Consumer Buying Decision Process

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Prepared by Group 1:
Catherine B. Pasco John Erron Ronquillo
Crezyl Ann Abu Miryl Masalunga
Joseph Rondero Jinuel Ocampo
 Consumer Buying Decision Process
 Stages of Consumer Buying Decision
What is buying decision process?
 It is the process a customer goes through
when buying a product. It can be seen as
particular form of a cost-benefit analysis.
 A buying process is the series of steps that
a consumer will take to make a purchasing
The actions a person takes in
purchasing and using products and
services, including the mental and
social process that precede and
follow these actions.
The behavioral sciences help answers questions
such as:

1. Why people choose one product or brand over

2. How they make these choices? and
3. How companies use this knowledge to provide
value to consumers?
Need/Problem Recognition
-A purchase cannot take place with out the recognition of
the need. The need may have been triggered by internal
stimuli such as hunger or thirst or external stimuli such
-According to Maslow’s Hierarchy, only when a person
has fulfilled the needs at a certain stage, can he or she
move to the next stage.
Information Search
-This is the buyer’s effort at searching the internal and external business
environments to identify and observe sources of information related to
the focal buying decision.

-Internal search refers to recalling past experiences with the product.

-External search is conducted when customer ties to seek information

from personal sources (family, friends), commercial sources
(advertisements, sales people) or public sources (newspapers, television).
Evaluation of Alternatives
-At this stage, consumers evaluate different products/brands
on the basis of varying product attributes, and whether these
can deliver the benefits that the customers are seeking.

-A factor that heavily influences this stage is the customer’s


-Involvement is another factor that influences the evaluation

Purchase Decision

-In this stage, the purchase takes place. The final

purchase decision can be disrupted by two factors:

• NEGATIVE FEEDBACK from other customers and

the level of motivation to comply or accept the
• The decision may be disrupted due to anticipated
Post-Purchase Decision
-At this stage, customers will compare products with
their previous expectations and will be either satisfied
or dissatisfied.
-This can greatly effect the decision process for similar
purchases from the same company in the future,
having a knock-on effect at the information search
stage and evaluation of alternatives stage.
That’s all, THANK YOU!

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