IMPACT of Training and Development The Retention at Maliban First-1

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COURSE NO.12/2022

KAPT Kumarapperuma
1. Name with student number
2. Title page
3. Summary of the problem
4. Objectives
5. Summery of LR
6. Methodology
- method of data collection
- method of data analyzing
7. Summary of data analysis with tables
8. Conclusions and Implications 
9. References
Introduction - Background 4

• Many organisations are facing challenges in developing an optimal strategy to enhance

employee retention and reduce turnover rates (Ahmad, 2013).

• Inadequate employee training has been cited as a reason for resignation by approximately 40%
of employees and Four out of ten employees leave their company due to lack of investment.

• Employees are resigning from their individual firms due to insufficient support for their
training and educational pursuits targeted at career advancement.

• Previous experts have stated that training a new employee is more expensive than keeping an
existing one (Alshurideh, 2019).
Summary of the problem 5
• In Sri Lankan context, the report on labour demand revealed that in the year 2017, 56.6% of resignations
were made by females while 43.4% were made by males (Wijebandara et al., 2019)

• Human Resource Department of each department is accountable for administering training programmes
to employees.

• Training programmes are designed to equip employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and
attitudes required for employees’ current job roles

• Human Resource department to manage its workforce and execute all relevant Human Resource
functions aimed at attracting and retaining skilled personnel within the organization.

• Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Private) Limited is a 60-year-old firm. The company sells locally and
globally. The company employs 2,000 people.
Table 1‑1: Employee turnover rate Maliban organization

  2021 2022 6
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

% 1.9 0.6 0.9 0 0 1.1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.40 0.5 0.70

Source: (, 2023) Figure 1‑1: employee retention Maliban Group

• The company offers incentives and recognition, mentorship and coaching, training and development,
career planning, financial assistance, and annual performance reviews to retain all level of employees.

• executive and management training

• Technical staff training

• Supervisors, clerical workers, manual laborers, and allied staff training

• The organization received awards such as

• "SLITAD People's Development Awards 2014“- talented human resource management

• "Social Dialogue & Workplace Co-operation Award - 2014“- Employeee society team works

• Hence, this study mainly focused to answer the research question “Does training and development
impact on the Employee Retention Intention in Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Pvt.) Ltd?”
Research objectives 8
Main Research Question
• To identify the impact of training and development on the Employee Retention Intention in Maliban Biscuit
Manufactories (Pvt.) Ltd

Specific Research Questions

• To determine the training and development impact on the employee retention intention through employee performance at
Maliban Biscuit Manufactures (Pvt) Ltd.

• To determine the training and development impact on the employee retention intention through job satisfaction at
Maliban Biscuit Manufactures (Pvt) Ltd

• To determine the training and development impact on the employee retention intention through career advancement at
Maliban Biscuit Manufactures (Pvt) Ltd.
Author Topic Variable Discussed content
Michel Armstrong, 2001 Training & Knowledge, skills, and attitudes Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills,
development and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately in
a given task or job 9
Edwin B. Flippo, 1984 Increasing knowledge and skills doing a Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an
particular job employee for doing a particular job
Becker, 1962 Employee education, training, and experience etc Refers to the overall education and practical experience related
performance to lowers employee retention
Mahoney, 2015 Increasing productivity Every company can increase its profitability by increasing
productivity with firm-specific human resources

Mccrensky, 1964 Job Satisfaction achieving long-term personal goals personal fulfilment, a sense of accomplishment on an individual
level, and achieving long-term personal goals

McGuire, Houser, Jarrar, Moy, respect, recognition, and organizational Employee requirements are met in terms of respect, recognition,
& Wall, 2003 dedication and organizational dedication
Bhatnagar, 2007 Career career growth employee's loyalty and Career growth is a factor in assessing an employee's loyalty and
Development engagement engagement
Meyer, John, Topolnytsky, professional progression strategies, internal plans consist of professional progression strategies, internal
Krajewski, & Gellatly, 2003 promotions promotions, and precise job previews
Fitz-enz, 1990 Employee Salary & benefits, job security, training & Many factors, rather than a single one, impact employee
Retention development, supervisor support culture, retention in a firm.
workplace environment, fairness, etc

Osteraker & M.C., 1999 Employee retention and satisfaction Employee retention and satisfaction are of the utmost
importance for an organization's performance

Clarifying how training and development affect employee retention Create a

questionnaire to gather data to evaluate the impact of the independent variable
(training and development) on the dependent variable (retention).

Population - Sales Department – Western Province - 142

Sample - 100 (Random – Morgan Table)
Data Collection Method - Primary Data and Secondary Data
(Interviews and questionnaire)
Data Analysis Tools - SPSS
Conceptual Framework 11

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Employee performance

and Job Satisfaction

Career Development

The SPSS statistical package will be used to analyze the data. Participants generated
data was coded and categorised, organized into tables, and ran through SPSS. The
importance of the link between the independent variable (training) and the dependent
variable (retention) has been investigated using two analysis methodologies.

