3 Managing Database

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Semester A211

Topic 3:
Managing Database
Learning Objectives

Student will be able to:

1. Describe type of databases
2. Explain how transaction work in database
3. Create and manage a database in SQL Server
4. Perform to manage a database system
5. Calculate the database size for capacity
SQL Server Databases
Types of Databases

Each SQL Server has two types of databases:

• system databases
– System databases store information about SQL Server as a
– SQL Server uses system databases to operate and manage
the system.

• user databases
– User databases are databases that users create and use.
– The database can be operate and manage by the users
– Can be accessed by the applications
SQL Server Databases
The following table describes each database:
SQL Server Databases
Database Objects
– A database is a collection of data, tables, views, clusters,
sequences, indexes and other objects.
– Any defined object that is used to store or reference data
– Database objects help you to structure data and define
data integrity mechanisms.
– The following table describes SQL Server database
SQL Server Databases
SQL Server Databases
Referring to SQL Server Objects
– Fully Qualified Names
• The complete name of a SQL Server object includes four
– server name
– database name
– owner name
– object name/id
in the following format: server.database.owner.object
• Each object that you create in SQL Server must have a unique,
fully qualified name.
• For example, you can have two tables named Orders in the
same database as long as they belong to different owners.
SQL Server Databases
– Partially Specified Names
• When referencing an object, you do not always have to specify the
server, database, and owner.
• Intermediate identifiers can be omitted as long as their positions are
indicated by periods.
• The following list contains valid formats for object names:
– server.database.owner.object
– database.owner.object
– database..object
– owner.object
– object
• When you create an object and do not specify the different parts of the
name, SQL Server uses the following defaults:
– Server defaults to the current instance on the local server.
– Database defaults to the current database.
– Owner defaults to the user name in the specified database associated with
the login ID of the current connection.
SQL Server Databases
– The following example creates an OrderHistory table in the
Northwind database.

CREATE TABLE Northwind.dbo.OrderHistory

(OrderID int,
ProductID int, database owner Object: table
UnitPrice money,
Quantity int,
Discount decimal)

– Most object references use three-part names and default to the local server.
– Four-part names are generally used for distributed queries or remote stored
procedure calls.
SQL Server Databases

System Databases and Tables

– System databases should be understood from functionality,
storage, backup perspectives.
– SQL Server stores information, called metadata, about the
system and objects in databases for an instance of SQL Server.
– Metadata is information about data.
– There are three kind of information stores:
1. System Tables
– Stores metadata about the system and database objects
– Users should not directly modify any system table.
2. Database Catalog
– Collection of system tables that stores metadata about
specific database
SQL Server Databases

3. System Catalog
– Collection of system tables that stores metadata about the
entire system and all other databases.
– Found only in master database
– Most system tables begin with the sys prefix – resource database
– The following identifies several frequently used system tables and
A Transaction

• A transaction is a set of one or more Transact-SQL

statements that are treated as a single unit of
work and recovery.
• The unit must execute entirely, or not at all.
• Applications control transactions when you
specify the beginning and end of transactions.
• You can use either Transact-SQL statements or
database application programming interface (API)
functions to specify the beginning and end of
A Transaction
SQL Server performs implicit and explicit
• Implicit Transaction - SQL Server performs an implicit
transaction when any of the following Transact-SQL
statements are executed as a transaction.
A Transaction

