SMART Ventilation 101 2023
SMART Ventilation 101 2023
SMART Ventilation 101 2023
: Mechanical
Ventilation 101 Prof K U Tobi
A Mechanical
• Mechanical ventilation is any method
of breathing assistance in which a
machine supports a patient's
• Mechanical ventilatory support is
among the commonest indications for
admission to the intensive care unit
• Introduction
• Characteristics of an ideal ventilator
• Indications for Mechanical Ventilation
Outline and • SMART Ventilation
- Setting
- Mode
Objectives -
- Troubleshooting
• Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation
• The mechanical ventilator can be a life-saving device if
used "smartly" or a death box if otherwise. There is a
need to understand the indication for ventilatory
support, the ventilator workings and patient-ventilator
• "SMART" ventilation is an acronym which means:
- Setting
Introduction - Mode
- Adjuvant
- Release or Weaning
- Troubleshooting.
• SMART ventilation aims to target Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Reproducible and Time-bound goals to
restore normal respiratory physiology.
• Versatile i.e. tidal volume up to 1500mls and
respiratory rate 60/minute and facilities for
other ventilator modes.
• Economical, simple, portable and robust
Characteristics • Nebulisation of drugs possible.
of an ideal • Inspiration and airway pressure monitoring
ventilator: • Long-lasting
“VENTILATE” • Alarm systems e.g. disconnect alarms, high
airway pressure alarms
• Easy to clean and sterilize.
Indications for mechanical ventilation
SMART: breaths/minute for patients with normal lung physiology, 6-8 for
patients with obstructive lung disease and 12-20 for patients
with restrictive lung disease.
Setting Tidal Volume (T.V.): The appropriate initial tidal volume depends
on numerous factors, most notably the disease for which the
patient requires mechanical ventilation. All tidal volumes are
expressed as ml/kg of ideal or Predicted body weight. For all
adults with normal lungs, tidal volume is set at 6-8 mL/kg (based
on ideal body weight).
Flow rate: The usual setting is 40-100 litres per minute, and the
peak flow rate is the maximum flow the ventilator delivers
during inspiration. The flow rate is adjusted in a specific
Inspiratory time (I): The normal I: E ratio is 1:2. Depending on the disease
process, such as ARDS, the I: E ratio can be changed to improve
ventilation. Occasionally, inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) may be desired.
Fractional inspired concentration of oxygen (Fi02): Ranges from 21% to
100%. At the initiation of ventilatory support, it is recommended that the
FiO2 be set at 1.0 (100%). Once the patient is stabilized, the FiO2 can be
reduced based on pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas values. The FiO2
should only be as high as is necessary to keep the PaO2 in the desired
SMART: range.
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP): Physiological PEEP is 4-5 cmH2O.
Setting The setting of PEEP also depends on the patient's lung pathology. For
instance, you could start 'Z.E.E.P.' or zero PEEP in severe asthma.
However, in pulmonary oedema /ARDS, a much higher PEEP, such as 8-10
cmH2O, may be required.
Pressure Limit: Pressure limit protects against barotrauma; thus, a plateau
pressure not exceeding 35 cm H2O is usually recommended. A higher
pressure generated may be an indication of an obstructed airway which
may be due to mucus or secretion.
Trigger: The triggering setting determines the patient's effort to initiate an
inspiratory breath on the ventilator. Note that flow triggering is a better
setting for patients who can breathe spontaneously because it reduces
the work of breathing.
SMART: Setting
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• KU Tobi Questions and Answers in Anaesthesia and
Intensive Care. International Edition