Rice Disease

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Crop Protection Unit
PhilRice Midsayap
Bacterial Blight

At seedling stage - Kresek

Gray to brown, uneven
lesions progressing
Leaf Blight
Bacterial Blight (BB)
Causal agent SCALE (for SCALE (for field
Xanthomonas oryzae greenhouse test)
pv. oryzae test)
Symptoms 0 0-3% 1 1-5%
Lesions usually start
near the leaf margins or
2 4-6% 3 6-12%
both, and extend down 3 7-12% 5 13-25%
the outer edge(s).
Young lesions are pale 4 13-25% 7 26-50%
green to grayish green,
later turning yellow to
5 26-50% 9 51-100%
gray (dead) with time 6 51-75%
At growth stage:
3-4 kresek, 7 76-87%
5-8 leaf blight
NOTE: In both seedling and field 8 88-94%
tests, folded young leaves, old or
leaves with nutrient deficiency or
other disease should not be 9 95-100%
Bacterial Leaf Streak

Linear, water-
between the
Leaf turns brown, grayish white, and dries veins.
Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS)

Causal agent SCALE (Affected leaf area)

Xanthomonas oryzae 0 No lesions observed
pv. oryzicola
1 Small brown specks of pin-
Symptoms point size or larger brown
Linear lesions with small specks without sporulating
bacterial exudates center
evident. 3 Lesion type is the same as in
scale 2, but a significant
At growth stage: 3-6
number of lesions are on the
NOTE: This scale may upper leaves
also be used for leaf 5 Typical blast lesions infecting
smut caused by 4-10% of the leaf area
Entyloma oryzae.
7 Typical blast lesions infection
26-50% of the leaf area
9 More than 75% leaf area
Sheath Blight
Sheath Blight (ShB)
Causal agent
Thanethoporus cucumeris SCALE (based on
(Rhizoctonia solani)
relative lesion height)
Symptoms 0 No infection
Grayish-green lesions
may enlarge and observed
coalesce with other
lesions, mostly on lower
1 Lesions limited to
leaf sheaths, but lower 20% of the
occasionally on the plant height
3 20-30%
NOTE: The relative
lesion height is the
average vertical height 5 31-45%
of the uppermost lesion
on leaf or sheath 7 46-65%
expressed as a
percentage of the 9 More than 65%
Rice Blast

Foliar blast Mature blast lesion

Collar blast Panicle blast

Leaf Blast (Bl) CODE (Predominant lesion type)
Causal agent 0 No lesions observed
Magnaporthe grisea (Pyricularia
oryzae) 1 Small brown specks of pinpoint
Lesions usually start near the leaf
size or larger brown specks
tips or leaf margins or both, and without sporulating center
extend down the outer edge(s).
Young lesions are pale green to 3 Small, roundish to slightly
grayish green, later turning yellow
to gray (dead) with time. In very elongated necrotic sporulating
susceptible varieties, lesions may spots, about 1-2 mm in diameter
extend to the entire leaf length
into the leaf sheath. Kresek or with a distinct brown margin or
seedling blight causes wilting and
death of the plants.
yellow halo
At growth stage: 2-3
5 Narrow or slightly elliptical
lesions, 1-2 mm in breadth, more
NOTE: Use this scale only for the
nursery. Actual estimation of blast than 3 mm long with a brown
affected leaf area (%) is margin
recommended for field assessment
of blast disease together with 7 Broad spindle-shaped lesion with
predominant lesion type (see
coding system for lesion type). yellow, brown, or purple margin
Entries with consistent rating,
between 4 and 6 with overall 9 Rapidly coalescing small, whitish,
average not higher than 5.5 may
have a good level of quantitative
grayish, or bluish lesions without
distinct margins
Panicle Blast (PB)
Causal agent
Magnaporthe grisea (pyricularia oryzae )
SCALE (Incidence of
Dark, necrotic lesions cover partially or
completely around the panicle base
severely infected
(node) or the uppermost internode or the
lower part of panicle axis. The panicles
are greyish and have either partially filled
or unfilled grains.
0 No incidence
NOTE: Based on the number of panicles

1 Less than 5%
with each scale, compute panicle blast
severity (PBS) as follows:

(10xN1)+(20 x N3)+(40xN5)
+ (70xN7)+(100xN9) 3 5-10%
PBS = --------------------

5 11-25%
Total no. of panicles observed

where N1-N9 are the number of panicles

with score 1-9.

