L02 cells induced by H2O2. Cell viability, the
contents of malondialdehyde(MDA) and glutathione(GSH), the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD)
and catalase(CAT), and the level of ROS were assayed on L02 cells treated with γ-oryzanol at various
concentrations in vitro. Results: The cell viability was enhanced significantly, and the levels of ROS and
MDA were decreased significantly, whereas the content of GSH and the activities of CAT and SOD were
significantly increased by 0.1–0.4 mmol/L γ-oryzanol treatment after H2O2-induced oxidative damage in
a dose dependent manner. Conclusion: γ-Oryzanol can effectively attenuate H2O2-induced oxidative
damage at a dose of 0.1–0.4 mmol/L and maintain the normal physiology of the cells.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/48047006/Proliferative_and_Protective_Effect_of_%CE

Clinical Trials On Gamma Oryzanol & Formulations With Gamma
Oryzanol As The Active Ingredient On Miscellaneous Issues Like Globus
Pharyngeus, Hearing Issues, Lump In Throat, skin diseases, kidney
diseases, hearing issues, burning mouth syndrome etc.

Effect of y-Oryzanol (y-0Z) on laryngeal neurosis

The effect of y-Oryzanol (y-OZ) on the lump in throat (Hypo pharynx-neurosis) was studied in 30 cases.
The dosage of the agent was 9 tablets a day and it was administered continuously in2 to 4 weeks.7%
sodium bicarbonate solution (50-250cc) was simultaneously administered intravenously in all cases. The
complain was completely removed in 14 cases (46.7%); improved in 9 cases(30%); no change was
seen in 7 cases (23.3%)No case was aggravated by the treatment and there was no marked side effect.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jibirin1925/57/11/57_11_643/_article/-char/ja

Effect of y-Oryzanol on neurological deafness and
tinnitus(1st report)

We treated 30 patients suffering from perceptive deafness and tinnitus with ‘y-Oryzanol' for 2 to 8 weeks
(in daily doses of 30mg). As following tables, we had considerably good results but observed no
remarkable side effects.

Source: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jibirin1925/57/10/57_10_588/_article/-char/ja

Acute low-tone sensorine sensorine deafness

Abstract: Three hundred and eighty-four patients with acute low-tone sensorine ural hearing loss (ALSH)
who consulted my clinic from 1987 to 2001 are herein retrospectively investigated. The results are as
follows. 1) In 1999, I reported that the number of ALSH patients had gradually increased from 1987to
1996. This tendency continued from 1997 to 2001. 2) The number of female patients continued to
increase while, on the other hand, the number of male patients showed no significant increase. 3) Of the
212 patients, 81.1% and 6.6% showed a complete and partial recovery of hearing, respectively.4) A
etiologically, ALSH may be due to a dysfunction in either the autonomic nervous system or a hormone in
balance in the patients probably caused by some type of social anxiety. 5) Comparing the therapeutic
effects of y-oryzanol, is osorbide and steroids on ALSH, y-oryzanol showed the best results, 6) The
patients whose hearing level in high frequency regions decreased tended to show a poor recovery, 7)
Recently, the recovery rate of ALSH is gradually declining. This is considered to be due to the increase in
the number of patients whose hearing levels in high frequency regions decreased.

Source :https://ww.jstage.jst.go_jp/article/jibi1954/48/6/48_385/_article/-char/ja

Clinical trial of Heizet Tablets 50 (y-oryzanol) for

Abstract: The abnormal sensation of the pharyngolaryngeal region might be considered to depend on

various factors which affect each other. A disorder of the autonomic nervous system may be the most
important one. Hi-Z tablet (gamma-oryzanol), which seems to act on the hypothalamus, that is a center
of internal endocritic sensation and of the autonomic nervous system, was found to be effective for the
abnormal sensation of the pharyngolaryngeal region.