• Explicit Transaction
– SQL Server performs an explicit transaction when the beginning
and end of the transaction are explicitly defined.
– You can define the beginning and end of the transaction in
TRANSACTION statements.
• Transaction Log
– SQL Server records every transaction in a transaction log to
maintain database consistency and aid in recovery.
– The log is a storage area that automatically tracks changes to a
– SQL Server records modifications in the log on disk as the
modifications are executed, before they are written in the
A Transaction
• How the Transaction Log Works
– A data modification is sent by the application.
– The affected data pages are loaded from disk into
memory (buffer cache), provided that the pages are
not in the buffer cache.
– Each data modification statement is recorded in the
log as it is made and written to disk before that
change is made in the database. This called a write-
ahead log.
– On a recurring basis, the checkpoint process writes all
completed transactions to the database on the disk.
A Transaction
• If the system fails, the automatic recovery
process uses the transaction log to roll
forward all committed transactions and roll
back any incomplete transactions.
• Transaction markers in the log are used during
automatic recovery to determine the starting
and ending points of a transaction.
• A transaction is considered complete when
the BEGIN TRANSACTION marker has an
associated COMMIT TRANSACTION marker.
• Data pages are written to the disk when a
checkpoint occurs.
Creating Databases
• You can create a database by using:
– SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)/GUI or
– the CREATE DATABASE Transact-SQL statement in
Query Editor Window
• When you create a database, SQL Server:
 Creates a data file and a transaction log for that
 Requires that the owner and creator of the new
database have permission to use the master database.
 Allows you to define the name of the database, the
properties of the database and the location of the
database files.
Creating Databases
 SQL Server uses a copy of the model database
(MSDB) to initialize the database and its metadata.
 Any options or settings in the model database are
copied into the new database.
 SQL Server then fills the rest of the database with
empty pages, except for pages that have internal
data recording how the space is used in the
Creating Databases
• When you create a database, you can specify the
following options:
Primary File
• The primary file consists of the initial data file in the primary filegroup.
• A filegroup is a named collection of data files.
• The primary filegroup contains all of the database system tables.
• It also contains all objects and data not assigned to user-defined
• The primary data file is the starting point of the database and points to
the rest of the files in the database.
• Every database has one primary data file and one primary filegroup.
• The recommended file name extension for primary data files is .mdf.
Creating Databases
Secondary Files
• Databases may have secondary data files.
• Some databases may be large enough to need
multiple secondary data files, or they may use
secondary files on separate disk drives to spread the
data across multiple disks.
• Secondary files may be either in the primary
filegroup or can be grouped into user-defined
• The recommended file name extension for secondary
data files is .ndf.
Creating Databases
Transaction Log
• Every database must have a transaction log.
• Unless specified otherwise, a transaction log file is
automatically created with a system-generated name.
• The recommended file name extension for transaction log files
is .ldf.
• Typically, the transaction log file is about 10 to 15 percent of
the database files size.
File Name and Location
• Every database file has a logical name and a physical location
for the file.
• Files generally should be spread across multiple disks for
performance and redundancy.
Creating Databases
• You can specify sizes for each data and log file.
• The minimum size is 512 KB for both the data or log file.
• The size specified for the primary data file must be at
least as large as the primary file of the model database.

File Growth
• You can specify whether a file will grow in size if
• This option is referred to as autogrowth.
• The default is to enable file growth.
Creating Databases
Maximum Size
• You can specify the maximum size to which a file can grow in
megabytes or as a percentage.
• The default growth value 1 MB for Primary data and 10 percent
for transaction log.
• It is recommended that you specify a maximum size to which the
file is permitted to grow.
• If you do not specify a size, and file growth is enabled, by default
the file will grow until the disk is full.
• This parameter specifies the default collation for the database.
• By default, a database inherits the collation of the instance of
SQL Server in which the database is created.
Creating Databases
• Changing Database Options After Database Creation

– After created a database, the database options

can be changed using:
• ALTER DATABASE Transact-SQL statement, or
• sp_dboption stored procedure, but already
– To affect options in all new databases, the model
database must be changed.
Creating Databases
– There are five categories of database options:
• Auto options control certain automatic behaviors.
• Cursor options control cursor behavior and scope.
• Recovery options control the recovery model for the
• SQL options control ANSI compliance options.
• State options control:
– Whether the database is online or offline.
– Who can connect to the database.
– Whether the database is in read-only mode.
Creating Databases

USE master ;
( NAME = Sales_dat,
FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\saledat.mdf',
SIZE = 10,
( NAME = Sales_log,
FILENAME = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\salelog.ldf',
Creating Databases
Viewing Database Properties
– To obtain database properties and information, you can
• Query Editor
– system stored procedures
Managing Databases
Managing Data and Log File Growth
– Using SSMS
– the ALTER DATABASE statement (must be in the master

Control the size of the database

1. Using Automatic File Growth
– Set the automatic file growth property of any database file to
specify that the file automatically expand by a specified amount
or percentage whenever necessary.
– Using automatic file growth reduces the administrative tasks
involved with manually increasing the database size.
Managing Databases
– For optimum performance, you should:
• Allocate sufficient space to the database and the log to avoid frequently
activating automatic growth.
• Set a maximum size for data files.
• Set the data and log file growth increments to sufficient sizes to avoid
frequently activating automatic growth.

