CHAPTER 2 Student
CHAPTER 2 Student
CHAPTER 2 Student
Sub Chapter
g = Gravitational constant (9.81 m/)
V = Forward speed (m/s)
HP = Engine horse power
W = Weight of vehicle (N)
Starting with the engine, engine torque is measured at steady speed on a
dynamometer, thus the actual torque delivered to the drivetrain is reduce by
the amount required to accelerate the inertia of the rotating component.
where ;
= Torque on the axles
= Tractive force at the ground
r = Radius of wheels
= Rotation inertial of the wheels and axles shaft
= Rotational acceleration of the wheel
= Rotational inertia of the driveshaft
= Rotational acceleration of the driveshaft
= Numerical ratio of the final drive
Now the rotational accelerations of the engine, transmission and driveline
are related to that of the wheels by the gear ratio
Equation above can be combine to solve the tractive force available at the
Thus far the inefficiencies due to mechanical and viscous losses in the
driveline component.
Effective inertia
The constant engine power is equal to the maximum power of the engine which is
upper limits of tractive effort available, less any losses in the driveline.
The tractive force line for each gear is the image of the engine torque curve
multiplied by the ratios for that gear.
The curve illustrate visually the need to provide a number of gear ratios for operation
of the vehicle (low gearing for start-up and high gearing for high-speed driving)
For maximum acceleration performance, the optimum shift point between gears is
the point where the lines cross.
The area between the lines for the different gears and constant power curve is
indicative of the transmission in providing maximum acceleration performance.
Automatic Transmissions
Provide different performance, more closely matching the ideal because of
the torque converter input.
Torque converter are fluid coupling that utilize hydrodynamics principle to
amplify the torque input to the transmission at the expense of speed.
Figure 2.6: Selection of gear ratio based on geometric Figure 2.7: Gear ratios on a typical passenger car
Problem 2.1
The following information about the engine and drive train components for a passenger car
Engine inertia, = 0.9 kgm²
Gear 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Inertia (kg-m²), 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.07 0.04
Ratio’s, 4.28 2.79 1.83 1.36 1.00
Efficiencies 0.966 0.967 0.972 0.973 0.970
Final drive:
Inertia (kgm²), = 0.6 Wheel inertia, : Drive = 1.244 kgm²
Ratio’s, = 2.92 Non drive = 1.244 kgm²
Wheel size (r²) = 0.32m²
Efficiencies = 0.99
Calculate the effective inertia , mass effective and weight effective
of the drive train component in first, second, third, fourth and fifth
Solution 2.1
Using this formula:
Occurs on all solid drive axles, whether on the front or rear of vehicle.
Basic reaction on rear axle
The drive shaft into the differential imposes a torque , on the axle. The
chassis may roll compressing and extending springs on opposite sides of the
vehicle such that a torque due to suspension roll stiffness, is produce.
Any different between these two must be absorbed as a difference in weight
on the two wheels.
If the axle is of the non-locking type, then the torque delivered to both
wheels will be limited by the traction limit on the most lightly load wheel.
Solid front drive axle with locking differential (independent front drive axle)
Problem 2.3
Table below shows the information of rear drive passenger
Weight 9450 N (front)
8500 N (rear)
CG height 0.64 m
Coefficient of friction 0.62
Wheelbase 3.28m
Ans: = 5420 N; m/
Solid rear axle with locking differential (independent rear suspension)
Ans: = 5893.5 N; m/
Problem 2.5
Find the traction-limited performance of a front-wheel-drive
vehicle with locking differential on a surface of moderate
friction level
Weights Front - 897kg Rear – 529 kg Total – 1426 kg
CG height = 0.48 m Wheelbase = 2.66m Coefficient of friction = Thread = 1.52 m
Ans: = 4906.76 N; m/
2.3 Basic Equations
• The general equation for braking performance
W = Vehicle weight
= = Linear deceleration
= Front axles braking force
= Rear axles braking force
= Aerodynamic drag
= Uphill grade
Constant Deceleration
𝑚 𝑣2
𝐹 𝐵=
2 𝑆𝐷
Deceleration with Wind Resistance
= Total brake of front and rear wheel
C = Aerodynamic factor
Energy / Power
Power = FV
Horse power
Problem 2.6
Ans: SD = 38.0 m
2.4 Dynamic Wheel Loads
Simple Vehicle Modal
• The vehicle is considered as one rigid body which moves along an
ideally even and horizontal road.
• At each axle the forces in the wheel contact points are combined in
one normal and one longitudinal force.
Three cases related to simple vehicle model:
∑ FX =ma
∑ FZ = 0
∑ MCOG = 0
∑ FX =ma
∑ FZ = 0
+ ∑ MCOG = 0
1 in 3
5 in 2
Problem 2.9
1 in 3
5 in 2
𝐹 𝑧 2=𝑚𝑔
[ 𝑏 cos ∝+h sin ∝
] h
𝑚 𝑣˙
𝐹 𝑧 1=𝑚𝑔
[ 𝑐 cos ∝− h sin ∝
𝑏+𝑐 ]
𝑚 𝑣˙
Try me!!!
i. Traction limited force,
ii. Traction limited acceleration,
Solution 2.1
Tutorial 2.2
Table 2 shows the parameter of SUV
i. Traction limited force,
ii. Traction limited
Solution 2.2
Tutorial 2.3
A light truck weighing 1875kg, performing a full stop from
110km/h on a level surface with a brake application that
develop steady state force of 9500N. Neglected aerodynamic
and rolling resistance forces. Calculate
i. Deceleration
ii. Stopping distance
iii. Time to stop
Solution 2.3
Tutorial 2.4
A spot car with a mass of 2060 kg performing full stop from
250 km/h on a level surface with a brake application that
develops a steady state force of 35000 N. Carry out the:
i. Deceleration
ii. Stopping distance
iii. Time to stop
Solution 2.4