Source :https://ww.jstage.jst.go_jp/article/jibi1954/48/6/48_385/_article/-char/ja

Clinical Effect Of Self-create Prescription Of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Gargle And Oryzanol-riboflavin-vitamin E In The Treatment Of Burning
Mouth Syndrome

Abstract: Objective To observe the clinical effect of self-create prescription of traditional Chinese medicine gargle and
oryzanol-riboflavin-Vitamin E in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome(BMS). Methods The clinical data of 80
patients with BMS treated in the outpatient department of the stomatological medical center of Foshan hospital of
TCM from June 2017 to December 2019 were collected, and the patients were divided into treatment group and
control group according to the method of random number table, with 40 cases in each group. The treatment group
was treated with selfcreate prescription of traditional Chinese medicine gargle+oryzanol-riboflavin-Vitamin E, and the
control group was treated with normal saline gargle+oryzanol-riboflavin-Vitamin E. The degree of pain improvement
before and after treatment was compared between the two groups. Results Before treatment, there was no significant
difference in VAS score between the two groups(P>0.05). After 2 weeks of treatment, the VAS scores of patients in
both groups significantly reduced, and that in the treatment group was lower than the control group, and the
differences were statistically significant(P <0.05).Conclusion : Compared with western medicine alone, the self-
create prescription of traditional Chinese medicine gargle and oryzanol-riboflavin-Vitamin E has a significant
effect on relieving the pain of oral mucosa in patients with BMS.


Effectiveness of Oryzanol in the Treatment of
Clozapine-induced Salivation Reaction

Abstract: 80 patients with salivation induced by clozapine were randomly divided into two groups with
40 cases in each group. The observation group was treated with oryzanol tablets to antagonize salivation,
and the control group was treated with placebo. And no adverse reactions of oryzanol were found. It is
suggested that oryzanol can safely and effectively antagonize the salivation reaction caused by
clozapine in psychotic patients.


Therapeutic Effect of Mezolin Combined with Oryzanol
on Child Anorexia Pollakiuria
Abstract: Objective To explore the treatment methods of neurogenic urinary frequency in children.
Methods64 children with neurogenic urinary frequency were randomly divided into two groups, and
they were treated with oral indomethacin combined with oryzanol and oral cephalexin capsules, and
the efficacy was observed. Results Indomethacin combined with The markedly effective rate in the
oryzanol treatment group was 93.75%; the markedly effective rate in the cephalexin capsules treatment
group was 46.86%, and the difference was significant (P<0.01). Conclusion Indomethacin combined
with oryzanol has a high curative effect in the treatment of children with neurogenic urinary
frequency, with a short course of treatment and no obvious effect. side effects, worthy of clinical


Analysis of Nine Patients with Marshall-White Syndrome
Abstract: Of 9 patients with Marshall-White Syndrome, four patients had poor sleep quality, 4were
stressed frequently, chest congestion and flustered, 2 ha sinus tachycardia. The lesions and sleep
qualities of 4 patients were improved through the treating of oryzanol and psychological
counseling. Neuropsychiatric factors leading to the capillary dysfunction may be the main
causative factors in Marshall-White Syndrome.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/46471199/Analysis of nine patients with Marshall White


The Rapeutic Effect of Different Doses of Prednisone Combined with Oryzanol
and Mecobalamin on Tinnitus without Hearing Loss
Abstract: Objective To investigate the application effect of different doses of prednisone combined with oryzanol and mecobalamin
in the treatment of tinnitus patients without hearing changes. Methods90 patients (133 ears) with tinnitus without hearing changes
who received treatment from January2017 to December 2020 were selected, according to the random number table method, they
were equally divided into three groups, A, B, and C, with 30 patients in each group. All three groups received oryzanol combined
with mecobalamin, while group A (30 patients, 51 ears) received 0.2ml/d prednisolone per ear, group B (30 cases, 50 ears) added
0.5 ml/d prednisolone, and group C(30 cases, 32 ears) added 0.7 ml/d prednisone The three groups of patients were treated for
20days. The total effective rates of the three groups of patients were compared. Before treatment, on the 10th day of treatment and
on the 20th day of treatment, the tinnitus and disability assessment scale (THI) scores of the three groups of patients were
compared. The tinnitus symptom control rate was compared, and the incidence of adverse reactions during treatment was
compared among the three groups. Results 1 The total effective rate of patients in group A was 78.43%(40/51), the total effective
rate of patients in group B was 92.00% (46/50), The total effective rate of patients in group C was 93.75% (30/32), the three groups
were significantly better than those in group B and group C (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference between two
groups(P>0.05). ); @Comparing the THI scores of the three groups before treatment, the difference was not statistically significant
(P>0.05). Group C was better than group A (P<0.05); Comparison found that the control rate of tinnitus in groups B and C at
different times was better than that in group A (P<0.05); @The incidence of adverse reactions in group A was 15.69% (8/ 51), group
B was 16.00% (8/50), group C was 28.13% (9/32), and group C was higher than that of groups A and B (P<0.05). Conclusion : The
use of 0.5 ml/d prednisone Long guaner combined with oryzanol land methylcobalamin has a good therapeutic effect on
patients with tinnitus without hearing changes, can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients, and also has a
lower incidence of adverse reactions.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/61732126/Therapeutic effect of different doses of prednisone combined with