2. Manually Expanding Data and Transaction Log Files

• You may want to manually expand database files to control
when the expansion occurs.
• Expanding files in small increments increases fragmentation
and can affect performance if files are expanded while the
database is busy.
Managing Databases
Determining Whether to Expand Files
Automatically or Manually
you should consider the following:
– In a large production environment, you should allocate
sufficient space for the data files you create the
database and manually expand the files, if necessary.
This allows you to control when to expand the files.
– In a desktop or small production environment, such as a
sales people out in the field, setting database files to
grow automatically reduces administrative overhead.
Managing Databases

Creating Secondary Data and Transaction Log

– You can also create secondary data and transaction
log files to expand the size of a database.
– Use secondary data and transaction log files to place
files on separate physical disks.
– You can also use RAID to spread data across multiple
Managing Databases
Enabling Shrinking to Occur Automatically
– When too much space is allocated, or when space
requirements decrease, you can shrink an entire
database or specific data or transaction log files.
– You can set a database or database files to shrink
automatically in one of the following ways:
• Specifying TRUE in the Auto Shrink option in SSMS.
• Executing the ALTER DATABASE AUTO_SHRINK statement.
• Executing the sp_dboption system stored procedure or alter
database (for version 2012, 2014, 2016).
• Sp_dboption was deprecated while ago, since SQL Server 2012
Managing Databases
SQL Server Activities During Auto Shrink
– By default, the option to shrink files automatically is
disabled in all SQL Server editions, except the
Desktop Edition.
– When you enable SQL Server to automatically shrink
files, SQL Server:
• Shrinks data and transaction log files when more than 25
percent of the file contains unused space.
• Performs this activity in the background and does not affect
any user activity within the database.
Managing Databases
Shrinking a Database or Database File Manually
– To manually shrink databases and database files to a specific
size, use:
• SSMS or
• Shrink data and transaction files as a group or individually.
• Shrink individual data and transaction log files that are
smaller than their initial creation size by using the DBCC
SHRINKFILE statement.
– Cannot shrink an entire database to a size smaller than its
initial creation size or that of the model database.
Managing Databases

– Shrinks the size of the data files in the specified
– Examples - This example decreases the size of the
files in the UserDB user database to allow 10 percent
free space in the files of UserDB.


Managing Databases
– Shrinks the size of the specified data file or log file
for the related database
– Examples - This example shrinks the size of a file
named DataFil1 in the UserDB user database to 7

Managing Databases
Methods of Deleting a Database
• Delete databases using:
– SSMS or
– executing the DROP DATABASE statement.
• After delete a database, every login ID that used
that particular database as its default database
will not have a default database.
• Must be very careful, because no UNDO for
deleting database. But there are a solution.
Managing Databases
A. Drop/delete a single database
– This example removes all references for the publishing
database from the system tables.
DROP DATABASE publishing

B. Drop/delete multiple databases

– This example removes all references for each of the listed
databases from the system tables.
DROP DATABASE pubs, newpubs
Managing Databases

Restrictions on Deleting a Database

You cannot delete:
– A database that is in the process of being restored.
– A database that is open for reading or writing by
any user.
– A database that is publishing any of its tables as
part of SQL Server replication.
– A system database (eg., master, msdb).
Placing Database Files and Logs
• Managing the placement of data files and transaction logs
on disks can improve performance and implement fault
• In the context of managing disk storage for SQL Server:
– Performance refers in part to the speed of read and
write operations.
– Fault tolerance refers to the ability of the system to
continue functioning without data loss when part of
the system fails.
• In general, use disks formatted with NTFS (New
Technology File System) that use 64 KB as the allocation
unit. Do not use compressed volumes.
Placing Database Files and Logs
Spreading Data Files
– You should spread as much data across as many physical drives as
– Doing so improves throughput through parallel data access by using
multiple files.
– In general, create one file for each physical disk and group the files
into one or more filegroups.
– SQL Server can perform:
• Parallel scans of the data if the computer has multiple processors
and multiple disks.
• Multiple parallel scans for a single table if the filegroup of the table
contains multiple files.
– To spread data evenly across all disks, use RAID, and then use user-
defined filegroups to spread data across multiple hardware stripe sets,
if needed.
Placing Database Files and Logs
Creating Transaction Logs on Separate Disks
– You should create the transaction log on a separate
disk, or use RAID.
– Because the transaction log file is written serially,
using a separate, dedicated disk allows the disk heads
to stay in place for the next write operation.
– Using RAID provides fault tolerance.
– For example, if your production environment has
multiple databases on a server, you might want to use
separate disks for each transaction log.
– This strategy allows optimal performance.
Placing Database Files and Logs
Placing the tempdb Database
– You should place the tempdb database on a fast I/O
subsystem separate from user databases to ensure
optimal performance.
– You can use RAID to stripe the tempdb database
across multiple disks for better performance.
– Using RAID to optimize database (hardware-based)
– RAID has been discussed in previous topic.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups

