Chapter 3

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by Mrs. Ratu Erlinda Kurniatillah

1. Cardinal Numbers
2. Telling about the Time
3. Asking and Telling about Time
4. Ordinal Numbers
5. Asking and Telling about Time Related to Days, Dates, Months, and
6. Prepositions to state days, dates, months, and years
Cardinal Numbers
A cardinal number that says how many of something there are.
The following are cardinal numbers:
Cardinal Numbers
0 - Zero
1 - One 11 – Eleven 20 – Twenty
2 - Two 12 – Twelve 30 – Thirty
3 - Three 13 – Thirteen 40 – Forty
4 - Four 14 – Fourteen 50 – Fifty
5 - Five 15 - Fifteen 60 – Sixty
6 - Six 16 – Sixteen 70 – Seventy
7 - Seven 17 – Seventeen 80 – Eighty
8 - Eight 18 – Eighteen 90 - Ninety
9 - Nine 19 – Nineteen
10 - Ten 20 - Twenty

100 – One Hundred

1000 – One Thousand
10.000 – Ten Thousand
100.000 – One Hundred Thousand
1.000.000 – One Million
10.000.000 – Ten Thousand Million
100.000.000 – One Hundred Million – One Billion
One Million Two hundred two thousand Three hundred
Thirty Seven
Exercise about Cardinal Numbers

1) 68 = 11) 12.045 =
2) 84 = 12) 14.294 =
3) 378 = 13) 100.004 =
4) 687 = 14) 200.035 =
5) 932 = 15) 400.132 =
6) 1.005 = 16) 1.000.008 =
7) 3.078 = 17) 3.004.762 =
8) 5.327 = 18) 5.764.456 =
9) 6.415 = 19) 10.725.075 =
10) 10.006 = 20) 22.324.212 =
a.m : ante meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 12 siang)
p.m : post meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 siang sampai jam 12 malam)
Long hand : Jarum panjang
Short hand : Jarum pendek
Second hand : Jarum detik
Alarm clock : Jam beker
Clock : Jam dinding
Watch : Jam tangan
Hour : Jam
Minute : Menit
Second : Detik
O'clock : Digunakan untuk menunjukan jam ketika jarum panjangnya tepat ke jam 12.
Past : Lebih
To : Kurang
A quarter : Seperempat (15 menit)
A half : Setengah (30 menit
Ada dua cara untuk mengucapkan jam dalam bahasa inggris, yaitu :
1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)
Katakan jam terlebih dahulu kemudian menit. ( jam +menit)
•6:25 - It's six twenty-five
•8:05 - It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)
•9:11 - It's nine eleven
•2:34 - It's two thirty-four

2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour)
Katakan menit terlebih dahulu kemudian jam ( Menit+ Past/TO + Jam)

For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. (Untuk menit ke 1 s.d. ke 30 menggunakan kata PAST)
For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. (Untuk menit 31 s.d. 59 menggunakan kata TO)
2:35 - It's twenty-five to three
11:20 - It's twenty past eleven
4:18 - It's eighteen past four
8:51 - It's nine to nine
2:59 - It's one to three

When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past
7:15 - It's (a) quarter past seven ( jam tujuh lebih seperempat)
When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to
12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one (jam1 kurang seperempat)
When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past
3:30 - It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty) / (jam setengah 4)
We use o'clock when there are NO minutes.
(Ditulis o'clock apabila tidak ada menit dibelakang jam)

10:00 - It's ten o'clock

5:00 - It's five o'clock
1:00 - It's one o'clock
Sometimes it is written as 9 o'clock (the number + o'clock)

For 12:00 there are four expressions in English.
twelve o'clock ( jam 12 )
midday = noon (tengah hari)
midnight (tengah malam)
Asking and Telling about Time
Listen and repeat.
Practice the dialogs with your friends.

Dialog 1
Randy : Excuse me, Mom. What time is it?
Mrs. Nugraha : It is a quarter to three. What’s up?
Randy : The course will start earlier today, Mom. So, I have
to prepare now.
Mrs. Nugraha : O.K.

Dialog 2
The coach : What time is it, Kinar?
Kinar : It is five o’clock.
The coach : I think the basketball practice is enough for today.
See you tomorrow.
Kinar :See you.
The following are expressions of asking and telling about time.

Asking about Time Telling about Time

• What time is it?/What is the time? • It is 1 p.m.

• What time do you usually go to • I usually go to school at 6

school? o’clock.

• When do you do your homework? • At 4 o’clock.

