1 Algorithm Pseudocode Flowchart
1 Algorithm Pseudocode Flowchart
1. Start Program
2. Enter two numbers, A, B
3. Add the numbers together
4. Print Sum
5. End Program
Example #2
Compute the area of a rectangle.
1. Start Program
2. Get the length, l, and width, w
3. Compute the area = l*w
4. Display the area
5. End Program
Example #3
Compute the perimeter of a rectangle.
1. Enter length, l
2. Enter width, w
3. Compute Perimeter = 2*l + 2*w
4. Display Perimeter of a rectangle
Example #4
Computing Sales Tax: Pseudocode the task of computing
the final price of an item after figuring in sales tax.
Draw a flowchart
that will Input two
numbers then
display and print
the larger number.
Example #5 – Conditional Operation
Draw a flowchart
that will compute
the average of
three test scores
of a student.
If the average is
greater than or
equal to 95,
congratulate the
Example #6 – Conditional Operation
Draw a flowchart that will input your grade score then
display the letter grade assigned by the end user. Table
below shows the assigned letter grade for each test score.
Example #6 – Conditional Operation
Example #7 – Iterative Operation
Draw a flowchart that will print numbers from 1 to 10.
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