Theories of Leadership PPT 1

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Dr. Rashmi Gore


At the end of this presentation learners will be

able to-
 Understand the concept of leadership
 Classify the theories of leadership
 Discuss the Great man Theory of leadership
 Focus on Trait theory of leadership
 Recognize core traits in leaders
 Recall the significant features of situational


 Interpret more prominent types of behaviours

of leaders
 Describe characteristics of participative
 Recall the features of indifferent leader
 Recognize the behaviours of country club

Definition of Leadership
 Leadership is defined as the process of
influencing the activities of an organized
group towards great achievement.
- Rauch & Behling(1984)
 Leadership is not a person or a position, it is

a complex moral relationship between

people, based on trust, obligation,
commitment, emotion and shared vision of
- Joanne Ciulla , (1998)
 Leadership is a skill of motivating large
number of people to act for achieving a
common goal in an organization
 A leader directs, guides, supports,
communicate, influence and in all stand
behinds the group of an institution forever
Theories of Leadership

• The great man

• The trait theory
Basically • The situational

six theory
• Behavioural
theories of theory
• The transactional
leadership theory
• The
The Great man Theory
This theory is based on following
assumptions :
 perfect or excellent leaders are born, not

 Leadership is inherent quality
 Leaders have inborn traits of courage,
intelligence, confidence, intuitions and charm
among others
 Great leaders can arise when there is a great

Characteristics of Great man theory
 The theory is linked with the statement of
famous historian Thomas Carlyle ‘the history
of the world is nothing but the biography of
great men’
 Leaders are Gifted With unique qualities

which impress the mass

 Leader works like hero and accomplishes his

goals for his followers


 All leaders share their traits regardless of

when and where they lived
 The leaders who are in power, they deserve

as they have special inborn traits

 The traits remained stable over time and
across the place
 Herbert Spencer, a great philosopher,
sociologist and political theorist told this
theory very childish, primitive and
 It is because the leaders are the product of

 Society makes man leaders so it is not the

fact that great man makes society by their

inherent traits
 Up to 20th century the view developed that
great leaders are shaped and molded by their
times by learning and developing the traits
which are necessary to lead
Still the supporters of this theory says that men
and women leaders are born not prepared.
Some examples of great leaders
 Mahatma Gandhi
 Alexander
 Abraham Lincoln
 Napoleon
 Subhash Chandra Bose
 Julius Caesar
 Chandra Gupta Maurya
 Mao Tse Tung
The Trait Theory
 Thomas Carlyle and Francis Galton established
and supported trait theory of leadership
 Ordway Tead & Chester I. Barnard advocated
the theory prominently
 It is also known as Dispositional Theory
 Theory focuses that successful leaders
definitely have some personalities traits and
abilities like courage, leading capacity,
communication skill etc. which make them
different from those who are less effective.
 These traits will not be solely responsible to
identify whether a person will be effective
leader or not but the persons who are
effective leaders, these traits are essentially
seen in their personalities
Core traits in leaders
Intelligent, interest and initiative level is higher than
average persons
Emotional maturity & self confidence
Creativity, flexibility& leadership motivation
Achievement motivation and high level of efforts to

achieve ambitions
Capability of exercising fair judgment, strong analytic

Sense of responsibility
Enthusiasm and high level of energy & stamina
Advantages of theory

 Many researches validated the theory and its

 It provides the detail knowledge of leader’s

traits to understand the process of leadership

 It may be a subjective decision to determine
who is successful leader
 There is a long list of traits which may be

responsible for success leader

 It is quite difficult to identify traits which may

be responsible for success as a leader

 It is really very complex theory
 Theory does not focus on situations where

leadership can take place

Utility or Importance of theory
 It can be applied by people at all types of
 This theory gives an awareness to leaders to

identify their strengths and weaknesses and

develop skills accordingly needed for the
Situational theory of leadership

 In 1969 this theory was introduced as life

cycle theory of leadership

 It works on assumptions that the most

effective style of leadership changes from
situation to situation
 If a leader wants to be successful he has to

adept his attitude and style according to

 This approach is connected to Paul Hersey &
Ken Blanchard
Behavioural Theory
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their
image.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe  

 In 1950 Rensis Likert attempted to find the

characteristics of effective leaders. leadership.
 It focus that natural abilities are not important
but it is environment which is responsible to
make a person leader
 The success of leadership is based on the
behaviour of leader
 A specific behaviour is required for effective
and successful leadership and it can be learnt
Behavioural Theory : assumptions
 This theory believes that leaders can be made
rather then born
 Successful leadership is based on definable

and learnable behaviour

 Specific behaviour differentiate leaders from

 Particular behaviour determines the style of

leadership i.e.autocratic or democratic etc.

The most prominent types of behaviours of


 Task- oriented leaders

Task-oriented leaders are primarily concerned with

the systems and structure that lets their team carry
out their work. This includes everything from task
descriptions to standard operating procedures,
organizational and team structure, communication
lines, and so on.
Task oriented leaders show following

 Initiating
 Organizing
 Clarifying
 Information gathering
People oriented leaders
 Unlike task-oriented leaders, this group puts
more effort into seeing to the human needs of
their team and motivating them through that. It’s
not that they don’t focus on the task or system,
they just put more time and behavioral focus on
their team as people with wants and needs.
 A people-oriented leader would behave
differently, going straight to the employee and
asking if there was any way they could help and
what caused the problem.
People- oriented leaders show
following behaviour

 Encouraging
 Observing
 Listening
 Coaching and mentoring
Participative Leadership
 participative leaders are those who consult
their entire team when creating systems and
methods for achieving the team’s goals.
 work becomes much more collaborative,

allowing the entire team to take part

ownership of their work and the procedures
behind it
 One of the biggest benefits of this behavioral

leadership theory is that it allows the team to

take advantage of everyone’s strengths.
 This encourages communication and
collaboration, which can often lead to a
progress or profit
Participative leaders exhibit the
following behaviors

 Communicating
 Collaborating
 Being open to feedback
 Encouraging
 Delegating
Indifferent leaders
 This is the leader that no-one wants to be
 These leaders are the most ineffective as they

display behavior entirely dedicated to

preserving their position and department
from scrutiny. This will usually manifest in
having very little contact with their team,
dodging tasks wherever possible, putting
severe pressure on their team to meet targets
no matter the cost, and so on.
 This is a bad leadership style to adopt, as it
results in employee dissatisfaction, a
nonexistent team culture, and very little
productive work getting done.
Indifferent leaders exhibit the
following behaviors:

 Evading
 Procrastinating
 Lack of communication
 Self-preservation
Country Club Leaders

 these are people who put every effort into

making sure that the human elements of their
team are happy and satisfied
 The theory is that a happy team will naturally

produce better results, so a leader putting

their efforts into making their team happy
will naturally see success
Country club leaders exhibit the
following behaviors:
 Caring
 Listening to feedback
 Focus on employee health and happiness
 Quick to support employees
 Involved with the team
Thank You

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