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1. Describe the documental tools used in managing housekeeping
2. Calculate the staff requirement using staffing guide.
3. Discuss the various aspects of scheduling housekeeping staff.
4. List the methods for appraising employee performance and
understand the need for employee performance.
5. Appreciate the importance of motivating employees and benefits
of teamwork and realize the importance of good leadership.

OBJECTIVE • The housekeeping department certainly has the largest

workforce in a hospitality establishment. Indeed, the staffs in this
department are the biggest and most challenging resource hat

S tine executive housekeeper (see table 2.1) has to manage. The

executive housekeeper must in able to do histher job to identity
the tasks and job titles of each employees under his/her
nanagement. An efficient executive housekeeper must be able to
use certain documents that are erectively used as tools to
communicate responsibilities and other important information to
the employees such as documents for attendance, reminders and
standard operating procedures (SOPs). These documents not only
help the executive housekeeper in efficient management but it
also helps employees understand their job functions and
therefore, at ease when in work knowing what the work expects
from them.
•A job description is detailed documents identifying all the likely duties appertaining to a job
position as well as reporting relationships, additional responsibilities, working conditions and
any specific knowhow necessary about equipment and materials.
•A job description covers the following aspects:
•Job profile
•Job Title
•Job Location
•Job Summary
•Supervisory relationships
•Scope of job
•Reporting relationship
•Coordinating details
•Hours of work
• A job specification is document detailing the minimum qualifications and qualities or traits required by an
individual to perform a particular job. This may also include the staff's previous work experience and his/her
attended trainings such as internships or externships.
E.g. Educational qualifications, age limit, equipment skills, physical characteristics, mental traits, personality,
language, special requirements, work responsibilities, emotional characteristics and sensory demands.

• Used as tools for selection of the right employee for a particular ob. A job list is a list
of tasks, which must be performed. It reflects the total job responsibility of the
• Tasks should be listed in an order that reflects the logical sequence of daily
• A job assignment
• (see figure 3.1) is a list of tasks to be performed by an individual. For example, the
job assignments for a guestroom attendant would list out the tasks he/she has to
perform in a specific area or section of room on a specific as an individual
•A job breakdown specifies how to perform each task. It also identifies the specific observable and measurable steps that an
employee must take in order to accomplish the task. Job breakdowns are especially important in evaluating the performance of the
The process of Developing job Breakdowns
List positions in the department