At growth stage: 8 (20-25 days after

7 26-50%

NOTE: For the mass evaluation of panicle

9 More than 50%
blast incidence count only the number of
panicles with lesions covering completely
around the node, neck or lower part of
the panicle axis (symptom type 7-9).

Chlorosis or
Stunting yellowing

Uneven growth and distribution of diseased plants

Rice Tungro Disease
Causal agent SCALE (RGSV1)
Rice tungro bacilliform
virus (RTBV) and rice 1 No symptom observed
tungro spherical virus
(RTSV) 3 1-10% height reduction, no
distinct yellow to yellow orange
Symptoms leaf discoloration
Yellow to yellow orange
leaves, stunting, and 5 11-30% height reduction, no
slightly reduced distinct yellow to yellow orange
tillering. leaf discoloration

At growth stages: 7 31-50% height reduction, with

2 (for the greenhouse) distinct yellow to yellow orange
3-5 (for the field) leaf discoloration

Score and calculate DI 9 More than 50% height reduction,

at 4 weeks after with distinct yellow to yellow
inoculation in the orange discoloration
Panicle Blight/Grain Discoloration
Grain Discoloration (Gd)
Causal agents
Species of Sarocladium, SCALE (Grains with severely
Bipolaris, Alternaria, discolored glumes)
Gerlachia, Fusarium, Phoma,
Curvularia, Trichoconiella, and

Symptoms 0 No incidence
Darkening of glumes of
spikelets, brown color to
black including rotten 1 Less than 1%
glumes caused by one or
more pathogens. Intensity
ranges from sporadic 3 1-5%
discoloration to
discoloration of the whole
5 6-25%
At growth stage: 8-9
NOTE: Severity of grain
7 26-50%
discoloration can be estimated
by counting grains with more
than 25% of glume surface
9 51-100%
Brown Spot
Brown Spot (BS)

Causal agent SCALE (Affected leaf area)

miyabeanus (Bipolaris
oryzae, Drechslera 1 No incidence
2 Less than 1%
Typical leaf spots are 3 1-3%
small, oval or circular
and dark brown. Larger 4 4-5%
lesions usually have the
same color on the edges 5 11-15%
but have a pale, usually
grayish center. Most
6 16-25%
spots have a light 7 26-50%
yellow halo around the
outer edge. 8 51-75%
9 76-100%
Disease Severity. will be determined using the formula:

DS = 0n0 + 1n1 … 9n9 x 100

0n0 … 9n9 = refer to the number of rice plants showing the
rating of 0, 1,3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively.
9 = represents the highest rating scale
n = total number of plants

Disease reaction of entries will be based on:

Scale Reaction
0-3 Resistant
4-6 Intermediate
7-9 Susceptible
Example: (Grain discoloration, leaf spots…)

DS = 0n0 + 1n1 … 9n9 x 100

= 0(0) + 1(2) + 3(2) + 7(5) + 9 (1) x 100
9 (10)
= 0 + 2 + 6 + 35 + 9 x 100
= 52/90 x 100
= 57.77 or 58%

0-30% Resistant
31-60% Intermediate
61-100% Susceptible
Example: (Tungro)

Disease Incidence = No. of infected plants x 100

Total No. of plants
= 25/30 x 100
= 83.33%


0-25% Resistant
26-50% Intermediate
51-100% Susceptible


0-20% Resistant
21-40% Intermediate
41-100% Susceptible

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