Clinical effect of Anethol Trithione combined with Oryzanol,
Vitamin B2, Vitamin E on burning Mouth Syndrome
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of anistrisulfide combined with oryzanol, vitamin B2and
vitamin E in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). Methods 54 patients with burning mouth syndrome
were randomly divided into anistrisulfide group and routine group, 28cases in each. The group received conventional
treatment with oryzanol, vitamin B2 and vitamin E, while the anisitrazine group received the combined treatment of
oryzanol, vitamin B2 and vitamin E. The non-irritating salivary flow rate, dry mouth and burning pain were observed
and compared between the two groups before and after treatment., and monitor the occurrence of adverse drug
reactions during the treatment. Results In the 2nd and 4th week of treatment, the non-irritating salivary flow rate in
the anisitrazine group was higher than that in the pre-treatment and routine groups, and the difference was
statistically significant (P<0.05). In the 2nd and 4thweek of treatment, the visual analogue scale (VAS) scores of the
two groups were lower than those before treatment, and the VAS scores of the anistrisulfide group were (4.51‡0.74)
and(3.05‡1.03) lower than those of the routine group The scores of (5.27‡0.94) and (4.23‡0.52) were statistically
significant (P<0.05). In the 2nd and 4th week of treatment, the dry mouth score in the anisitrazine group was lower
than that in the pre-treatment and routine groups, and the difference was statistically significant. The clinical
significance (P<0.05). Conclusion The efficacy of anisetrisulfide combined with oryzanol, vitamin B2 and
vitamin E in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome is better than conventional treatment, especially for
patients with dry mouth.
Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/59373408/Clinical effect of anethol trithione combined with
oryzanol vitamin B.htm

Randomized Parallel Controlled Study of Bupi Yishen Decoction Combined with Adenosine
Triphosphate+ Oryzanol in the Treatment of Chronic Fatique Syndrome of Spleen-Kidney
Abstract: [Objective] To observe the efficacy of Bupi Yishen Decoction combined with adenosine triphosphate + oryzanol in
the treatment of chronic fatique syndrome due to spleen and kidney yang deficiency. [Method] Using a randomized parallel
control method, 140 outpatients were randomly divided into two groups according to the order of treatment. Control Group
70 cases of adenosine triphosphate, 60 mg/time, 3 times/d; oryzanol, 20mg/time, 3 times/d. Treatment group70 cases of Pi
Yishen Decoction (red ginseng 10g, Atractylodes fry 30g, Rhodiola rosea 15g, Yunling 12g, Dodder 15g, Psoralea 20g,
tangerine peel 12g, dogwood meat yam each15g, Qing Pinellia, licorice and Bupleurum 10g each; wet Sheng Shichangpu
Atractylodes; Add Zao Ren fried, Polygala; Depression plus Acacia flower, Bergamot); 1 dose/d, decocted in 400 mL of water,
warm before breakfast and dinner: Western medicine treatment was the same as the control group. Continuous treatment for
10 d was a course of treatment. Clinical symptoms and adverse reactions were observed. The curative effect was determined
by continuous treatment for3 courses. (Results] In the treatment group, 12 cases were cured, 23 cases were markedly
effective, 24 cases were effective, 11 cases were ineffective, and the total effective rate was84.29%; in the control group, 12
cases were cured, 15 cases were markedly effective, 16 cases were effective, and 16 were ineffective. 27 cases, the total
effective rate was 61.53%; the curative effect of the treatment group was better than that of the control group (P<0.05).
[Conclusion] Bupi Yishen Decoction combined with adenosine triphosphate + oryzanol in the treatment of chronic
spleen-kidney yang deficiency syndrome with satisfactory curative effect and no serious Adverse reactions are worth