•Write a job list for each position

•Write performance standards for each task on the job list
•Supply additional information, when needed
•• A job procedure specifies the way in which a task is performed, e.g. Cleaning windows.
They are most popularly called SOPs' or standard operating procedures.
SOPs comprise the following information:
••The job to be done
•"Equipment and materials required
•Procedure of work
•"Safety factors
•Time required to do the job
•• A procedure manual gives information about standard procedures to be folowed is Various activities. These activities relate to the
organization and procedures of cleaning activities, safety, and security measures, human resource issues, and so on.
•A staffing guide is a scheduling and control tool to determine the total labor hours, the number of employees
and the estimated labor expenses needed to operate the housekeeping department when the hotel is at
specific occupancy levels.
•Developing Staffing Guide for Room Attendants
•Hotel Staffing Guide
1.Step 1: Determine the productivity standard for the task that will be performed by the
2.Step 2: Determine the total labor hours when the hotel is a specific occupancy level by using productivity
3.Step 3: Determine the number of employees that must be scheduled to work when the hotel is at specific
occupancy levels.
4.Step 4: Calculate the estimated labor expense require operating the housekeeping department when the hotel
is at specific occupancy levels.
•The Rooms Division generates the forecasted occupancy.
Occupancy % =100%
•The number of rooms occupied is calculated by multiplying the total number of rooms available at the hotel by
the occupancy percentage.
Rooms Occupied 200 rooms available x 100% = 200
• - Room Attendant:
• Labor Hours 90= (200 occupied rooms × 45 (productivity standard)
• Employees 90/8=11.25
• Labor cost 90 x 65 pesos per hour = 5,850 pesos
• Assumptions:
• Room Attendant Average Wage
• Room Attendant Productivity Standard
• 65 pesos per hour
• 0.45
• Available Work Time per Employee 8 Hours
• Recruiting Employees- recrultment involves identifying sources of labor, reviewing job
descriptions and specifcations, pupiczing job vacancies and inviting job applications to fill
• Identifying sources of labor:
1. Internal sources- encourages growth within the organization and prevents stagnation and
discontentment among the staff. It is advantageous to the executive housekeeper since the
manager gets employees who have already proven themselves and are familiar with the property
involves in promotions and transfers. Table 3.2 shows the advantages and disadvantages of
internal sources of labor.
•Promotions - identifies employees who could be promoted to the next level, training, grooming
them for the promotions.
• Transfers - inter departmental transfer are an option that makes employees more flexible.
Promotes inbreeding
*TECHNIQUES OF MOTIVATIONS Can cause morale problems
*IMPROVES OF MORALS OF BOTH EMPLOYEES Politically motivated hiring of employees or promotions
AND THE STAFFS PROMOTIONS Critical gap in the departmen
*Abilities of each employees are known to managers
Build loyalty, commitment and sense of belongingness
Trade unions can be satisfied
2. External sources- is necessary for entry level jobs and whenever creative inputs from external candidates need
to be used at specific positions. Table 3.3 shows the advantages and disadvantages of external sources of labor.
•College and high school graduates
•Employment bureaus
•Industry employees
•Industrial trainees and apprentices
•Networking and recommendations advertising.
Many available suitable candidates who are skillful, talented Many available suitable candidates who are skillful, talented
and knowledgeable and knowledgeable
Bring in new candidates with fresh ideas, providing the Bring in new candidates with fresh ideas, providing the
company with a fresh look company with a fresh look
Cost of employees can be reduced or minimized as they are Cost of employees can be reduced or minimized as they are
generally placed in minimum pay scale generally placed in minimum pay scale
Recruits are balanced with different background, experience Recruits are balanced with different background, experience
or skills or skills
Avoid political issues in the company, which causes bias Avoid political issues in the company, which causes bias
Can serve as advertising for the company Can serve as advertising for the company

Selecting employees
"A process of identifying and hiring people whose probability of success in the job at hand is maximum and who are likely
to stay long enough with the organization to add to its development."
• involves screening application forms and resumes, interviewing, and evaluating. Selecting employees can be
affected by demographics. Each area in the Philippines has its own unique demographic situations that affect
the availability of appropriate and suitable employees. For example, there may be exceptionally high demands of
housekeeping related jobs in a City that is usually visited by tourists yearly compared to secluded or remote
areas, which may probably have high responses for advertising jobs. In another area, the reverse may be true,
and people may be more interested in advertising jobs than housekeeping related jobs. Therefore, proper use of
sources of labor must be given importance to find the most suited employees.
• Interviewing- once the screening of application is over, candidates may be given objective tests involving written
and practical work. This is followed by individual interviews with qualifying candidates. A panel of four or five
interviewers usually conducts individual interviews.
• A manager of the department to which the applicant has been referred should conduct an interview. It is better
and often wise to allow the supervisor for whom the new employee will work to visit the candidate in ongoing
operations to let the supervisor gain idea and feel how to work
• to the views of the supervisors mane demean, must be considered. Even though accerant and supervisor has
reservations about the applicant.
• appicants is stil the jit as tho ur ana applican, " wilbe unwise to accept appicants what o
• Specific personal characteristics must be explored during the interview process.
• Characteristics that must be considered but not limited to, include reliabilty, experience, skls, atitude toward
employment, personalty, physical traits, age, sex, education, training and personal cleanliness.
•Certain personal characteristics should be explored when
interviewing an employee.
•Some of these characteristics are native skills, stability, reliability,
and experience, attitude toward employment, personality, physical
traits, stamina, age, sex, education, previous training, initiative,
alertness, appearance, and personal cleanliness. Some employers or
managements can also consider race, sex, age, religion and
nationality. This is not to discriminate against these variables, but,
because overall consideration may involve ability to lift heavy
objects, enter gender-specific rooms such as restrooms and so on. In
a housekeeping department, people should be employed who find
delight in cleaning at home. Remember that personality and
character cannot be entirely
•¡udged from an individual's physical appearance. In addition, it
should be expected that a person's appearance would certainly not
be better than when that person is applying for a job.

