School Lunch

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SCHOOL CANTEEN—refers to one ancillary services in the school system that sells food items to the
pupils/students and serve as a support mechanism in the effort to eliminate malnutrition concerns of the
school. It can be used as a laboratory canteen on food planning, preparation, serving storage and selling.

* A school canteen can either be school-managed or teacher’s cooperative- managed.




• Both shall adhere to professional management and sound business practices as well as to safety and
security measures.
Management of School Canteen

--elementary in rural areas with 500 pupils or less and those in urban areas with 1000
pupils or less shall have only one canteen to be operated and managed by the school under
the general supervision of the school head/ principal. If the enrolment size in rural
elementary schools are more than 500 and in urban are more than 1000 pupils, only the
existing duly registered teachers’ cooperative that complies the criteria for qualification
herein set forth, shall manage and operate the school canteen.

But if there is no duly registered teachers’ cooperative that is interested or qualified to

operate and manage the canteen, the school shall operate and manage the same.

 - Regardless of enrolment size, there shall be a laboratory canteen. When the student population is less
than 1,500, the laboratory canteen shall also be the school managed canteen. but if the student
population is more than 1,500, the existing duly registered and interested teachers’ cooperative in the
school that complies the Criteria qualification set forth shall allowed to operate and manage another
school canteen in addition to the laboratory canteen.

 Only nutrient-rich such as root crops, noodles, rice and corn in native preparation, fruits and vegetables in
season, and fortified food products labeled rich in protein, energy, vitamins and minerals shall be sold in
the school canteen. Beverages such as include milk, shakes and juices prepared from fruits and
vegetables in season.

 The sale of carbonated drinks, sugar-based synthetic or artificially flavored juices, junk foods and any
food product that may be detrimental to a child’s health and do not bear the SANGKAP PINOY SEAL
and/ or did not pass BFAD approval is prohibited.

 Iodized salt shall be used, in controlled quantity, in the preparation of cooked foods to ensure that the
iodine requirement of the clientele shall be met and to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders. The use of
monosodium glutamate (vetsin) shall be regulated.

 A reasonable mark up price for all merchandise in the canteen shall be allowed, provided that the selling
retail price does not exceed the prevailing prices in the locality.
 Sub-leasing the whole or part of the school canteen premises or sub-contracting the operation of the school
canteen to concessionaries is prohibited.

 Vendors shall not be allowed to bring in food items inside the school canteen/premises. Teachers and school
personnel are likewise prohibited from selling food items within the school premises, except through the
school canteen and unless authorized and covered by a written agreement with the school head/ principal
and /or teachers’ cooperative.


* All school canteens are required to secure the following permits/clearances:

1. Sanitation Clearance/ Permit from the local Health Department.

2. Health Permit of canteen personnel/ staff from the city/municipal health office

3. Authority from the school head/ principal to operate and manage the school canteen (teachers’ cooperative)
4. Clearances/ Permit shall be permanently displayed in the conspicuous place in the school canteen.
They shall remain valid for the duration of the school year.

• All canteen personnel/ staff are required to wear clean and proper attire (white shirt/ polo/
blouse/colored pants/ skirt/ hairnet/ apron/appropriate footwear) at all times. They also need to wear ID
while inside the school premises.

• Reportorial Requirements

-- shall regularly prepare the required report to be submitted to the DEPED

--shall prepare its financial statements using the pro-forma copies of the monthly statement of
operation and financial statements. Teachers’ Cooperative Managing School canteen shall follow the
standard Chart of Account for Consumers’ Cooperative.
* The school head/ principal shall also post on the school’s bulletin board a statement of receipts and
disbursements indicating the share it received from the operation of canteen.

* For purposes of the transparency and accountability , the SH/ Principal shall organize a school level
auditing committee to be headed by a Mathematics department Head/ Teacher, and HE department
head/teacher and the President of the Faculty Club as members. The committee shall look into the Book of
Accounts at least once a month. The audited statement shall be posted on the school’s bulletin board.

Audit findings shall be submitted to the SDS through the SH/ Principal.