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/50751277/Randomized Parallel Controlled Study of Bupi_

Yishen Decoction Combined.htm

Clinical observe of effect of Regulating Hyperlipidemia and
Weight Reduction by Berberine and Oryzanol
Abstract: Objective: To study the effect of berberine hydrochloride (Ber) and oryzanol on blood lipid and body weight in
patients with dyslipidemia. Methods: Divided 109 patients with cardiovascular disease with dyslipidemia into a treatment
group (68 cases) and a control group (41 cases) The treatment group was treated with Ber and oryzanol, and the control
group was treated with simvastatin; plasma TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C, blood glucose (BG), apolipoprotein B (apo-B) measured
before and after treatment in both groups ), liver and kidney function and body weight. Result: The plasma concentration of
TC,TG, LDL-C, BG and apo-B in the treatment group were significantly increased by (6.25‡0.19), (3.24‡0.25), (3.78*0.13),
(7.56+0.6) mmol/Land(1.01+0.09) g/L decreased to (4.51+0.09), (1.80‡0.12), (2.82+0.10), (6.16+0.29)
mmol/Land(0.77+0.23) g/L, the difference was statistically significant before and after treatment (P<0.01);there was no
significant effect on renal function before and after treatment (P>0.05), and 18 cases with abnormal transaminase and other
abnormalities were significantly improved to normal. 2There was no significant difference in the curative effect of lowering
TC between the two groups(P>0.05), but there was a statistically significant difference in lowering TG (P<0.01). Among the
41cases with BMI ≥ 25 in the treatment group, 34 cases of weight were reduced from those before treatment (P<0.01).
71.75+1.88) kg decreased to (66.63+1.83) kg after treatment (P<0.01).Among them, 20 cases had weight loss 25 kg, and there
was no obvious adverse reaction; there was no significant difference in the weight of the control group before and after
treatment.(P>0.05). Conclusion: It not only has significant effect on reducing TC, TG, LDL-C, BG, apo-B, but also has a
significant effect on obesity treatment. It is an efficient, cheap and safe lipid regulating and weight-loss drug.

Source: http://caod.oriprobe.com/articles/13024098/Clinical observe_of effect of


Observation of the Efficacy Of Oryzanol in Patients with
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Abstract: Objective To observe the efficacy of oryzanol in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Methods 152
patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy treated in our hospital from July 2019 to January 2020 were retrospectively
analyzed and divided into two groups according to different treatment methods, with 76 patients in each group. The control
group was given routine treatment, the study group was given oryzanol treatment on the basis of the above, and the changes
of VAS score, ankle-brachial function score, quality of life score, oxidative stress level, MCV, and total effective rate of
treatment were observed in the two groups before and after treatment. . Results Before treatment, there was no significant
difference in VAS score, ankle-brachial function score and ADL score between the two groups (P>0.05). There was no
significant difference in SOD and TAOC levels between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05). ), there was no significant
difference in SCV and NCV between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05); after treatment, the VAS score of the study
group was lower than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05)., ADL scores were
higher than those in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the SOD and TAOC
levels in the study group were higher than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).
The SCV and CV in the study group after treatment The conduction velocity was faster than that of the control group, and the
difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The total effective rate of the study group was 94.74%, which was higher than
80.26% of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Patients with peripheral
neuropathy can be treated with oryzanol, which can effectively improve the pain of patients, improve the quality of
life of patients, and improve the level of oxidative stress inpatients, which is worthy of application.

Source: http://caod.oriorobe.com/articles/618924924Observation of the efficacy of oryzanol in patients

with diabetic peri.htm


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