• The step that will separate applicants that will be accepted as an

employee from those who will not is the interviewing step.
Therefore, we can consider interview as the most important step in
the selection process. Inefficiency and inadequacy of interviewing
techniques can make the selection process more problematic that
can be both frustrating and damaging for both parties.
•In addition, inadequate interviewing will result in acquisition of
false information, suppression of facts, and, in some situations,
complete withdrawal from the process by the applicant.
•Some guidelines for preparing, conducting, and concluding a
successful interview smoothly: Please see table 3.4 for the summary.
•A. Preparing for the interview
•1. Be prepared. Before going to the interview, the management must prepare a checklist of significant questions to ask to the
candidates. The questions must be formed based from the job description. The preparation allows interviewers to assume initiative
during an interview. You may also form questions as you go along the interview to add personal connection between the candidate
and interview but make sure that the questions are at the professional level.
•B. Beginning the interview
•2. Find an appropriate and suitable place to conduct the interview. The applicants must feel comfortable. This can add focus and
confidence to the applicants. The interview must be

•conducted in a quiet, relaxing atmosphere and private areas. Confidential conversation must be considered in an interview.
•13. Practice. Interviewers must practice interviewing skills periodically. They must also seek further knowledge or open to updates
for newer theories and principles to make interviews more successful. Several managers may meet and discuss interviewing
techniques and other do's and don's that are to be used during interviews.
•C. Conducting the interview

•Be tactful and courteous. During interviews, interviewers must still be respectful to applicants even though hierarchically they are
above the applicants. This may show culture inside a company and may put applicant at ease. Interviewers must also learn how to
control the discussion and lead to important questions.
•Be knowledgeable. Interviewers must be thoroughly acquainted with the position for which the candidate is interviewing in order
that all of the candidate's queries may be answered.
•Also, have a substantial amount of background information in order
that general info about the company may be given.
•Listen. Encourage the applicant to talk. Interviews must consider
questions that are not close-ended, which are likely to be answered by
a mere yes or no. Interviewers must consider open-ended questions,
which will make applicants answer with sentences, which can lead to a
natural conversation. If individuals are relaxed and are asked queries
about themselves, they will generally express their thoughts easily and
give information that precise questions will not always bring out.
Applicants will usually talk if there is a feeling that they are not being
misunderstood, not hastened to answer and are not judged.
•Observe. Much can be learned about an applicant just by observing
reactions to questions, attitudes about work, and, specifically, attitudes
about providing service to others.
•Observation is a vital step in the interviewing process.
•D. Closing the interview
•Closing the interview successfully is crucial to the interview process.
This may lead the applicant to successfully display their willpower to be
accepted for the job. This may also show candidates the culture inside
a workplace and how interviewers close may leave behind an excellent
impression for the company. Finally, during the closing interview step,
the interviewer can see or decide whether the candidate meets,
exceeds, or does not meet the requirements. In this step, interviewers
must also explain the next step in the process, including whether there
will be further interviews, when you will make your decision, and how
the candidate will be informed memory.of your decision. Complete
Preparing for the interview
Select the interview panel members
2. Beginning the interview

Choose the date, time, and venue Greet the applicant

Notify the candidate о
Observe his/her physical appearance and body language
lot down specific points or questions on о
resumes Break the ice by putting the candidate at ease
Read the job description,
specification and resumes thoroughly
before the interview

3. Conducting the interview 4. Closing the interview

Ask relevant questions to gather the о
required information Allow the candidate to ask few questions
Determine the applicant's value, work If the candidate is suitable, sell the company and the job
standards, expectations and outlook on Let the candidate know when the outcome of the
other people interview would be intimated to him/her
Use open ended questions so that the Thank the applicant for applying and coming
applicant does 80% of the talking
Record important decisions
• Types of interview.

