4 Day Four

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Day Four
NEBOSH International Certificate

Element 7
Monitoring, Review and Audit of Health and Safety

Element 8
Investigation, Recording and Reporting of Health and Safety

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Why Measure Health and Safety
Reasons for Monitoring
1. Identify sub-standard H & S practices
NEBOSH International Certificate

2. Compare actual performance against targets

3. To benchmark
4. Identify use and effectiveness of control measures
5. Make decisions on suitable remedial measures
6. Set priorities and establish realistic timescale
7. Assess compliance with legal requirements
8. Provide information to Board, Committees etc.

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Methods For Monitoring H&S
Active /// (Pro-Active)
• Examination of documents
NEBOSH International Certificate

• Inspections
• Safety sampling Before Things Go Wrong

• Safety Surveys
• Safety Tours
• Audits
• Health Surveillance
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Methods For Monitoring H&S
• Accident statistics
NEBOSH International Certificate

• Near miss reports

• Ill health statistics
• Property damage After Things Go Wrong

• Complaints
• Enforcement notices
• Claims for compensation

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NEBOSH International Certificate


Takes key performance indicators and compares them externally with

similar organization or industry standards.

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A formal, structured examination possibly

NEBOSH International Certificate

by a team of people of the working

environment that identify hazards that are
not controlled

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Limitations of inspections

1- Some hazards are not visible

2- Some hazards not always present
NEBOSH International Certificate

3- Unsafe practices not seen

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Types of inspections

General workplace inspections

NEBOSH International Certificate

Statutory inspections ( LA)

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People who carry out inspections

NEBOSH International Certificate


Health and Safety advisors

Employee safety representatives

Enforcement agencies

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Inspection Checklist
Condition of processes and plant
NEBOSH International Certificate

Environmental conditions
Fire protection
First aid
Hand held tools
Hazardous substances
Lifting equipment
Manual handling
Machinery guarding

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Sampling , Tours

Safety Sampling
NEBOSH International Certificate

A random exercise in which assigned observers

walk in allotted timescale noting incidence of
health and safety defects on pre-prepared sheets

Safety Tours

An unscheduled examination of a workplace to look

for acceptable standards. A tour can be carried out
by a Manager and demonstrates commitment to
safety [email protected]/00962796796930

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NEBOSH International Certificate

Deferent between Audit and

inspection ????????????????

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Pre - Audit Preparation & Procedure
1) Setting audit objectives
2) Selecting the audit team
NEBOSH International Certificate

3) Requirements from auditees

4) Information gathering
5) Interviews
6) Draw conclusions
7) Report and presentation
8) Action by the organisation

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Documents looked at during audits include:
NEBOSH International Certificate

1. Safety policy
2. Safety procedures
3. Risk assessments
4. Training records
5. Inspection records
6. Previous audit reports
7. Safety committee minutes
8. Accident reports and procedure

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Audit and Performance Review

• To ensure that standards achieved conform to the
NEBOSH International Certificate

objectives set out in the organisations Safety Policy

• To provide information to justify continuation of the

same strategy or not.

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NEBOSH International Certificate

A thorough examination of the performance of the

health and safety management systems, procedures.
Audits look at Management systems, Procedures,
Training, documentation such as safe systems, Permits to
work, Interview selected employees as well as examining
the workplace

Internal Audit????

External Audit?????
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Internal audit

Easier to arrange
NEBOSH International Certificate

Informal, non-threatening

May be influenced by internal
Conclusions may not taken seriously

May be bias

Assumptions influence conclusions

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External audit

More expensive
More time required to organise
NEBOSH International Certificate

More formal, more threatening to auditees

Less knowledge of internal relationships

Increased formality and experience may give weight to conclusions

Independent of internal competition


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1. Draws on data from monitoring activities and
external sources
2. Continuous improvement to maintain compliance
and effectiveness
NEBOSH International Certificate

3. Accident and Incident Data

4. Was there sufficient planning before event
5. Why did controls fail?
6. Inspections
7. Review of maintenance or use regimes?
8. Absences and sickness
9. Working environment issues?
10. Surveys, Tours and Sampling

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Element 8
NEBOSH International Certificate

Investigation, Recording and

Reporting of Health and Safety

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Accident Incident (Near Miss)

NEBOSH International Certificate

An unplanned, unwanted event which results in a loss

Incident (Near Miss)

An unplanned, unwanted event that has the potential to result in

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Why consider near misses

Near misses indicate that the potential for serious

NEBOSH International Certificate

accidents is present and by reacting to the near

misses them will prevent them It has been suggested
that the events leading up to an accident are like a row
of dominos and by removing dominos the accident will
not occur.

