Introduction To Physics

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Introduction to Physics

Forces and Motion

Newton’s First Law

An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an

outside force
Vectors and the Newton
● Force is a vector quantity
● Has both magnitude and direction
Force is measured using the unit of a Newton.
One Newton is the amount of force required to
give a 1-kg mass an acceleration of 1 m/s/s. Thus,
the following unit equivalency can be stated:
1 Newton = 1 kg • m/s2
Time to practice

Go to GC to complete the assignment.

Part 1 is Guided Notes
Part 2 is Net Force Introduction with a simulation

This activity is due by the end of class.

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Newton’s Second Law

Force=Mass x Acceleration
Force: push or pull on an object
Mass: amount of matter in an object
Acceleration: rate of change of velocity
Velocity is speed and direction, so changing either changes acceleration
Newton’s Second Law

Force is in Newtons (N)
Mass is in kilograms (kg)
Acceleration is in meters per second per second
Newton’s Second Law Practice
● As a class:
● With a partner:
○ go to Google Classroom
○ You must add both partner’s name to the document
Newton’s Second Law Lab

Lab Report due Wednesday, January 25

Newton’s Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite


Equal in magnitude,
opposite in direction

Forces come in pairs!

Newton’s Cradle
Newton Laws Review
Contact and Non-Contact Forces

Do the activity in Google Classroom to explore

the variables that influence gravity.

For the last 15 minutes of class we will discuss

our results and continue on with the exploration.
g is a constant on Earth
g=9.8 m/s2
Friction is a force that resists motion.
● Static
● Sliding
● Rolling
● Fluid
Free Body Diagrams
Which of the following shows a balanced force?
Which of the following shows an unbalanced force?
Conservation of Energy and Momentum

Energy can not be created nor destroyed- it only changes

Types of Energy:

Kinetic Energy (KE)- energy of motion

Potential Energy (PE)- stored energy due to position, shape or state

Skate Park Activity
Momentum and collisions
Elastic and inelastic collisions

Conservation of momentum and equation

Phet collisions interactive

Activity ideas

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