• What time does Arka have dinner? • He has dinner at half past
Ordinal Numbers
The words ‘first’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ are ordinal numbers.

An ordinal number is a number that tells the position of an

item or a person in a list. Meanwhile, the word ‘twelve’ is a
cardinal number.

The following are several ordinal numbers.

1st : first 2nd : second 3rd : third
4th : fourth 5th : fifth 6th : sixth
7th : seventh 8th : eighth 9th : ninth

Read the following sentences and pay attention to the words in

1. Mr. And Mrs. Nugraha have two children. (a cardinal number)
Randy is their second child. (an ordinal number)
2. The students have to answer ten questions. (a cardinal number)
The tenth question is the most difficult one. (an ordinal
Ordinal Numbers 11th = eleventh
12th = twelfth
1st = first 13th = thirteenth
2nd = second 14th = fourteenth
3rd = third 15th = fifteenth
16th = sixteenth
4th = fourth
17th = seventeenth
5th = fifth 18th = eighteenth
6th = sixth 19th = nineteenth
7th = seventh 20th = twentieth
8th = eighth 21st = twenty-first
9th = ninth 22nd = twenty second
30th = thirtieth
10th = tenth
40th = fortieth
43rd = forty-third
and so on
1. Days of the week.
The table below shows the days of the week in English together
with their common abbreviations.
Category Days of the Week Abbreviation
Weekdays Monday (Senin) Mon.
(5 days) Tuesday (Selasa) Tue./Tues.
Wednesday (Rabu) Wed./Weds.
Thursday (Kamis) Thur./Thurs.
Friday (Jumat Fri.
Weekend Saturday (Sabtu) Sat.
(2 days) Sunday (Minggu) Sun.

2. Months of the year

February August
March September
April October
May November
B. Grammar: Preposition of Time (at, in, on)
"At" is used for showing a precise time.
"In" is used for showing months, years, centuries, and long periods.
"On" is used for showing days and dates.

at in On
precise Months, years, Days and date
centuries and long
at 2pm in February on Sunday
at 2 o’clock in 1999 on Saturday
at breakfast time in the next century on 9 August 2020
at the moment in winter on Ied Mubarak Day
Asking and Telling about Time Related
to Days, Dates, Months, and Years
Listen and repeat.
Dialog 1
Kinar : What month is it?
Randy : It is September.
Kinar : Wow … it is Cindy’s birthday.
Randy : Yes. Her birthday is on September 30.

Dialog 2
Aldo : What date is today?
Delia : It is October 6.
Aldo : Today is the opening of a computer fair. Let’s go there.
Delia : O.K.

Dialog 3
Mr. Yoko : When are you going to Bromo?
Mrs. Nadia : On Saturday, November 20.
Mr. Yoko : Have a nice trip!
Mrs. Nadia : Thanks.
The following are expressions of asking and
telling about time related to days, dates,
months, and years

Asking about Time Related to Responding

Days, Dates, Months, and Years

• What is the date today? • It is October 20, 2019.

• When were you born? • I was born on May 26.
• When did you move here? • In 2015.
• What month will you go • In February.
abroad? • Next Sunday.
• When will you send your e-
friend an e-mail?
Stating Dates, Months, and Years
We use preposition ‘on’ to state dates. Meanwhile, we
use preposition ‘in’ to state months and years.
1. I was born on January 19.
2. Mr. Nugraha will go to Singapore in December.
3. Arka and his family moved here in 2010.
There are two different ways of stating dates:
1. We put the date before the month (British English).
– Tari will celebrate her birthday on 9 November or 9th
November. (written)
– Tari will celebrate her birthday on the ninth of November.
2. We put the month before the date (American English).
– Wisnu was born on January 19. (written)
– Wisnu was born on January nineteenth. (spoken)
the dialogs based on the pictures.

Ayu : When is the grand opening Diana : When will you have
of the 3D museum? a drama performance?
Ilyas : It is on October 1 Randy : It is on November 12
Prepositions to state Times, Days, Dates,
Months, and Years

We use prepositions “in” to state months and years. We

use prepositions “at” to state times.

See the following examples:

1. I usually wake up at 4:15 AM

2. I went to the zoo in September 2020
3. My family will move to Palembang in 2022
4. The school bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 19, 2020.

There are two different ways of stating dates:

5. We put the date before the month (British English)
- Indah was born on 1 December or 1st December.(written)
- Indah was born on the first of December.(spoken)

2. We put the month before the date (American English)

- Randy will undergo a health test on July 17 (Written)
- Randy will undergo a health test on July seventeenth (spoken)

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