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Reasons to investigate accidents
1. - Legal
2. - Prevent future accidents by identifying and
eliminating the causes
3. - Demonstrate concern about peoples health and
NEBOSH International Certificate

4. - Improve worker morale
5. - Identify weaknesses in management time
6. - Prevent business loses
7. - Defend criminal cases
8. - Defend claims for compensation

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Actions following Accident

Treatment for injured personnel

NEBOSH International Certificate

Make the area safe

Initiate emergency plan

Contact emergency services

Preserve scene for investigation

May have [email protected]/00962796796930
notify enforcing authority 24

Identify witnesses
NEBOSH International Certificate

Report details to senior management

Report details to insurance company

and LA if needed

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Longer Term actions
Decide the depth of the investigation and select
NEBOSH International Certificate

Gather evidence at the scene

Interview witnesses

Examine documents

Appoint specialists if necessary

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Composition of Investigation team
Supervisors and line managers from
department where accident occurred
NEBOSH International Certificate

A senior manager from another department

Health and Safety professionals

Specialists e.g. Engineers

Representative of workers

Employee experienced in the work activity

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Direct/Immediate cause of an accident
An unwanted, unplanned event that results in a loss
NEBOSH International Certificate

Root/Underlying cause of an accident

The failures in management systems or procedures that have led

to the accident

Lack of Management
Lack of controlling
Lack of training
Lack of supervision
Lack of maintenance .

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Reasons Why records should be kept

- To prevent a recurrence
- Monitoring purposes
NEBOSH International Certificate

- Legal reasons
- Occupational ill-health may take
years to occur
- Civil claims

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Reporting of accidents
Report to enforcing authority
Injuries involving lost time
Dangerous occurrences
NEBOSH International Certificate

Occupational diseases
Reporting death to

Senior manager
Health and Safety specialist
Enforcing authority
Next of kin
Employee representatives
Other employees
Insurance company
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Information in Report
Who is injured person ?
Where the accident happened ?
NEBOSH International Certificate

When it happened ?
What happened ?
Why it happened ?

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Accident Statistics

• Why use statistics ??

NEBOSH International Certificate

• Formulas to be used
• - Incident rate
– Frequency rate.

• Problems in using accident statistics ??

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Frequency & Incidence Rates

Frequency = No of Accidents in Period x 100,000

NEBOSH International Certificate

rate Total hours worked in period

Incidence No of Accidents in Period x 1,000

rate Av. No.of Employees in Period

Severity rate: The average length of time taken off

work as the result of accidents

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Costs of Accidents
Direct Costs Indirect Costs

• Employers Liability (EL) • Treatment time

NEBOSH International Certificate

insurance • Investigation time

• Overtime payments
• Public Liability (PL)
insurance • Temporary staff

• Damage to • Fines
property/equipment • Low morale
• Loss of reputation

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Fork Lift Truck scenario
Immediate/Direct Causes
1. Cornering too fast
2. Hitting obstructions
NEBOSH International Certificate

3. Driving on uneven ground

4. Driving across slopes
5. Turning on slopes
6. Moving with load elevated
7. Driving with unstable load/excessive load
8. Collision with another vehicle
9. Faulty truck
10. Poor road surface/lighting
11. Driving under the influence of drink or drugs

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Fork Lift Truck scenario
Root/Underlying Causes
NEBOSH International Certificate

1. No or inadequate risk assessment

2. No safe systems of work
3. No defect reporting systems
4. Lack of management commitment
5. Lack of daily truck inspections
6. Lack of maintenance of vehicle
7. Lack of maintenance of workplace
8. Lack of supervision
9. Unfamiliarity with workplace
10. High workload
11. Poor selection of vehicle or driver
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Causes of Accidents
Individual factors
job factors
1. Unclear lines of responsibility
NEBOSH International Certificate

2. Poor supervision
3. Lack of information, instruction and training
4. Ineffective communication
Unsafe Acts
5. Misuse of equipment
6. Not following safe procedures
Unsafe Conditions
7. Poor working environment.
8. Poor design and construction

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Types (Categories) of Accidents

1) Handling, Lifting, Carrying

2) Slips, Trips, Falls on same level
NEBOSH International Certificate

3) Struck by moving/falling object

4) Falls from height
5) Using hand tools
6) Struck by vehicles
7) Contact with chemicals
8) Fire/Explosion
9) Violence
10) Animals

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NEBOSH International Certificate

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Birds Pyramid
NEBOSH International Certificate

1 Major Injury

10 Minor Injury

Property Damage
Critical Incidents
600 (Near Misses)

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