Types of Filegroups
SQL Server has a primary filegroup and may also
have user-defined filegroups.
– The primary filegroup contains the primary
data file with the system tables.
– A user-defined filegroup consists of data files
that are grouped together for allocation and
administrative purposes.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
Placing Files on Separate Disks
— Create user-defined filegroups to
separate files that are heavily
queried from those that are heavily
— In the illustration, the OrdHist1.ndf
and OrdHist2.ndf files are placed on
a separate disk from the Products,
Customers, and Orders tables
because they are queried for
decision support rather than updated
with current order information.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
– Place the Ordhist1.ndf and
Ordhst2.ndf files on separate
disks if they are both heavily

– Transaction log files are not

part of a filegroup.
Transaction log space is
managed separately from
data space.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
– Methods of Creating User-defined Filegroups
• You can create a user-defined filegroup at the time that you create a
database, or at a later time.
• You can use SSMS or either the CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE
• Example: Creates a filegroup in the Test 1 database and adds two 5-
MB files to the filegroup. Then makes Test1FG1 the default filegroup.

USE master
( NAME = test1dat3, FILENAME = 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\t1dat3.ndf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE
( NAME = test1dat4, FILENAME = 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\t1dat4.ndf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
Choosing a Default Filegroup
– SQL Server designates one filegroup as the default
– The default filegroup is set to the primary filegroup
at the time of database creation, unless you specify
– The default filegroup contains the pages for all tables
and indexes that do not have a filegroup specified
when they are created.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
Sizing the Primary Default Filegroup.
– The primary filegroup must be large enough to hold all
system tables and any tables and indexes not allocated
to a user-defined filegroup.
Viewing Filegroup Information
– You can view information about filegroups by using
SSMS or system stored procedures in Transact-SQL.
– Example using T-SQL:
Use AdventureWorks
exec sp_helpfilegroup
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups
Using Filegroups for performance
– Whenever a table is accessed sequentially, the
system creates a separate thread for each file in
– When the system performs a table scan for a table in
a filegroup with four files, it uses four separate
threads to read the data in parallel.
– In general, using multiple files on separate disks
improves performance.
– However, too many files can cause too many parallel
threads and create bottlenecks.
Optimizing a Database Using Filegroups

Using Filegroups for Maintenance

– Use filegroups to simplify maintenance:
• Back up or restore individual files or filegroups instead of
backing up or restoring an entire database.
• Group tables and indexes with similar maintenance
requirements into the same filegroups.
• Assign an individual high-maintenance table to its own
Capacity Planning
How Data is Stored
– All databases have a primary
data file (.mdf) and one or more
transaction log files (.ldf).
– A database also may have
secondary data files (.ndf).
– These physical files have both
operating system file names and
logical file names that can be
used in Transact-SQL statements.

The default location for all data files and transaction logs for SQL
Server 2014 is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\
Capacity Planning

96 Bytes

8060 Bytes

How Data is Stored?