• Traditional one to one interview

• Panel interview

• Group interview

• % Informational interview

• % Screening interview

• % Behavioral interview

• % Stress interview

• * Mealtime interview

• Results of the Interview - To properly determine the results of the interview, either a positive or
negative (rejection) is indicated, a thorough process of evaluation must frst take place.

• The details of the interview and the information of the applicant in his/her resume is reviewed
by Panel members and final evaluation of the applicant is arrived at. Once suitable candidates
are identified, no commitment to them must be made and references must be checked by the
HR department before hiring of employees.

• Reference checks are needed or is performed by hiring managers to verity if the applicants'
information and job history is factual or true. There are different types of reference Checks, the
most common are through personal or face-to-face meetings, over the phone discussions and
through written recommendation.

• ORIENTATION - The new hired employees must be introduced to the people in the
organization and must be familiarized first to the working environment. This is a good way to
guide he newcomers and adjust them to the culture of the working place. Orientation must be
carefully planned and therefore, is generally made up of different parts. Table 3.5 shows an
example of an orientation program. In the housekeeping department, during orientation the
executive housekeeper must not forget to inform newcomers about their job, duties and
responsibilities, the goals they have to meet as employees and immediate tasks they have to
complete. The executive housekeeper must also give the working schedules of the newcomers
and inform them the pay. cheque procedure, grooming standards of the hotel and the work
standards expected of them.
*The history of the organization
*General policies and practices of the organizations
*Departments, their location and functions
• Staff benefits, location of staff toilets, locker rooms, restrooms, staff mess and so on
*Safety regulations and other procedures
• Organizational hierarchy

During the orientation, newcomers must be given an employee handbook. The handbook must provide vital
information of the organization and must include overall guidelines and standard operating procedures. And since, the
newly hired employee will work in different areas of the organization and not just in the housekeeping department, the
handbook must contain all guidelines of the entire staff. The newcomers must be told to read the handbook thoroughly,
to ensure that instructions, rules and regulations of the organization are well understood and are to be fully followed.

The NEWCOMERS must also be toured in the organization (facility tour). This is to familiarize ire newcomers the
location of different knows and rooms in the organization and at the same no for them to see facilities and to gain
knowledge of how the organization works.
ORIENTATION MEETING - The orientation meeting must not be done if the facility tour
is not vet conducted. This meeting is approximately done after 1 week or 2 weeks of
the now snot employees. During this time, there is possibility that some or most of the
newcomers still have many questions about the organization and how it operates. This
is also a time to ask for feedback about the organization, I the newcomers are
comfortable or have any particular issues when they have started to work in the

TRAINING- It is true that the efficiency of employees can be attributed to their past
experiences. But abilities can be enhanced through development of knowledge, skills,
attitudes and behavior through training. Although many organizations hire greatly
trained employees, some employers still find it easier to train unskilled and untrained
personnel. Training is the best way to communicate the organization's way of operation
to the new employees. Some of the benefits of training are stated in table 3.6.
IT willallow new employees to learn in a comfortable atmosphere.
New employees will understand the importance of the job as well as the expectations
to be met.
Existing employees will improve their work performance.
Flexibility is incorporated due to cross training
The incidence of accidents is reduced and safety is enhanced.
Reduced expenditure on maintenance of machine results.
Employees are motivated and their job satisfaction improves.
Employee turnover is reduced.
The executive housekeeper gets more time for management activities
Standards and quality of work will improve.
Supervision will also improve. And thus, more profits flow in due to better business.
The trainer's primary function is to communicate performance standards to employees. To achieve this, the trainer follows a four-step training
method (on the job training).
1. Prepare to train
• Write training objectives
• Develop lesson plans
• Decide on training methods
• Establish a time table for instruction
•  Select the training location
Assemble training materials and equipment
Set up the work station
• 2. Conduct the training
Prepare the trainees
Begin the training session
Demonstrate the procedures
Avoid jargon
Take adequate time
• Repeat the sequence
• Techniques that can be used during training includes but are not limited to: role playing, demonstration, case-study, management games, in-
basket exercise, lectures, video presentation and self-study.
In housekeeping departments, training must be focused on skills, attitudes and knowledge.