* Incentives received in cash/ in kind from private suppliers of food items and beverages shall form part of
the GROSS INCOME of the school canteen and shall be part of the financial statement
 Adheres to food safety

 -- Food safety standard shall be strictly enforced and adhered to at all times by complying with the following:

1. Availability of potable drinking water and handwashing facilities

2. Well- maintained, clean, well ventilated and pest free environment

3. Availability of food covers and container for safekeeping

4. Hygienic practices on food preparation, cooking display, serving and storage

* All canteen personnel shall undergo on proper and safe handling of food before they are allowed to work in the canteen.

* No portion of the net income derived from the operation of canteens shall be set aside and in any manner, in favor of
Regional, Division or District Offices.

 1. The SH/Principal shall issue a written designation to a Home Economics Teacher who shall be a canteen
teacher. He / She is tasked to supervise canteen operations for a period not exceeding three(3) hours per day which
is equivalent to four (4) EPP teaching periods. The Canteen teacher must be assisted by all Home Economic
Teachers on Rotation Basis, the schedule of which shall prepared by the SH/ Principal or his/her authorized

 In addition to the Canteen Teacher and other HE teachers, the school head/principal shall contract the services of
additional qualified full-time canteen personnel, subject to availability of funds.

 The Canteen Teacher shall be responsible in the preparation and submission of reports, and the book of accounts
and statement of sales and disbursements required and enumerated in the Procedural Guidelines
 The net income derived from the operation of the canteen shall be utilized for, but not limited to the following:

Supplementary feeding program for undernourished pupils -------------------------35%
School Clinic Fund--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5%
Faculty and Student development fund-----------------------------------------------------15%
HE Instructional Fund---------------------------------------------------------------------------------10%
School Operations Fund-----------------------------------------------------------------------------25%
Revolving Capital -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10%

* Earnings and cash received from canteen operations shall be deposited daily in the nearest government bank. A school
managed canteen shall have a bank account “in trust for” the name of the school, whereby the SH/Principal and the
Canteen teacher shall be the joint signatories.

 A teachers’ cooperative shall be authorized to operate and manage a school canteen if it satisfies the following

 1. It is duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority with membership composing of incumbent
teaching and non-teaching staff of the school at the time of its registration with the aforesaid agency

 It has the necessary equipment /utensils, facilities, furniture and other supplies that will be used in canteen

 It will ensure the complete and continuous training for canteen personnel/ staff on handling food and food safety

 It is able to secure and present a certification from the CDA, or the federation where it is affiliated to, of its
ability to hire qualified manager and staff who are not holding civil service positions.
 Its membership must composed of more than 50% of the teachers and non teaching personnel of the school


At least 30 days prior to the start of canteen operations, the cooperative shall submit the following documents to the
division office through the SH/ Principal for evaluation:

1. Copy of registration with the CDA

2. Copy of its Amended Articles of Cooperation and Constitution and By-Laws stating among others, its purpose in
engaging in canteen and /or catering services

3. Certificate of Good standing issued by the CDA

4. Resolution by the General Membership/ Assembly signifying willingness, intention and readiness to operate and
manage school canteen, including the canteen development plan.

5. Copy of approved memorandum of agreement between the cooperative and the SH/Principal
 6. List of full time management officers and their respective designations and salaries

 7. Biodata sheets, SALN, income tax returns and statement of income and expenses of directors/officers

 8. Chart of organization

 9. Copy of bonds of accountable officers/employees

 10. Certification by the chairman of the board authorizing the canteen manager to coordinate with the HE canteen
teacher on the schedule of the practicum activities in the teachers’ cooperative managed canteen

* Within 30 days upon the receipt of the required documents, the SH/Principal shall issue to the applicant teachers’
cooperative the “ Authority to Operate and Manage the School Canteen” if the submitted documents are complete. The
teachers’ cooperative shall display at its business office a sign with the following words.”AUTHORIZED BY DEPED
TO MANAGE AND OPERATE THE SCHOOL CANTEEN” If the documents are found inadequate, the same shall be
returned within 72 hours

 As a rule a MOA shall be entered into by and between the SH/Principal and the chairperson of the teachers’
cooperative as a required document to be submitted to the SDS. The MOA shall have a term of 3 years and may
be renewed every three years thereafter.

 The SH/Principal and the teachers’ cooperative shall have 30 days upon thereof within which to sign and
approve the MOA.



The teachers’ cooperative may be allowed to use the existing canteen facilities rent-free for its operations.
However, the cost of repair, maintenance and expansion of the said facilities shall be borne by the teachers’
cooperative. Separate water and light meters shall be installed

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