Communication Prepared

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• Communication
• Modes of Communication
• Types of Communication
• Communication Process
• Effective Communication
• 7C’s of Communication
• Importance of Communication
It is a Latin word which means “to share”.

Communication is a means of exchanging information

through a medium or common system of signs, symbols
or behaviors between individuals.

It is a two-way process.

•Verbal: Communication that uses speech or spoken word to exchange
information, emotions and thoughts. The use of language.

•Non-verbal: Exchanging and conveying messages without the use of spoken

Though silent, non verbal cues can convey our feelings, attitudes, and actions to
other people more effectively than speaking.
Some examples of non verbal communication are use of facial expressions,
gestures, body language, eye contact, paralinguistics, etc.
Intrapersonal communication:
• In the Intrapersonal communication an individual communicates with
oneself. It describes how we communicate with ourselves, including an
accurate idea of our perceptions, expectations, and concepts.
• Some examples of Intrapersonal Communication can be self talk,
meditation, prayers and mantras, recalling memory, acts of imagination,
Interpersonal communication:
• Interpersonal Communication involves the information, ideas, and feelings being
exchanged verbally or non-verbally between two people.
• Face to face communication often involves hearing, seeing, and feeling body language,
facial expressions.
• For example: phone calls, emails

3 Phases of Interpersonal Communication:

 Phatic Stage : The first stage that is formal, to the level of acquaintancy. . Some
examples can be exchange of eye contact, waving or smiling.
 Personal stage : This is the second stage which introduces a more personal element
into the conversation.
 Intimate stage : In this stage all our social barriers break down. Here, we share a close
relationship with the other person.
Group Communication:
• In group communication there is an exchange of messages among more than two
• The people in the group share a common goal and work together to achieve it.
• Such a communication allows for better exchange of ideas, execution of projects
and cooperation among team members.
• For example: group projects, company parties, team building event etc.
Mass Communication:
• The imparting and exchanging information to a large segment of population
through mass media.
• Mass communication is multi-disciplinary in nature, incorporating elements of
related fields such as strategic communication, health communication, political
communication, integrated marketing communications, journalism, and more. 
• It has no geographical boundaries
• For example: social media, journalism, film
Communication is an ongoing process that mainly involves three components namely:
sender, message, and recipient.

The components involved in the communication process are described below in detail:

• The sender or contact generates the message and transmits it to the recipient. He is the source and the first
• It is an idea, knowledge, opinion, truth, feeling, etc. produced by the sender and intended for reference.
• The message produced by the sender is encrypted in a symbolic way such as signals, words, pictures,
touches, etc. before transfer.
The media:
• This is how the coded message is conveyed. The message can be conveyed orally or in writing or through
• It is a process of modifying the signals sent by the sender. After recording the message is received by
the recipient.
• The last person in the chain. If the recipient receives the message and understands it correctly and
acts on the message, only then the purpose of the communication is achieved.
• Once the recipient confirms to the sender that you received the message and understood it, the
communication process is complete.
• Refers to any restrictions caused by the sender, message or recipient during the communication
process. For example, incorrect telephone connection, incorrect coding, incorrect recording, careless
recipient, incorrect understanding of message due to discrimination or inappropriate touch, etc.
• When the intended message of the sender is correctly interpreted by
the receiver, the communication is effective.
• The ideas, thoughts, opinions and knowledge exchanged are received
with clarity and purpose.
• Maintaining an even tone, making eye contact, speaking clearly
ensures effective communication.
7C’s of Communication
• Credibility: Building trust among the consumers so that they could
believe in
• Context: The factors that work together to determine the meaning of the
• Content: The information contained within the communication media
• Clarity: The content should be clear and easy to understand so that it
could be interpreted effectively
• Continuity and Consistency: There should be a link between two
interrelated information to avoid sudden breakage that could lead to
disinterest and the information should be conveyed regularly
• Channel: Deciding perfect channel is important acc to nature of content
• Capability: Understanding the capability and demography of the target
In the Organization:
• Communication plays a very important role in the management of any organization. As it is a tool
for sharing thoughts, ideas, opinions and plans in various parts of an organization. Good
communication is required not only in building relationships but also for a successful business.
That is why communication is having tremendous importance in the organization. Communication
helps to increase efficiency at the workplace.
Importance for Individuals:
• Communication is important to express oneself. It also satisfies one's needs. One should have
effective communication for advancement in the career. In your personal life, effective
communication skills can smooth your way and your relationships with others by helping you to
understand others, and to be understood.
To Secure an Interview:
• To secure yourself in the interview you should communicate confidently and clearly. Good
communication skills would help you to get selected for the job.
For Motivation:
• Communication is a basic tool for motivation. This can improve the morale of the people.
To Increase Productivity:
• With effective communication, you can maintain relationships. It helps to increase productivity.
To Develop Professionalism in Students:
• In the future students will become doctors and then they need to communicate effectively with
their patients. They need empathy, friendliness in their profession for interacting with patients. In
the future students will become political / business, entrepreneurs, and leaders, in all these fields
they need to communicate effectively.

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