a. SKILLS TRAINING . In the housekeeping department employees must be trained on the:

•Specific techniques and company's SOPs on bed making,

•Techniques, use and care of equipment such as vacuums,
•Correct way of dusting,
Techniques and products of window and mirror cleaning,
•Company policy of how rooms must be setup in their hotels,
Tub and toilet sanitation, appearance and methods of cleaning and company policy on bathroom cleaning,
Daily routine of personnel in housekeeping,
Care and use of housekeeping cart and other equipment,
Proper way of loading housekeeping cart, material needed, ed or essential things needed to place in the carts
such as towels, bathroom essentials (toilet paper, shampoo, hand soaps),
- SOPs in safety, such as fire and emergency exit, proper evacuation procedures in cases of earthquake,
fire or emergencies.

B. ATTITUDE GUIDANCE Housekeeping trainees need to be guided into thinking that no task is menial, and
that all tasks are important in rendering service to a guest. Attitude is important to maintain positive
relationships not only between the employee and the guests but also between various staff and departments
in the organization. The attitude guidance must also include the mindset of employees to always "meet" the
standards expected froM the hotel.
•C.KNOWLEDGE TRANING – New employees
need to gain knowledge regarding the
organization, Is procedures, policies and
rules. The training must include information
of top managers name and appearance. New
employees must be able to know them by
sight. The training must also include
knowledge of employees' basic rights and
benefits such as Ss5, Pag-ibig, health
insurance, if any, and etc.


•Let the trainee perform the tasks alone
•Let the trainee explain each step while
Correct the employee when problems are


Continue positive reinforcement
Provide constant feedback
Coach a few tasks each day
~ Evaluate the employee's progress
•There are different types of training:

•Induction training is carried out when an employee is new to the organization and has to learn the required
knowledge, skills, and attitude for his/her position.
•Refresher training, this is carried out when an old employee has to be retrained to refresh
his/her memory.
•Remedial training, this is carried out for old employee when there is a change in the present working style which may
be related to a competitive environment, technological changes or guest expectation.
•Cross training, this training enables employees to work in departments other than their specialty in periods of staff
•On the job training, this type of training takes place while a trainee is working on a daily schedule. The trainee in this
case is under the guidance of a trainer or a "buddy." The advantage of this type of training is "learning by doing." A
trainer will show to students (employees) or demonstrates to them the procedure, the trainees must absorb the
knowledges for them to be able to become operationally productive.
•Simulation training for housekeeping, unrented model room may be set up and used to train several employees.
•Lastly, the Off the job training, takes place away from work, in a classroom, by means of workshops, demonstration,
lectures, discussion, seminars, audio visual presentation, case studies and role playing.
•Competencies are a set of behavioral traits and technical abilities that are suitable for a job. Behavioral traits are essential to
complement knowledge and skills.
2.Grooming and Personal Presentation Standards:
3.Clothing- All clothes of the employees must be clean every start of their duties. Soiled or dirty clothes must be replaced to a
suitable standard. Clothes must be worn in accordance to the company's policy and paired with suitable shoes.
4.Name badge- Employees must always wear their badge at all times because this serve as their identification card. This will
maintain safety in the company and at the same time, guests can easily recognize personnel.
5.Hair- Men employees must maintain short and neat-cut hair style with natural hair color. Women must wear their hair in a tight or
pulled back style and must also have natural hair color.
6.Nails- Nails of employees must be short and well-trimmed to showcase cleanliness and personal hygiene. Women must not wear
bright nail polish and nails of both men and women must be clean on a regular basis.
7.Jewelry- Simple jewelries can be worn by employees such as wedding rings and suitable watches. Unnecessary jewelries must
not be worn during work time such as nose rings, big earrings and big necklaces.
8.Make up- Women must wear simple make ups and it must not be excessive. In some companies, tattoos are okay as long as they
are not visible during working hours.
ODOR -Employees must not use PERSONAL HYGIENE Employees
strong smelling and irritating perfumes, must take a bath or shower prior to
Employees must use deodorant work. Teeth must always be brushed to
regularly especially those working in a prevent bad breaths. Hands and face
labor-intensive department such as of employees must be
cleaning rooms. washed and cleaned

