Computer Network Components

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MIS 404

Computer network components

Computer Network Components

Computer networks components comprise both physical parts

as well as the software required for installing computer
networks, both at organizations and at home. The hardware
components are the server, client, peer, transmission medium,
and connecting devices. The software components are
operating system and protocols.

Computer Network Components

Hardware components

Server: Servers are high-configuration computers that manage the resources of

the network. The network operating system is typically installed in the server
and so they give user accesses to the network resources. Servers can be of
various kinds: file servers, database servers, print servers and so on.

Clients − Clients are computers that request and receive service from the
servers to access and use the network resources.

Peers − Peers are computers that provide as well as receive services from other
peers in a workgroup network.

Transmission Media − Transmission media are the channels through which

data is transferred from one device to another in a network. Transmission
media may be guided media like coaxial cable, fiber optic cables etc; or maybe
unguided media like microwaves, infra-red waves etc.

Connecting Devices − Connecting devices act as middleware between
networks or computers, by binding the network media together. Some of the
common connecting devices are:

A list of components of a Computer Network:

 Network Interface card (NIC)

 Switch
 Repeater
 Bridge
 Modem
 Router
 Firewall
 Gateway

NIC mainly provide the physical interface between computer and cabling . NIC
prepares data, sends the data, and controls the flow of data. It can also receive and
translate the data into bytes for the CPU to understand.

NIC mainly provide the physical interface between computer and cabling . NIC
prepares data, sends the data, and controls the flow of data. It can also receive and
translate the data into bytes for the CPU to understand.

Hubs are those devices that are used to link several computers together. Hubs
repeat one signal that comes in on one port and then copies it to other ports.

 A network hub is basically a centralized distribution point for all the

data transmission in a network
 The hub receives the data and then rebroadcasts the data to other
computers that are connected to it. Hub mainly does not know the
destination of a received data packet. Thus, it is required to send copies
of data packets to all the hub connections.
 Hubs consumes more bandwidth on the network and thus limits the amount
of communication.
 One disadvantage of using hubs is that they do not have the intelligence to
find out the best path for the data packets which then leads to inefficiencies
and wastage.
• Switch mainly resembles a Hub. It is a layer-2 device, and it is used for the
intelligent forwarding of messages. By intelligent we mean the decision-
making ability of the switch. As hub works in the way by sending data to all
ports on the device, whereas the switch sends the data to only that port that
is connected with the destination device.
• Mainly Switches are capable of inspecting the data packets as soon as they
are received, then determine the source and destination of that packet, and
then forward it appropriately.
• Switch differs from the hub as it also contains ports of different speeds.
• Before forwarding the data to the ports switch performs the error checking
and this feature makes the switch efficient.

• The repeater is a Physical layer device. The repeater is mainly used to
regenerate the signal over the same network, and it mainly regenerates
before the signal gets corrupted or weak.

They are incorporated into the networks in order to extend the coverage
area. Repeaters can connect signals by making the use of different types of
• Repeaters are cost-effective.
• Repeaters are very easy o install, and after their installation, they can
easily extend the coverage area of the network.
• But there is a problem with repeaters, and it is they cannot those
networks that are not of the same type.
• Repeaters do not help to reduce the traffic in the network.

It is another important component of the computer network. The bridge is
also a layer-2( that is data link layer device). A bridge is mainly used to
connect two or more local area networks together. These are mainly used as
they help in the fast transferring of the data.

Bridge vs Repeater
Bridge connects two networks in a well-organized manner. On the other
hand, Repeater expands the limits of the signals in the network.

Bridge and Repeater both are used for extend a LAN, but bridge is
relatively expensive than repeater.

Destination address is used in the bridge to determine where to forward

a frame, on the other hand, repeaters are not able to recognize the
destination address.

The modem is basically a hardware device that mainly allows a
computer or any other device like a router, switch to connect to the
Internet. A modem is basically a shorthand form of Modulator
One of the most important functions of the modem is to convert analog signals
into digital signals and vice versa. Also, this device is a combination of two
devices: modulator and demodulator. The modulator mainly converts the
digital data into analog data at the time when the data is being sent by the
The demodulator basically converts the analog data signals into digital data at
the time when it is being received by the computer.

The router is a network component that is mainly used to send or receive data
on the computer network. The process of forwarding data packets from
the source to the destination is referred to as Routing.

• The router is a Network Layer(i.e Layer 3) device.

• The main responsibilities of the router are receiving data packets, analyzing
them, and then forwarding the data packets among the connected computer

• Whenever any data packet arrives, then first of all the router inspects the
destination address (IP address) and then consults with its routing tables in
order to decide the optimal route and then transfers the packet along this
route towards the destination.

• Routers are expensive than a hub, switches, repeaters, and bridges.

• Routers can also connect different networks together and thus data packets
can also be sent from one network to another network.

• Routers are used in both LAN as well as in WAN(wide area network).

• Routers share data with each other in order to prepare and refresh the routing

Router vs Modem
• Decodes the signal from an ISP.
• Connects directly to the internet.
• Doesn't set up a local network.
• Is not responsible for Wi-Fi.

• Establishes a local network or WAN
• Creates and manages Wi-Fi.
• Splits an internet connection to several devices.
• Does not decode the signal from an ISP.
• Requires a modem to connect to the internet.

A Firewall is a network security device that monitors, and filters incoming
and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previously
established security policies.

Firewall delivery methods

Hardware-based firewalls. A hardware-based firewall is an appliance that acts
as a secure gateway between devices inside the network border and those
outside it.

Software-based firewalls. A software-based firewall, or host firewall, runs on a

server or other device.

Cloud/hosted firewalls.

A gateway is a network node used in telecommunications that connects
two networks with different transmission protocols together. Gateways
serve as an entry and exit point for a network as all data must pass through or
communicate with the gateway prior to being routed. A Gateway, joins
dissimilar systems.

There are two main types of gateways: unidirectional gateways and

bidirectional gateways.

Software Components

• Networking Operating System − Network Operating Systems

is typically installed in the server and facilitate workstations in a
network to share files, database, applications, printers etc.

• Protocol Suite − A protocol is a rule or guideline followed by

each computer for data communication. Protocol suite is a set of
related protocols that are laid down for computer networks. The
two popular protocol suites are −              
• a. OSI Model ( Open System Interconnections)
•  b. TCP / IP Model


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