Research Ethics Within The Faculty of Education

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Master in Access to Education in Inclusive Schools and Communities
Wednesday 18th January 2023.
Agenda for today

 Introduction

 UREC. UoM Research Ethics Committee – overseeing committee

Research Code of Practice
Research Ethics Review Procedures

 FREC. Faculty Research Ethics Committee - Faculty of Education

- Ethics Application Form

Documentation (Information Letters, Consent Forms, etc.)

 Questions
standards of integrity
Research Ethics: “integrity and professionalism”
UREC. Research Code of Practice


Research Code of Practice

Principles  Legal, regulatory, ethical

 Integrity, dignity
 Do no harm (ends & means)
 Privacy, personal data protection (vulnerability)
 Informed consent
 Proportionality
 Social concerns
 Wholeness of individual
 Benefits for society

also, biodiversity; terrorism; respecting animals inc. 3 R’s – reduce, replace, refine.
Privacy and Identifiability

 Personal data - data attributed to an identifiable person

 Special Categories of Personal Data – reveals/identifies

race or ethnic origin,
political opinions,
religious or philosophical beliefs,
membership of trade union,
sex life,
sexual orientation,
genetic data or biometric data.
Privacy and vulnerability

Privacy Vulnerability (coercion/undue influence)

include a statement that the integrity and
Processed fairly and lawfully;dignity of research participants shall be
Adequate; informed consent obtained
Relevant and not excessive; detailed safeguards (rights and welfare)
to include:
Correct and up-to-date; children,
Not retained longer than prisoners,
necessary; persons with disability,
substance abusers,
Anonymity and confidentiality.
economically or educationally disadvantaged
Research Code of Practice

“3.3 Research involving vulnerable populations

Research proposals in which some or all of the research participants are likely to be vulnerable to

coercion or undue influence shall include a statement that the integrity and dignity of research

participants shall be respected (Principle 2) and that informed consent shall be obtained (Principle 5).

In particular, the statement should outline in detail the safeguards that will be used to ensure the

rights and welfare of these participants.

For the purposes of this clause, vulnerable populations shall include children, prisoners, persons with

disability, substance abusers, and economically or educationally disadvantaged persons.”

From principles to good practice: Consent

Consent form
Obtaining it  involves research;

 the purpose;
personal data has consent of each
participant  duration of involvement;
informed consent about research and any
 description of procedures to be followed;
prior to processing any personal data  psychological/physical risks/discomfort
data specifically related to research  any benefits to participant or others;
if already in recruitment/information sheet,  voluntary - refusal and discontinuance;
refer to it in consent form.  use of data (inc. discontinued);
no informed consent (e.g., children), parents
/guardians to consent, children can assent.  records confidentiality (identifiability), access, storage duration;

a copy of all documents given to  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Malta Data
participants. Protection Act 2018 to access, rectify, and erase the data;

 name and contact details of researcher and supervisor

UREC. Research Ethics Review Procedures

Review process.  As of January 2018, all research-related UM dissertations

must contain the following statement: “I declare that I have
abided by the UM's Research Ethics Review Procedures.”

 Research … systematic investigation, including research

development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or
contribute to generalizable knowledge.

 The Researcher is the Principal Investigator responsible for the

preparation, conduct, and administration of a research
project. In the case of student projects, the Researcher is the
student, duly guided by an academic supervisor.
Faculty of Education
Research Ethics and Data Protection Form (REDP Form)

The new form

Part 1: Applicant details
Part 2: Self-Assessment and Details
Part 3: Submission – Review or Records

The Form:

Replica (of REDP Form):

Instructional videos – changes/content/submission:

Samples (letters and forms):

The procedure

1. Part 2 ‘Self-Assessment’ section on REDP form.

2. either, (a) no potential issues in Form and supporting documents, sent “for FREC
records” (and audit), research commences,
or, (b) await REDP Review by FREC [see following slide].

3. if, (i) proposal involves special categories of personal data,

(ii) ethics or data protection issues cannot be resolved with the Researcher;
… proposal passed on to UREC.
FREC review (when required).

i) Conditional Approval: ii) Approval Withheld:

 If only minor issues are  If major concerns are indicated,

indicated, approval is granted the Researcher must submit a
on condition that the point-by-point response to the
amendments are carried out issues raised … together with
by the Researcher, endorsed any amended documents as
by the supervisor and verified required, for further review … .
by the FREC.

iii) Approved

 3 different permissions for 3 different sectors:

- MEDE Research Ethics Committee for State schools,

Secretariat for Catholic Education for Church schools,
Heads of School for Independent schools.

 Research with UoM students requires Registrar’s clearance, with UoM staff that of
Human Resources; with Junior College students that of the College Principal.

 Consent form for 18+, Assent form for younger participants.

The supervisor … for balance of responsibilities.

“In the case of students,

i. the completion of the self-assessment and the full form (where required) shall be guided by the
academic supervisor of the research who shall also
ii. be required to endorse the form eventually submitted to FREC.
Supervisors should be aware that when endorsing the research proposals of their supervisees they are
accepting responsibility for ensuring that the research proposal as presented is in conformity with Senate
policies and procedures on research ethics.”
Research Ethics Review Procedures, p.7.

“Who is ultimately responsible for the research that is conducted?

For student applications, the primary supervisor is responsible for ensuring that research ethics and data
protection procedures have been followed.”
Research Ethics FAQs

 What questions does the URECA form contain.

 How do you submit the URECA form online.

 Good Practice in Inclusive Language – University of Malta.
(21 pages)
Support/ cont.

 Data Management Plans for Research at the University of Malta

 FAQs

 FREC list of useful sites/resources

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