Personal Belongings- There should be

no personal bags in work areas and no phones.
1. Smiles and always attends to guests.
2. Recognize guests.
3. Be polite to guests by using "Thank you, Please, pardon me, Excuse me."
4. Avoid mannerism such as touching the hair, scratching oneself, picking the nose, etc.
5. Stand erect at all times.
6. Listen carefully to guest needs.
7. Assist guest whenever possible.

8. Talk softly.
9. Avoid arguing with service staff and guest on the floors and public areas. j.
Carry pencils in the pocket and not behind ears or clipped in front of the uniform.

ETIQUETTES • k. Desist from chewing gum.

• 1. Enter and leave the floor through the service door only
• m. Shut the doors quietly.
1. Orderliness
2. Teamwork
3. Attitude
4. Self-discipline is the hallmark of a good housekeeping professional. There are two
types of discipline, one is physical where grooming and physical conduct play a role,
and the other type is mental which demands sincerity, honesty, and perseverance.
•Courtesy is the hallmark of a hotel professional. Courtesy should be inherent in
one's nature and a desire to please those with whom one comes in contact with.
Being courteous not only makes the operations smooth, but also ensures better

•Intrapreneurship- housekeeping professional must think like business persons

by Constantly evaluating one's performance and find ways to improve productivity
and quality.


•Vandenberghe (2004) states that "motivation is identified as an energizing force -

it is what induces action in employees. This force has implications for the form,
direction, intensity, and duration of behavior. It explains what employees are
motivated to accomplish, how they will attempt to accomplish it, how hard they
will work to do so, and when they will stop."
•Motivation is the process that initiates a person's interests in a specific job. It is
the one that guides and maintains people in a goal-oriented manner. In other
words, motivation is what causes a person to act." Housekeeping workers must
always be positively motivated so that they can satisfy with efficiency the required
tasks from them. It also gives them sense of belonging, worth and value as part
of the organization or of the department.
•The website, www.hellogenio.com, listed at least ten basic tips on how executive
housekeepers or supervisors can motivate their own employees.
•Find out the strengths and weaknesses.
•Praise them for their 'strong' points and reward them publicly.
•Identify their weak points and encourage them for improvement.
•Give them recognition as things happen.
•Provide interactive discussions, fast paced meetings, and up to date
•Emphasize on the importance of taking breaks.
•Bring in temporary help to support your team during peak workloads.
•Offer competitive salaries and commissions.
•Maintain a sense of humor and friendly relationship with your staff.
•Conduct a staff interest survey to see if they are in the most appropriate

•There exist many motivation theories which are used by companies and
managers to help them with driving their workers to reach their goals. This
includes Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's motivating and maintenance
factors and skinner's positive reinforcement.
•Abraham H. Maslow has set up a hierarchy of five levels of basic needs.
Beyond these needs, higher levels of needs exist. These include needs for
understanding, aesthetic appreciation and purely spiritual needs. In the levels of
the five basic needs, the person does not Drinnien, 1987).
•feel the second need until
• Herberg et al. (1959) presents that employee
motivation is best understood as soon as the work
attitude is understood in his approach of studying
feelings of people toward their jobs, he set up three
questions to be answered:
1. How can one specify the attitude of any individual
toward his or her job?
2. What causes these attitudes?
3. What are the consequences of these attitudes?
• Positive reinforcement is "any pleasant or desirable
consequence that follows a response and increases the
probability that the response will be repeated" (Wood,
Wood, and Boyd, 2005).
• According to Skinner (1948), behavior which is
reinforced tends to be repeated (i.e. strengthened);
behavior which is not reinforced tends to die out-or be
extinguished (i.e. weakened\.

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