Capacity Planning
– When you create a database, a copy of the
model database, which includes the system
tables, is copied to the database.
– Data is stored in 8-kilobyte (KB) blocks of
contiguous disk space called pages. This means
that a database can store 128 pages per
megabyte (MB) -> 1 MB = 1024 KB.
– Rows cannot span pages. Thus, the maximum
amount of data in a single row, including the
overhead is 8060 bytes.
Capacity Planning
– Tables and indexes are stored in extents. An extent is 8
contiguous pages, or 64 KB (8x8). Therefore, a
database has 16 extents per megabyte (1024/64).
– Data is stored in 8 KB blocks of contiguous disk space
called pages. This means that a database can store
1024 KB / 8 KB = 128 pages per megabyte (MB).
– Rows cannot span pages. Thus, the maximum amount
of data in a single row, subtracting the space required
for row overhead, is 8060 bytes.
– Tables and indexes are stored in extents. An extent is
8 contiguous pages, or 64 KB (8x8 KB). Therefore, a
database has 1024/64 = 16 extents per megabyte.
Capacity Planning
– Small tables can share extents with other database
objects (e.g. indexes, constraints).
– Transaction log files hold the information necessary
for recovery of the database in the event of a system
– The transactions such as insert data, update data,
and delete data.
Capacity Planning
Factors to Consider for Estimating the Size:
– Size of database structure and system tables,
including projected growth
– Amount of data in tables, including projected growth
– Number and size of indexes, especially the size of the
key value, the number of rows, and the fill factor
– Size of the transaction log
– Size of system tables, such as the number of users,
objects, and so on, which typically is not a large
percentage of the database size
Capacity Planning
Estimating the Amount of Data in Tables
– Calculate the number of bytes in a row by totaling the
number of bytes that each column contains. If one or more
columns are defined as variable length such as a column for
names, you can add the column average to the total.
– Determine the number of rows that are contained in each
data page. To do this, divide 8060 by the number of bytes in a
row. Round the result down to the next whole number.
– Divide the approximate number of rows in the table by the
number of rows that are contained in each data page. The
result equals the number of pages that are needed to store
your table
Capacity Planning
Datatypes and Sizes (in SQL Server)
– Bigint : 8 bytes
– Integer : 4 bytes
– Smallint : 2 bytes
– Tinyint : 1 byte
– Float : 8 bytes
– Real : 4 bytes
– Datetime : 8 bytes
– Money : 8 bytes
– Char : 1 byte per character
– Text : 2,147,483,647 bytes
Capacity Planning
Example – Estimate disk Table 1 for storing until
1,000,000 rows?
– A table in a database has three fields defined as Char(10), Integer, and
Money. The storage space required for each row could be calculated as
Table 1
• Char(10) = 10 bytes
Field1 Char(10)
• Integer = 4 bytes
Field2 Integer
• Money = 8 bytes
Field3 Money
• Overhead = 2 bytes
• Total = 24 bytes per row
– Rows per page: 8060/24 = 336 rows/page (round)
– Number of pages needed to hold 1,000,000 records (rows) are
1,000,000/336 = 2976 pages (truncate)
– Number of extents to hold pages : 2976/8 = 372 extents (round up)
– Space in Megabyte: 372/16 = 23.25 MB, MB  24 MB

Estimate disk space (in Megabyte) required for STUDENTDB database if all
tables is estimated to have 500,000 rows. Assume each row in every table also
has 2 bytes overhead and index files consume 5 percent (%) of STUDENTDB
size. Present your calculation to estimate the disk spaces.
Estimate disk space for STUDENTDB. Assume all tables have 500,000 rows.

StudentProfile (220 bytes/row):

Rows per page = 8060/220 = 36

Number of pages needed with 500,000 rows = 500,000/36 = 13889
Number of extents needed = 13889/8 = 1736
In megabyte = 1736/16 = 108.5 MB

Enrollment (70 bytes/row):

Rows per page = 8060/70 = 115

Number of pages needed with 500,000 rows = 500,000/115 = 4348
Number of extents needed = 4348/8 = 543
In megabyte = 543/16 = 33.9 MB

Course (502 bytes/row):

Rows per page = 8060/502 = 16

Number of pages needed with 500,000 rows = 500,000/16 = 31250
Number of extents needed = 31250/8 = 3906
In megabyte = 3906/16 = 244.1 MB
LecturerProfile (182 bytes/row):

Rows per page = 8060/182 = 44

Number of pages needed with 500,000 rows = 500,000/44 = 11364
Number of extents needed = 11364/8 = 1420
In megabyte = 1420/16 = 88.8 MB

College (142 bytes/row):

Rows per page = 8060/142 = 56

Number of pages needed with 500,000 rows = 500,000/56 = 8929
Number of extents needed = 8929/8 = 1116
In megabyte = 1116/16 = 69.8 MB

Total = 108.5 + 33.9 + 244.1 + 88.8 + 69.8 MB = 545 MB

Index size = 5% x 545 = 27.25 MB
Estimated disk size = 545 + 27.25 = 572.25 MB

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