1) Descriptive data analysis

2) Inferential data analysis

Summary of data analysis with tables
1. Reliability analysis
Independent mediator and dependent Cronbach’s alpha value
variable 14
Training (T) .741 3. Correlation analysis Correlations
Employee performance (EP) .873     R T EP JS C
Job satisfaction (JS) .768 R Pearson Correlation
1 .865** .877** .656** .707**

Career development (C) .859 Sig. (2-tailed)   .000 .000 .000 .000
N 100 100 100 100 100
Retention Intention (RI) .925
T Pearson Correlation
.865** 1 .911** .676** .786**

As a result, these values more than threshold value 0.7. Sig. (2-tailed) .000   .000 .000 .000
N 100 100 100 100 100
Hence, Internal consistency of data set is high. EP Pearson Correlation
.877** .911** 1 .603** .870**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000   .000 .000

N 100 100 100 100 100
JS Pearson Correlation
.656** .676** .603** 1 .678**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000   .000

2. Validity analysis C
Pearson Correlation
100 100 100 100 100

.707** .786** .870** .678** 1

Independent mediator and dependent KMO Value
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000  
variable N 100 100 100 100 100
Training (T) .596 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).    

Employee performance (EP) .808

The table illustrates a significant positive correlation between employee
Job satisfaction (JS) .728 retention with employee performance (r=.877**) and training (.865**).
Career development (C) .668 Additionally, the study highlighted that there exists a moderate positive
Retention Intention (RI) .746 correlation between employee retention with job satisfaction (r=.656**), and
career advancement (r=.707**).
KMO sample adequacy value should more than 0.5.
1. Regression analysis for Employee retention and Training
Coefficient table
Model Summary
Model Summary
Std. Error of the Unstandardized d
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Coefficients Coefficients

1 Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

.865 a
.748 .745 .48408
1 (Constant) -.312 .188   -1.659 .100

  T 1.147 .067 .865 17.051 .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), T
a. Dependent Variable: R        

•R value: 86.5% association between Training and employee

retention intention
•R square value: 74.8% variation of employee retention The findings of the study indicate that training has a positive impact on employee

intention due to training and development retention, as evidenced by its statistical significance level being below 0.05

ANOVA table
Sum of Mean Hence, it can be concluded that study main objective achieved
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
through highlighting that there is a impact of training and
1 Regression 290.74
68.130 1 68.130 .000 a
1 development on the employee retention intention because correlation
Residual 22.965 98 .234    
analysis value is .865** and coefficient table sig value is less than
Total 91.094 99      

a. Predictors: (Constant), T         0.05.

b. Dependent Variable: R        

The ANOVA table is denoted as .000, below the threshold

of .05. It means the study model is statistically significant
Moderator Analysis
Employee retention with Job satisfaction, employee
Training and employee performance
performance, and career advancement
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.190 .140 -1.363 .176 Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
T 1.096 .050 .911 21.915 .000 Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
a. Dependent Variable: EP 1 (Constant) -.019 .142 -.134 .894
Training and job satisfaction C -.471 .103 -.421 -4.574 .000
Coefficientsa EP 1.172 .094 1.062 12.516 .000
Standardized JS .340 .064 .302 5.301 .000
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients a. Dependent Variable: R
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) .273 .245 1.116 .267

T .795 .088 .676 9.071 .000

Hence, it can be concluded that the study sub-objectives were
a. Dependent Variable: JS
achieved by highlighting that there is a moderator impact on
Training and career development
employee performance, job satisfaction, and career development on
Standardized the relationship between training and development and employee
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
retention intention because correlation analysis values and
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) .160 .207 .773 .442 coefficient tables sig value is less than 0.05.
T .932 .074 .786 12.599 .000

a. Dependent Variable: C
Conclusions and Implications 
• The present study has determined that job satisfaction, employee performance, and
career development serve as moderator variables, while training is identified as the
independent variable, and employee retention intention is the dependent variable.

• Employee performance, job happiness, and career development are found to modify the
association between training and employee retention intention.

• It indicates that if employees receive sufficient training and development, they are more
likely to stay with the organization in the long run.

• The study demonstrates that training and development improve employee work
performance, job satisfaction, and career promotion
Implications 18

• Conduct training programs regularly

• Create effective training programs

• Motivate employees to complete training

• Provide job instruction, coaching and mentorship to the employees

• (2023). Maliban Group information. Apolo.Io.

•Armstrong, M. (2001). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. In Kogan Page, 8th Ed.

•Bhatnagar, J. (2007). Talent Management Strategy Of Employee Engagement In Indian ITES Employees: Key To
Retention. Employee Relations, 640-663.
• Fitz-enz. (1990). Getting and keeping good employees. In personnel. 67(8), 25-29.
• Flippo, E. B. ( 1984). Personnel Management. In McGraw Hill, 6th Edition.
• McGuire,M., Houser, J., Jarrar, T., Moy, W., & Wall, M. (2003). Retention: It's All About Respect. . In The
Health Care Manager, 22(1) (pp. 38-44).
• McKinsey, A. (2007). How companies approach innovation. Global Survey.
• Meyer, John, Topolnytsky, L., Krajewski, H., & Gellatly, I. (2003). Best Practices: Employee Retention.

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